
Tender For Supply Of All Materials, Labour For Construction Of Oht, Cwr, Ph, Sq, Bw, Distribution System, Rm, Tw With Scada Automation As Per Specifications In Tender Document Complete In All Respect Hardoi Npp Reorganization Wss Under Amrut 2.0, hardoi-Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam has published Tender For Supply Of All Materials, Labour For Construction Of Oht, Cwr, Ph, Sq, Bw, Distribution System, Rm, Tw With Scada Automation As Per Specifications In Tender Document Complete In All Respect Hardoi Npp Reorganization Wss Under Amrut 2.0. Submission Date for this Tender is 04-10-2024. Pump House Construction Tenders in hardoi Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Supply Of All Materials, Labour For Construction Of Oht, Cwr, Ph, Sq, Bw, Distribution System, Rm, Tw With Scada Automation As Per Specifications In Tender Document Complete In All Respect Hardoi Npp Reorganization Wss Under Amrut 2.0
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender For Supply Of All Materials, Labour For Construction Of Oht, Cwr, Ph, Sq, Bw, Distribution System, Rm, Tw With Scada Automation As Per Specifications In Tender Document Complete In All Respect Hardoi Npp Reorganization Wss Under Amrut 2.0, Supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. for Construction of Over Head Tanks, CWR, Pump house, Staff Quarter, Boundary wall, gate, Site development, Supply of all materials for laying & jointing of rising main, distribution system including all labour and T&P etc. complete in all respects and construction of tubewells including PLC SCADA automation of all tubewells as per specifications in tender document complete in all respect including commissioning, testing, trial & run, defect liabilities and handing over the complete works to Hardoi Nagar Palika Prishad Reorganization water supply scheme on turn-key basis Under AMRUT 2.0 Programme Sl. No. Item Description 1 A - Civil works :-Structural design and drawing must be vetted by any IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) of India, Supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc required for construction of Intz type RCC over head tank including various works like - Ventilator and Water level indicator, Lightening conductor, D.I. D/F Verticle pipes (Inlet Pipe, Outlet Pipe, Overflow Pipe & Washout Pipe), over flow pipe connect with distribution main with NRV of required dia with all necessary fittings such as sluice valve, NRV and their chamber as per design and specification and place decided by engineer in charge, duck foot bend, puddle collers and bell mouths, Sluice valve on inlet, outlet & washout pipe and sluice salve chamber, bye-pass arrangement of OHT, flooring, apran & drain (100 mm thick PCC of1:1.5:3& 100 mm thick RCC of 1:1:2 ), floor two coat apex weather coat (Asian, Berger etc.) painting over one coat primer of approved colour over wall putty two coat (Birla, JK, Asian, Berger etc.) after finishing of RCC surface with grinder, repair of pin holes, unevenness., railings- 20 mm G.I. pipe class - B railing around stair case (both sides), balcony & top dome periphery in three rows with MS angle iron post 50x50x6 in one metre distance, M.S ladder from opening of top dome to bottom dome 65x65x6 with 20 mm steel round bar, Stair case (Seperate two column based RCC staircase upto top dome and 1 m wide balcony with arrangement of M.S Gate and MS square mesh), Food grade epoxy coating of FOSROC / Ciba-Geigy or reputated brand on inside surface area of water container after testing for water tightness, of capacity and staging mentioned as under:For bidding purpose, bearing capacity of soil shall be considered as 8t/sq.m. Working design shall be based on the SBC determind after soil investigation / 8 tonne/sqm including required earthfilling for maintainingFGL as per level of nearest road cost of earth required for filling not to be paid extra.Note :- The bid price of over head tanks is to be submitted considering net safe allowable bearing capacity as 8 t/m2, keeping the minimum foundation depth to be 2.5 m below existing ground level at the site of work, layout as ground level of over head tank consider from 50 cm above than near of road surface to be finalized by the engineer in charge including, campus cleaning, removal of debries, bush cutting and disposal within municipal limt and filling ogf earth if required as per direction of Engineer in charge.The successful bidder will be required to investigate the soil bearing capacity. If net safe allowable bearing capacity is found to be equivalent or more than 8 t/m2, the design of OHT will be based on 8 t/m2 capacity. However, in case the net safe allowable bearing capacity is found to be below 8 t/m2, then the design of OHT will be based on the actual bearing capacity. 2 Over Head Tank - 1400 KL / 24 M Staging at Zone VI 3 Over Head Tank - 1100 KL / 24 M Staging at Zone IX 4 Structural Design, supply of all material, labour, T&P etc. required for construction of Ractangular, R.C.C Clear Water Reservoir cum pump house to accomadate 3 no of pumping plants and other appurtenant work etc as per IS 3370-1965 (Part I to IV) or its latest amendments. Structural design and drawing must be vetted by any IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) of India. The design will be based on all relevant technical specification asgiven herewith in bid document. A separate room of not less than 3.00x3.00m in size should be provided by the side of the pump house for record keeping.Provision for fixing ofinlet pipe equivalent to no of TWs to be connected to CWRand over flow pipe of required dia with all necessary fittings such as sluice valve, NRVand their chamber as per design and specification and place decided by engineer in charge. The floor of pump house and top of CWR and the room provided at the side of pump house should be 25mm KOTA stone flooring. The size of CWR pump house should be such that all the motor pump starters O.C.B. cables, water level indicator all piping arrangement, reflex valve sluice valve etcmay be accommodated in the pump house.Architectural view and GA drawing of pump house shall be approved by department before execution of work.The pump house will be constructed with all appurtenant work such as fixing of door window grill shutter and collapsible door if required suitable gantry beam with rail electronic water level indicator as given in detail specification including necessary glazed door, Two coat apex weather coat (Asian, Berger etc.) painting over one coat primer of approved colour over wall putty two coat (Birla, JK, Asian, Berger etc.) 1 m wide RCC stair case with stainless steel hand railing to go inside reservoir, sump below the pump house area, Railing - 20 mm G.I. Pipe class - B in three rows with MS angle iron post 50x50x6 in one metre distance over the R.C.C slab of reservoir, Granular texture finish on exterior surface of pump house, gantry beam, food grade epoxy coating of FOSROC / Ciba-Geigy or reputated brand on inside surface area of water container after testing for water tightness, of capacity mentioned as under:Note : The bid prices of Clear Water Reservoir / Pumping Stations are to be submitted considering the depth of excavation may extend up to 6 m BGL, layout as ground level of over head tank consider from 50 cm above than near of road surface to be finalized by the engineer in charge. 5 Clear Water Reservoir - 500 KL at Zone VI 6 Demolishing of existing OHT in Zone VIDemolishing of existing over head tank capacity 2000 KL/ 18 M Staging by manually / mechanical process with proper barricating and necessary safety arrangements including stacking of serviceable materials i.e. pipes, steel, sluice valve etc. at a suitable & secured place with own expense of contractor and disposal of unserviceable materials/ scraps within distance of 8 km distance in municipal limit as per direction of engineer in charge including supply of all machinery, T&P, labour etc. required for proper completion of the work. 7 Design of distribution network and supply of following dia of high density polyethelene Pipes (HDPE(PN-6)/PE-100), conforming to IS 4984 / 14151 / 12786 / 13488 in coils/ standard lengths with nesessary jointing material like electro-fusion coupler, flanged joint, including all statutary duties and taxes, third party inspection charges, transit insurance, freight, transportation to store/ site of work, unloading & stacking the same in covered shade duly protecting from sunrays & rains including crossing of upto 1.00 m vide nala/drain etc. with Carting, lowering, laying and requisite specials to site of work, lowering them into trenches, laying true to alignment and gradient, in proper position, cutting of pipes, making of joints including cost of jointing materials and rubber rings, labour, T&P, including hydraulic testing etc. complete as directed by Engineer in-charge.It includes provision for making of alignment on city roads, making trial pits to investigate location of various under grounds services like telephone cables, electric cable, existing pipe lines and sewer lines etc. arrangements for diversion of traffic and associated works etc. with supply of all necessary equipment, materials, labour and T&P etc. complete required for completion of work.The trenches shall be properly barricaded and fenced off wherever necessary. Red flags and caution boards during day and red lights during night shall be displayed so as to avoid any accidents. Note: Jointing between HDPE pipes and specials shall be done as per the latest IS: 7634 part II. Only Bar coded electro-fusion machine (automatically readable) that can read the bar code of the fittings automatically shall be used for jointing of HDPE pipe/fittings. Note: 1. Contractor will ensure to supply of 10 No. set of electrofusion jointing machine including cutting & peeling tool andother misc. equipments.2. Contractor will provide 04 No. set of hydro testing machine of 20 kg/cm² capacity including 02 Nos. tractor with water tanker will also be part of this set.3. Contractor will provide minimum 06 tractor trolley for disposal of surplus earth.4. Contractor will provide 04 No. of tractor with water tanker for sprinkling of water on trenches and 5 No. Anti Smoke Gun to protect the dust particals entering in the atmosphere which may be cause of increase of AQI of construction area. 8 HDPE Pipe 90 mm dia 9 HDPE Pipe 110 mm dia 10 HDPE Pipe 140 mm dia 11 HDPE Pipe 160 mm dia 12 Design of distribution network and supply of following dia of ISI marked S & S centrifugally cast (Spun) ductile iron pipes (Class K-7) as per IS : 8329-2000 suitable for push on jointing by compatible rubber gasket including all statutary duties and taxes, third party inspection charges, transit insurance, freight, transportation to store/ site of work, unloading, stacking,including crossing of upto 1.00 m vide nala/drain etc. Carting, lowering, laying and jointing with SBR ruber gasketsD.I. K-7 pipes of following dia & pressure including all specials, to site of work, lowering them into trenches, laying true to alignment and gradient, in proper position, cutting of pipes, making of joints including cost of jointing materials and rubber rings, labour, T&P, including hydraulic testing etc. complete as directed by Engineer in-charge. It includes provision for making of alignment on city roads, making trial pits to investigate location of various under grounds services like telephone cables, electric cable, existing pipe lines and sewer lines etc. arrangements for diversion of traffic and associated works etc. with supply of all necessary equipment, materials, labour and T&P etc. complete required for completion of work. The trenches shall be properly barricaded and fenced off wherever necessary. Red flags and caution boards during day and red lights during night shall be displayed so as to avoid any accidents. Note : Only SBR Rubber gaskets to be used as per IS-5382 and IS- 12820. 13 DI Pipe (Class K-7) 200 mm dia 14 DI Pipe (Class K-7) 250 mm dia 15 DI Pipe (Class K-7) 300 mm dia 16 Risingmain :-Supply of following dia of ISI marked S & SCentrifugally Cast (Spun) Ductile Iron pipes (Class K-9) as per IS : 8329-2000 suitable for Push on jointing by compatible rubber gasket including all statutary duties and taxes, third party inspection charges, transit insurance, freight, transportation to store/ site of work, unloading, stacking,including crossing of upto 1.00 m vide nala/drain etc. Carting, lowering, laying and jointing with SBR ruber gasketsD.I. K-9 pipes of following dia & pressure including all specials, to site of work, lowering them into trenches, laying true to alignment and gradient, in proper position, cutting of pipes, making of joints including cost of jointing materials and rubber rings, labour, T&P, including hydraulic testing etc. complete as directed by Engineer in-charge. It includes provision for making of alignment on city roads, making trial pits to investigate location of various under grounds services like telephone cables, electric cable, existing pipe lines and sewer lines etc. arrangements for diversion of traffic and associated works etc. with supply of all necessary equipment, materials, labour and T&P etc. complete required for completion of work. The trenches shall be properly barricaded and fenced off wherever necessary. Red flags and caution boards during day and red lights during night shall be displayed so as to avoid any accidents. Note : Only SBR Rubber gaskets to be used as per IS-5382 and IS- 12820. 17 DI Pipe (Class K-9) 200 mm dia 18 DI Pipe (Class K-9) 250 mm dia 19 Earth work in excavation for pipeline trenches in all type of soil with including lift upto 1.5 m and lead upto 50M, refilling the soil as required, including depositing in layers not exceeding 150mm, watering and compaction to 95% of the Standard Proctor density, level dressing, including supply of all labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. Including disposal of surplus earth up to 8 Km as instucted by engineer in charge. 20 Supply of following sizes of DI D/F sluice valve/scour valvewith cap. Class-10 (working pressure 10kg/sqcm) confirming to IS:14846:2000 at Site of work, carting, lowering in already prepared trenches and fixing them in position, making flange joints including supply of all materials such as bolts, nuts, rubber insertion, white lead, testing etc. complete including all other necessary fitting and specials as per direction of Engineer in charge. 21 80 mm dia 22 100 mm dia 23 125 mm dia 24 150 mm dia 25 200 mm dia 26 250 mm dia 27 Scoure valve 28 80 mm dia 29 Supply of following size Kinetic Double Air Valves as per IS : 14845 at site of work, carting, fixing in position including boring and threading in the main etc.complete including cost of boring the water main clamp with socket, G.I. medium duty, nipple and subsequent back filling etc complete. 30 25 mm 31 Supply of 80 mm dia size flanged type fire hydrant site of works of 80mm dia size flanged fire hydrant to site of work, fixing them in position for flanged joints s instucted by engineer in charge. 32 Supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. and construction of following chambers as per departmental type drawing and designincluding supply & fixing of RCC cover etc. complete including all other necessary fitting as per direction of Engineer in charge. 33 Surface box type 34 Masonry type 35 For air valve 36 For fire Hydrants 37 Construction of RCC thrusht block in 1:1.5:3 with cement, coarse sand and 20 mm guage stone gtit at bends of pipe including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work 38 Mild steel TMT.Fe-500D in plain work such as reinforced concrete or reinforced brick work (for construction of RCC thrusht block) wrought to required shape as necessary including bending for proper completion of the work and including supply of steel its wastage bend hooks and othorised overlapping shall be measured upto floor two level. 39 Dismantling of following type of road surface including sorting out and stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials upto distance of 8km. and also including temporary reinstatement/motorable of road by old materials. 40 B.O.E. road 41 Bituminous road 42 C.C. road 43 Interlocking road 44 Permanent re-instatement of following type of road surfaces after laying of pipe line including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for completion of work. It also includes necessary excavation required for preparation of trench for reinstatement of road, disposal of surplus unserviceable material, watering, ramming, cleaning of surface for proper completion of the work as per directions of engineer-in-charge. 45 Brick on edge with bricks (60 % New & 40% Old) laid dry, joints filled with local sand including preparation of base to proper slope and its ramming, spreading a layer of 10 cm depth of local sand over the subgrade and including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper complete of the work. 46 Brick on edge with bricks (100 % New) laid dry, joints filled with local sand including preparation of base to proper slope and its ramming, spreading a layer of 10 cm depth of local sand over the subgrade and including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper complete of the work. 47 Re-instatement of bitumen road as per specification including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. To achive the required quality of work, graded material in appropriate quantity shall be supplied by the contractor. This material shall be used in filling of trenches onlyafter succesfully testing of material with relevent IS code. Sample collection of GSB material, BM and SDBC will be done asrequired by engineer incharge. 48 Re-instatement of bitumen road as per specification including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. To achive the required quality of work, graded material in appropriate quantity shall be supplied by the contractor. This material shall be used in filling of trenches onlyafter succesfully testing of material with relevent IS code. Sample collection of GSB material, BM and SDBC will be done asrequired by engineer incharge. (PWD Road) 49 Surface layer painting in Bituminous road including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper complete of the workas per directions of engineer-in-charge. 50 Providing and laying design mix cement concrete 100 mm thick of M-20 grade, in roads, using cement content as per design mix, using coarse sand and graded stone aggregate of 20 mm nominal size in appropriate proportions as per approved & specified design criteria, mixing with weigh batcher, laying at site, spreading and mechanically compacting by using needle and surface vibrators, levelling to required slope / camber, finishing with required texture over 100 mm thick base of GSB. 51 Providing and laying of 80 mm thick M-30 grade C.C. rubber moulded (60% new and 40% old tiles) interlocking paver tiles over 30 mm thick fine sand bed and also including earth wotk in excavation in proper slope & camber including all materials, labour, T&P required for proper completion of work. 52 Providing and laying of 80 mm thick M-30 grade C.C. rubber moulded (100% new tiles) interlocking paver tiles over 30 mm thick fine sand bed and also including earth wotk in excavation in proper slope & camber including all materials, labour, T&P required for proper completion of work. 53 Provision for crossing of nala, road, culvert including supply of casing with MS / DI pipe and specials, laying, jointing etc., T&P and arrangement of diversion of water, baricatings etc required, with dismantelling of drains and reconstruction of same as per type design of the existing drain, complete as per direction / approval of Engineer in charge.up to 1.00 M 54 Crossing of Culvert/ nala upto 3.5M width using casing of pipes restoring than drain original condition for laying pipe line including supply and materials labour, T&P etc. complete 55 Crossing of Culvert/ nala from 3.5M to 7.0M width using casing of pipes restoring than drain original condition for laying pipe line including supply and materials labour, T&P etc. complete 56 Crossing of Road upto 3.5M for laying pipe line including supply and materials labour, T&P etc. complete. 57 Crossing of Road from 3.5M to 7.0 M for laying pipe line including supply and materials labour, T&P etc. complete 58 Trenchless Crossing :- Survey site Investigation Planningdesign Drawings as per State Road manual and vetting / checked from State Road Divisional Office and taking NOC for trenchless crossing of National highway road and Railway track(crossing length 15m to 25m ) Road for of required dia Rising main pipe with casing pipe as required for proper completion of work required size of MS casing pipe as per drawing and as per (IS:3589 & made from confining to IS:2062) with 750 Micron PU coating internally and 250 micron anti corrosive bituminous paint externally by trenchless technology method at an average depth 3.60 mtr from normal ground level up to top of casing pipe including excavation & filling of Pit Dewatering arrangement Supporting system for soil also including supply and fixing of 2 no Sluice valve ISI Mark construction of sluice valve chamber etc. all complete work including supply & fixing specials in carrier pipe over main pipe as per specification given in the bid documents including supply of all materials labour T&P etc. for proper completion of work as per instruction of Engineer (charges include for all type of NOC/Approval providing by concern department) 59 National Highway road crossing (upto 350 mm dia) 60 Railway line crossing (upto 350 mm dia) 61 Making interconnection in 90 to 500 mm dia AC/ P.V.C./ HDPE/DI pipes including supply, carting of specials, lowering them into tranches, cutting, fixing them in proper alignment and jointing including balling out of water, necessary excavation for connection and proper barricading including supply of all machinery, T&P, labour etc. required for proper completion of the work as per directions of engineer-in-charge. 62 400 mm to 400 mm 63 400 mm to 160 mm 64 400 mm to 90 mm 65 350 mm to 250 mm 66 350 mm to 160 mm 67 350 mm to 90 mm 68 300 mm to 90 mm 69 250 mm to 200 mm 70 250 mm to 90 mm 71 200 mm to 140 mm 72 200 mm to 90 mm 73 140 mm to 90 mm 74 110 mm to 90 mm 75 90 mm to 90 mm 76 Construction of drinking water house connection with distribution mains (HDPE, AC, DI, PVC) including dismantling in all type of road, supply and carting of material (20 mm HDPE pipe PE-80/PN-16 from trench to outer wall/boundary wall, 15 mm GI pipe class-B average length 3 m, 15 mm GI elbow includingHDPE electrofusion shaddle for HDPE pipe and DI strap saddle for DI pipe shall be used.1 No. brass tap shall be fixed inside the house of consumer as per IS 8931 and 8934, All 20 mm GI union, 20 mm, 1 No. 15 mm brass ferrule and other GI fitting and specialsshall be according to IS 12183 & IS2065. , FTA & MTA and other compression fittings of 100% pure virgin (Georgefisher, kimplas) shall be provided. HDPE shaddle shall be fixed with electrofusion method.All fitting of water supply house connections shall be fixed them into trenches, fixing them in proper alignment and jointing and making hols in walls for crossing the GI pipe, fixing of GI pipe with minimum 3 hooks & repairing of hold after connection, necessary excavation for connection with temporary reinstatement of all type of road including supply of all machinery, T&P, labour etc. required for proper completion of the work as per directions of engineer-in-charge. For New pipe Line 77 For 90 mm to 110 mm dia 78 For 140 mm to 160 mm dia 79 For 200 mm to 250 mm dia 80 For 250 mm to 300 mm dia 81 For 350 mm to 500 mm dia 82 For Existing pipe Line 83 For 90 mm to 110 mm dia 84 For 140 mm to 160 mm dia 85 For 200 mm to 250 mm dia 86 For 250 mm to 300 mm dia 87 For 350 mm to 500 mm dia 88 Permanent re-instatement of following type of road surfaces after laying of pipe line (for New & Existing house connection work) including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for completion of work. It also includes necessary excavation required for preparation of trench for reinstatement of road, disposal of surplus unserviceable material, watering, ramming, cleaning of surface for proper completion of the work as per directions of engineer-in-charge. 89 Brick on edge with bricks (60 % New & 40% Old) laid dry, joints filled with local sand including preparation of base to proper slope and its ramming, spreading a layer of 10 cm depth of local sand over the subgrade and including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper complete of the work. 90 Re-instatement of bitumen road as per specification including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. To achive the required quality of work, graded material in appropriate quantity shall be supplied by the contractor. This material shall be used in filling of trenches onlyafter succesfully testing of material with relevent IS code. Sample collection of GSB material, BM and SDBC will be done asrequired by engineer incharge. 91 Providing and laying design mix cement concrete 100 mm thick of M-20 grade, in roads, using cement content as per design mix, using coarse sand and graded stone aggregate of 20 mm nominal size in appropriate proportions as per approved & specified design criteria, mixing with weigh batcher, laying at site, spreading and mechanically compacting by using needle and surface vibrators, levelling to required slope / camber, finishing with required texture over 100 mm thick base of GSB. 92 Providing and laying of 80 mm thick M-30 grade C.C. rubber moulded (60% new and 40% old tiles) interlocking paver tiles over 30 mm thick fine sand bed and also including earth wotk in excavation in proper slope & camber including all materials, labour, T&P required for proper completion of work. 93 Repairing of leakages in existing pipe (HDPE, AC, DI, PVC) line including dismantling in all types of road, excavation of trench, bailing out of water repairing the joint, backfilling of earth and Permanent reinstatement of all types road in pipes of different dia including supply of all material, specials, machinery, T&P, labour etc. required for proper completion of the work as per directions of engineer-in-charge. 94 For 90 mm to 200 mm dia 95 For 250 mm to 500 mm dia 96 Supply and fixing of end cap (HDPE, AC, DI, PVC) & fixing of Sluice valve for dividing into separate zone including excavation of pit, bailing out of water, fixing the end cap and then again refilling the earth in the pit including supply of all materials, specials, machinery, T&P, labour etc. required for proper completion of the work as per directions of engineer-in-charge. 97 For 90 mm to 200 mm dia 98 For 250 mm to 500 mm dia 99 CONSTRUCTION OF PUMP HOUSE CUM CHLORONOME 4 Nos.Supply of all material T&P etc. required for construction of Pump House 04 Nos. as per typical drawing and design of department. The structural design of pump house shall be submitted by the contractor on the basis of safe bearing capacity of soil. The plinth level of Pump House shall be 60cm above from finished GL of the campus. The following criteria shall be taken in consideration for structural design of Pump House including campus cleaning, removal of debries, bush cutting and disposal within municipal limt and filling ogf earth if required as per direction of engineer in charge.Note - Plinth should be made above 60 cm above from nearest highest service / link road.Excavation of earth for foundation in ordinary soil (loam, clay or sand) including lift upto 1.5M and lead upto 50M including filling, watering and ramming of excavated earth into the trenches or into the space between the building and the sides of foundation trenches and plinth, disposal of surplus earth upto a distance to 50M from the center of the foundation trenches. 100 Concrete with cement, coarse sand and 40 mm nominal size approved stone ballast in proportion of 1:4:8 in foundations and plinth including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 101 Ist class brick work in 1:6 cement & coarse sand mortar in foundation and plinth including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 102 40 mm thick D.P.C. in cement concrete consisting of 1:2:4 cement, coarse sand and graded stone aggregate 12.5 mm nominal size(10-12.5 mm) and including water proofing(ISI Mark) compound in the proportion including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 103 12 mm thick plaster in 1:4 cement and coarse sand mortar for plinth shall be done on both side of brick work inner side 15 cm below plinth and outside 15 cm below GL. 104 First Class brick work in 1:4 cement and coarse sand mortar in super structure including necessary cutting and moulding of bricks as required and also including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work(thickness of wall not be less than one brick). 105 Supply and fixing of M.S. angle iron 40x40x5mm door chaukhat including supply and fixing of four hinges with one coat of red oxidised primer. 106 1.20 x 2.10 M1.00 x 2.10 M 107 Supply and fixing of the Z-section M.S. window with grill as per departmental type drawing including supply and fitting of handle, locking arrangement etc. with one coat of red oxidised primer. 108 Supply and fixing of cement jali 45x30 cm at 15 cm above floor level in the chloronome for proper ventilation. 109 Mild steel or iron in plain work such as reinforced concrete or reinforced brick work wrought to required shape as necessary including supply of all steel and its bending and binding with binding wire necessary over lapping as required etc. complete. 110 R.C.C. work (with use of C.C. mixer) in proportion of 1:1.5:3 cement, coarse sand and 20mm nominal size (10mm-1 part & 20 mm - 2 part) stone grit with proper finishing including supply of all materials, labour, T&P and Kachcha plaster on wooden plank shuttering or ply shuttering excluding cost of steel but including binding the same with 24 B.W.G. binding wire. 111 Lintels 112 Beam 113 Sun shades & Slab 114 Cement concrete with cement, coarse sand & 20 mm nominal size(10-20 mm) stone grit in proportion 1:2:4 including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc., required for proper completion of the work, in bed block of girder, hold fast and girder fixing and in flooring of bypass chamber, window sills etc. 115 Supply and fixing in position rolled steel joist ISMB of 200mm x 100mm size and 3.40M long including supply of all labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 116 150 mm thick local sand filling under floor including supply of local sand, filling, watering and ramming etc. completefor proper completion of the work. 117 40mm thick 1:2:4 plain cement concrete floor with cement, coarse sand and 20 mm nominal size(10-20 mm) stone grit laid in panel and finished with 3mm floating coat of neat cementincluding / over 75mm thick base concrete consisting of cement, coarse sand and stone ballast 40mm nominal size(20-40 mm) in proportion of 1:4:8 and removing all over lapping of mortar at the joints of the panels if any and giving them uniform finishing including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work 118 12mm thick plaster above plinth in 1:6 cement and Banda(Ken)/ Hamirpur(Betva) sand over brick work, minimum thickness not to be less than 10mm including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 119 6 mm thick plaster on ceiling, sunshades and projected slab of R.C.C. work in 1:4 cement and Banda/Hamirpur fine sand F.M. not less than 1.25 mm including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. complete for proper completion of the work. 120 20 mm thick plaster in dado or skirting with cement mortar in proportion of 1:2 cement and coarse sand with finishing of 3 mm thick floating coat of neat cement including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for completion of the work. 121 20mm wide drip course with cement mortar in proportion of 1:3 with cement and Banda/Hamirpur coarse sand. 122 Providing 45 cm wide and 25mm thick cc apron of 1:2:4 cement, coarse sand and 10-20mm stone gritover 75mm thick base concrete in 1:4:8 cement, coarse sand and 40mm nominal size(20mm-2 part & 40 mm-6 part) stone ballast with finishing of 3 mm thick floating coat of neat cement also including supply of all materials,labour,T&P etc. complete. 123 Construction of 100mm wide cc drain as per departmental drawing in proportion of 1:2:4 cement, coarse sand and 20 mm nominal(10 mm - 1 part & 20 mm - 3 part) stone grit over 100 mm base concrete in proportion of 1:4:8 cement, coarse sand and 40mm nominal(20 mm - 2 part & 40 mm - 6 part) stone ballast with finishing of 3 mm thick floating coat of neat cement also including supply of all materials,labour,T&P etc. complete. 124 Brick Coba :- (a)Providing & laying integral cement based water proofing treatment including preparation of surface as required for treatment of roofs, balconies, terraces etc. consisting of following operations: (a) Applying a slurry coat of neat cement using 2.75 Kg/sqm of cement admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge over the R.C.C. slab including adjointing walls upto 300 mm height including cleaning the surface before treatment.(b) Laying brick bats with mortar using broken bricks/brick bats 25 mm to 115 mm size with 50% of cement mortar 1:5( 1 cement:5 coarse sand) admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS:2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge over 20 mm thick layer of cement mortar of mix 1:5(1 cement:5 coarse sand) admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS:2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge to required slope and treating similarly the adjoining walls upto 300 mm height including rounding of juctions of walls and slabs (c) After two days of proper curing applying a second coat of cement slurry using 2.75 kg/sqm of cement admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS:2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge. (d) Finishing the surface with 20 mm thick jointless cement mortarof mix 1:4(1 cement : 4 coarse sand) admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS:2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge including laying glass fibre cloth of approved quality in top layer of plaster and finally finishing the surface with trowel with neat cement slurry and making pattern of 300x300 mm squared 3 mm deep. (e) The whole terrace so finished shall be flooded with water for a minimum period of two weeks for curing and for final test. All above operation to be done in order and as directed and specified by the Engineer-in-charge: With average thickness of 120 mm and minimum thickness at khurra as 65 mm 125 The outer surface of wall finish with two coat of weather coat- All Guard, Apex-Ultima (premium acrylic smooth exterior paint with silicon additive) with one coat of priming coat of exterior primer over smooth base of white cement based wall putty such as Birla, J.K. wall putty over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and smooth including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 126 The inner finish should be two coat of oil bound distemper Ist quality such as Bison distemper, tractor distemper with one coat of priming coat over smooth base of cement based wall putty such as Birla, J.K. wall putty over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and smooth including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 127 Supply and fixing of ISI marked waterproof flush door shutters of required size of 35 mm thick including heavy size steel fitting e.g. tower bolt, sliding bolt, handle etc., lab our, T&P etc.complete. 128 Supply and fixing of 4 mm thick glass panes in panel of Z-section window shutters including supply of M.S. clip and I.S.I. mark putty etc. as required for proper completion of the work. 129 Supply and fixing of rain water pipe P.V.C. 110mm 6 Kg/Cm2(2 Nos.) with bend and clamp etc. all complete. 130 Painting or varnishing of new iron work in small areas or new wood work with one coat of priming and two coats of synthetic enamel paint or varnish including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 131 Provide 3mm thick floating coat of neat cement over the previously made plaster on by pass chamber & over plinth plaster etc. 132 Providing 15cm long 25 mm dia P.V.C. Pipe with cutting at ends and fixing the same with cement and coarse sand mortar in sunshades. 133 Supply and fixing 3 mm thick glass strips in floor and aprons panels in 1:3 cement and coarse sand mortar. 134 25x3mm 135 40x3mm 136 Disposal of waste water of by pass chamber through P.V.C. Pipe 160mm dia including supply of pipe, excavation & laying, T&P etc. complete. 137 Supply and fixing of 900 V-notch 4mm thick M.S plate with sharp edged and scale etc.complete as per direction of engineer incharge. 138 BUILDING WORK :-Excavation of earth for foundation in ordinary soil (loam, clay or sand) including lift upto 1.5M and lead upto 50M including filling, watering and ramming of excavated earth into the trenches or into the space between the building and the sides of foundation trenches and plinth, disposal of surplus earth upto a distance to 50M from the center of the foundation trenches. 139 Concrete with cement, coarse sand and 40 mm nominal size (20 mm-2 part & 40 mm - 6 part) approved stone ballast in proportion of 1:4:8 in foundations including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 140 Ist class brick work in 1:6 cement &coarse sand mortar in foundation and plinth including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 141 40 mm thick D.P.C. in cement concrete consisting of 1:2:4 cement, coarse sand and graded stone aggregate 12.5 mm nominal size(10-12.5 mm) and including water proofing(ISI Mark) compound in the proportion as specified by the manufacturer including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 142 12 mm thick plaster in 1:4 cement and coarse sand mortar for plinth shall be done on both side of brick work inner side 15 cm below plinth and outside 15 cm below GL. 143 First Class brick work in 1:4 cement and coarse sand mortar in super structure including necessary cutting and moulding of bricks as required and also including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work (thickness of wall not be less than one brick). 144 Supply and fixing of M.S. angle iron 40x40x5mm door chaukhat including supply and fixing of four hinges with one coat of red oxidised primer. 145 Supply and fix hold fast in doors and windows chaukhats 25cmx50mmx6mm flat iron including their cutting,moulding, welding to requirwed shape also including other materials such as nails and screws etc required in all aspect to complete the work. 146 Supply and fixing of the Z-section M.S. window with grill as per departmental type drawing including supply and fitting of handle, locking arrangement etc. with one coat of red oxidised primer. 147 Mild steel or iron in plain work such as reinforced concrete or reinforced brick work wrought to required shape as necessary including supply of all steel and its bending and binding with binding wire necessary over lapping as required etc. complete. 148 R.C.C. work (with use of C.C. mixer) in proportion of 1:1.5:3 cement, coarse sand and 20mm nominal size (10mm-1 part & 20 mm - 2 part) stone grit with proper finishing including supply of all materials, labour, T&P and Kachcha plaster on wooden plank shuttering or ply shuttering excluding cost of steel but including binding the same with 24 B.W.G. binding wire. 149 Footing 150 Column 151 Plinth Beam 152 Lintels 153 Sun-shades & Slab 154 Stairs 155 Sand filling under floor including supply of local sand, filling, watering and ramming etc. completefor proper completion of the work. 156 25 mm thick 1:2:4 plain cement concrete floor with cement, coarse sand and 20 mm nominal size(10-20 mm) stone grit laid in panel and finished with 3mm floating coat of neat cementincluding 75mm thick base concrete consisting of cement, coarse sand and stone ballast 40mm nominal size(20-40 mm) in proportion of 1:4:8 and removing all over lapping of mortar at the joints of the panels if any and giving them uniform finishing including fixing of glass strip at desired intervals, supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work 157 40 mm thick 1:2:4 plain cement concrete floor with cement, coarse sand and 20 mm nominal size(10-20 mm) stone grit laid in panel and finished with 3mm floating coat of neat cementincluding 75mm thick base concrete consisting of cement, coarse sand and first class brick ballast 40mm nominal size (20-40 mm) in proportion of 1:4:8 and removing all over lapping of mortar at the joints of the panels if any and giving them uniform finishing including fixing of glass strip at desired intervals, supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 158 Supply and fixing of ISI marked water proof flush door shutters of 40 mm thickincluding all labour, T&P etc. complete but excluding painting and including ISI marked oxidized iron fitting e.g. tower bolt, sliding bolt, handle etc. complete as per direction. 159 Supply and fixing of oxidized iron fittings of approved make for doors and window. 160 12mm thick plaster above plinth with cement, mortar in proportion of 1:6 cement and Banda(Ken)/ Hamirpur(Betva) sand over brick work, minimum thickness not to be less than 10mm including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 161 20 mm thick plaster in dado or skirting with cement mortar in proportion of 1:2 cement and coarse sand with finishing 3 mm thick floating coat of neat cement including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for completion of the work. 162 Brick Coba :- (a)Providing & laying integral cement based water proofing treatment including preparation of surface as required for treatment of roofs, balconies, terraces etc. consisting of following operations: (a) Applying a slurry coat of neat cement using 2.75 Kg/sqm of cement admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge over the R.C.C. slab including adjointing walls upto 300 mm height including cleaning the surface before treatment.(b) Laying brick bats with mortar using broken bricks/brick bats 25 mm to 115 mm size with 50% of cement mortar 1:5( 1 cement:5 coarse sand) admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS:2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge over 20 mm thick layer of cement mortar of mix 1:5(1 cement:5 coarse sand) admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS:2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge to required slope and treating similarly the adjoining walls upto 300 mm height including rounding of juctions of walls and slabs (c) After two days of proper curing applying a second coat of cement slurry using 2.75 kg/sqm of cement admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS:2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge. (d) Finishing the surface with 20 mm thick jointless cement mortarof mix 1:4(1 cement : 4 coarse sand) admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS:2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge including laying glass fibre cloth of approved quality in top layer of plaster and finally finishing the surface with trowel with neat cement slurry and making pattern of 300x300 mm squared 3 mm deep. (e) The whole terrace so finished shall be flooded with water for a minimum period of two weeks for curing and for final test. All above operation to be done in order and as directed and specified by the Engineer-in-charge: With average thickness of 120 mm and minimum thickness at khurra as 65 mm 163 Providing and laying vitrified floor tiles in different sizes (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer) with water absorption less than 0.08% and conforming to IS: 15622, of approved make, in all colours and shades, laid on 20mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand), jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3 kg/ sqm including grouting the joints with white cement and matching pigments etc., complete. 164 Providing and fixing 1st quality vetrified floor tiles conforming to IS : 15622 (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer ) of approved make in all colours, shades except burgundy, bottle green, black of any size as approved by Engineer-in-Charge in skirting / dados (height 150 mm) over 12 mm thick bed of cement Mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) and jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3kg per sqm including pointing in white cement mixed with pigment of matching shade complete. 165 Kota stone slabs 20 mm thick in risers of steps, skirting, dado and pillars laid on 12 mm (average) thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slabs, including rubbing and polishing complete. 166 200x300 mm ceramic tiles over base with 12 mm thick 1:3 cement and coarse sand mortar in kitchen upto 60 cm high above platform, W.C. wall - 120 cm high and bathroom wall 1.80 m high including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 167 Kitchen platform 18 mm thick polished kota stone over 12 mm thick 1:3 cement and coarse sand mortar including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. 168 W.C. and bathroom floor 300x300 mm Antiskid/mattfinished ceramic tiles over 20 mm thick 1:4 cement & coarse sand mortar including supply of all material, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 169 Providing 45 cm wide and 25mm thick P.C.C apron in 1:2:4 cement, coarse sand and 10-20mm stone gritover 75mm thick base concrete in 1:4:8 cement, coarse sand and 20 to 40mm gauge stone ballast with finishing coat of neat cement including fixing of glass strips at desired intervals including supply of all materials,labour,T&P etc. complete. 170 Supply and fixing 3 mm thick glass strips in floor and aprons panels in 1:3 cement and coarse sand mortar. 171 25x3mm 172 40x3mm 173 The outer surface of wall finish with two coat of weather coat-All Guard, Apex-Ultima (premium acrylic smooth exterior paint with silicon additive) with one coat of priming coat of exterior primer over smooth base of white cement based wall putty such asBirla, J.K. wall putty over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and smooth including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 174 The inner finish should be two coat of oil bound distemper Ist quality such as Bison distemper, tractor distemper with one coat of priming coat over smooth base of cement based wall putty such as Birla, J.K. wall putty over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and smooth including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 175 Supply and fixing of 4 mm thick glass panes in panel of Z-section window shutters including supply of M.S. clip and I.S.I. mark putty etc. as required for proper completion of the work. 176 Construction of 100mm dia semi circular C.C. drain as per departmental drawing in proportion of 1:2:4 cement, coarse sand and 20 mm nominal(10 mm - 1 part & 20 mm - 3 part) stone grit over 100 mm base concrete in proportion of 1:4:8 cement, coarse sand and 40mm nominal(20 mm - 2 part & 40 mm - 6 part) stone ballast with finishing of 3 mm thick floating coat of neat cement also including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. complete. 177 Painting and varnishing over new iron work or new wooden work with one coat of primer and two coats of approved paints or varnish including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. 178 Supply and fixing of 100 mm dia PVC pipe rain water down pipe with clamp 179 Water supply & sanitary fittings Water supply & sanitary fittings Orissa Pan 580 mm with low level P.V.C. cistern (ISI marked) one W.H.B. 450x300 mm size stainless steel kitchen sink without drain board, one stainless steel soap tray with W.H.B. including glazed tiles in 600 m height one looking mirror with W.H.B., 500 litre P.V.C. storage tank etc. and also as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.Electrical provisionAll wiring, Fan hook in room & verandah, aquaguard or water purifier point in kitchen, power point in kitchen & bed room, computer and T.V./cable point in room, 16 Am point at a suitable place as per direction, exhaust point in kitchen, copper wiring in conduit, C.F.L. in all places of bulbs etc., 08 Nos. Flood light for campus lightning and also as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. Internal electrificaton, water supply and sanitary fittings including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. Complete. 180 Construction of septic tank and soak pit including all type of earth/soil excavation with supply of all machinery, T&P, labour etc. required for proper completion of the work as per directions of engineer-in-charge (for Staff Quarter only) 181 Construction of septic tank :- Septic tank shall be of first class brick work in 1:4 cement mortar the foundation and floor shall be of 1:3:6 cement concrete. Inside of septic tank shall be finished with 12 mm cement plaster and floor shall be finished with 20 mm cement plaster with 1:3 mortar mixed with standard water proofing compound. Upper and lower portion of soak-pit shalk be of second class brick work in 1:6 cement mortar and middle portion shall be of dray brickwork. Roof covering slabs and baffle wall shal be of precast R.C.C. The length of the connecting pipe from latrine seat including all type of earth/soil excavation with supply of all machinery, T&P, labour etc. required for proper completion of the work as per directions of engineer-in-charge. 182 Providing and laying design mix cement concrete 100 mm thick of M-20 grade, in roads, using cement content as per design mix, using coarse sand and graded stone aggregate of 20 mm nominal size in appropriate proportions as per approved & specified design criteria, mixing with weigh batcher, laying at site, spreading and mechanically compacting by using needle and surface vibrators, levelling to required slope / camber, finishing with required texture over 100 mm thick base of GSB. 183 Supply & Laying of 80 mm thick cement concrete paver block of M-30 grade with approved colour, design & pattern inter locking tiles over 30 mm thick fine sand bed over 150mm thick GSB and also including earth wotk in excavation in proper slope & camber, brick work for side alignment including all materials, labour, T&P required for proper completion of work as per direction of Engineer in charge. 184 Horticulture, plantation, Land scaping, beautification, internal path way at water works compound including supply of all material, labour T&P etc. as per approval and direction of engineer in charge 185 Development work :-Construction of boundary wall, Gate with piller, site development, approach road (Zone 6 and 9) & repairing of boundary wall Gate with piller, site development, approach road (Zone 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8)campus cleaning, removal of debries, bush cutting and disposal within municipal limt and filling ogf earth if required as per direction of engineer in charge.Note - Plinth should be made above 60 cm from nearest highest service / link road.Excavation of earth for foundation in ordinary soil (loam, clay or sand) including lift upto 1.5M and lead upto 50 M including filling, watering and ramming of excavated earth into the trenches or into the space between the building and the sides of foundation trenches and plinth, disposal of surplus earth upto a distance to 50M from the center of the foundation trenches. 186 Concrete with cement, coarse sand and 40 mm nominal size (20 mm-2 part & 40 mm - 6 part) approved stone ballast in proportion of 1:4:8 in foundations including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 187 Ist class brick work in 1:6 cement & coarse sand mortar in foundation and plinth including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 188 20 mm thick D.P.C. in cement concrete consisting of 1:2:4 cement, coarse sand and graded stone aggregate 12.5 mm nominal size(10-12.5 mm) and including water proofing(ISI Mark) compound in the proportion as specified by the manufacturer including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 189 12 mm thick plaster in 1:4 with cement and coarse sand mortar for plinth shall be done on both side of brick work upto 15 cm below GL. 190 First Class brick work in 1:4 cement and coarse sand mortar in super structure including necessary cutting and moulding of bricks as required and also including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work(thickness of wall not be less than one brick). 191 C.C. coping on boundry wall & RCC Piller in 1:2:4 cement, coarse sand and stone grit (10-12.5 mm) including supply of all material, cost of centering, shuttering with extra labour, T&P etc. complete required for proper completion of work. 192 12mm thick plaster with cement mortar in proportion of 1:6 consisting of cement and Banda(Ken)/Hamirpur(Betava) sand over brick work including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 193 Making groves 15 mm wide on wall plaster as per drawing including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 194 Supply and fixing of barbed iron wire fencing to post in four rows including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work as per direction of engineer in charge. 195 M.S. angle iron (50x50x6 mm) for barbed wire fencing and 2 meter distance including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work as per direction of engineer in charge. 196 Concrete with cement, coarse sand and 20 mm approved stone ballast in proportion of 4:2:1 in including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for fixing M.S. Iron angle proper completion of the work. 197 Raised pointing with cement mortar 1:4 consisting or cement and local sand on brick work including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 198 White washing in three coats including supply of all materials labour, T&P etc required for proper completion of work. 199 The outer surface of wall finish with two coat of weather coat-All Guard, Apex-Ultima(Premium Acrylic Smooth Exterior Paint with Silicon Additive) with one coat of priming coat of exterior primer over smooth base of white cement based wall putty such asBirla, J.K. wall Putty over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and smooth including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 200 Supply and fixing of M.S. gate with RCC piler as per departmental design & drawing with ncessary hold fast, bush and ball bearing, sliding bolt and locking arrangement, painting etc. including supply of all material, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work for Water works campus (3.60 M wide main gate) 201 Supply and fixing of M.S. gate with RCC piler as per departmental design & drawing with ncessary hold fast, bush and ball bearing, sliding bolt and locking arrangement, painting etc. including supply of all material, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work for Water works campus (1.20 M wide wicket gate) 202 Supply & Laying of 80 mm thick cement concrete paver block of M-30 grade with approved colour, design & pattern inter locking tiles over 30 mm thick fine sand bed over 150mm thick GSB and also including earth wotk in excavation in proper slope & camber, brick work for side alignment including all materials, labour, T&P required for proper completion of work as per direction of Engineer in charge. 203 Construction of 300 mm wide and 300 mm deep brick drain inside the water works campus including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc required for proper completion of the work 204 Providing and fixing of lighting arrangement in campus complete in all respect including supply of all material, labour T&P etc. as per approval and direction of engineer in charge 205 Horticulture, plantation, Land scaping, beautification, internal path way at water works compound including supply of all material, labour T&P etc. as per approval and direction of engineer in charge 206 Construction of Artificial Recharging of Ground water hrough roof top rain water of pump house, bypass chamber’s water & overflow of O.H.T. supplying of all material, pipes, grates, etc. complete in all respect 207 Filling of earth in water works campus and TW/pump house campus including supply of carted earth including loading, unloding, levelling, dressing and ramming of the earth tc complete in all respect.Earth filling in the campus shall be done Contour survey of campus and prior written necessary permission of Engineer in charge. 208 Supply of following items as per ditrection of engineer in charge 209 Office table (Godrej Make) (6x4 fit) with shelf and Glass 210 Office table (Godrej Make) (8x4 fit) with shelf and Glass 211 Computer table (Godrej Make) (4x3 fit) with Shelf 212 Revolving Chair (Godrej Make) 213 Office chair (Godrej Make) 214 Computer chair Revolving (Godrej Make) 215 Almirah (Godrej Make) 216 Almirah Glass rak (Godrej Make) 217 Split AC (1.5 tonne) Five star (Voltas, Hitachi, Blue star Make) with Stablizer 218 Desktop (Hp, Dell Make) with Color Laser Printer (Hp Make) (i5 processor) 219 Xerox machine wifi (HP, Canon, Samsung Make) 220 Color Printer wifi (HP Make) 221 Repairing work of existing pump house - 25 Nos. & Local Control Station room - 01 No.Ist class brick work in 1:6 cement &coarse sand mortar in foundation and plinth including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 222 Dismantling existing plaster over damage/cracked surface with stacking / proper disposal opf chiseld plaster including supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work as directed by the engineer in charge. 223 Racking of joints of brick mansonry in wall in exposed surface to poperly prepare surface for new plaster work including supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 224 12 mm thick plaster with cement & coarse sand mortar in 1:6 over brick work minimum thickness not to be less than 12 mm finished with 3 mm floting coating of neat cement including supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work 225 Repair for electric fitting 226 Reparing of floor in PCC 1:2:4 227 First Class brick work in 1:4 cement and coarse sand mortar in super structure including necessary cutting and moulding of bricks as required and also including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work (thickness of wall not be less than one brick). 228 Repairing of 25 mm thick PCC floor laid over base concrete consisting of cement, local sand and 40mm gauge first class brick ballast in the proportion of 1:4:8. For construction of apron 0.6m wide. 229 Supply and fixing of flush door including supply and fixing of all assessories, all materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work as per direction of engineer in charge. 230 Supply and fix angle iron door chaukhat of size 50mm x 50mm x 6 mm including supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work (Door & Window Frame) 231 Door Frame (02 Nos.) 232 Window Frame (04 Nos.) 233 Supply and fixing of the M.S. window with grill as per departmental drawing including supply and fixing of handle, locking arrangement etc. with one coat of red oxidised primer. 234 11.5 cm string or drip-coarse in 1:6 cement and local sand mortor 235 Painting or varnishing new iron work in small areas or new wood work with one priming coat and one coat of approved paints or varnish including supply of all materials labour, T&P etc required for proper completion of work. 236 White washing in three coats including supply of all materials labour, T&P etc required for proper completion of work. 237 The inner finish should be two coat of oil bound distamper Ist quality such as Bison distemper, tractor distemper with one coat of priming coat over smooth base of cement based wall putty such as Birla, J.K. wall putty over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and smooth including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 238 The outer surface of wall with two coat of weather coat-All guard, Apex- Ultima (Premium Acrylic smooth Exterior paint with silicon Additive) with one coat of primer coat exterior primer over smooth base of white cement based wall putty such as Birla, J.K. wall putty over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and smooth including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 239 Supply and fixing 4 mm thick plain glass panes in panel of Z-section window shutter including supply of M.S. Clip and I.S.I. Mark putty etc as required for proper completion of work. 240 Supply and fixing of 100 mm dia PVC pipe rain water down pipe with clamp 241 Supply & fixing of forciling for LCS room including supply and fixing of all assessories, all materials, Paits, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work as per direction of engineer in charge. 242 Repairing for electric fittings, wiring for LCS room including supply and fixing of all assessories, all materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work as per direction of engineer in charge. 243 Repairing work of existing Staff Quarter (1 Set)First Class brick work in 1:4 cement and coarse sand mortar in super structure including necessary cutting and moulding of bricks as required and also including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work (thickness of wall not be less than one brick). 244 12 mm thick plaster with cement & coarse sand mortar in 1:6 over brick work minimum thickness not to be less than 12 mm finished with 3 mm floting coating of neat cement including supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work 245 Scraping old color washing and preparing the surface by removing loos material etc. including all labour and T&P ete complete 246 Repairing of 40 mm thick over base concrete consisting of cement, local sand and 40 mm gauge first class brick ballast in the proportion of 1:4:8. For construction of apron 0.6 m wide 247 White washing in three coats including supply of all materials labour, T&P etc required for proper completion of work. 248 The inner finish should be two coat of oil bound distamper Ist quality such as Bison distemper, tractor distemper with one coat of priming coat over smooth base of cement based wall putty such as Birla, J.K. wall putty over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and smooth including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 249 The outer surface of wall with two coat of weather coat-All guard, Apex- Ultima (Premium Acrylic smooth Exterior paint with silicon Additive) with one coat of primer coat exterior primer over smooth base of white cement based wall putty such as Birla, J.K. wall putty over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and smooth including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 250 Supply and fix angle iron door chaukhat of size 50mm x 50mm x 6 mm including supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work (Door & Window Frame) 251 Door Frame (02 Nos.) 252 Window Frame (04 Nos.) 253 Supply and fixing of the M.S. window with grill as per departmental drawing including supply and fixing of handle, locking arrangement etc. with one coat of red oxidised primer. 254 Supply and fixing of flush door including supply and fixing of all assessories, all materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work as per direction of engineer in charge. 255 Painting or varnishing new iron work in small areas or new wood work with one priming coat and one coat of approved paints or varnish including supply of all materials labour, T&P etc required for proper completion of work. 256 Supply and fixing 4 mm thick plain glass panes in panel of Z-section window shutter including supply of M.S. Clip and I.S.I. Mark putty etc as required for proper completion of work. 257 Repair for electric fitting 258 Repair for sanitation work 259 Supply and fixing of 100 mm dia PVC pipe rain water down pipe with clamp 260 Repairing work of Existing Clear water reservoir cum pump house (500 KL at Zone 5 & 400 KL at Zone 8)Cleaning of Surface area of CWR including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work.complete asper direction of Engineer-in-charge. 261 Providing and applying one coat of slurry of hydrophilic in nature for waterproofing treatment of internal surface of Tank. 262 Repairs of Tank wall, water tighteing work including all labour, material etc required for completion of work. 263 Dismantling existing plaster over damage/cracked surface including supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 264 Stacking/proper disposal of chiseld plaster as directed by the Engineer- in-charge 265 12 mm thick plaster with cement & coarse sand mortar in 1:6 over brick work minimum thickness not to be less than 12 mm finished with 3 mm floting coating of neat cement including supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work 266 Repairs of cracks on concret surface of tank including all labour, material extraholding etc required for completion of work. 267 Ist class brick work in 1:6 cement &coarse sand mortar in foundation and plinth including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 268 Racking of joints of brick mansonry in wall in exposed surface to poperly prepare surface for new plaster work including supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 269 Repair for electric fitting 270 Reparing of floor in PCC 1:2:4 271 First Class brick work in 1:4 cement and coarse sand mortar in super structure including necessary cutting and moulding of bricks as required and also including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work (thickness of wall not be less than one brick). 272 Repairing of 25 mm thick PCC floor laid over base concrete consisting of cement, local sand and 40mm gauge first class brick ballast in the proportion of 1:4:8. For construction of apron 0.6m wide. 273 Supply and fixing of flush door including supply and fixing of all assessories, all materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work as per direction of engineer in charge. 274 Supply and fix angle iron door chaukhat of size 50mm x 50mm x 6 mm including supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work (Door & Window Frame) 275 Door Frame (02 Nos.) 276 Window Frame (04 Nos.) 277 Supply and fixing of the M.S. window with grill as per departmental drawing including supply and fixing of handle, locking arrangement etc. with one coat of red oxidised primer. 278 11.5 cm string or drip-coarse in 1:6 cement and local sand mortor 279 Painting or varnishing new iron work in small areas or new wood work with one priming coat and one coat of approved paints or varnish including supply of all materials labour, T&P etc required for proper completion of work. 280 White washing in three coats including supply of all materials labour, T&P etc required for proper completion of work. 281 The inner finish should be two coat of oil bound distamper Ist quality such as Bison distemper, tractor distemper with one coat of priming coat over smooth base of cement based wall putty such as Birla, J.K. wall putty over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and smooth including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 282 The outer surface of wall with two coat of weather coat-All guard, Apex- Ultima (Premium Acrylic smooth Exterior paint with silicon Additive) with one coat of primer coat exterior primer over smooth base of white cement based wall putty such as Birla, J.K. wall putty over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and smooth including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 283 Supply and fixing 4 mm thick plain glass panes in panel of Z-section window shutter including supply of M.S. Clip and I.S.I. Mark putty etc as required for proper completion of work. 284 Supply and fixing of 100 mm dia PVC pipe rain water down pipe with clamp 285 Repairing work of existing Over Head Tank (Zone - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 & 8)Supply and fixing on lightening Conductor on O.H.T. with proper arrangement and alignment including all labour and T&P etc. complete. The lightening conductor consisting of an elevation rod, down conductor and earth plate shall confrom with the standars as required by the Electircal Inspector of U.P from time to time, Any amendment, addition etc. suggested or required by the Electircal Inspector shall be carried out including supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work as per direction of Engineer-In-Charge. 286 Supply and fixing of water level indicator with suitable arrangement as per latest I.S. code including supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work as per direction of Engineer-In-Charge. 287 The outer surface of wall with two coat of weather coat-All guard, Apex- Ultima (Premium Acrylic smooth Exterior paint with silicon Additive) with one coat of primer coat exterior primer over smooth base of white cement based wall putty such as Birla, J.K. wall putty over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and smooth including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 288 Repairs of O.H.T. wall, water tighteing workincluding supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work as per direction of Engineer-In-Charge. 289 Repairs of cracks on concret surface of OHT (Brase, Column, Bottom dom, top Dom etc complete) by guniting methodincluding supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work as per direction of Engineer-In-Charge. 290 Repairs & Replacement of OHT pipes & Specials including supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work as per direction of Engineer-In-Charge. 291 Repairs & Replacement of Valves & carting including supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work as per direction of Engineer-In-Charge. 292 Dismentling & reconstruction (including raising of flore of OHTincluding supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work as per direction of Engineer-In-Charge. 293 Replacment of both M.S. Ladder (inner & outer) & MS cover on top dome including supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work as per direction of Engineer-In-Charge. 294 Supply & fixing of medium class G.I. pipe in free roof on stair case, balconey and top domeincluding supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work as per direction of Engineer-In-Charge. 295 Supply & fixing of M.S. safty gate on stair case including supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work as per direction of Engineer-In-Charge. 296 Net on top dome wentincluding supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work as per direction of Engineer-In-Charge. 297 B - E&M worksConstruction of5 Nos Tubewell (1200 LPM )TRANSPORTATION 298 RIG MACHIN:-Transportation of rig machineincluding Loading , unloading, Erection, Dismantling & labour etc complete in all respect . 299 AIR COMPRESSOR:-Transportation of 350 psi compressor including Loading , unloading, Erection, Dismantling & labour etc complete in all respect . 300 O.P. UNIT :-Transportation of 3 cusec op unit including Loading , unloading, Erection, Dismantling & labour etc complete in all respect . 301 TUBE WELL ASSEMBLY :-Transportation of TUBE WELL ASSEMBLYincluding Loading , unloading with labour etc complete in all respect . 302 (DRILLING BORE) As per IS 2800 (Part I & II) 303 Barricading 304 Logging of Bore 305 Drilling of 600mm dia bore from G.L. to 60m BGL. 306 Drilling of 500mm dia bore from 60m BGL to 100m BGL. 307 Drilling of 500mm dia bore from 100m BGL to180m BGL. 308 LOWERING OF TUBE WELL ASSEMBLY AND SHROUDING OF T.W. BY GRAVEL-Lowering of 300mm X 200mm dia tube well assembly in bore hole and shrouding of pea gravel between annular space ofbore hole and T.W. assembly from G.L. to 160m BGL. 309 Lowering of 300mm dia MSERW 7.1mm thick plain pipe from GL to 54 m BGL. 310 Lowering of 200mm dia MSERW plain/slotted pipe 7.1mm thick from 54 m BGL to 100m BGL. 311 Lowering of 200mm dia MSERW plain/slotted pipe 7.1mm thick from 100m BGL to 160m BGL. 312 TUBE WELL: ASSEMBLY MATERIALS(As per IS 4270, IS 8110) :- 313 300mm dia size MSERW housing pipe 7.1mm thick including with 1 no 300 X200mm dia M.S reducer 16mm thick, 1 noM.S. well cap 12mm thick , 11 no M.S. ring 150X12mm thick, M.S.clamp ,T.W. Support (I Section) etc comp in all respect . 314 200mm dia MSERW 7.1mm thick plain /slotted pipe including with 30 no M.S ring 150X12mmthick , 1 noM.S. bail plug , 20 no center guide etc comp in all respect. 315 PEA-GRAVEL (As per IS 4097) :-1.60mm to 4.80mm size pea-gravel of Lalkuwan quarry duly screened, washed and proper stackingat site. 316 Development of tube well by 350 PSI air compressor 317 Development of tube well by 350 PSI air compressor 318 Cutting of T.W. cover by gas cutter, re-welding of T.W. cover by Electric welding after complete development of work. 319 Development of tube well by 3 cusec O.P. Unit 320 Cutting of housing cover by gas cutter 321 Development of tube well by 3 cusec O.P. Unit. 322 Re-welding of Tube well cover by Electric welding 323 Watch & Ward during construction period. 324 TEST:-Chemical and bacteriological test. 325 Pumping plant with piping and valves ( 1200 LPM) for 3 Nos T/W 326 SITC with following1.Clear water submersible pump complete with electric motorcapable to operate on 380/420 volts 3 phase 50 Hz A.C. for 1200 LPM. 20 Mtr. Head and 10 H.P.(bothe tentative)- 1SetMAIN PIPING AND VALVES:-2.1-150MM dia 5.4 mm thick M.S. column pipe with both end flanged and groove for passing submersible cable in each length in 3.0m long 24 m with 1m long top pipe with cap (Dumdum) and sealing ring.etc2.2:-CI-D/F 90 Degree bend of size 150 mm dia -1No2.3:- CI-A/F Tee of size 150 mm dia -1No2.4:-M.S. distance piece of 150 mm dia 1.00m long 1 Nos. and 1.5m long 2 No.-3no2.5:-M.S. enlarger/reducer of suitable size.-1No2.6:-Reflex Valve 150 mm dia P.N. rating 1.0 Having following specification confirming (as per IS-14846-2000)-1No2.7:-Other necessary fitting for gauges, control cock, Air hand pump steel airline 40m etc.-1Set3:-Tools and Spanners with Pipe Wrench etc.-1Set4:-tones capacity 4.5 m lift, spur geared chain pulley block Indef make P Type-1No5:-9 inch size pump protection ring -1No6:-Miscellaneous items-1No7:-Painting of pumping plant materials-1job8:-Erection of pumping plant and Power wiring & earthing and other civil works.-1job9:-Commissioning & testing of pumping plant.-1job10:-On account ofwatch & ward during Pump Installation -1job 327 Spare column pipe heavy duty 150 mm Size 328 Internal electrification of pump house and chlorinating room with wiring point for light with 1.0mm sq. P.V.C. insulated multi strand copper conductor cable in heavy gauge rigid P.V.C. conduit pipe on surface complete 14 S.W.G. copper earth continuously wire piano type switch and ceiling rose/angle batton holder on 3 mm. thichphenolic laminated back ligh sheet etc. complete in all respect as per I.E. rule including luminaries with 15 amp. Switch fuse unit. 329 SCADA compatable chlorinating system 330 SITC of servo Stabilizer 10 KVA or suitable capacity 331 Sluice valves with motor operated actuator valves of size 150 mm 332 CE/UL Certified electromagnetic flowmeter of size 150mm 333 Soft starter 7.5 KW or suitable capacity 334 CE/UL Certified hydrostatic type sub soil watel level transmitter for T/W 335 Complete cabling of tubewell including all power & control cable of all equipment at pumphouse and OHT 336 CE/UL Certified Pressure transmitter 337 Pumping plant with piping and valves ( 1200 LPM) for 2 Nos T/W 338 SITC with following1.Clear water submersible pump complete with electric motorcapable to operate on 380/420 volts 3 phase 50 Hz A.C. for 1200 LPM. 46 Mtr. Head and 25 H.P.(bothe tentative)- 1SetMAIN PIPING AND VALVES:-2.1-150MM dia 5.4 mm thick M.S. column pipe with both end flanged and groove for passing submersible cable in each length in 3.0m long 24 m with 1m long top pipe with cap (Dumdum) and sealing ring.etc2.2:-CI-D/F 90 Degree bend of size 150 mm dia -1No2.3:- CI-A/F Tee of size 150 mm dia -1No2.4:-M.S. distance piece of 150 mm dia 1.00m long 1 Nos. and 1.5m long 2 No.-3no2.5:-M.S. enlarger/reducer of suitable size.-1No2.6:-Reflex Valve 150 mm dia P.N. rating 1.0 Having following specification confirming (as per IS-14846-2000)-1No2.7:-Other necessary fitting for gauges, control cock, Air hand pump steel airline 40m etc.-1Set3:-Tools and Spanners with Pipe Wrench etc.-1Set4:-tones capacity 4.5 m lift, spur geared chain pulley block Indef make P Type-1No5:-9 inch size pump protection ring -1No6:-Miscellaneous items-1No7:-Painting of pumping plant materials-1job8:-Erection of pumping plant and Power wiring & earthing and other civil works.-1job9:-Commissioning & testing of pumping plant.-1job10:-On account ofwatch & ward during Pump Installation -1job 339 Spare column pipe heavy duty 150 mm Size 340 Internal electrification of pump house and chlorinating room with wiring point for light with 1.0mm sq. P.V.C. insulated multi strand copper conductor cable in heavy gauge rigid P.V.C. conduit pipe on surface complete 14 S.W.G. copper earth continuously wire piano type switch and ceiling rose/angle batton holder on 3 mm. thichphenolic laminated back ligh sheet etc. complete in all respect as per I.E. rule including luminaries with 15 amp. Switch fuse unit. 341 SCADA compatable chlorinating system 342 SITC of servo Stabilizer 25 KVA or suitable capacity 343 Sluice valves with motor operated actuator valves of size 150 mm 344 CE/UL Certified electromagnetic flowmeter of size 150mm 345 Soft starter 22 KW or suitable capacity 346 CE/UL Certified hydrostatic type sub soil watel level transmitter for T/W 347 Complete cabling of tubewell including all power & control cable of all equipment at pumphouse and OHT 348 CE/UL Certified Pressure transmitter 349 Pumping plant for zps (zone-6) 350 PUMPING PLANTS:Supply of 3000 LPM at 33 mtrs. Head Synchrous speed1500 RPM Water Lubricant VT Pump with squirrel cage induction motor 40 HP suitable for above pump with TEFC enclosure including base plate along with coupling, coupling guard, foundation, bolts, Etc in all respect. 351 MAIN PIPING AND VALVES 352 D.I. Reflux valve 200 mm dia . 353 200 mm dia Sluice valve with actuater suitable for SCADA operation. 354 Common Header (for all pumps) 355 D.I. D/F Distance piece 250mm dia 0.5 mtr. Long 356 D.I. D/F Distance piece 250 mm dia 1 mtr. long 357 D.I. D/F Distance piece 250 mm dia 1.5 mtr. Long 358 D.I. D/F Distance piece 250 mm dia 2 mtr. Long 359 D.I. D/F Distance piece 250 mm dia 3 mtr. long. 360 D.I. D/F 900 bend 250 mm dia 361 D.I. Tee 250 x 200 x 250mm Tee A/F 362 Sluice valve 250 mm dia with actuater suitable to SCADA operation 363 DI D/FReflux valve 250 mm dia 364 Bye Pass Arrangement:- 365 A/F Tee 250x250x250 mm dia 366 Sluice valve 250mm dia with actuater suitable to SCADA operation 367 Dismantling joints for Commmon Header and Flowmeter for 250 mm dia 368 CE/UL Certified Electromagnetic FLOW METER:250 mm dia size 369 Electrical Items 370 Supply of 3 core 25 sq. mm. unarmoured Copper conductor cable from panel to starter and starter to respective motors with lugs etc. 371 Supply of 3.5 core 95 sq. mm. Aluminium armoured cable from LT Control Panel to Motor control panel. 372 MOTOR CONTROL PANNEL :-Supply of M.S. Fabricated Dust and Vermin Proof, Cubical Type, Floor Mounted Control Panel compatible to SCADA with RS485 Port consisting including all necessary equipments and protection devices as following :-INCOMING :-1 No. 200 Amp. M.C.C.B. motorizes & microprocessor based.OUTGOING :- (i) 3 Nos. 100 Amp. microprocessor based MCCB with Soft starter RS 485 Port- 400 V Class,30 KW (40 HP), Rating(ii) 1 No. MCCB 32 Amp for lighting and fan(iii) 2 No. MCCB 63 Amp for Auxiliary Load 373 Supply of microproceesor based three phase sensing power factor correction relay panel, IEC/EN 61000-6- (2&4) communication interface with RS 485, indication of switching on units, auto /manual status and shall have over load protection, no volt release, having multi parameterlike KW, KVA, KVAR rating capacity of 50 KVAR or suitable capacity 374 Auto Phase reversal unit / Automatic switch with inbuilt the delay & enclosure (Confirms to IEC: 60947-1 & IEC: 60947-6-1) of followint rating: 375 200Amp Rating 376 CE/UL Certified Radar type Level Transmiter for CWR 377 CE/UL Certified Pressure transmitter for each pump. 378 Earthing Complete in all respect. Earthing system shall executed as per IS : 3043 and I.E. rules. (for Motor Pump set and Control Panel) 379 Installation of all Equipments, Power wiring of Electrical equipments with cable tray, cable lugs, cable gland and commissioning of the pumping plants 380 3 Ton / 12 mtr. Lift chain pulley Block with four way motion HOT, Gantry I-section Girder, square rod with travelling trolley. 381 Rubber mat for Electrical purpose as per IS 5424. 1 Mtr. X 2 Mtr. (12.5 mm thick). 382 CO2 type Fire extinguisher ISI mark confirming to IS 15683- 4.5 Kg. 383 Internal & External electrification of Pumping plant. 384 Tools & Sppanners Complete. 385 Electromegnatic dozzer of suitable capacity SCADA compatible 386 CE/UL approved manufacturers Surge protector for all AC control supplies of all equipments. 387 Installation, commissioning & testing of Automation related equipments for ZPS 388 Trial run for 3 month period for one ZPS 389 12 watt solar based LED light with GI pole 390 SCADA of ZPS FOR ZONE -6 391 CE & UL Certified PLC/RTU with redudant CPU & Power supply in IP 54 enclosure sutable to Communicate with GSM based modem unit with redudant CPU & Power Supply with annalog & digital Parameter & features as specified for each ZPS/OHT to store and transmit data on GSM backbone, RTU/PLC designed with logic to transfer data at muliple stations with Control Panel as specified in tender technical specification. 392 G.S.M./G.P.R.S. based wireless communication with 4G modem for RTU/PLC capable to transfer & gather data from remote sites to control stations all accessories included with signal enhancer antenna made for pumping plant internet charges as specified in tender technical specification. 393 CE/UL Certified Intelligent Smart Energy Meter 394 Complete cabling for ZPS including all power & control cable of all equipments at ZPS and OHT (Upto 3 Pumps) 395 Security Survelliance IP Camera with Recorder (optional) 396 Automation of Units of all zone T/W 397 CE & UL Certified RTU/PLC in IP 54 enclosure suitable to communicate with GSM based modem unit with CPU & power supply with analog & digital parameters & features as specified for T/W to store and transmit data on GSM Backbone.RTU/PLC designed with logic to transfer data at multiple stations as specified in tender documents 398 GSM/GPRS based wireless communication 4G modem for RTUs/PLC capable to transfer data from remote site to CS with all accessories included with signal enhancer antenna made for pumping plant internet charges as specified in tender documents. 399 CE/UL Certified Intelligent energy meters 400 Auto phase reversal Unit 100 Amp 401 CE/UL Certified Surge Protector for control panel 402 CE/UL Certified 7 HMl touch screen suitable to communicate with PLC/RTU for Local display and control of Process Parameters 403 Control panel with IP 54 protection, industrial grade for all equipments( Separate for control 24 Vand power equipments 404 Installation,Testing and commissioning 405 Trial run 3 months 406 SUB STATION FOR ZPS ZONE-6 407 H.T.Panel( Comprising with 1 no. incomingand 2 -Outgoing. Supplying of indoor type floor mounted metal clad, 11 KV VCB panel with 1No. 630 Amp. incoming VCB & 2 Nos 630 Amp. outgoing VCB totally enclosed, horizontal drawout, horizontal/ vertical isolation type breaker as per IS with all necessory protection and also should be compatible to SCADA operation 408 Transformer Supplying of 160 KVA, 11/0.44 KV, 3 Phase, 50 Hz, Dyn 11, indoor ONAN type, copper wound transformer with OFF load tap changing arrangement on HV side in steps of +7.5% & -15%, LV side @ 2.5% stapping complete with all accessories i/c first filling of filtered dehydrated oil and confirming to IS 1180-2014 & as per specificationcomplete in all respects as required at site. 409 Main L.T. PanelSupply of LT Panel comprisiing of following details. 02 No. 200 Amp. Incoming MCCB Panel shall be mechanically and electrically interlocked completely and 01 Nos 200 Amp MCCB as Outgoing and 01 Nos 80Amp Outgoing for Auxiliary Load suitable for SCADA and all necessary protection equipments and metering equipment as per requirement. 410 Supply of 120 Sq.mm size XLPE cable from 11 K.V.UPPCL metering panel to H.T. incoming Panel, and H.T. panel to Transformer. 411 Supply of H.T. Cable end termination joint kit. 412 Complete in all respect. Earthing system shall executed as per IS : 3043 and I.E. rules. 413 Supply of 1.1 KVgrade 95 sq mm 3.5 core PVCinsulated Armored Aluminum cable fromTransformer to L.T. Panel. 414 Installation and commissioning of 11 KV/0.44KV, substations including 100 KVA, Transformer including HT Panels and L.T.Panel with cable tray, cable lug, cable gland including all labor T&P complete in all respect. 415 CO2 type Fire extinguisher ISI mark confirming to IS 15683- 4.5 Kg. 416 Heavy Duty leak proof fire bucket as per IS 2546/1974 417 Fire bucket stand for 6 bucket 418 Internal & External electrification of Sub-Station 419 Rubber mat for Electrical purpose as per IS 5424. 1 Mtr. X 2 Mtr. (12.5 mm thick). 420 NOC for substation from safety department 421 S.I.T.C of followings E/M items at OHT (zone-06) 422 CE & UL certified Radar type level tranmitter for OHT 423 Motor OperatedActuator with Sluice Valve/Flow control valve (350 mm )-DMA 1 424 CE / UL certified Electromagneticflowmeter of size:350mm-DMA-1 425 Dismantelling joint 350 mm-DMA-1 426 Motor OperatedActuator with Sluice Valve/Flow control valve (300 mm )-DMA 2 427 CE / UL certified Electromagneticflowmeter of size:300mm-DMA-2 428 Dismantelling joint 300 mm-DMA-2 429 S.I.T.C of followings E/M items at OHT(zone-9) 430 CE & UL certified Radar type level tranmitter for OHT 431 Motor OperatedActuator with Sluice Valve/Flow control valve (250 mm )-DMA 1 432 CE / UL certified Electromagneticflowmeter of size:250mm-DMA-1 433 Dismantelling joint 250 mm-DMA-1 434 Motor OperatedActuator with Sluice Valve/Flow control valve (200 mm )-DMA 2 435 CE / UL certified Electromagneticflowmeter of size:200mm-DMA-2 436 Dismantelling joint 200 mm-DMA-3 437 Stablizer for ZPS3 Phase AC automatic voltage stabilizer for 125 KVAor suitable capacity 438 Local Control Station (LCS) 439 CE/UL & BIS Certied industrial grade LED MONITOR with latest configuration as per specification. 440 Desktop/PC with i5/i7 processor for as per spec mentioned in technical bid doucments. 441 CE/UL Certied 3 KVA UPS with batteries as per spec mentioned in technical bid doucments. 442 Full development version of required TAGS SCADA Software with coustomization of Software for MCS as per requirement as per spec mentioned in technical bid doucments. 443 CE/UL Certied local control room PLC with redundant CPU & power supply at MCS in IP54 inclouser as spec mentioned in technical bid doucments. 444 GSM based wireless/Broadband/Equipment communication system forPLC capable to transfer & received data and gather data from remote sites to control stations. All accessories included signal enhancer antenna along with running expences till DLP 445 CE/UL Ceritified Firewall for network protection 446 SURGE PROTECTOR FOR ETHERNET Communication Protection 447 CE/UL Ceritified Industrial grade Ethernet switch. 448 CANON/H.P. or equivalent Laser Printer 1018 or equivalent. 449 Security Survelliance IP Camera for with recorder 450 Installation, commissioning & testing 451 Test and Trial run for 3 Months period 452 Three month trial ofZPS(zone -6)Quantity of sodium hypochloridr require for three month for ZPS 453 Three month trial ofall zoneTubewell 454 Quantity of sodium hypochloridr require for three month for all tubewell 455 Provision for operation of pumping plant (each tubewell 3 No oprator)

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