
Tender For 1. Black Topping To Melamnali Ad Street Salai In Poonthalangudi Panchayat Sno:/Itphds/Mng/2024-2025 Panchayatunion At Tiruvarur District For The Year 2024-25., Thiruvarur-Tamil Nadu

Rural Development And Panchayats Department has published Tender For 1. Black Topping To Melamnali Ad Street Salai In Poonthalangudi Panchayat Sno:/Itphds/Mng/2024-2025 Panchayatunion At Tiruvarur District For The Year 2024-25.. Submission Date for this Tender is 18-09-2024. Road Work Tenders in Thiruvarur Tamil Nadu. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For 1. Black Topping To Melamnali Ad Street Salai In Poonthalangudi Panchayat Sno:/Itphds/Mng/2024-2025 Panchayatunion At Tiruvarur District For The Year 2024-25.
Open Tender
Tamil Nadu

Tender Details

Tender For 1. Black Topping To Melamnali Ad Street Salai In Poonthalangudi Panchayat Sno:/Itphds/Mng/2024-2025 Panchayatunion At Tiruvarur District For The Year 2024-25. ; 1. Black Topping to Melamnali AD street salai in PoonthalangudiPanchayat 2 Picking 5 cm to 10 cm old metalled surface and sectioning - 1 sq.m 3 Providing and laying Water Bound Macadam Grading - III( 75mm to 22.40mm)IRC HBGmetalconsisting of clean, crushed aggregates mechanincally interlocked by rolling and bonding together with screening binding material of 0.24 cum for 10 sqm (the material passing 425 microns sieve shall have liquid limit and plasticity index not more than 20 & 6% repectively)and finished in accordance with the requirements of the specification and thickness as per approved plans or as directed by the Engineer (Mix -in - place method) 4 Applying TACK COATover WBM surface at 4Kg / 10 sq.m including labour for spraying, hire charges for bitumen sprayer etc. Comp. 5 Providing and layiing pre-mix carpet 20mm thickness using 0.18cum of 13.2 IRC machine crushed metal 0.09cum of 11.2mm IRC machine crushed metal with 14.60Kg of Bitumenfor pre-mixing 10 sqm of pre-mix carpet and laying Seal coat type A using .09 cum of 6.70mm IRC HBG chips with 9.80 Kg of Bitumen for 10sqm including cost and conveyance of materials to the departmental metric gauge for pre-measurement heating the bitumen boiler heating the aggregate and mixing them with bitumen in mini hot mix plant for pre-mix carpet and rolling by 80-100 KN power roller including labour charges for spreading hire and fuel charges for mini hot mix plant, bitumen boiler, all other tools and plants employed etc., complete 6 Providing and Laying Gravel to 100mm compacted thick including cost & conveyance of gravel from approved sources to work site including labour for spreading, wateringand compacting by Power roller to achieve the required Proctor density at 100% compaction 7 Provision forNameboar charges 8 GST Amount for providing Service to Government Contract Works for the above Construction Works. { GST Amount is the Total GST Amount for total overall quoted amount above this row in column BB for all works in this package}

Key Value

Document Fees
Refer document
INR 6250.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 6.25 Lakhs /-
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