
Tender For Tender For Supply Of Consumables Kits Reagents For Microbiology Dep, rewa-Madhya Pradesh

Directorate Of Medical Education has published Tender For Tender For Supply Of Consumables Kits Reagents For Microbiology Dep. Submission Date for this Tender is 10-10-2024. Other Adhesives and Sealants Tenders in rewa Madhya Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Tender For Supply Of Consumables Kits Reagents For Microbiology Dep
Open Tender
Madhya Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender For Supply Of Consumables Kits Reagents For Microbiology Dep , Laying And Jointing Pvc Pipe. Heading , L-Arginine Dehydrolase 100G/Pack , Alkaline Peptone Water500gm /Pack , Ampicillin+Sulbactam (100 Disc/Vial)100 Disc/Vial , Anaerobic Gas Pack2/Pack , Arabinose100gm/Pack , Arginine Dihydrolase Broth100gm/Pack , Aztreonam (100 Disc/Vial)100 Disc/Vial , Bacitracin50 Discs/Vl , Bacteriological Loop (Metal Wire)1 , Bacteriological Peptone (500 Gm)500Gm /Pack , Beaker (Plastic) (50Ml)1/Pack , Bird Seed Agar 100Gm/Pack , Blood Culture Bottle Bact/Alert 3D 60 Adult1/Pack , Blood Culture Bottle Bact/Alert 3D 60 Pediatric1/Pack , Carrying Cultare Bottel Glass (30Ml)1/Pack , Cefaclor (100 Disc/Vial)100 Disc/Vial , Cefadroxil (100 Disc/Vial)100 Disc/Vial , Cefdinir (100 Disc/Vial)100 Disc/Vial , Cefepime (100 Disc/Vial)100 Disc/Vial , Cefeprazone+ Sulbactam (100 Disc/Vial)100 Disc/Vial , Cefixime (100 Disc/Vial)100 Disc/Vial , Cefotaxime 30Mcg100 Disc/Vial , Cefoxitin (100 Disc/Vial)100 Disc/Vial , Cefpirome (100 Disc/Vial)100 Disc/Vial , Cefprozil (100 Disc/Vial)100 Disc/Vial , Cephalexin (100 Disc/Vial)100 Disc/Vial , Cidarwood Oil (125Ml)125Ml/Pack , Clarithromycin (100 Disc/Vial)100 Disc/Vial , Conical Flask (1000 Ml)1/Pack , Deoxycholate Citrate Agar500gm/Pack , Droppin Bottel (30Ml)1/Pack , Dropping Bottel (60Ml)1/Pack , Durham Tube1/Pack , Emb Agar500gm/Pack , Enterococcus Faecalisatcc 512992/Pack , Enterococcus Faecalis Atcc 292122/Pack , Ertapenem (100 Disc/Vial)100 Disc/Vial , Esbl Ast Disc (100 Disc/Vial)100 Disc/Vial , Escherichia Coli (Migula)Atcc 259222/Pack , Escherichia Coli (Migula) Atcc 352182/Pack , Fosfomycin (100 Disc/Vial)100 Disc/Vial , Gatifloxacin (100 Disc/Vial)100 Disc/Vial , Glass Test Tube (12X100mm)1/Pack , Glass Test Tube (12X15mm)1/Pack , Glass Test Tube (15X125)1/Pack , Glass Test Tube (15X150mm)1/Pack , Glass Test Tube (18X150mm)1/Pack , Glucose 500Gram500gm /Pack , Gruft Selective Supplement5 Vial/Pack , Hanging Drop Slide (Cavity Slide) Laboratory Work 5 Slide /Box5/Pack , Horse Serum500ml/Pack , Inulin Fermentation25gm/Pack , Klebsiella Pneumonie Atcc 7006032/Pack , Koh (Pottasium Hydroxide) 500 Gram500gm /Pack , Kovacs Indole Reagent (125Ml)125Ml/Pack , Lactose Monohydrate (500 Gm)500Gm /Pack , Lbc Kits1 Test/Pak , Lincomycin (100 Disc/Vial)100 Disc/Vial , Linezolid(100 Disc/Vial)100 Disc/Vial , Loeffler Serum Media Base500gm/Pack , Lpcb Stain Nil 1 Bottle 1/Pack , Macconkey Broth500 G Nil 1 Bottle 500Gm /Pack , Magnesium Chloride Anhydrous 500 Gm500gm /Pack , Magnesium Sulphate 500 Gm500gm /Pack , Maltose Monohydrate (500 Mg)500Gm /Pack , Mannitol 500 Gm500gm /Pack , Mannitol Agar W/Prilion (500 Gm)500Gm /Pack , Mannitol Motility Test Medium100gm/Pack , Mannitol Salt Agar (500 Gm)500Gm /Pack , Meropenem (100 Disc/Vial)100 Disc/Vial , Methyl Red Powder (25 Gm)25Gm/Pack , Methyl Red-Ar (100Gm)100Gm/Pack , Minocyline (100 Disc/Vial)100 Disc/Vial , Monsaur Media Base100gm/Pack , Moxifloxacin (100 Disc/Vial)100 Disc/Vial , Mrsa Agar Base (500Gm)500Gm /Pack , Netilmicin (100 Disc/Vial)100 Disc/Vial , Nitrate Reduction Test (500 Gm)500Gm /Pack , Novobiocin(100 Disc/Vial)100 Disc/Vial , Oflaxacin (100 Disc/Vial)100 Disc/Vial , Onpg Broath (100 Gm)100Gm/Pack , Onpg Broth (100G)100Gm /Pack , Optochin (100 Disc/Vial)100 Disc/Vial , Ornithine Decarboxylase Broth100gm/Pack , Oxydase(50 Disc Per Vial)50 Disc/Vial , Pefloxacin (100 Disc/Vial)100 Disc/Vial , Peptone Powder (500 Gm)500Gm /Pack , Petri Disc Autoclavable Plate 150Mm1/Pack , Petri Disc Autoclavable Plate 90Mm1/Pack , Petrolium Jelly White (500Gm)500Gm /Pack , Potassium Chloride 500 Gm500gm /Pack , Potassium Dichromate (500Gm)500Gm /Pack , Potassium Iodide (500 Gm)500Gm /Pack , Potassium Tellurite25gm/Pack , Primers Oligos Base , Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Atcc 278532/Pack , Robertson Cooked Meat Broth (500 Ml)500 Ml/Pack , Roxithromycin (100 Disc/Vial)100 Disc/Vial , Scrubtyphus Igm Elisa Kit (Pack Of 96 Tests)96 Tests/Pack , Slide Plastic Box1/Pack , Slide Steal Rack (For Dryslide)1/Pack , Sodium Bicarbonate 500 Gm500gm /Pack , Sodium Deoxycholate500gm/Pack , Sodium Hypochlorite Solution (500Ml)500Ml/Pack , Sodium Thioglycollate500gm/Pack , Sparfloxacin(100 Disc/Vial)100 Disc/Vial , Staphylococcus Aureusatcc 292132/Pack , Staphylococcus Aureus Atcc 259232/Pack , Staphylococcus Aureus Atcc 433002/Pack , Staphylococcus Aureus Atcc Baa-9762/Pack , Staphylococcus Aureus Atcc Baa-9772/Pack , Sterile Bovine Serum500ml/Pack , Sucrose (500 Gm)500Gm /Pack , Thioglycollate Media500gm/Pack , Ticaracilin Clavulanic Acid (100 Disc/Vial)100 Disc/Vial , Toluidine Blue Dna Agar 100Gm/Pack , Trimethoprim+Sulfametthoxazole (100 Disc/Vial)100 Disc/Vial , Vancomycin Mic Strip1/Pack , Voges Proskauer Medium (100 Gm) 100Gm /Pack , Weilfleix Test 10Ml/Pack , Wilson Blair Agar Base500gm/Pack , Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar500gm/Pack , 96 Well Culture Plate Flat Bottom Pyrogen Free 50/Pack50/Pack , 96 Well Elisa Plate Flat Bottom Suitable For Elisa 100 /Pack100/Pack , Adenovirus R-Gene Realtime-Pcr Kit96 Rxn/Pack , Albert Meta Chro Stain Kit 1 Kit1 Kit , Anti- Human Igg Biotin Linked Antibody1ml / Pack , Anti Human Igg1 Isotype Biotin Tagged100ul/Vial , Anti- Human Igm Biotin Linked Antibody 1Ml/Vial , Anti-Human Igg2a Isotype Hrp/Biotin Tagged100ul/Vial , Anti-Human Igg3 Isotype Hrp/Biotin Tagged100ul/Vial , Anti-Human Igg4 Isotype Hrp/Biotin Tagged100ul/Vial , Astrovirus Igm Elisa96 Rxn/Pack , Bicinchoninic Acid Protein Assay Kit1/Pack , Blotting Papers Roll For Platform (10Meter)10Meter/Pack , Candida Auris, Candida Tropicalis, Chlamydia Trachomatis, Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Rt-Pcr96 Rxn/Pack , Cchf Igm Elisa96 Rxn/Pack , C-Dna Synthesis Kit C-Dna Preparation 100 Rn / Pack100rxn/Pack , Chelex 100 Resin (Styrene Divinylbenzene Copolymer)100G/Pack , Chloroform500ml/Pack , Column Based Dna/Plasmid Isolation Kit100/Pack , Cryo Gloves Sixe Xl 1 Pair /Pack1 Pair /Pack , Cryptosporidium, Acinetobacter Baumannii, Listeria Monocytogenes, Clostridium Difficile Rt-Pcr96 Rxn/Pack , Cytomegalovirus Igm Elisa 96 Rxn/Pack , Cytomegalovirus Rt-Pcr96 Rxn/Pack , Dntp 10 Mm 5000Ul/Pack , Enterovirus, Rhinovirus, Bocavirus, Rsv Rt-Pcr Panel96 Rxn/Pack , Epstein Barr Virus Igm Elisa96 Rxn/Pack , Epstein-Barr Virus Rt-Pcr96 Rxn/Pack , Equipment-Compatible Rna Extraction Kit (Genexy Compatible)96 Rxn/Pack , Equipment-Compatible Rna Extraction Kit (Nx-48S Genolution)96 Rxn/Pack , Gel Elution Kit Gel Elution 100 Preps / Pack100/Pack , Glycerol (500Ml)500Ml/Pack , Glycine500gm/Pack , Hantavirus Igm Elisa96 Rxn/Pack , Hepatitis D Igm/Igg Elisa96 Rxn/Pack , Hpv Igm Elisa Test96 Rxn/Pack , Hsv1, Hsv2 Igm Elisa Test96 Rxn/Pack , Hsv1/2 Realtime-Pcr Kit 96 Rxn/Pack , Influenza A, & B, Rsv Rt-Pcr Panel96 Rxn/Pack , Leishmania Rapid Detection Kit (Rk39) Strip 96Test/Pack96 Rxn/Pack , Leptospirosis Igm Elisa (96 Rxn/Pack)96 Rxn/Pack , Leptospirosis Realtime- Pcr96 Rxn/Pack , Lpcb Stain 1 Bottle 1 Vial , Luminol (100Ml)Western Blotting 1/Pack100rxn/Pack , Measles Igm Elisa 96 Rxn/Pack , Measuring Cylinder (100 Ml)100 Ml , Measuring Cylinder 1000 Ml1000 Ml , Meningitis Rt-Pcr Panel96 Rxn/Pack , Mrsa (Meca, Mecb, Nuc) Rt-Pcr96 Rxn/Pack , Mumps (Paramyxovirus) Igm Elisa96 Rxn/Pack , N,N,N,N-Tetramethyl Ethylenediamine (Temed) (100Ml) 100Ml , Norovirus, Adenovirus, Rotavirus, Astrovirus Rt-Pcr Panel96 Rxn/Pack , Nuclease Free Water (2.5 Ml)1 , Optical Plate Adhesive Seal/Sealer For Real Time Pcr (100/Pack)100/Pack , Parvovirus Igm Elisa96 Rxn/Pack , Pbs Tablet (100 Tablets)100 Tablets , Pcr Plate (96 Well Semi Skirted 0.1 Ml, Compatible For Cobas Z 480)25/Pack , Pcr Plates (96Well Semi Skirted 0.2Ml, Quantstudio 5 Compatible)25/Pack , Pcr Plates (96Well Semi Skirted Compatible For Biorad Cfx96 Real-Time Pcr)25/Pack , Pcr Purification Kit Column Based100 Preps / Pack100/Pack , Pcr Rack With Cover Polypropylene, 6 / Pack6 / Pack , Plastic Discard Jarlaboratory Plastic Wares 10 / Pack10 / Pack , Ponceau S Staining Solution25gm/Pack , Protease Inhibitor Tablet20 Tablets/Pack , Pvdf Membrane1roll/Pack , Recombinant Ribonuclease Inhibitor/Rnase Inhibitor5000unit , Respiratory Syncytial Virus Rt-Pcr96 Rxn/Pack , Respiratory Syneytial Virus Igm Elisa96 Rxn/Pack , Reverse Transcriptase M-Mulv With Buffer10000unit , Rna Loading Dye With Buffer (5 Ml Of Both)5Both/Pack , Rota, Adeno & Norovirus Igm Panel For Stool Viral Antigens96 Rxn/Pack , Rubella Igm Elisa 96 Rxn/Pack , Scrub Typhus Igm Elisa96 Rxn/Pack , Scrub Typhus Realtime-Pcr96 Rxn/Pack , Sds (500G)500G/Pack , Sodium Hydroxide Pellet (Naoh)500Gm/Pack , Spray Bottle (1 Litre) Laboratory Plastic Wares 10 / Pack5 , Taq Dna Polymerase With Buffer2500unit/Pack , Tissue Paper Roll 2 Ply, 60Roll/Pack5 , Tmb (3,3,5,5’-Tetramethylbenzidine) Tablet (100 Tablets)1 , Tmb Substrate(100Ml)100Ml/Pack , Torch Panel Igm Elisa 96 Rxn/Pack , Torch Panel Rt-Pcr 96 Rxn/Pack , Tropical Viral Fever Panel (Dengue, Zika, Wnv, Je) Rt-Pcr96 Rxn/Pack , Varicella Zoster Virus (Vzv) Igm Elisa96 Rxn/Pack , Varicella Zoster Virus (Vzv) Realtime-Pcr Kit 96 Rxn/Pack , Viral Meningitis Real Time Pcr96 Rxn/Pack , Viral Respiratory Panel Rt-Pcr (Influenza A,B,Parainfluenza 1-4, H1n109, H3n2, Human Metapneumovirus, Rsv, Enterovirus, Rhinovirus, Bocavirus ) 96 Rxn/Pack , Vre (Vana, Vanb,Vanm) Rt-Pcr 96 Rxn/Pack , West Nile Virus Igm Elisa96 Rxn/Pack , Zika Igm Elisa96 Rxn/Pack , ?-Mercaptoethanol Molecular Grade 250 Ml / Pack250ml/Pack

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INR 20000.0 /-
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