Bids Are Invited For Digital Clock , Cooler Heavy Duty , Mattress , Aluminum Almirah , Curtain Rod , Curtain , Glass , Shelf , Spacer , Hook , Curtain Large , Curtain Small Digital Clock, Cooler Heavy Duty, Matress 70 X 75, Gemarpts Searched Aluminum Almirah, Curtain Rod, Shelf (8 Mm 10 ), Spacer, Strings Used In Gemarpts Hook, Curtain Large, Curtain Small, Glass, Curtain Searched String: Digital Clock Digital Clock (V2), Digital Medical Thermometer, Wall Clock (Preschool Kit), Digital Timer, Blood Pressure Recording Units, Digital Burette, Digital Barometer, Digital Multimeter As Per Is 9000, Digital Tachometer, True Rms Clamp Meter Searched String: Cooler Heavy Duty Heavy Duty Curtains - Panchakarma, Industrial Vacuum Cleaner, Heavy Duty Storage Racks, Battery Charger, Heavy Duty, Potable Water Purification System With Inbuilt Water Cooler, Heavy Duty Creeper Seat, Squeegee Washer Wiper Mopper (V2), Heavy Duty Limit Switch-Rinl, Recirculating Chiller, Heavy Duty Diesel Ultra Oil Searched String: Matress 70 X 75 Towels - Hotel Linen, Self Adhesive Paper Note, Cotton Towelling And Towels (V2) As Per Is 7056, Towel Hand Cotton Turkish (Iaf), Modular Electrical Enclosure Switch Board Boxes For Modular Type Accessories, Towel Hand (Iaf), Decorative Mats - Mat Door Coir, Portable Toilet, The Multilayered Cross Laminated Sheets Tarpaulins Covers Agricultural Films As Per Is 14611, Wooden Lab Stools 1 12Searched String: Aluminum Almirah Total Quantity : 56