
Tender For Nagar Nigam Shahjananpur Reorganisation Water Supply Scheme District Shahjahanpur Under Amrut 2.0 Sl. No. Item Description 1 Civil Works (Sl. No 01 To 135) 2 Provide All Materials, Labour, T&P Etc. Complete And Construct Pump House Size, Shahjahanpur-Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam has published Tender For Nagar Nigam Shahjananpur Reorganisation Water Supply Scheme District Shahjahanpur Under Amrut 2.0 Sl. No. Item Description 1 Civil Works (Sl. No 01 To 135) 2 Provide All Materials, Labour, T&P Etc. Complete And Construct Pump House Size. Submission Date for this Tender is 21-10-2024. Pump House Construction Tenders in Shahjahanpur Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Nagar Nigam Shahjananpur Reorganisation Water Supply Scheme District Shahjahanpur Under Amrut 2.0 Sl. No. Item Description 1 Civil Works (Sl. No 01 To 135) 2 Provide All Materials, Labour, T&P Etc. Complete And Construct Pump House Size
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

tender for Nagar Nigam Shahjananpur Reorganisation Water Supply Scheme District Shahjahanpur under AMRUT 2.0 Sl. No. Item Description 1 Civil Works (Sl. No 01 to 135) 2 Provide all materials, labour, T&P etc. complete and construct Pump house size (3.60x3.00x3.00)m cum Chlorinating room size (2.25 x2.25x3.0) m as per departmental type design , drawing and specifications for civil work and electic work given in the bid document, including supply of all material, labour and T&P etc complete as per instructions of Engineer ‐in ‐ charge 3 Construction work for repairing of existing pump house cum chloronome (Repairing of damaged walls of pump house, apron & bypass chamber by patch work in 1:2:4 cement, coarse sand and ordinary sand mortar,Rubbing, washing, double coat Painting of all sides of walls of pump house and bypass chamber,Painting of windows and doors of pump house by cleaning and applying 2 coats of smoke grey enamel paint including supply of all labours, materials, T&P etc electric works complete in all respect as per direction of Engineer ‐in ‐ charge 4 Rising Main 5 Supply of the following D.I. pipes (K-9) and specials conforming to I.S -8329/2000 or its latest amendment(s). Including F.O.R. destinations including cost of one Rubber Gasket per pipe length & inclusive of Third Party Inspection Charges, Packing & Forwarding Charges, Transit Insurance Charges, Road Transportation Charges etc. 6 200mm dia 7 300mm dia 8 Carting, lowering, laying and jointing with SBR rubber gasket D.I. K-9 pipes of following dia & pressure including all specials to site of work, lowering them into trenches, laying true to alignment and gradient, in proper position, cutting of pipes, making of joints and also interconnecting with existing linesincluding cost of jointing materials and rubber rings, labour, T&P, including hydraulic testing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. It includes provision of making of alignment on city roads, making trial pits to investigates location of various under ground services like telephone cables, electric cable, existing pipe lines and sewer lines etc. arrangements for diversion of traffic and associated works etc. with supply of all necessary equipments, materials, labour and T&P etc. complete required for completion of work. The trenches shall be properly barricaded and fenced off wherever necessary. Red flags and caution boards during day and red lights during night shall be displayed so as to avoid any accidents. Note: Only SBR rubber gaskets to be used as per IS-5382 and IS- 12820.( including making By Pass arrangement ) 9 200mm dia 10 300mm dia 11 Excavation of earth in ordinary soil (loam, clay or sand) for pipe line and rising main trenches including lift upto 1.50 m and lead upto 50 m and refilling watering, ramming of the excavated earth into the trench and also disposal of surplus earth upto 50m from the center of the trenches including supply of all material labour, T&P etc complete as per instructions of Engineer ‐in ‐charge. Guide lines on envirmental of construction and demolition (C&D) wastes and GRAP circulated by Central Pollution Control Board in Year 2017 and its latest amendments shall be adhered to during excavation of trench for laying of pipe line.Surplus material after backfilling of trench shall immediately be removed from site and temporary restoration shall be done immediately to make the road motorable. 12 Supply and carting up to site of work of the following dia C.I./D.I.butterfly/sluice valves, Class I working pressure 10kg/cm2 confirming to IS: 780/1984 or latest amendments, F.O.R. destination, and lowering them into the already prepared trenches, fixing in position and jointing them with pipeline and testing etc. complete and also including supply of jointing materials etc. including all taxes and insurance 13 200mm dia 14 300mm dia 15 Construction of masonary type Sluice valve chambers as per department type design and drawing including supply of Heavy duty M.S. Manhole Cover and all materials, labour T&P etc complete for proper completion of work as per the specification laid down in the bid document 16 Design and construct Thrust Block made in R.C.C. with cement. coarse sand & 20mm gauge stone ballast in proporation 1:1.5:3 for pipe line, including supply of MS reinforcment wrought to required shape as necessary, its bending, fixing & binding the same with 0.50mm thick binding wire in position & necessary centering & shuttering including curing and supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work and as per specification for RCC work given in the bid document as per instruction of Engineer-in-charge 17 Mild steel or iron work in RCC work wrought to required shape as necessary including bending for proper completion of work 18 Dismantling of Bituminous Road including sorting out and stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials upto a distance of 50m required for proper completion of the work as per instruction of Engineer-in-charge. 19 Permanent re-instatement of the following ty pe of road surfaceafter laying of pipeline including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for completion of work. it also includes necessary excavation required f or preparation of trench for reinstatement of road, disposal of surplus unserviceable material, watering, ramming, cleaning surface for proper completion of the work as per directions of Engineer ‐in ‐charge 20 Laying of Bituminous road providing Grannlar Sub-base, WBm, Dense Bituminous macadam and Bituminous Concrete course in desired thickness along with primer, tack coat and seal coat (Thickness will be taken according to PWD specifications of the respective roads) and proper compaction 21 Over Head Tank 22 The successful bidder will be required to investigate the soil bearing capacity by only nationalised institute and If net safe allowable bearing capacity is found to be equivalent or more than 8 t/m2, the design of OHT will be based on 8 t/m2 capacity. However, in case the net safe allowable bearing capacity is found to be below 8 t/m2, then the design of OHT will be based on the actual bearing capacity. Design, Supply of all materials labour T&P etc. required for complete construction of R.C.C. Over Head Tank of followingcapacity and staging as specified in bid document as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. The key feature, but not limited to, pertaing to design and construction of OHT are as follows: 1. The finished floor level of OHT shall be min 0.3m above the finished ground level of the campus. 2. Soil investigation and bearing capacity.3. Structural design and drawing confirming to IS: 456, IS: 3370, IS: 1893, IS: 875 & Other relevant IS Code.4. Grade of concrete M30 for water retaining structure and concrete grade for other components shall not be less then M25.5. Saprete two column based RCC stair case of width minimum 1m.6. 1m wide R.C.C. M30 balcony, SS ladderinside the tank from top dome to bottom dome shall be made of 50x50x6 mm angle section with hand rails of 20mm SS pipes. The grade shall be SS 316.7. Railing with 20mm dia medium class G.I.pipe (in 3 rows) on both sides of stair case, supported on 50x50x6mm M.S. angle section, spaced at intervals not more than 1.5m and making of cage on stair case for protection with a m.s door.8. Proper ventilator at top dome in circular shape of 1.2 m dia.9. Food Grade epoxy coating of FOSROC / Ciba-Geigy or reputed brand on inside surface area of water container after testing of water tightness, two coat of apex painting over one coat of primer of approved colour after finishing of RCC surface with grinder.10. Repairs of pin holes, unevenness of all concrete surface. 11. Ultra Sonic Water level indicator fabricated with sensor connecting to automation12. Lightening conductor as per I.S.S.2309 or its latest amendments of latest electricity rules, consisting of proper elevation rod with 5 or more fork points as prescribed in ISS 2309‐1969 and ISS 3013‐1966. 23 13. C.I. manhole of min 60x60cm size with locking arrangement.14. Supply, fixing, jointing of D.I.D/F Pipes of appropriate size with D.I.D/F specials conforming to IS 8329/2000 as vertical pipes for inlet, outlet, overflowand washoutwith Bell Mouth as per latest / relevant I.S. specifications withall jointing materials for proper completion of work.15. Construction of 120mm thick RCC floorin 1:1.5:3 with cement, coarse sand, approved stone gritand reinforcement t@8mm dia @250mm c/c both way over 100mm thick PCC 1:4:8. 16. Constructionof washout / overflow chamber and chambers for sluice / butter fly valves as per departmental type design and drawing.17. Supply of 200 mm dia PVC pipefor disposal of water from washout chamber to suitable point outside the water works compound. 18.MS steel box type enclosure ofat the entrance of the staircase having locking arrangements.19.The supply and fixing ofC.I (D/F)pipedimensions for inlet,outlet,washout,overflow will be decided as per site requirements. For bidding purpose, bearing capacity of soil shall be considered as 8t/sq.m. Working design shall be based on the SBC determined after soil investigation / 8 tonne/sqm.Note :- The bid price of Over Head Tanks is to be submitted considering that the design of over head tank will be done by retired / working Associate proffessor of any IIT and it shall be vetted by a working professor also of IIT and The net safe allowable bearing capacity as 8 t/m2, keeping the minimum foundation depth to be 2.5 m below existing ground level at the site of work. 24 1800 KL/25M (Zone-1D) 25 1500 KL/25M (Zone-2B) 26 1700 KL/25M (Zone-3D) 27 2000 KL/25M (Zone-4C) 28 1600 KL/25M (Zone-6B) 29 2000 KL/22M (Zone-7B) 30 RENOVATION OF EXISTINGOVER HEAD TANKWHICH INCLUDES FOLLOWING ITEMS:-Providinganderectionofscaffoldingandshuttering materiallikechalli,gurra,nail,bans,ballia,patraetc. requiredforcompleteofworkonallsurgaceareaof OHTfromtopdometoG.L.soastogivestrongand safeplateformtoworkerstoworkon all part of OHT for repair and strengthning as per direction of engineer in-charge.Surface Preparation- The surface of structure to betreatedforstrengthningshallberoughened properly eitherby rakingjointsorby hachingthe cementconcretesurfacewithaspeciallymade hachingtoolorotherwisealternativelyto/make thesurfaceroughanddustfreebyproviding spatter key or wire brush as per direction of engineer in chargeInjectiongroutinginverticalsurface/wallplacing andfixingnozzlebydrillingmachineintankwall having minimum dia of nozzle 15mm and provide onaregularintervalnotexceeding1mincluding construction joints. Injection of pidicrete AM (Ploymer based on shrinkage high strength grout) admisxed with cement through nozle under pressure by sump @ 250gms per bag ofcement sealingthenozzleaftergroutingwithPloymer productmixedwithcement,makingtankbodyin working and seapage free condition includingsupply all materials, labour, T&P etc. for strengthning of columns, braces, stair case, balcony, vertical wall, dome etc. complete in all respect as per latest / relevant IS 3370 Part I to Part IV specificationChangeofsteelladderinsidethetank,repairof MHcoveroftopdome,changeofmosqeutojali with new one complete, repair/ change of water levei indicater, lightening conductor, vertical column pipe, valve etc. complete as per direction of engineer in charge.Supply andfixingof20mmdiaG.I.Piperailingin stair case and balcony. (Taking only 25% new and 75% old materials) as per direction of engineer in charge.Layingand fixing of 3mm thick MS wire mesh on roofofslabfornominalreinforcementincluding cost ofall labour, materials, T&P etc required for completion of workas per direction of engineer in charge.25 mm thick 1:2:4 plain cementconcrete flooring inapronwithcementcoarsesandand20mm gaugestoneballast,laidinpanelsFinishedwith 3mm floating coat of neat cement of cement including 75mm thick base concrete of 1:4:8 including supply of all material, repair of sluice valve chamber etc. as per direction of engineer in charge.Entire water proofing inside the tank water body with food grade epoxy of either FOSROC or any approved brand as per approval of Engineer in charge in order to make it complete water tight.PaintingofoutersurfaceofOHTwithwheather proofpaint(likeapexetc.)asperdirectionof engineer in-charge. 31 2250 KL/17M (Zone-1B) 32 1000 KL/22M (Zone-2A) 33 600 KL/22M (Zone-2A) 34 2250 KL/17M (Zone-5B) 35 2250 KL/17M (Zone-5) 36 1900 KL/18M (Zone-5D) 37 1800 KL/18M (Zone-7A) 38 Construction of Local Control Station room of size 8.0m X5.0m X4.0mwith 1st class brick work(in proportion 1:3), RCC work M20 in Lintel, sunshade & Slab, Plaster, White wash & color wash, fixing 40 mm thick C.P. Teak wood all paneled door & window shutter, collapsible steel shutters with vertical channels 20x10x2mm and braced with that iron diagonal 20x5mm size with top and bottom rails of iron 40x40x6mm with 38mm dia steel pulley, rolling shutters of approved make of 80x125mm gauge, Sand filling in plinth, fixing of exhaust fan 6 nos, 150mm dia S.W. drain pipe and 100 mm dia AC pipe (As per type design & as per instruction of Engineer-in- charge) including supply of all labours, materials, T&P etc complete. 39 Providing structural design and drawing & Supply of all materials, labour, T&P, special T&P etc. including all necessary excavation and disposal of surplus earth at suitable distance as directed by Engineer-in-charge and construct a semi sunk R.C.C. clear water reservoir AND pump house of 125 K.L along with pump house over it and other appurtenant works etc. as per IS:3370-1965 OR ITS LATEST AMMENDMENT, of given tentative layout to be finalized by the Engineer-in- charge on contractors own design and drawing. The design to be based on all relevant technical specification as given herewith tender and as per relevant Bureau of Indian Standards and codes with due consideration for seismic and wind force on a suitable foundation as required on the basis of soil investigation report provided by the contractor. The C.W.R. to have a minimum free board of 15 cm from the bottom of beam below slab or dia of overflow pipes plus its one flange width whichever is greater or as provided in B.I.S. - 1911 Part-III-1978 or the latest B.I.S. Code. C.W.R having a floor slope of 1:40 towards pump side. .C.W.R should be provided on top with suitable G.I. railing of 1.0 mtr. Height as per detailed specification on all the sides. The horizontal G.I. pipes to be used for railing should be 20 mm medium quality in three rows. Instead of M.S. iron/G.I. railing, R.C.C. railing may also be provided, the structure design and drawing should be got approved by Engineer in- charge. The C.W.R. roof to be provided with access manholes, ventilating cowls, M.S. ladders from manhole to bottom of the C.W.R. etc. and all other appurtenant works as per detailed specification. At least 2 Nos. of manholes should be provided in the roof of the C.W.R. with M.S. ladders 40 & manhole cover with locking arrangements. M.S. Ventilating Cowls will not be allowed, it should be of very good quality C.I. /P.V.C. materials heavy quality as instructed by the E/I. At least one or two ventilator should be provided as per instruction of E/I on the top of the C.W.R. having some architectural view with all necessary specification. On the top of the C.W.R. on the specified side shall be constructed the superstructure of the pump house which will comprises of a room of about 6m x 5m size (size can be as per design of the contractor) to accommodate 3 nos. vertical turbine pumping plants of specified duties as per layout plan given later by the contractor, approved by department. The size of the pump house should be such that all the motors, pumps, starters, O.C.B. cables, Water level indicator, all the piping arrangements, reflex valve, sluice valve etc. may be accommodated in the pump house. The pump will be constructed with all appurtenant works such as fixing of doors, windows, rolling shutters and collapsible door if required suitable gantry beams with rail, electronic water level indicator as given in detailed specification including necessary glazing, doors, windows fitting etc. A separate room of not less than 3Mx3M in size should be provided by the side of the pump house for record keeping, electric control room and T&P etc. with all fittings as doors, windows etc. complete in all respect. All the structure should be painted with Apex paint of approved quality in three coats over one priming coat, and all the necessary appurtenant to the C.W.R. such as fixing of inlet and overflow of 350 mm dia with all necessary fittings as Sluice valve and N.R.V and their chambers within a distance of 3M from the edge of the C.W.R. outer wall. The floor of the pump house, top of C.W.R. and the room provided by the side of pump house should be Kota Stone. the opening around the pumps should be covered with M.S. grills. Safe bearing capacity of soil may be assessed 8.00 M.T. /M2. including the cost of meter room, HT.VT room, transformer platform as per standard type design (including the cost of construction of PUMP HOUSE over CWB) 41 For Zone-4C (125 KL) 42 For Zone-7B (125 KL) 43 Distribution System 44 Supply of High Density Polyethylene Pipes & electro-fusion specials (HDPE (PN-6)/PE-100), confirming to IS 4984 / 14151 / 12786 / 13488 (and other related I.S. codes) in coils / slandered lengths with necessary jointing material like electro-fusioncoupler for Joints/Junctions , flanged joint, inclusive of third party inspection charges, transit insurance, freight, transportation to store / site of work, unloading & stacking the same in covered shade duly protecting from sunrays & rains etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 45 110mm dia H.D.P.E.6kg/cm2 46 140mm dia H.D.P.E.6kg/cm2 47 160mm dia H.D.P.E.6kg/cm2 48 Supply of the following D.I. pipes (K-7) and specials conforming to I.S -8329/2000 or its latest amendment(s). Including F.O.R. destinations including cost of one Rubber Gasket per pipe length & inclusive of Third Party Inspection Charges, Packing & Forwarding Charges, Transit Insurance Charges, Road Transportation Charges etc. 49 200mm dia D .I K-7 pipe 50 250 mm dia D.I. K-7 pipe 51 300 mm dia D.I. K-7 pipe 52 350 mm dia D.I. K-7 pipe 53 400 mm dia D.I. K-7 pipe 54 450 mm dia D.I. K-7 pipe 55 500 mm dia D.I. K-7 pipe 56 Supply of HDPE special conforming to IS - 4985/2000 with solvent Cement suitable for above HDPE pipe FOR destination including all taxes and insurance. 57 Supply of DI special conforming to IS 4985/2000 with solvent Cement suitable of above FOR destination including takes and insurance 58 Carting, lowering, laying of following dia of HDPE Pipe (PN-6)/PE-100 of following dia and requisite specials to site of work, lowering them into trenches, laying true to alignment and gradient, in proper position, cutting of pipes, making of jointsand also interconnecting with existing lines including cost of jointing materials and rubber rings, labour, T&P, including hydraulic testing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. It includes provision of making of alignment on city roads, making trial pits to investigates location of various under ground services like telephone cables, electric cable, existing pipe lines and sewer lines and its shifitng in case required or damaged etc. arrangements for diversion of traffic and associated works etc. with supply of all necessary equipments, materials, labour and T&P etc. complete required for completion of work. The trenches shall be properly barricaded and fenced off wherever necessary. Red flags and caution boards during day and red lights during night shall be displayed so as to avoid any accidents. Note: Jointing between HDPE pipes and specials shall be done as per the latest IS: 7634 part II. Only Bar coded electro-fusion machine (Automatically Readable) that can read the bar code of the fittings automatically shall be used for jointing of HDPE pipe / fittings. 59 110mm dia H.D.P.E.6kg/cm2 60 140mm dia H.D.P.E.6kg/cm2 61 160mm dia H.D.P.E.6kg/cm2 62 Carting, lowering, laying and jointing with SBR rubber gasket D.I. K-7 pipes of makes mentioned in tender document and of following dia & pressure including all specials to site of work, lowering them into trenches, laying true to alignment and gradient, in proper position, cutting of pipes, making of joints and also interconnecting with existing lines including cost of jointing materials and rubber rings, labour, T&P, including hydraulic testing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. It includes provision of making of alignment on city roads, making trial pits to investigates location of various under ground services like telephone cables, electric cable, existing pipe lines and sewer lines and its shifting in case requiredetc. arrangements for diversion of traffic and associated works etc. with supply of all necessary equipments, materials, labour and T&P etc. complete required for completion of work. The trenches shall be properly barricaded and fenced off wherever necessary. Red flags and caution boards during day and red lights during night shall be displayed so as to avoid any accidents. Note: Only SBR rubber gaskets to be used as per IS-5382 and IS- 12820. 63 200mm dia D .I K-7 pipe 64 250 mm dia D.I. K-7 pipe 65 300 mm dia D.I. K-7 pipe 66 350 mm dia D.I. K-7 pipe 67 400 mm dia D.I. K-7 pipe 68 450 mm dia D.I. K-7 pipe 69 500 mm dia D.I. K-7 pipe 70 Excavation of earth in ordinary soil (loam, clay or sand) for pipe linemain trenches including lift upto 1.50 m and lead upto 50 m and refilling watering, ramming of the excavated earth into the trench and also disposal of surplus earth upto 50m from the center of the trenches including supply of all material labour, T&P etc complete as per instructions of Engineer ‐in ‐charge. Guide lines on envirmental of construction and demolition (C&D) wastes and GRAP circulated by Central Pollution Control Board in Year 2017 and its latest amendments shall be adhered to during excavation of trench for laying of pipe line.Surplus material after backfilling of trench shall immediately be removed from site and temporary restoration shall be done immediately to make the road motorable. 71 Supply and carting up to site of work of the following dia C.I./D.I. butterfly/sluice valves, Class I working pressure 10kg/cm2 confirming to IS: 780/1984 or latest amendments, F.O.R. destination, and lowering them into the already prepared trenches, fixing in position and jointing them with pipeline and testing etc. complete and also including supply of jointing materials etc. including all taxes and insurance 72 Sluice Valve 100 mm dia 73 Sluice Valve 125 mm dia 74 Sluice Valve 150 mm dia 75 Sluice Valve 200 mm dia 76 Sluice Valve 250 mm dia 77 Sluice Valve 300 mm dia 78 Sluice Valve 350mm dia 79 Sluice Valve 400mm dia 80 Sluice Valve 500mm dia 81 Scour Valve 100 mm dia 82 Supply of underground sluice valve type fire hydrant consisting of 80mm dia sluice valve, 100mm dia tail pieces, 100mm dia duck foot bend and 80mm dia standard makes iron coupling with cap and etc. complete conforming to latest/relevent I.S. specifications including all taxes and insurance up to site of work and lowering them into the trenches, fixing in position and jointing them with pipeline and testing etc. complete (including supply of jointing materials etc complete.) as per instructions of Engineer-in-charge. 83 Supply of screwed down type 80mm dia air valve with gun metal seat conforming to latest/relevent I.S. specifications including all taxes and insurance, carting up to site of work and lowering them into the trenches, fixing in position and jointing them with pipelines and testing etc. complete (including supply of jointing materials etc complete) as per instructions of Engineer-in-charge. 84 Construction of following type chambers as per department type design and drawing including supply of Heavy duty M.S. Manhole Cover and all materials, labour T&P etc complete for proper completion of work as per the specification laid down in the bid document 85 Sluice Valve/Scour Valve Chamber Masonary Type For Distribution Main 86 Sluice Valve/Scour Valve Chamber Surface Box Type For Distribution Main 87 Fire Hydrant Chamber For Distribution Main 88 Air Valve Chamber For Distribution Main 89 Dismantling of following type of surface including sorting out and stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials upto a distance of 50m required for proper completion of the work as per instruction of Engineer-in-charge. 90 B.O.E. Surface 91 Tiles Road 92 Bituminous Road 93 C.C. Road 94 Permanent re-instatement of the following ty pe of road surfaceafter laying of pipeline including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for completion of work. it also includes necessary excav ation required f or preparation of trench for reinstatement of road, disposal of surplus unserviceable material, watering, ramming, cleaning surface for proper completion of the work as per directions of Engineer ‐in ‐charge 95 Laying of B.O.E. Surface (with new bricks upto 40% quantity) as per according to PWD specification of the respective roads and proper compaction. 96 Laying of Tiles Road (with new tiles upto 40% quantity) as per according to PWD specification or minimum 100 mm PCC 1:4:8 and 30 mm fine sand of the respective roads and proper compaction. 97 Laying of Bituminous road providing Grannlar Sub-base, WBM, Dense Bituminous macadam and Bituminous Concrete course in desired thickness along with primer, tack coat and seal coat (Thickness will be taken according to PWD specifications of the respective roads) and proper compaction 98 Laying of C.C. Road with concrete of 1:2:4 (1 Cement: 2 Coarse Sand: 20 mm Stone Aggregate) 15 cm (thickness may be taken according to PWD specification of the respective roads) with 10 cm thickness base concrete 1:4:8 (1 Cement: 4 Coarse Sand: 40 mm stone ballst) and proper compaction 99 Provision of crossing of Nalas & culvert (0.50 m-1.50 m Square drain) complete i.e. total material (including supply of all materials including FOR Destinaion inclusive of all taxes and duties third party inspection charge, transit insurance, freight, loading, unloading and stacking in departmental store etc. complete) & labour cost per metre as per type design & as per instruction of Engineer-in- charge. 100 Supply all materials labout tools and plant and Horizontal directional drilling machine laying and jointing by electric welding of following MS casing pipe by trenchless with water jetting system complete in all respect. 101 250mm dia casing for 110mm dia Pipe 102 300mm dia casing for 160mm dia Pipe 103 500mm dia casing for 300mm dia Pipe 104 Provision of crossing of Nalas & culvert (above 3.5)with MS casing pipe etc. complete i.e. total material (including supply of all materials including FOR Destinaion inclusive of all taxes and duties third party inspection charge, transit insurance, freight, loading, unloading and stacking in departmental store etc. complete) & labour cost per metre as per type design & as per instruction of Engineer-in- charge. 105 Provision of crossing of Road (above 3.5 m) complete i.e. total material (including supply of all materials including FOR Destinaion inclusive of all taxes and duties third party inspection charge, transit insurance, freight, loading, unloading and stacking in departmental store etc. complete) & labour cost per metre as per type design & as per instruction of Engineer-in- charge. 106 Shifting of Telephone line, Protection to electric cables, gas pipeline, optical fiber cable, existing water supply mains etc falling in the alignment of water line during excavation/laying water line and the restoring utilities/services to its original condition etc. 107 Providing and making Single Tap ferrule house connection in following dia distribution main with fixing of saddle (electro-fusion tapping saddle for making connection & tapping-T with HDPE distribution pipeline and DI strap saddle, ferrule for making connection with distribution pipe line other than HDPE), connection fittings, FCV/GM ferrule of 15mm dia including brass tape with welded, 20mm dia (OD) HDPE pipe (PE 100/PN 12.5) and 20 mm dia (OD) G.I. pipe class B upto house holder also including excavation of pit/trenches, supply of all fittings materials, labour, T&P etc. all work complete as per Type & Design Drawing and direction of engineer in charge. 108 90 to 110 mm Pipe line 109 125 to 160 mm Pipe line 110 200 to 250 mm Pipe line 111 300 to 500mm Pipe line 112 Providing and making Single Tap ferrule house connection in following dia distribution main with fixing of saddle (electro-fusion tapping saddle for making connection & tapping-T with HDPE distribution pipeline and DI strap saddle, ferrule for making connection with distribution pipe line other than HDPE), connection fittings, FCV/GM ferrule of 15mm dia including brass tape with welded, 20mm dia (OD) HDPE pipe (PE 100/PN 12.5) and 20 mm dia (OD) G.I. pipe class B upto house holder also including excavation of pit/trenches, supply of all fittings materials, labour, T&P etc. all work complete as per Type & Design Drawing and direction of engineer in charge. 113 90 to 110 mm Pipe line 114 125 to 160 mm Pipe line 115 200 to 250 mm Pipe line 116 Construction of Boundary Wall, Approach Road And Gate 117 Construction of Boundary Wall including excavation, PCC, DPC, 1st class brick work plaster, putty and white washing in three coat etc. complete work as per type design & as per instruction of Engineer-in- charge including supply of labours, materials T&P etc complete. 118 Construction of Damaged boundary wall including supply all materials, labour, T&P etc. complete &other appurtenant work as per estimated. 119 Painting work with weather coat approved quality of paints on wall both side. 120 Painting or varnishing of iron or wood with one coat of priming and two coats of approved paint & varnish including supply of all materials, labor, T & P etc; required for proper completion of the work 121 12mm thick plaster with cement and coarse sand mortar in 1:4 over brick work including supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. complete. 122 Construction of Interlocking type approach road as per according to PWD specification or minimum 100 mm PCC 1:4:8 and 30 mm fine sand of the respective roads and proper compaction including supply of all materials, labour, tools and plants etc. complete 123 Supply and fixing of 3.6m X 1.50m MS gate and 1.2 m X 1.50m MS wicket gate including construction of RCC pillars of Size 1.35m X 0.23m X 0.23m with ornamental brick work 115mm Thick around RCC with constuct gate pillars 1.2m wicket gate, as per departmental type design and drawing and as per specifications laid down in the bid document, including supply of all material, labour, varnishing,painting ,T&P etc. required for proper completion of work, as per instructions of engineer-in-charge. 124 Supply and fixing of 1.2 m X 1.50m MS wicket gate including construction of RCC pillars of Size 1.35m X 0.23m X 0.23m with ornamental brick work 115mm Thick around RCC with constuct gate pillars 1.2m wicket gate, as per departmental type design and drawing and as per specifications laid down in the bid document, including supply of all material, labour, varnishing,painting ,T&P etc. required for proper completion of work, as per instructions of engineer-in-charge. 125 Provision for arboriculture for development of water works. 126 Laying of Tiles Road (with new tiles upto 40% quantity) as per according to PWD specification or minimum 100 mm PCC 1:4:8 and 30 mm fine sand of the respective roads. 127 Construction of Staff Quarter including excavation, PCC, DPC, 1st class brick work plaster, apron verified tile flooring over 40mm thick M15 concrete and 75 mm thick PCC, putty and Color washing in two coat over one primer coat, Painting and varnishing in two coat of new iron work, 250mm dia S.C. drain, electrification work, Sanitation work and water supply etc. complete work as per type design & as per instruction of Engineer-in- charge including supply of all materials, laboursT&P etc complete 128 Supply of all materials labour and construction of Ground Water Recharge as per department design & drawing required for proper completion of work, asper instructions of Engineer-in-charge. 129 For Zone-1D 130 For Zone-2B 131 For Zone-3D 132 For Zone-4C 133 For Zone-6B 134 For Zone-7B 135 Construction of office buildingas per drawing and design provided by department and store for storage of material at location as decided by engineering incharge, including shiting /reshifting of material during construction of store ,costing of all material, laboour, furniture, AC, almirah, desktop as per drawing and proposels of otherexpenses like survey design etc all work completed 136 E and M Works 137 Construction of Tubewell 138 Transportation, Erection, Dismantling of Rig Machine and its T&P 139 Transportation, Erection, Dismantling of Compressor 250/350 PSI 140 Transportation, Erection, Dismantling of 2 Cusec/ 3 Cusec O.P. Unit and Yield test 141 Supply of Tubewell Assembly 142 M.S.Tubewell assembly with all required parts like plain pipe, Slotted pipe (as required upto 50% of plain pipes) rings, well cap bail plug, clamp reducer, central guide, suport structure etc. as required & as per typed design complete in all respect. 143 (Note- Axial Length of Reducer without Ring shall be measured with casing pipe) 144 300 mm dia M.S. Pipe 145 200 mm dia M.S. Plain/slotted 146 PEA-GRAVEL (As per IS:4097) 147 1.65 mm to 4.50 mm size Pea gravel of Lalkuwan quarry duly screened, washed and properly stacked at sitefor Tubewell 148 Drilling of bore by rig machine As Per IS:2800(Part I & II): 149 Drilling of bore by 600 mm dia bit GL to 50 mt. BGL. 150 Drilling of bore by 500 mm dia bit from 50 mt BGL to 100 mt. BGL. 151 Drilling of bore by 500 mm dia bit 100 m BGL to 165 m. BGL. 152 Lowering of tube well assembly With M.S. rings, Bail Plug, Reducer Including welding: 153 Lowering of 300 mm dia M.S. Housing pipe from GL to 42 m.BGL 154 Lowering of 200 mm dia M.S. Plain/slotted pipe 42 m. BGL to 100 m. BGL 155 Lowering of 200 mm dia M.S. Plain/slotted pipe 100 m. BGL to 150 m. BGL 156 Development of tube well by 250 PSI air compressor and 3 cusec O.P. Unit to yield sand free discharge. 157 Development and testing of tube well by Air Compressor. 158 Development and testing of tube Well O.P.Unit to yield sand free Discharge. 159 Chemical and Bacteriological test (Analysis of water sample) 160 Logging of borehole by departmental/approved electric logger 161 SITC of Pumping Plant And Related Equipments & Accessories 162 SITC of Submersible pumpset having capacity 1500 LPM, 65 mtr Head, 35 HP or suitable capacity with 24 mtr Column Pipe Assembly, NRV, CI D/F Bend 90°, CF A/F Tee, D/F Pipe ( 1.5 m long 2 No.s and 1 m long 1 No.), Earthing, Painting, Toolset, Power wiring And Electrification of pump house internal & external, Chainpulley block and all Pumping Plant accessories with nut bolts and rubber packing etc. 163 SITC of Soft Starter with RS485 Port-400V Class for the above pumpset 164 Supply, Installation and Commissioning of automatic servo voltage Stabilizer-50 KVA(Input Voltage 230V±450V)to Output Voltage 415V± 1% As per IS 9815-1994 165 Additional Column Pipe 3 mtr long 166 CE/UL certifeid Intelligent Smart Energy Meter 167 Actuator (having inbuilt starter) with Sluice valve of 150 mm dia size for Main and bypass line of Tubewell 168 Main Switch Incomer Panel 169 actuator (having inbuilt starter) Panel 170 CE/UL Certifeid Electromagnetic Flow Meter 150 mm size 171 Auto Phase reversal unit with inbuilt delay and enclosure control panel etc. 172 CE/UL Certifeid Hydrostatic type sub soil water level transmitter for tubewell 173 CE/UL certifeid Surge Protecter for control panel. 174 CE/UL certifeid Pressure Transmitter with local display 175 CE/UL Certifeid 7 HMI touch screen suitable to communication with PLC/RTU for local display & control of process parameters 176 Complete cabling for tubewell such as all power and control cables of all equipment of pumphouse, OHT & LT Cable of suitable size from Transformer to Meter and Meter to Main Switch Incomer Panel including all required lugs etc material and Labour 177 Control panel with IP54 protection ,industrial grade for all equipments.separate for control (24V) and power equipment. Must be provided with battery backup of complete panel for minimum 5 Hours. 178 Automatic Chlorination System compatible to SCADA system 179 SITC of Pumping Plant And Related Equipments & Accessories 180 SITC of Submersible pumpset having capacity 1500 LPM, 40 mtr Head, 25 HP Motor with 24 mtr Column Pipe Assembly, NRV, CI D/F Bend 90°, CF A/F Tee, D/F Pipe ( 1.5 m long 2 No.s and 1 m long 1 No.), Earthing, Painting, Toolset, Power wiring And Electrification of pump house internal & external, Chainpulley block and all Pumping Plant accessories with nut bolts and rubber packing etc. 181 SITC of Soft Starter with RS485 Port-400V Class for the above pumpset 182 Supply, Installation and Commissioning of automatic servo voltage Stabilizer-40 KVA(Input Voltage 230V±450V)to Output Voltage 415V± 1% As per IS 9815-1994 183 Additional Column Pipe 3 mtr long 184 CE/UL certifeid Intelligent Smart Energy Meter 185 Actuator (having inbuilt starter) with Sluice valve of 150 mm dia size for Main and bypass line of Tubewell 186 Main Switch Incomer Panel 187 actuator (having inbuilt starter) Panel 188 CE/UL Certifeid Electromagnetic Flow Meter 150 mm size 189 Auto Phase reversal unit with inbuilt delay and enclosure control panel etc. 190 CE/UL Certifeid Hydrostatic type sub soil water level transmitter for tubewell 191 CE/UL certifeid Surge Protecter for control panel. 192 CE/UL certifeid Pressure Transmitter with local display 193 CE/UL Certifeid 7 HMI touch screen suitable to communication with PLC/RTU for local display & control of process parameters 194 Complete cabling for tubewell such as all power and control cables of all equipment of pumphouse, OHT & LT Cable of suitable size from Transformer to Meter and Meter to Main Switch Incomer Panel including all required lugs etc material and Labour 195 Control panel with IP54 protection ,industrial grade for all equipments.separate for control (24V) and power equipment. Must be provided with battery backup of complete panel for minimum 5 Hours. 196 Automatic Chlorination System compatible to SCADA system 197 UPGRADATION WORK ON EXISTING TUBEWELL 198 SITC of Soft Starter with RS485 Port-400V Class for the Existing T/W Pumping Plant 199 Supply, Installation and Commissioning of automatic servo voltage Stabilizer-50 KVA (Avg Capacity) (Input Voltage 230V±450V)to Output Voltage 415V± 1% As per IS 9815-1994 200 Internal and External Electrification/Lighting of pump house. 201 CE/UL certifeid Intelligent Smart Energy Meter 202 SITC of Actuator (having inbuilt starter) with Sluice valve of 150 mm dia size for Main and bypass line of T/W 203 SITC of Actuator (having inbuilt starter) with Sluice valve of 200 mm dia size for Main and bypass line of T/W 204 SITC of Actuator (having inbuilt starter) for Existing Sluice valve of 150 mm dia size for Main and bypass line of T/W 205 Main Switch Incomer Panel 206 actuator (having inbuilt starter) Panel 207 SITC of CE/UL certifeid Electromagnetic Flowmeters of150 mm Dia for Existing TubeWell 208 SITC of CE/UL certifeid Electromagnetic Flowmeters of 200 mm Dia for Existing TubeWell 209 Auto Phase reversal unit with inbuilt delay and enclosure control panel etc. 210 CE/UL Certifeid Hydrostatic type sub soil water level transmitter for tubewell 211 CE/UL certifeid Surge Protecter for control panel. 212 CE/UL certifeid Pressure Transmitter with local display 213 CE/UL Certifeid 7 HMI touch screen suitable to communication with PLC/RTU for local display & control of process parameters 214 Complete cabling for tubewell including all power and control cables of all equipment of pumphouse and OHT 215 Control panel with IP54 protection ,industrial grade for all equipments.separate for control (24V) and power equipment. Must be provided with battery backup of complete panel for minimum 5 Hours. 216 Automatic Chlorination System compatible to SCADA system 217 Conversion of VT Pump Set up to Submersible Pump Set (for Kakra T/W) : -SITC of Submersible pumpset having capacity 1700 LPM, 47/49 mtr Head, 30 HP Motor with 24 mtr Column Pipe Assembly, NRV, CIDF Bend 90°, CF A/F Tee, D/F Pipe ( 1.5 m long 2 No.s and 1 m long 1 No.), Earthing, Painting, Toolset, Power wiring of pump house internal & external, Chainpulley block and all Pumping Plant accessories with nut bolts and rubber packing etc 218 SCADA Automation Work on Tubewell 219 CE & UL Certifeid PLC/RTU in IP 54 enclousure suitable to communicate with GSM based modem unit with CPU and power supply with analog and digital parameter and features as specifeid for tubewell to store and transmit data on GSm backbone RTU/PLC designed with logic to transfer data at multiple stations specifeid. Must be provided with battery backup of complete panel for minimum 5 Hours. 220 GSM/GPRS based wireless communication with 4G/5G modem for RTU/PLC capable to transfer & gather data from remote site to control station all accessoreis included with signal enhancer antenna made for pumping plant internet charges as specifeid 221 E&M WORKS ON PROPOSED OHT 222 SITC of CE/UL certifeid Radar Type level transmitter for OHT. 223 SITC of actuator (having inbuilt starter)with Sluice valve of 400 mm dia size forOHT of Zone- 1(D) and 2(B) 224 SITC of actuator (having inbuilt starter) with Sluice valve of 450 mm dia size forOHT of Zone 3(D) and 7(B) 225 SITC of actuator (having inbuilt starter) with Sluice valve of 500 mm dia size for OHT of 4(C ) and 6(B) 226 SITC of CE/UL certifeid Electromagnetic Flowmeters of 400 mm Dia for OHT of Zone -1(D) and 2(B) 227 SITC of CE/UL certifeid Electromagnetic Flowmeters of 450 mm Dia for OHT of Zone 3(D) and 7(B) 228 SITC of CE/UL certifeid Electromagnetic Flowmeters of 500 mm Dia for OHT of 4(C ) and 6(B) 229 E&M UPGRADATION WORKS ON EXISTING OHTs 230 SITC of CE/UL certifeid Radar Type level transmitter for OHT. 231 SITC of actuator (having inbuilt starter) with Sluice valve of 250 mm dia size for OHT. 232 SITC of actuator (having inbuilt starter) with Sluice valve of 300 mm dia size for OHT. 233 SITC of actuator (having inbuilt starter) with Sluice valve of 350 mm dia size for OHT. 234 SITC of actuator (having inbuilt starter) with Sluice valve of 400 mm dia size for OHT. 235 SITC of actuator (having inbuilt starter) with Sluice valve of 450 mm dia size for OHT. 236 SITC of actuator (having inbuilt starter) for Existing Sluice valve of 250 mm dia size for OHT. 237 SITC of actuator (having inbuilt starter) for Existing Sluice valve of 300 mm dia size for OHT. 238 SITC of actuator (having inbuilt starter) for Existing Sluice valve of 400 mm dia size for OHT. 239 SITC of actuator (having inbuilt starter) for Existing Sluice valve of 450 mm dia size for OHT. 240 SITC of CE/UL certifeid Electromagnetic Flowmeters of 250 mm Dia for OHT. 241 SITC of CE/UL certifeid Electromagnetic Flowmeters of 300 mm Dia for OHT. 242 SITC of CE/UL certifeid Electromagnetic Flowmeters of 350 mm Dia for OHT. 243 SITC of CE/UL certifeid Electromagnetic Flowmeters of 400 mm Dia for OHT. 244 SITC of CE/UL certifeid Electromagnetic Flowmeters of 450 mm Dia for OHT. 245 Cutting/dismentling of Existing line/valve, Drainage of Water from line, welding of required flange and dismantle joint including all material, labour and T&P for installation of sluice valve of 250,300,350,400 and 450 mm Dia for OHT.(Lump Sum Amount) 246 Cutting of Existing line, Drainage of Water from line, welding of required flange and dismantle joint including all material, labour and T&P for installation of Flowmeter of 250,300,350,400 and 450 mm Dia for OHT.(Lump Sum Amount) 247 SITC of CWR PUMPING PLANT FOR ZONE -4(C ) 248 Supply,installation ,testing and commissioning of VerticalTurbine water lubricated pump and appurtenant / related accessories ,etc complete.to lift 3000 LPM discharge at 35 m head complete with column Pipe of 200mm , Delivery Size of 200mm andCommon Header of 300 mm size. Including all pipes and fitting like tee and required bend elbow etc. 249 (2W+1S) 250 40 HP suitable for above discharge Vertical Flange Mounted Solid Shaft Motor, 1475 RPM , LT Type of motor with arrangement suitable to operate on 415 volt, 3 Phase 50 HZ AC supply. 251 Soft Starter with RS 485 Port For 24 X7 Running Hour with GSM Facility suitable for integration with RTU , Digital Level Controller cum Water level Indicator for suitable for above pumping plant pumping plant. 252 HT Panel and Transformer SITC of M.S. fabricated Dust & Vermin proof of cubical type HT Panel Complete having 1 Incoming and 2 Outgoing VCB of Required Capacity And Required Cablingearthing etc complete in all respect with 02 nos Transformers of suitable capacity complete in all respect. 253 LT Panel SITC of M.S. fabricated Dust & Vermin proof of cubical type LT control panel . For Light, fan & Spares including Ampere meter, Volt meter, frequency meter, P.F. meter capacitor, single phasing preventer, Selector switch,MCB etc. ( 02 Nos incomingMCCB of 400 Amp 01 for transformer and 01 no for DG set,3 Nos. outgoing MCCB100 Amp and 1 nos outgoing for misc use of 36 amp MCCB, 1 no. spare of 25 amp, 1 No. spare of 32 Amp..)With all required cabling, Jointing andBusbarearthing etc complete in all respect 254 Valves 255 a. 200 mm dia C.I.D.F. Sluice Valve with Actuator 256 b. 200 mm dia C.I.D.F. Reflux Valve 257 c.300 mm dia C.I.D.F. Sluice Valve with Actuator (for common header) 258 d. 300mm dia C.I.D.F. Reflux Valve 259 CE/UL Certified Pressure Transmitter for each Pumps with all necessary fittings 260 CE/UL Certified Radar Type Level Transmitter for CWR with all necessary fittings 261 Electromagnetic Flowmeter at suitable for 300 mm Dia common Header with all its fittings 262 CE/UL certifeid Intelligent Smart Energy Meter 263 Main Switch Incomer Panel 264 Actuator Panel 265 Auto Phase reversal unit with inbuilt delay and enclosure control panel etc. 266 CE/UL certifeid Surge Protecter for control panel. 267 CE/UL Certifeid 7 HMI touch screen suitable to communication with PLC/RTU for local display & control of process parameters 268 Complete cabling for tubewell including all power and control cables of all equipments at ZPS/CWR and OHT upto 3 Pumps 269 Control panel with IP54 protection ,industrial grade for all equipments. Separate for control (24V) and power equipment. Must be provided with battery backup of complete panel for minimum 5 Hours. 270 Mono rail Traveling Trolley with Electric operated Chain Pulley Block of 3 Tonne capacity 271 Security Survillance IP ptz Camera with recorder 272 Fire extinguisher 273 Rubber resistance sheet. 274 Painting of all equipments 275 Erection of all above equipments 276 Testing of pumping plants 277 (a) At works 278 (b) At site 279 Commissioning of all above equipments 280 LIGHT WIRING 281 Light wiring of pump house H.T. Room L.T. control room, Meter Room,D.G.Room 282 Wiring point for light with 1.5Sqmm PVC in suitable multi core copper cable in heavy gauge rigid PVC conduit pipe concealed in wall, complete with 1/18 Coipper wire earth continuity wire and piano type switch etc complete in all respect as per I.E. Rules. 283 Wiring point for INDOOR and OUTDOOR LED/power plug with 2.5sqmm PVC insulated multi core cable in heavy gauge rigid PVC conduit canceled in wall complete with 1/18 copper wire. Earth Continuity wire with 16 Amp. metal clad SPN switch/15 Amp Piano type switches complete in all respect. 284 Supply and fixing of main suitable Distribution boards with MCBs for controlling the lighting system. 285 ◙ Supply and fixing of factory wired INDOOR LED (50watts)complete including tube etc. on wall 286 ◙ Supply and fixing of OUTDOOR LED(110 watts) with its all accessories. 287 ◙exhaust fans for HT/LT room, pump house,chlorine room. 288 ◙Aluminium conductor PVC insulated cables of following sizes for drawing power to feeder pillar and from pillar to poles for campus external lighting(a)1x2x6 sqmm(unarmoured) 289 SITC of CWR PUMPING PLANT FOR ZONE -7(B) 290 Supply,installation ,testing and commissioning of VerticalTurbine water lubricated pump and appurtenant / related accessories ,etc complete.to lift 3000 LPM discharge at 31 m head complete with column Pipe of 200mm , Delivery Size of 200mm andCommon Header of 300 mm size. Including all pipes and fitting like tee and required bend elbow etc. 291 (2W+1S) 292 35 HP or suitable for above discharge Vertical Flange Mounted Solid Shaft Motor, 1475 RPM , LT Type of motor with arrangement suitable to operate on 415 volt, 3 Phase 50 HZ AC supply. 293 Soft Starter with RS 485 Port For 24 X7 Running Hour with GSM Facility suitable for integration with RTU , Digital Level Controller cum Water level Indicator for suitable capacity of above pumping plant. 294 HT Panel and Transformer SITC of M.S. fabricated Dust & Vermin proof of cubical type HT Panel Complete having 1 Incoming and 2 Outgoing VCB of Required Capacity And Required Cablingearthing etc complete in all respect with 02 nos Transformers of suitable capacity complete in all respect. 295 LT Panel SITC of M.S. fabricated Dust & Vermin proof of cubical type LT control panel . For Light, fan & Spares including Ampere meter, Volt meter, frequency meter, P.F. meter capacitor, single phasing preventer, Selector switch,MCB etc. ( 02 Nos incomingMCCB of 400 Amp 01 for transformer and 01 no for DG set,3 Nos. outgoing MCCB100 Amp and 1 nos outgoing for misc use of 36 amp MCCB, 1 no. spare of 25 amp, 1 No. spare of 32 Amp..)With all required cabling, Jointing and Busbarearthing etc complete in all respect 296 Valves 297 a. 200 mm dia C.I.D.F. Sluice Valve with Actuator 298 b. 200 mm dia C.I.D.F. Reflux Valve 299 c.300 mm dia C.I.D.F. Sluice Valve with Actuator (for common header) 300 d. 300mm dia C.I.D.F. Reflux Valve 301 CE/UL Certified Pressure Transmitter for each Pumps with all necessary fittings 302 CE/UL Certified Radar Type Level Transmitter for CWR with all necessary fittings 303 Electromagnetic Flowmeter at suitable for 300 mm Dia common Header with all its fittings 304 CE/UL certifeid Intelligent Smart Energy Meter 305 Main Switch Incomer Panel 306 Actuator Panel 307 Auto Phase reversal unit with inbuilt delay and enclosure control panel etc. 308 CE/UL certifeid Surge Protecter for control panel. 309 CE/UL Certifeid 7 HMI touch screen suitable to communication with PLC/RTU for local display & control of process parameters 310 Complete cabling for tubewell including all power and control cables of all equipments at ZPS/CWR and OHT upto 3 Pumps 311 Control panel with IP54 protection ,industrial grade for all equipments. Separate for control (24V) and power equipment. Must be provided with battery backup of complete panel for minimum 5 Hours. 312 Mono rail Traveling Trolley with Electric operated Chain Pulley Block of 3 Tonne capacity 313 Security Survillance IP ptz Camera with recorder 314 Fire extinguisher 315 Rubber resistance sheet. 316 Painting of all equipments 317 Erection of all above equipments 318 Testing of pumping plants 319 (a) At works 320 (b) At site 321 Commissioning of all above equipments 322 LIGHT WIRING 323 Light wiring of pump house H.T. Room L.T. control room, Meter Room,D.G.Room 324 Wiring point for light with 1.5Sqmm PVC in suitable multi core copper cable in heavy gauge rigid PVC conduit pipe concealed in wall, complete with 1/18 Coipper wire earth continuity wire and piano type switch etc complete in all respect as per I.E. Rules. 325 Wiring point for INDOOR and OUTDOOR LED/power plug with 2.5sqmm PVC insulated multi core cable in heavy gauge rigid PVC conduit canceled in wall complete with 1/18 copper wire. Earth Continuity wire with 16 Amp. metal clad SPN switch/15 Amp Piano type switches complete in all respect. 326 Supply and fixing of main suitable Distribution boards with MCBs for controlling the lighting system. 327 ◙ Supply and fixing of factory wired INDOOR LED (50watts)complete including tube etc. on wall 328 ◙ Supply and fixing of OUTDOOR LED(110 watts) with its all accessories. 329 ◙exhaust fans for HT/LT room, pump house,chlorine room. 330 ◙Aluminium conductor PVC insulated cables of following sizes for drawing power to feeder pillar and from pillar to poles for campus external lighting(a)1x2x6 sqmm(unarmoured) 331 SITC of E&M UPGRADATION WORK ON EXISTING CWR 332 Soft Starter with RS 485 Port For 24 X7 Running Hour with GSM Facility suitable for integration with RTU , Digital Level Controller cum Water level Indicator for 35 H.P. pumping plant. 333 Actuator for Existing Valve 334 a. SITC of Actuator for 200 mm dia Sluice Valve 335 b. SITC of Actuator for 300 mm dia Sluice Valve 336 CE/UL Certified Pressure Transmitter for each Pumps with all necessary fittings 337 CE/UL Certified Radar Type Level Transmitter for CWR with all necessary fittings 338 Electromagnetic Flowmeter at suitable for 300 mm Dia common Header with all its fittings 339 CE/UL certifeid Intelligent Smart Energy Meter 340 Main Switch Incomer Panel 341 Actuator Panel 342 Auto Phase reversal unit with inbuilt delay and enclosure control panel etc. 343 CE/UL certifeid Surge Protecter for control panel. 344 CE/UL Certifeid 7 HMI touch screen suitable to communication with PLC/RTU for local display & control of process parameters 345 Complete cabling for tubewell including all power and control cables of all equipments at ZPS/CWR and OHT upto 3 Pumps 346 Control panel with IP54 protection ,industrial grade for all equipments. Separate for control (24V) and power equipment. Must be provided with battery backup of complete panel for minimum 5 Hours. 347 Security Survillance IP ptz Camera with recorder 348 Fire extinguisher 349 SCADA /AUTOMATION WORK OF CWR / ZPS 350 CE & UL Certifeid PLC/RTU in IP 54 enclousure suitable to communicate with GSM based modem unit with redundant CPU and power supply with analog and digital parameter and features as specifeid for each CWR/ZPS to store and transmit data on GSM backbone, RTU/PLC designed with logic to transfer data at multiple stations specifeid. Must be provided with battery backup of complete panel for minimum 5 Hours. 351 GSM/GPRS based wireless communication with 4G/5G modem for RTU/PLC capable to transfer & gather data from remote site to control station all accessoreis included with signal enhancer antenna made for pumping plant internet charges as specifeid 352 SITC of Following Instruments in Local Control Station 353 CE/UL & BIS Certified industrial grade LED MONITOR with lates configuration as per specification. 354 Desktop/PC with i5/i7 processor for as per spec mentioned in tachnical bid documents. 355 CE/UL Certified 3 KVA UPS with batteries as perspec mentioned in tachnical bid documents. 356 Full development version of required TAGS SCADA Software with coustomization of software for LCS as per spec mentioned in tachnical bid documents. 357 CE/UL certified local conrol room PLC with redundant CPU& power supply at LCS in IP 54 enclouser as per spec mentioned in tachnical bid documents. 358 GSM based wireless/Broadband/Equivalent communication system for PLC capable to transfer & receive data & gather data form remote sites to control station,All accessories include signal enhancer antenna along with running expences till DLP. 359 CE/UL certified Firewall for network protection. 360 Local video screen display size 56 361 Surge protector for Ethernet communication protection. 362 Industrial grade Ethernet Switch. 363 Canon/hp Laser printer1018 or equivalent 364 Installation,Commissioning ,testing including required furniture,internal wiring,PVC panelling of walls/false ceiling work etc. 365 Split AC suitable for the control room 1.5 tonnes 366 Security Survelliance IP Camera with required hard drive to store data of atleast 15 Days 367 Major Repairing required for this pump house because the rain water leaks from many sides of pump house and roof so construction of new roof, construction of floor, Reapiring of bypass chamber & new plaster work, making/repairing of apron of pumphouse buildingrequired as automation equipments are not safe in this condition and wall putty & painting work is also required with fitting of new gate and windows with painting. 368 Medium Repairing required for this pump house. Repairing of bypass chamber, windows, Roof, making/repairing of apron of pumphouse building, plaster of all wall from both side with putty & painting work are also required because the rain water seepage from side walls of this pump house so that automation equipments remains safe.the present status of pump house is shown in below photographs 369 Minor Repairing of this pump house is also provisioned in the estimate for minor repairing of wall plaster, bypass chamber, floor, making/repairing of apron of pumphouse building, inner and outer putty & painting required. For the safety ofautomation equipments. the present condition of this pump house in shown in below 370 Repairing of sluice valve chambers including Desilting ,Dewatering ,leakage repairing of valve, plastering, etc. as per actuall requirement . 371 Devlopment of site including earth levelling,boundry wall plaster / repairing with painting and other related works.including all required material, labourand T&P 372 Complete Civil work of LCS Room of size 6.00 m x 4.00 m x 3.60 m attached toilet including supply of all material and labour. This work also includes under ground wiring, required points with lights,fans, switches sockets and ports as required, door, window, furniture, almirah, wall cladding, false ceiling, tiles flooring, A/C, etc complete work in all respect as per requirement 373 Demolishing of old unservicible JET Room, JE Room, office chauki dar room and adjacent parking,Construction of the same as per direction of Engineer in Charge 374 Charges for Trial and Run Period for all above istallation on all equipment of Tubewell,OHT,SCADA,LCS. 375 Charges for 3 month Trial and Run Period for expenditure of Sodium hypochloride Solution. 376 Skilled computer operater to operating pumping plant in LCS Room for 8 hours shift per day 3 shift. 377 Chowkidar for watch&ward for LCS Room 8 hours shift per day 3 shift .

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 04-10-2024 Date Corrigendum Date 21-10-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 23600 /-
INR 13922000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 139.22 Crore /-
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