
Tender For Providing Of External Water Supply To Certain Bldgs At Bde Camp Biamah In The Aor Of Age Br-Ii Khaltsi Under Ge Khumbathang, Khumbathang-Jammu And Kashmir

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Providing Of External Water Supply To Certain Bldgs At Bde Camp Biamah In The Aor Of Age Br-Ii Khaltsi Under Ge Khumbathang. Submission Date for this Tender is 23-10-2024. Tanks and Cylinders Tenders in Khumbathang Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Providing Of External Water Supply To Certain Bldgs At Bde Camp Biamah In The Aor Of Age Br-Ii Khaltsi Under Ge Khumbathang
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

Tender For providing Of External Water Supply To Certain Bldgs At Bde Camp Biamah In The Aor Of Age Br-Ii Khaltsi Under Ge Khumbathang- 1 Excavation in trenches, getting out in hard/dense soil not exceeding 1.5m deep and not exc 1.5m wide for taking out the existing cable GI pipes etc. any size at places complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 2 Removing of surplus soil to a distance not exceeding 50 mtr complete all as specified and deposited where directed at a level not exceeding 1.5m above the starting point complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 3 Returning filing in including spreading levelling, watering & well ramming in layers not exceeding 25 Cm thickcomplete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 4 Material & Labour for sand cushioning 15 cm below and 8 cm above the undergound cable with using fine river sand and gently punning for cushioning to cable (total depth of send shall be 23 cm) complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge.Note:-for the purpose of payment only punned thickness will be measured. 5 M & L for providing PCC cable cover class LV type-I of size 250x150x40 mm laid in perpendicular to the cable abutting each other at site complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 6 Demolition of cement concrete ( unreinfored) in ground floors and pavings n exc 15 cm thickness( below or above the ground level) complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 7 M&L for PCC 1:2:4 type B-1 using 20 mm graded crushed stoneaggregate as in floor/hardstanding finsihing the surface even and smooth without using extra cement to match the existing surfacecomplete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 8 Supply, laying & testing in trenches GI pipe medium grade ISI markedwith all fittings / accessories for dia size of 50 mm bore complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 9 Supply and fixing of 40 mm outer Dia, 3 layer (inner antimicrobial,outter UV stabilized ISI marked -15801, PP-R pipe SDR 7.4 (PN-16) fusion welded having thermal stability for hot and cold water supply including all PP-R plan and brass thread polypropylene random fittings in trenches/walls/cellings of laying in floor complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 10 All as per item No 9.00above but dia size of 25 mm dia complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 11 All as per item No 9.00above but dia size of 20 mm dia complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 12 M&L for providing lagging to pipe used in exposed water supply lines all around with 40 mm thick bonded mineral wool perforfed SNAP-ON pipes section with insulation material with 0.01mm aluminum cladding ofall as specified. This lagging has to be provided over the nitryle insulation for the 50 mm dia of pipes complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 13 All as per item No 12.00above but dia size of 40 mm bore complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 14 All as per item No 12.00above but dia size of 25 mm bore complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 15 All as per item No 11.00above but dia size of 20 mm bore complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 16 Supply and fixing heat tracing cable ( self regulating) 14 AWG nickel plated copper bus conductorrated ouput wattage at -10 to 5 degree 30 w/m at220 Volts complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 17 Supply and fixing of PP-R gate valve (brass insert) size of 40 mm dia including complete connection complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 18 All as per item No 17.00above but dia size of 25 mm bore complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 19 All as per item No 17.00above but dia size of 20 mm bore complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 20 M/L ofSluice valve of size 50 mm bore ISI marked flanged ends drilled preasure ratingPN 1.6 confirming to IS 14846;2000 having stainless steel spindle with cast irion wheel at top including all fittings complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 21 M/L ofnon Return valve of size 50 mm dia bore ISI marked flangedratingPN 1.6 confirming including all fittings complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 22 M/L of masonary valve pit chamber with PCC (1:3:6) type C-1 foundation and full thick wall of size 60x60x60cm internal dimension 2mm thick MS sheet cover welded on angle irion frame of size 40x40x6mm thick with two coats of synthatic enamel paint over a coat ofred oxide primer and nessesary earth work complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 23 Supply, Install, lowering, testing, and commissioning of openwell submersible pumping sets, centrifugal, electric driven,minium discharge of 170 LPM at 94 mtr headmotor capacity minium 10 HP complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 24 Supply and fixing of submersible copper conductor cable 3 core, 10 sqmm 1100 volt flat including nylon binding wire and accesories to clamp with column pipe at two places to each column pipe complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 25 Supply and fixing of automatic Star delta starter for 10 HPmotor with overload relay of range 12-15 Amps, power contractors ML-1 and suitable capacity timer range , single phase preventer complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 26 Supply and laying XLPE insulated screened PVC bedded galvanised steel strip armoured electric power dable heavy duty 1100 Volt grade with stranded aluminium conductor of size 25Sq mm 4 core complete all as specified and directed by Engr -in-Charge. 27 Supply installation testing and commissioning of calorifier made of SS of suitable thickness Hot water indirect with single serpentine coil complete with inlet /outlet drain and circulation connections and insulated with puff insulation jacket capacity of tank 1000 ltr.the shell should be insulated with 50mm puff insulation complete with auto air vent/thermometer and boiler circulation parts .the tank to be mounted on angle iron foundation base 1 mtr above ground level.The cylinder shall be provided with 5KW elect elements with thrmostate control complete all as directed and recommended by the manufactrer complete all as specified and directed by Engr -in-Charge. 28 Supply and fixing of HDPE water storage tank of capacity 500 Ltr, cylinderical vertical type, 3 layer, insulated with 75 mm thick PUF insulation of density 48 Kg/Cum covered with Lid having locking arangement including float valve high pressure PTMT with epoxy coated aluminium rod & high density plastic ball secured for iron pipe and fixed of 15 mm bore complete all as specified and directed. Note:- Angleiron support stagging Upto 3 Mtrheight( Angle 75x75x6mm) with necessary fittingsnuts,bolts and washer and painting with two coat of synthetic enamel paint over one coat of red oxide structure etc. for mounting of HDPE water storage tank all as specified as per manufacturing specifications.and the cost of stagging shall deemed to be included in the quoted rate. 29 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning LT panel of suitable size as per IE rule and latest IS, factory made dust and vermin proof outdoor type made out of 3.15 mm thick CRCA sheet including seperate compartment for each MCCB & for cable and busbar, mounted on frame of MS angle iron 40mmx40mmx6 mm with front and back openable door with lock & Key including necessary grouting and double coat powder coated of grey colour painting complete with following accessories.The degree of protection of panel shall be IP-54 including foundation complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge.INCOMING:- (i) 4P,MCCB 100A ,with rupturing cap 25 KA -01(Incoming) (ii) Aluminium bus bar 3 phase 4 strip suitable for 200 Amps current carrying capacitycomplete with post insulators and heat shrinkable sleeves- 01 No.OUTGOING :- (i) 4P,MCCB 40 A,with rupturing cap 25 KA - 02 Nos (Pump, Spare) (ii) 4P,MCCB 25 A ,with rupturing cap 25 KA - 02 Nos (Calorifier , borewell) (iii) SPN 16 A ,with rupturing cap 10 KA - 01 Nos (iv) RYBindication lamp -01 No. (v)Voltmeter digital type with range 0-500 Volts -01 No. (vi) Ammeter digital type with range 0-200 Amp . 30 Earthing complete with GIearth plate electrode of size 60cm X 60cm X 6mm buried directly in ground vertically at a depth not less than 2.25 metre below normal ground level with top edge of earth plate at a depth not less than 1.5 metre below normal ground level surrounded from all sides by 15 cm thick and packed layer of charcoal dust and common salt filling in alternate layers etc and connected to and including GI strip of size 32x6 mm up to 7.5 mtr by means of bolts, nuts, check nuts and washers made of brass and protected by light grade 40mm dia upto 7.5 mtr long GI pipe connected to main controlboard and GI pipe light grade 20mm bore for watering and including funnel, wire mesh, RCC pit cover 50mm thick and PCC chamber pit with PCC 1:2:4 type C-2 (including excavation and earth work disposal of surplus soil to a distance not exceeding 50 metre) and testing making test point and testing after completion all as specified and shown on plate No 3 of SSR Part-I 2009 including taking down old unserviceable complete all as specified & directed by Engr-in-charge. 31 Supply and fixing of sheet moulding compound (SMC) water tank of Vol 12 cummodel SMCT-12 of size 2000mmX2000mmX3000mm ,panel thickness 12mm complete all as specified and directed. Note :- (i) PCC foundtion for SMC tank shall be executed as per the direction of Engr-in-charge (ii) The cost of foundation shall deemed to be included in the quoted rateand necessary excavation for foundation shall be measured andpaid separately under item no.1 32 Deduct Credit for Demolished/Dismantled material Rs (-) 0.00 (Minus) as listed in Schedule A Sec-II (Credit Schedule)Note :Tenderers will not quote against this item being a tentative amount, to be considered to arrive at the Contract Sum.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 08-10-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 15-10-2024
2 15-10-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 20-10-2024
3 20-10-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 23-10-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 50000.0 /-
Tender Value
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