
Bids Are Invited For Shifting Of Towers 220Kv Panipat Narela Civil Work 1 Earth Work In Excavation Of Foundations Of Bridges Culverts Buildings Including Handling Of Material With A Combined Lead Of 15 Metres Dressing Of Bed And Sides Stacking The Excavat, Ambala-Haryana

Bhakra Beas Management Board has published Bids Are Invited For Shifting Of Towers 220Kv Panipat Narela Civil Work 1 Earth Work In Excavation Of Foundations Of Bridges Culverts Buildings Including Handling Of Material With A Combined Lead Of 15 Metres Dressing Of Bed And Sides Stacking The Excavat. Submission Date for this Tender is 18-09-2024. Prime Mover Tenders in Ambala Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Shifting Of Towers 220Kv Panipat Narela Civil Work 1 Earth Work In Excavation Of Foundations Of Bridges Culverts Buildings Including Handling Of Material With A Combined Lead Of 15 Metres Dressing Of Bed And Sides Stacking The Excavat
Open Tender

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For SHIFTING OF TOWERS 220KV PANIPAT NARELA Civil Work 1 Earth work in excavation of foundations of bridges culverts buildings including handling of material with a combined lead of 15 metres dressing of bed and sides stacking the excavated soil from the edge of excavation and subsequent filling around a For ordinary gravel soil involving pick work L_R Ref no 6.7aof Pb CSR2020 Civil Work 2 Earth work in excavation of foundations of bridges culverts, buildings including handling of material with a combined lead of 15 metres dressing of bed and sides stacking the excavated soil from the edge of excavation and subsequent filling around (d) Extra for wet earth work above sub soil water level L_R Ref no 6.7 d of Pb CSR2020 Civil Work 3 Cement concrete 1_5_10 With stone aggregate 40mm gauge ii) mixing by mechanical means using concrete mixer volumetric type T_R Ref no. 10.9 b ii of Pb CSR2020 Civil Work 4 Cold Twisted Deformed Ribbed_Tor steel Bar Bars Fe 500 grade as per IS 1786_2008 for RCC works Through Rate T_R Ref no. 18.18 of Pb CSR2020 Civil Work 5 Shuttering for Faces of concrete foundations and foundation beam and plinth beam vertical or battering Ref no 9.1 of Pb CSR2020 Civil Work 6 Centering and shuttering for columns Square or rectangular or polygonal in plain Ref no. 9.4 of Pb CSR2020 Civil Work 7 Reinforced cement concrete M20 mechanically batch mixed using batch type concrete mixer as by IS1791 and vibrated by needle vibrate but excluding steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in foundation and plinth Ref no. 10.15 of Pb CSR2020 Civil Work 8 Fixing, Leveling , Centering, Alignment and setting of stub template of foundation stub complete shall be supplied by department and complete in all respect after satisfaction of Engineer in Charge Lumsum N_S Item Tower Material1 Supply of 1 no Tower Material DB type normal tower TATA Design Weight 3236.23 Kg MS and 3085.75 Kg HT Tower Material 2 Supply of Nut and bolts of normal DB Type tower TATA Design Weight 264.75Kg Tower Material 3 Supply of Stub normal tower DB including nuts and bolt Weight 36.72Kg MS and 285.24Kg HT Tower Material 4 Supply of Stub Template required 1 no for DB type Normal Tower weight 1075.50 kg Tower Material 5 Design, supply, testing and commissioning of Monopole tower with all parts including civil foundation, stringing and sagging of ACSR conductor and earth wire complete in all respect of 220kV DC Galvanized Steel Monopole Structures PD TYPE BXA20MTR, HEIGHT38 MTR transmission poles fabricated from HT steel along with top plate, base plate, cross arm, anchor bolts, anchor plates and templates, etc Tower Material 6 Supply of cross arm for PB plus 20M taken 1 no spare for Monopole tower 278.78 Kg Tower Material 7 Supply of 0.3Sq inch Goat ACSR Conductor Tower Material 8 GI spring washers and plain washers Tower Material 9 Vibration damper for 0.3sq inch ACSR Goat conductor Tower Material 10 Single tension hardware fitting Compression Type suitable for single_double polymer insulator string Ball_ Pin size of 20_40 for singl Goat 0.3 sq inch ACSR with jumper lug Tower Material 11 Double tension hardware fitting Compression Type suitable for single_double polymer insulator string Ball_Pin size of 20_40 for singl Goat 0.3 sq inch ACSR with jumper lug Tower Material 12 220kv 160KN polymer string insulator suitable for double_single tension fitting Ball_ Pin size of 20_40 Tower Material 13 Earth wire 19_2.64mm Tower Material 14 Supply of Vibration Damper for Earth Wire along with all accessories Tower Material 15 Supply of Earth Wire Tension Clamp Assembly Compression Type Tower Material 16 Supply of Earth Bond Tower Material 17 Earthing Complete Set including hardware fitting as per specification for 2 set for monopoles 2 nos. Distinct earthing_Counetrpoise earthing on railway crossing monopoles and 1 set for tower Tower Material 18 Straight joint for goat conductor. Tower Material 19 Phase plate with nut and bolts Tower Material 20 Number plate Tower Material 21 Danger Plate Tower Material 22 Cicuit plate Tower Material 23 Bird Guard Tower Material 24 Anti climbing Device ACD with concertrina wire for 2 no monopoles and 1 no tower Tower Material 25 Ladder_Step bolts with washers Tower Material 26 Form Box Erection 1 Erection of 1 No DB type TATA Design Tower and its allied fitting including striging and sagging of ACSR conductor and earth wire Erection 2 Dismantlement of 02 towers including all necessary items and conductor including transportation of dismantled material from site to BBMB store Panipat Erection 3 Tack welding upto first floor for around 250 bolts Total Quantity : 7654

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