Tender For Maintenance of Park , Green Belt And Rsp Hosiery Complex ,02 Year Maintenance, 1 Complete maintenance of the entire garden features having as per yard stick in the garden area i.e. lawn trees, shrubs, herbs, edge, flower beds, foliages, creepers etc. including hoeing, weeding, pruning, replacement of plants, gap filling,mowing of lawn, grass cutting by lawn mover and brush cutter, removal of garden waste, applying insecticide, pesticide & fertilizers (whenever required) top dressing of lawn with good earth and manure and maintenance of other garden related works as directed by office-in-charge (Cost of Good Earth, Manure, Fertilizer, Insecticide, Pesticide will be provided by the Department & Cost /Supply lawn mover and brush cutter with fuel and other T & P material/articles shall be provided by the contractor.) and as per direction of officer in charge. 2 Providing profuse watering arrangements at site to Make available RH pipe/Canvas Pipe & T&P Repairing of Submersible Pumps, DG. Set etc. in the process of watering as per direction of the in charge of work.Avarage 03 Nos Irrigation per month/acre total irrigation=36 Nos (Maintenance of Park/Master Green ) 3 Supplying and stacking at Site Dump Manure form Approved Source Including carriage upto 5 k.m.lead complete (Cattle manure measured in Stackswill bereduced by 8% for Payment). 4 Supplying and stacking of good earth at site including royalty and carriage upto 05 km lead complete (earth measured in Stackswill be reduced by 20% for payment). 5 Cleaning and Sweeping of Lawn / Garden area and keep it neat and clean by mechanized method / manually, remove litter,debries, picking of leaves, papers, plastic bottles etc. including disposal of collected waste in dustbin/designated place, as per direction of officer -in- charge (All T & P, materials/ articles shall be provided by the contractor.)DSR-2018 Page No-99 Item No-2.592.59.1 For Prestigious Area 6 Tractor With Trolly Including P.O.L & Driver 7 Providing & Planting of seasonal seedlings in parks including Supply of seasonal seeldlings , labour , watering etc. Complete as per officer incharge 8 Green Belt 9 Maintenance of plants by providing malies for weeding hoeing, removal of grass providing ant- termite treatment, watering, stacking of Plants Including watch & ward complete . Mali for 600 Nos Tree Plants including Baugain Villia Plants ( Planted on Perifery of Barbed wire fencing /Boundary wall. ) One mali engaged for 600 nos tree plants 10 Provision of watering by boring including supply of water and RH pipe for /boring to each plant and complete arrangement of watering as per direction of officer incharge. Payment should be as per irrigation schedule (for 24 month) 11 Clearing Jungle Including Up Rooting of Rank Vegetation grass push wood trees and samplings of grith push 30 Cms Measured at a height of 1 M above ground level and removal of rubbish up to a distance of 50M out side the periphery of area cleared. 12 RSP 13 Complete maintenance of Trees, jobs like making of basin at regular interval,application of fertilizer, manure & spray of insectcideetc, (excluding the cost of material which shall be supplied by the department) and as per direction of officer in charge(RSP)Cost Of 1 Mali for 250 Nos /300 Nos Of Trees In A Month/1200 Nos Trees 14 Providing and wartering of plants through water tanker of Horticulture features i.e.tree,shrubs, hedge/edge, ground cover, Road Side Plantation ,Centrell Vergeetc. at the site of work. Water tanker having 5000 lit. capacitywith one labour for watering i/c cost of water, filling of tanker, wartering at site with all leads and lifts as per direction of officer-in-charge. 15 Providing heavy Pruning at site of the trees whose branches have touched the electric conductor or leaning on road sides and /or are a threat either to street light , red light or safe traffic movements and removal of the wood from site & carriage of the same up to thenearest Inspector site stores as per direction of officer –in-charge. 16 Anti termite treatment by digging holes 300mm deep and 40 mm dia, 6 to 7 holes around the tree using chemical emulsion at the rate of 1.5 liter per hole in two time or more application to get the trees free from termite infection chemicals used Chlorpyriphos 20% EC in the ratio of 1% concentration and as per direction of officer-in-charge.as per direction of officer-in-charge.