
Consultancy Equipments For Civil Engineering For Material Testing And Consultancy., Arwal-Bihar

Department Of Science And Technology has published Consultancy Equipments For Civil Engineering For Material Testing And Consultancy.. Submission Date for this Tender is 04-10-2024. Construction Material Tenders in Arwal Bihar. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Consultancy Equipments For Civil Engineering For Material Testing And Consultancy.
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Tender Details

Consultancy Equipments For Civil Engineering For Material Testing And Consultancy.-1. Automatic Mortar Mixer, Digital, Capacity 5L 2. Carbonation Test Apparatus3. Core Cutting Machine with Drill Bit 4. Half-Cell Potential Measurement Apparatus5. Pull Out Tester 6. Rapid Chloride Permeability Tester7. Rebar Locators, Diameter and Cover Meters with software 8. Concrete Permeability Apparatus 3 cell model for 150 mm cube 9. Slump Test Apparatus10. Vee bee Consisto- meter 11. Oven 12. Beam deflection Apparatus structural lab 13. Sieves 14. Trowel 15. Spatulla 16. Guinia 17. Spirit Level 18. Tensile (Briquette) Testing Machine 19. Strain Guage Indicator 20. Weight 21. Weight Hanger 22. Steel Scale 23. Micrometer 24. Blaine Air Permeability Apparatus 25. Double Wheel Barrow Steel Trolley 26. Concrete Mixing Tray 27. Beam Mould 700mm 28. Beam Mould 500mm 29. Sieve Shaker 1. Fatigue Testing Machine 2. Pendulum Impact Tester with Izod and Charpy strikers3. Torsion Testing Machine 4. Digital Spring Testing Machine (Capacity: 60 kN5. Tile Abrasion Testing Machine 6. Digital Vernier Calliper 200 x 0.1mm 7. Stainless Steel Scale; 300 mm 8. Steel Measuring Tape; 5 m9. Stainless Steel Degree Protractor Range: 0° to 180°, Least Count: 1° 10. Metal Cut Off Saw 11. Diamond Tile Cutter 12. High Precision Weighing Scale 30 Kg x 1g1. Aggregate Crushing Value Test2. Deval Abrasion Value 3. Specific Gravity of Bitumen by Pycnometer Method 4. CBR Test 5. Bitumen Striping Test6. % of Water content test of bitumen 7. Solubility Test of Bitumen 8. PMC (Pre Mix Carpet) Seal coated 9. Viscosity Test 10. Settlement Test 11. Sieve Test for Emulsion 12. Miscibility in Water 13. Cement mixing Test14. Demulsibility Test 15. 10% Fine Value Test For aggregates 16. Moisture Content of aggregate- 17. Deleterious Material Test Aggregate Environmental Engineering Lab S.No- Equipment Name 1. Bench Top Meter for measurement of water quality parameters with all accessories 2. Micropipette Single Channel Fully Autoclavable 0.5-5ml 3. Portable Dissolved Oxygen Meter4. Vertical Autoclave 5. BOD Bottle 6. Digital COD Digester (for 10 ml COD vials) 7. Porcelain dish 8. Filter Paper 9. Burette. stand with rod,clam & boss head Geotechnical Engineering Lab S.No- Equipment Name 1. Grain Size Analysis Apparatus 2. Plate Bearing Test Apparatus 3. Static Cone Penetrometer, Capacity 100kN (10,000 kgf), Engine Driven with Digital Indicator Hydraulics Engineering Lab S.No- Equipment Name 1. Forced & Free Vortex Apparatus 2. Cavitation demonstration Hydraulics Engineering Lab S.No- Equipment Name 1. Rock Slides 2. Mineral slides 3. Magnifying lens 4. Rock color chart 5. Digital specific gravity balance 6. Mohs Scale of Hardness Mineral Boxed Set 7. Streak Plate 8. Hammers 9. Clinometer 10. Brunton Compass 11. Petrological Microscope

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INR 1000 /-
INR 300000.0 /-
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