
Tender For Schedule Of Probable Items Of Work / Construction Of Adibasi Club Dhangar Para Khas Kajora Colliery At Kajora Gp Within Andal Block In The District Of Paschim Bardhaman Under 15Th Cfc Fund For 2024-2025 (Activity Code: 99135451 Estimate No.: 18, andal-West Bengal

Zilla Parishad has published Tender For Schedule Of Probable Items Of Work / Construction Of Adibasi Club Dhangar Para Khas Kajora Colliery At Kajora Gp Within Andal Block In The District Of Paschim Bardhaman Under 15Th Cfc Fund For 2024-2025 (Activity Code: 99135451 Estimate No.: 18. Submission Date for this Tender is 24-09-2024. Screws Tenders in andal West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Schedule Of Probable Items Of Work / Construction Of Adibasi Club Dhangar Para Khas Kajora Colliery At Kajora Gp Within Andal Block In The District Of Paschim Bardhaman Under 15Th Cfc Fund For 2024-2025 (Activity Code: 99135451 Estimate No.: 18
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Details

Schedule of probable items of work / Construction of Adibasi Club Dhangar Para Khas Kajora Colliery at Kajora GP within Andal Block in the District of Paschim Bardhaman under 15th CFC fund for 2024-2025 (Activity Code: 99135451 Estimate No.: 18/O of 2023-2024Rates are as per P.W.D Schedule of Rates, effective from 01.11.2017 (Volume-I,II,) with Latest Addenda & Corrigenda - Earthwork in excavation in foundation trenches or drain in all sorts of soil (including mixed soil but excluding laterite or sandstone) including removing, spreading & stacking the spoil within a lead of 75m as directed. The item includes necessary trimming the sides of trenches. Levelling, dressing and ramming the bottom, bailing out of water as required complete.(a) Depth of excavation not exceeding 1500 mm. 2 Earthwork in filling in foundation trenches or plinth with good earth, in layers not exceeding 150 mm including watering and ramming etc. layer by layer complete.(a) with earth obtainedfrom excavation of foundation. 3 A) Filling in foundation or plinth by silver sand in layers not exceeding 150 mm as directed and consolidating the same by thorough saturation with water, ramming complete including the cost of supply of sand. (payment to be made on measurement of finished quantity) 4 Ordinary Cement concrete (mix 1:2:4) with graded stonechips (20mm down size) excluding shuttering in Gr. floor. 5 Ordinary Cement Concrete (mix 1:1.5:3) with graded stone chips (20mm nominal size) excluding shuttering and reinforcement if any, in ground floor as per relevant IS codes. 6 Hire& labour charges for shuttring with centering and necessary staging upto 4 m. using approved stout props & thick hard wood planks of approved thickness with required bracing for concrete slabs, beam, columns, lintles curved or straight including fitting, fixing and striking out after completion of works. (upto roof of ground floor) (a)25mm to 30mm thick wooden shuttering as per decision and direction of Engineer-In-Charge. 7 Reinforcement for R.C.C. works in sll sorts of structures including distridution bars, stirrups, binders etc.including supply of rods, straightening and removal of loose rust(if necessary), cuttigng to requisite length, hooking and bending to correct shape, placing in proper position and binding with 16 gauge black annealed wire at every inter section, complete as per drawing and direction. (a) For works in foundation, basement and upto roof of ground floor / 4m.(i)Tor Steel / Mild Steel. (1) SAIL / TATA/ RINL 8 Brick work of 1st class bricks with cement mortar (1:6). (a)In foundation & plinth. 9 Brick work of 1st class bricks with cement mortar (1:6).(b)In Superstructure. Gr. floor 10 Supplying fitting & fixing fan hook for ceiling with 1.0 metere long 16 mm. dia rod complete including mending good damages ( if nacassary) as per direction of E-I-C. 11 (a) M.S.or W.I. Ornamental grill of approved design joints continuously welded with M.S,W.I. Flats and bars of windows, railing etc.fitted and fixed with necessary screws and lugs in ground floor.(i) Grill weighing above 10 Kg./sq.mtr and up to 16 Kg./sq. mtr. 12 M.S. works in framed grating of window etc. made of round or square bars and frame work or M.S. flats (with the bar securely fixed to the flat bar frame) with or without intermediate fate bar stiffener and fixed with necessary srews etc. In Ground floor. 13 Supplying,fitting & fixing 1.5mm thick M.S. Sheet ………..including supply of all materials and labour charges for necessary complete. 14 Plaster to wall, floor etc with sand and cement mortarincluding rounding off or champhering corners as directed and racking out joints or roughing of concrete surface including throating, nosing and drip course,scaffolding / staging where necessary . (i)(c) 15mm thick plasterwith 6:1 Sand Cement morter 15 Plaster to wall, floor etc with sand and cement mortarincluding rounding off or champhering corners as directed and racking out joints or roughing of concrete surface including throating, nosing and drip course,scaffolding / staging where necessary(i)(b) 20 mm thick plasterwith 6:1 Sand Cement morter. 16 Plaster to wall, floor etc with sand and cement mortarincluding rounding off or champhering corners as directed and racking out joints or roughing of concrete surface including throating, nosing and drip course,scaffolding / staging where necessary(ii)(c)10 mm. thick,with 4:1 sand cement mortar. Extra for labour charges for Chipping of concrete surface before taking up plastering work. 17 Neat cement punning about 1.5mm thick in wall , dado, window sills, floor drains etc. 18 Priming one coat with synthetic enamel /oil bound primer of approved qualityi. e. smoothening surface by sand papering etc. (b) On Steel or other metal Surface. 19 Painting with best quality synthetic enamel paint of approved make and brand i.e. smoothening surface by sand papering etc. i.e. using of approved putty etc. on the surface, if necessary, with super gloss (Hi gloss).(iv) Two coats ( with any shade except white). . (b) On Steel or other metal Surface. 20 Supplying, fitting & fixing UPVC pipes A- Type and fittings connforming to IS:13592-1992 with all necessary clamps nails, including making holes in walls, floor etc.cutting trenches in any soil through masonry concrete structures etc if necessary and mending good damagesincluding joining with jointing materails (Spun Yarn,Valamoid / Bitumen / M-Seal etc) complete.(i)75 mm. dia. Pipes 21 (ii)75 mm. dia. plain Tee

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