tender for Supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. for Construction of Over Head Tank, Pump house, Staff quarter, Boundary wall, Gate, Site development including laying & jointing of rising main, distribution system, construction of tubewells including PLC SCADA automation of all tubewells “Bairia Nagar Panchayat Water Supply Reorganization Scheme under AMRUT 2.0 Programme”on turnkey basis as per specifications in tender document complete in all respect including commissioning, testing, trial & run, defect liabilities and handing over the complete work to Bairiya Nagar Panchayat, District Ballia, Uttar Pradesh. Sl. No. Item Description 1 Construction of Pump House- Cum Chloronome of size 3.60 x 3.0 M x 3.0 & 1.80 x 1.20 x 3.0 M including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work as per departmental type design. (Unit Estimate Attached PH + Bypass chamber)(Zone-2) 2 Construction of Pump House- Cum Chloronome of size 3.60 x 3.0 M x 3.0 & 1.80 x 1.20 x 3.0 M including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work as per departmental type design. (Unit Estimate Attached PH + Bypass chamber)(Zone-3) 3 Supply all materials, labours and t&p etc and construction of R.C.C. over head tank of 1650 KL capacity and 22 m staging with main components, excluding cost of soil testing.(Zone-3) 4 Provision for soil investigation & miscellenous 5 Construction of Clear Water Reservoir (CWR) 550 KL capacity with pump house and chloronome of following Capacity including supply ofstructural drawing and design, supply of all materials, labour and T&P etc complete as perdetailed design and drawing supplied by the contractor and approved by the compitent authority with construction of screenchannel and fabricationand installation of screens.(Zone-3) 6 Rising Main Zone-1 7 Supply of ISI marked S&S Centrifugally Cast (Spun) Ductile Iron pipes and its specialsas per IS : 8329-2000 suitable for Push on jointing by compatible rubber gasket confirming to IS : 9523 : 1980 at divisional store including all taxes. 8 150 mm dia - Class K-9 PH TO OHT TW-1 9 Earthwork in excavation in pipe line with lift upto 1.5 m. and lead upto 50m. Including filling back, watering, ramming of excavated earth into trenches and disposal of sur plus earth within 50 metre with display of flags, caution boards, fencing, lighting, watching etc complete. 10 In ordinary soil 11 Carting from store (upto 8Km. or within municipal limit which is more) following sizes of D.I. pipes, specials fittings etc. to the site of work. Lowering the same into trenches and laying to true alignment and gradient including testing of pipe lines, cutting of pipes for making joints. 12 150 mm dia 13 Supply of following size screwed down type C.I. single ball air valves. 14 50 mm dia 15 Carting from store to site of works (upto 8Km. or within municipal limit which is more) of following sizes screwed down air valve to site of work, fixing in position including boring and threading in the main etc.complete including cost of boring the water main and subsequent back filling but excluding cost of air valve. 16 50 mm dia. 17 Supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. and construction of air valve chamber complete required for proper completion of the work as per type design (with RCC cover) 18 Provision of construction of RCC thrust block of grade M-20 for water hammer at bends of pipe. 19 Supply of reinforcement including cutting bending etc complete for surface reinforcement. 20 Provision for crossing of nala, road, culvert excluding supply of C.I. tyton pipe/MS pipe and specials, but including their laying, jointing etc. complete 21 More than 1.0M (Avrage rate more than 1 meter) 22 Less Than 1.0M (Avrage rate more than 1 meter) 23 Dismantling of following type of road surface including sorting out and stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials upto distance of 50m. and also including temporary reinstatement of road by old materials 24 Interlocking Road 25 Permanent reinstatement of following type of road surface including sorting out and stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials upto distance of 50m. As per PWD specifications (Detail attached) deducted gst 26 Interlocking Road 27 Rising Main Zone-2 28 Supply of ISI marked S&S Centrifugally Cast (Spun) Ductile Iron pipes and its specialsas per IS : 8329-2000 suitable for Push on jointing by compatible rubber gasket confirming to IS : 9523 : 1980 at divisional store including all taxes. 29 100 mm dia - Class K-9 PH TO OHT 30 Earthwork in excavation in pipe line with lift upto 1.5 m. and lead upto 50m. Including filling back, watering, ramming of excavated earth into trenches and disposal of sur plus earth within 50 metre with display of flags, caution boards, fencing, lighting, watching etc complete. 31 In ordinary soil 32 Carting from store (upto 8Km. or within municipal limit which is more) following sizes of D.I. pipes, specials fittings etc. to the site of work. Lowering the same into trenches and laying to true alignment and gradient including testing of pipe lines, cutting of pipes for making joints. 33 100 mm Dia 34 Supply of following size screwed down type C.I. single ball air valves. 35 50 mm dia 36 Carting from store to site of works (upto 8Km. or within municipal limit which is more) of following sizes screwed down air valve to site of work, fixing in position including boring and threading in the main etc.complete including cost of boring the water main and subsequent back filling but excluding cost of air valve. 37 50 mm dia. 38 Supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. and construction of air valve chamber complete required for proper completion of the work as per type design (with RCC cover) 39 Provision of construction of RCC thrust block of grade M-20 for water hammer at bends of pipe. 40 Supply of reinforcement including cutting bending etc complete for surface reinforcement. 41 Provision for crossing of nala, road, culvert excluding supply of C.I. tyton pipe/MS pipe and specials, but including their laying, jointing etc. complete. 42 More than 1.0M (Avrage rate more than 1 meter) 43 Less than 1.0M (Avrage rate more less 1 meter) 44 Dismantling of following type of road surface including sorting out and stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials upto distance of 50m. and also including temporary reinstatement of road by old materials. 45 Interlocking Road 46 Permanent reinstatement of following type of road surface including sorting out and stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials upto distance of 50m. As per PWD specifications (Detail attached) deducted gst 47 Interlocking Road 48 Rising Main Zone-3 49 Supply of ISI marked S&S Centrifugally Cast (Spun) Ductile Iron pipes and its specialsas per IS : 8329-2000 suitable for Push on jointing by compatible rubber gasket confirming to IS : 9523 : 1980 at divisional store including all taxes. 50 150 mm dia - Class K-9 PH CWR OF TW1, to TW-6 (30+320+430+510+320+625)= 2235 51 350 mm dia - Class K-9 CWR TO OHT 52 Earthwork in excavation in pipe line with lift upto 1.5 m. and lead upto 50m. Including filling back, watering, ramming of excavated earth into trenches and disposal of sur plus earth within 50 metre with display of flags, caution boards, fencing, lighting, watching etc complete. 53 In ordinary soil 54 Carting from store (upto 8Km. or within municipal limit which is more) following sizes of D.I. pipes, specials fittings etc. to the site of work. Lowering the same into trenches and laying to true alignment and gradient including testing of pipe lines, cutting of pipes for making joints. 55 150 mm Dia 56 350 mm Dia 57 Supply of following size screwed down type C.I. single ball air valves. 58 50 mm dia 59 Carting from store to site of works (upto 8Km. or within municipal limit which is more) of following sizes screwed down air valve to site of work, fixing in position including boring and threading in the main etc.complete including cost of boring the water main and subsequent back filling but excluding cost of air valve. 60 50 mm dia. 61 Supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. and construction of air valve chamber complete required for proper completion of the work as per type design (with RCC cover) 62 Provision of construction of RCC thrustblock of grade M-20 for water hammerat bends of pipe. 63 Supply of reinforcement including cutting bending etc complete for surface reinforcement. 64 Provision for crossing of nala, road, culvert excluding supply of C.I. tyton pipe/MS pipe and specials, but including their laying, jointing etc. complete. 65 More than 1.0M (Avrage rate more than 1 meter) 66 Less Than 1.0M (Avrage rate more than 1 meter) 67 Dismantling of following type of road surface including sorting out and stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials upto distance of 50m. and also including temporary reinstatement of road by old materials. 68 Interlocking Road 69 Permanent reinstatement of following type of road surface including sorting out and stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials upto distance of 50m. As per PWD specifications (Detail attached) deducted gst 70 Interlocking Road 71 Distribution System 72 Supply of following sizes HDPE Pipe PN-6: Class PE-100 for distribution system conforming to latest/ relevant I.S. 4984/1995 Specifications with all jointing materials and specials conforming to latest / relevant I.S. specifications including F.O.R. destination and all taxes and insurance etc. with loading unloading but excluding the cost of trenches all complete as per instructions of Engineer -in - charge. 73 For Zone-1 74 90 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN-6, PE:100 75 110 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN-6, PE:100 76 140 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN-6, PE:100 77 160 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN-6, PE:100 78 For Zone-2 79 90 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN-6, PE:100 80 110 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN-6, PE:100 81 140 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN-6, PE:100 82 For Zone-3 83 90 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN-6, PE:100 84 110 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN-6, PE:100 85 140 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN-6, PE:100 86 160 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN-6, PE:100 87 Supply of following sizes (D.I.) pipes and its specials for rising main/distribution system conforming to latest/relevant I.S. 8329/2000 Specifications with all jointing materials such as specials conforming to latest/relevant I.S. specifications suitable for D.I pipes as per IS-1239 /2000 and IS 8329/2000 or their latest amendment including F.O.R. destination and all taxes and insurance etc. with loading unloading but excluding the cost of trenches. All complete as per instructions of Engineer -in - charge. 88 For Zone-1 89 200 mm dia DI Pipe K-7 90 250 mm dia DI Pipe K-7 91 300 mm dia DI Pipe K-7 92 For Zone-2 93 200 mm dia DI Pipe K-7 94 For Zone-3 95 200 mm dia DI Pipe K-7 96 250 mm dia DI Pipe K-7 97 300 mm dia DI Pipe K-7 98 350 mm dia DI Pipe K-7 99 400 mm dia DI Pipe K-7 100 450 mm dia DI Pipe K-7 101 500 mm dia DI Pipe K-7 102 Supplying the following dia DI butterfly /sluice valves, class I, working pressure 10 Kg/cm2 confirming to IS: 780/1969 or its latest amendments, including valve fittings & Dismantling Joints as per requirement F.O.R. destination, and lowering them into the already prepared trenches, complete and also including supply of jointing materials etc. complete .including all taxes and insurance, as per instructions of Engineer -in -charge 103 For Zone-1 104 Sluice valve 105 80 mm dia 106 100 mm dia 107 150 mm dia 108 200 mm dia 109 250 mm dia 110 For Zone-2 111 Sluice valve 112 80 mm dia 113 100 mm dia 114 200 mm dia 115 For Zone-3 116 Sluice valve 117 80 mm dia 118 100 mm dia 119 150 mm dia 120 200 mm dia 121 250 mm dia 122 300 mm dia 123 400 mm dia 124 500 mm dia 125 Scoure valve 126 For Zone-1 127 80 mm dia 128 For Zone-2 129 80 mm dia 130 For Zone-3 131 80 mm dia 132 Supply of single / double ball type air valve conforming to latest/relevent I.S. specifications including all taxes and insurance, complete (including supply of jointing materials and Valve fittings etc complete) as per instructions of Engineer. 133 For Zone-1 134 50 mm 135 For Zone-2 136 50 mm 137 For Zone-3 138 50 mm 139 Supply of under ground sluice value type fire hydrant consisting of 63/80 mm dia sluice valve, 63/80mm dia tail pieces, 63/80mm dia duck foot bend and 63 mm dia standard makes iron coupling with cap and etc. complete conforming to latest/relevent I.S. specifications including all taxes and insurance up to site of work (including supply of jointing materials and Valve fittings etc. complete as per instructions of Engineer ‐in ‐ charge. 140 For Zone-1 141 For Zone-2 142 For Zone-3 143 Excavation of earth in ordinary soil (loam clay or sand) for pipe line and rising main trenches including lift upto 1.50 m and lead upto 50 m and refilling watering ramming of the excavated earth into the trench and also disposal of surplus earth upto 50m from the center of the trenches including supply of all material labour T&P etc complete as per instructions of Engineer -in -charge. (OD+300)mm 144 For Zone-1 145 In ordinary soil 146 For Zone-2 147 In ordinary soil 148 For Zone-3 149 In ordinary soil 150 Carting from store (upto 8Km. or within municipal limit which is more) following sizes of HDPE pipes, specials coupling, fittings by Electrofusion Joints etc.to the site of work. Lowering the same into trenches and laying to true alignment and gradient including testing of pipe lines (excluding trenching), but including cutting of pipes for making electrofusion joints. 151 For Zone-1 152 90 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN-6, PE:100 153 110 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN-6, PE:100 154 140 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN-6, PE:100 155 160 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN-6, PE:100 156 For Zone-2 157 90 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN-6, PE:100 158 110 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN-6, PE:100 159 140 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN-6, PE:100 160 For Zone-3 161 90 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN-6, PE:100 162 110 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN-6, PE:100 163 140 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN-6, PE:100 164 160 mm dia HDPE Pipe PN-6, PE:100 165 Carting from store (upto 8Km. or within municipal limit which is more) following sizes of D.I. pipes, specials fittings etc. to the site of work. Lowering the same into trenches and laying to true alignment and gradient including testing of pipe lines, cutting of pipes for making joints. 166 For Zone-1 167 200 mm dia 168 250 mm dia 169 300 mm dia 170 For Zone-2 171 200 mm dia 172 For Zone-3 173 200 mm dia 174 250 mm dia 175 300 mm dia 176 350 mm dia 177 400 mm dia 178 450 mm dia 179 500 mm dia 180 Carting of sluice valves / scour valve from store to site of works (upto 8Km. or within municipal limit which is more) of following sizes to site of work, lowering in already prepared trenches and fixing them in position ,making flange joints including supply of all materials such as bolts, nuts, rubber insertion, white lead, testing etc . complete. 181 Sluice valve 182 For Zone-1 183 80 mm dia 184 100 mm dia 185 150 mm dia 186 200 mm dia 187 250 mm dia 188 For Zone-2 189 80 mm dia 190 100 mm dia 191 200 mm dia 192 For Zone-3 193 80 mm dia 194 100 mm dia 195 150 mm dia 196 200 mm dia 197 250 mm dia 198 300 mm dia 199 400 mm dia 200 500 mm dia 201 Scour Valve 202 For Zone-1 203 80 mm dia 204 For Zone-2 205 80 mm dia 206 For Zone-3 207 80 mm dia 208 Carting from store to site of works (upto 8Km. or within municipal limit which is more) of following sizes screwed down air valve to site of work, fixing in position including boring and threading in the main etc.complete including cost of boring the water main and subsequent back filling but excluding cost of air valve 209 For Zone-1 210 50 mm 211 For Zone-2 212 50 mm 213 For Zone-3 214 50 mm 215 Carting from store to site of works(upto 8Km. or within municipal limit which is more) of 80mm dia size flanged fire hydrant to site of work, fixing them in position for flanged joints . 216 For Zone-1 217 For Zone-2 218 For Zone-3 219 Supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. and construction of sluice valve/scour valve chamber as per type design. 220 Surface box type including supply and fixing of 150mm x 150 mm size surface box. (upto 125 mm dia valve) 221 For Zone-1 222 For Zone-2 223 For Zone-3 224 Masonry type with RCC cover (more than 150 mm dia valve) 225 For Zone-1 226 For Zone-2 227 For Zone-3 228 Supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. and construction of air valve chamber complete required for proper completion of the work as per type design (with RCC cover) 229 For Zone-1 230 For Zone-2 231 For Zone-3 232 Supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. and construction of fire hydrant chamber complete required for proper completion of the work as per type design (with RCC cover) 233 For Zone-1 234 For Zone-2 235 For Zone-3 236 Design and construct Thrust Block made in R.C.C. with cement, coarse sand & 20 mm gauge stone ballast in proportion of 1:1.5:3, for pipe line, including supply of MS reinforcement wrought to required shape as necessary ,its bending, fixing & binding the same with 0.50 mm thick binding wire in position & necessary centering & shuttering including curing and supply of all materials, labour, T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work and as per specifications for RCC work as per instructions of Engineer -in -charge. 237 For Zone-1 238 For Zone-2 239 For Zone-3 240 Providing reinforcement of Thrust block for reinforced concrete work including distribution bars, stirrups, binders etc. initial straightening and removal of loose rust (if necessary), cutting to requisite length, hooking and bending to correct shape, placing in proper position and binding with wire at every inter-section, complete as per drawing and direction. 241 For Zone-1 242 For Zone-2 243 For Zone-3 244 Making Nala crossing falling on alignment of pipe line including cost of D.I. pipe one no. (5.50m length) including supply of all materials, labour, T&P, etc complete required for proper completion of work. 245 For Zone-1 246 width 0.3 m to 0.5 m 247 width 0.5 m to 1.0 m 248 width 1.0 m to 1.5 m 249 width1.5 m to 3.0 m 250 For Zone-2 251 width 0.3 m to 0.5 m 252 width 0.5 m to 1.0 m 253 width 1.0 m to 1.5 m 254 width1.5 m to 3.0 m 255 For Zone-3 256 width 0.3 m to 0.5 m 257 width 0.5 m to 1.0 m 258 width 1.0 m to 1.5 m 259 width1.5 m to 3.0 m 260 Dismantling of following type of road surface including sorting out and stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials upto distance of 50m. and also including temporary reinstatement of road by old materials. 261 For Zone-1 262 Bituminous Road 263 Brick Road (BOE) 264 CC Road 265 Inter locking tile Road 266 For Zone-2 267 Bituminous Road 268 Brick Road (BOE) 269 CC Road 270 Inter locking tile Road 271 For Zone-3 272 Bituminous Road 273 Brick Road (BOE) 274 CC Road 275 Inter locking tile Road 276 Permanent reinstatement of following type of road surface including sorting out and stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials upto distance of 50m. 277 For Zone-1 278 Bituminous Road (as per UPPWD specifications and directions of Engineer-in-Charge) 279 B.O.E Road (using 60% old and 40% new) 280 CC Road (100 mm thickness of 1:2:4 cement concrete over base of 150 mm thickness of 1:4:8 lean concrete) 281 Interlocking Road(Using 60% old tiles including spreading of local sand and base lean concrete in proportion 1:6:12 in 10 cm thickness) 282 For Zone-2 283 Bituminous Road (as per UPPWD specifications and directions of Engineer-in-Charge) 284 B.O.E Road (using 60% old and 40% new) 285 CC Road (100 mm thickness of 1:2:4 cement concrete over base of 150 mm thickness of 1:4:8 lean concrete) 286 Interlocking Road(Using 60% old tiles including spreading of local sand and base lean concrete in proportion 1:6:12 in 10 cm thickness) 287 For Zone-3 288 Bituminous Road (as per UPPWD specifications and directions of Engineer-in-Charge) 289 B.O.E Road (using 60% old and 40% new) 290 CC Road (100 mm thickness of 1:2:4 cement concrete over base of 150 mm thickness of 1:4:8 lean concrete) 291 Interlocking Road(Using 60% old tiles including spreading of local sand and base lean concrete in proportion 1:6:12 in 10 cm thickness) 292 Providing and erecting 1.00 metre high temporary barricading at site as per drawing/ direction of Engineerin- Charge which includes writing and painting, arrangement for traffic diversion such as traffic signals during construction at site for day and night, glow lamps, reflective signs, marking, flags, caution tape as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. The barricading provided shall be retained in position at site continuously i/c shifting of barricading from one location to another location as many times as required during the execution of the entire work till its completion. Rate include its maintenance for damages, painting, all incidentals, labour materials, equipments and works required to execute the job. The barricading shall not be removed without prior approval of Engineer-in-Charge. (Note :- One time payment shall be made for providing barricading from start of work till completion of work i/c shifting. The barricading provided shall remain to be the property of the contractor on completion of the work). 293 For Zone-1 294 For Zone-2 295 For Zone-3 296 Horizontal Directional Drilling for steel Ducts /Pipes :- Installation of steel product pipe by HDD method including preparing and setting up the plant and equipments, preparing new pipe work, material, installing new pipe-work and commissioning system or making the system ready for mechanical works like excavation, shoring / strutting etc. drilling, stringing, reaming and pulling back the new pipe work on the designed bore path alingment, proper disposal of drilling fluid and back fill of site after completion all inclusive as per IndSTT: 101:2018 Code of practice for horizontal Directional Drilling Technique suiting indian conditions 300 mm dia pipe (Sttel pipes above 300 mm and upto 450 mm dia ) (Mixed strata)State Highway road crossing (Upto Dia 350 mm) in Zone-3 297 Supply of all meterials, labour, T&P, complete and construction of Single Room Staff quarter for pump operator, chukidar, pump attendent and other in Zone-3 as per departmental type design . 298 BOUNDRY WALL AROUND WATERWORKS CAMPUS, GATE, SITE DEVELOPMENT AND APPROACH ROAD- ZONE-2 299 Supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. for construction of boundary wall as per departmental type design at water works required for proper completion of work. 300 Supply and fixing of 3.60 m wide main gate & 1.20 m wide wicket gate including construction of pillars as per departmental type design including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of works. 301 Provide all meterial, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work including leveling, dressing for development of water works site. 302 Filling of carted earth in water works campus. 303 Supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. and construct Interlocking road in water works compound. 304 Construction of 300x300 mm size drain (3180) 305 Construction of Artificial Recharging of Ground water hrough roof top rain water of pump house, bypass chamber’s water & overflow of O.H.T. supplying of all material, pipes, grates, etc. complete in all respect. (Unit Estimate Attached) 306 BOUNDRY WALL AROUND WATERWORKS CAMPUS, GATE, SITE DEVELOPMENT AND APPROACH ROAD- ZONE-3 307 Supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. for construction of boundary wall as per departmental type design at water works required for proper completion of work. 308 Supply and fixing of 3.60 m wide main gate & 1.20 m wide wicket gate including construction of pillars as per departmental type design including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of works. 309 Provide all meterial, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work including leveling, dressing for development of water works site. 310 Filling of carted earth in water works campus. 311 Supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. and construct Interlocking road in water works compound. 312 Construction of 300x300 mm size drain (3180) 313 Construction of Artificial Recharging of Ground water hrough roof top rain water of pump house, bypass chamber’s water & overflow of O.H.T. supplying of all material, pipes, grates, etc. complete in all respect. (Unit Estimate Attached) 314 Making House Connection in New pipe line 90 mm dia 315 Total House Connection 1685 Nos. 316 Earthen road 317 B.O.E Road 318 C.C. Road 319 B.T. Road 320 I.L. Road 321 Making House Connection in New pipe line 110 mm dia 322 Total House Connection 613 Nos. 323 Earthen road 324 B.O.E Road 325 C.C. Road 326 B.T. Road 327 I.L. Road 328 Making House Connection in New pipe line 140 mm dia 329 Total House Connection 551 Nos. 330 Earthen road 331 B.O.E 332 C.C Road 333 Bituminous road 334 Interlocking 335 Making House Connection in New pipe line 160 mm dia 336 Total House Connection 214 Nos. 337 Earthen road 338 B.O.E 339 C.C Roads 340 Bituminous road 341 Interlocking 342 Making House Connection in New pipe line 200 mm dia 343 Total House Connection 361 Nos. 344 Earthen road 345 B.O.E Road 346 C.C. Road 347 B.T. Road 348 I.L. Road 349 Making House Connection in New pipe line 250 mm dia 350 Total House Connection 181 Nos 351 Earthen road 352 B.O.E Road 353 C.C. Road 354 B.T. Road 355 I.L. Road 356 Making House Connection in New pipe line 300 mm dia 357 Total House Connection 60 Nos. 358 Earthen road 359 B.O.E Road 360 C.C. Road 361 B.T. Road 362 I.L. Road 363 Rennovation of Pump house cum chloronome (3.60X3.00M) for 2 Nos. (Zone-1) 364 Supply and fixing of M.S. Angle iron 40x40x5mm door chaukhat including supply and fixing of four hinges with one coat of red oxidised primer 365 1.20 x 2.10 M & 1.00 x 2.10 M 366 Supply and fixing of the Z-section M.S. Window with grill as per departmental drawing including supply and fitting of handle, locking arrangement etc. with one coat of red oxidised primer. 367 Supply and fixing of m.s.Jali 45x30 cm at 15 cm above floor level in the Chloronome for proper ventilation. 368 R.C.C. work(with use of C.C. mixer) in 1:1.5:3 proportion of cement, coarse sand and 20mm nominal size(10mm-1 part & 20 mm - 2 part) stone grit with proper finishing including supply of all materials, labour, T&P and Kachcha plaster on wooden plank shuttering or ply shuttering excluding cost of steel but including binding the same with 24 B.W.G. binding wire. 369 Lintels and R.C.C. Baffle Wall 370 Beam 371 40mm thick 1:2:4 plain cement concrete floor with cement, coarse sand and 20 mm nominal size(10-20 mm) stone grit laid in panel and finished with 3mm floating coat of neat cement including 75mm thick base concrete consisting of cement, coarse sand and stone ballast 40mm nominal size(20-40 mm) in proportion of 1:4:8 and removing all over lapping of mortar at the joints of the panels if any and giving them uniform finishing including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work 372 12mm thick plaster above plinth in 1:4 cement and coarse sand over brick work, minimum thickness not to be less than 10mm including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 373 6 mm thick plaster on ceiling, sunshades and projected slab of R.C.C. work in 1:4 cement and Coarse Sand including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. complete for proper completion of the work. 374 Providing 45 cm wide and 25mm thick C.C apron of 1:2:4 cement, coarse sand and 10-20mm stone grit over 75mm thick base concrete in 1:4:8 cement, coarse sand and 40mm nominal size(20mm-2 part & 40 mm-6 part) stone ballast with finishing of 3 mm thick floating coat of neat cement also including supply of all materials,labour,T&P etc. complete. 375 The outer surface of wall finish with two coat of weather coat-All Guard, Apex-Ultima(Premium Acrylic Smooth Exterior Paint with Silicon Additive) with one coat of priming coat of exterior primer over smooth base of white cement based wall putty such as Birla, J.K. wall Putty over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and smooth including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 376 The inner finish should be two coat of oil bound distemper Ist quality such as Bison distemper, tractor distemper with one coat of priming coat over smooth base of cement based wall putty such as Birla, J.K. wall Putty over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and smooth including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 377 Supply and fixing of ISI Marked waterproof Flush Door shutters of required size of 35 mm thick including heavy size steel fitting e.g. tower bolt, sliding bolt, handle etc., lab our, T&P etc.complete but excluding painting. 378 Supply and fixing of 4 mm thick glass panes in panel of Z-section windows shutter including supply of M.S. Clip and I.S.I. Mark putty etc. as required for proper completion of the work. 379 Supply and fixing of rain water pipe P.V.C. 110mm 6 Kg/Cm2 (2 Nos.) with bend and clamp etc. all complete. 380 Painting or varnishing of new iron work in small areas or new wood work with one coat of priming and two coats of synthetic enamel paint or varnish including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 381 First Class brick work in 1:4 cement and coarse sand in super structure including, supply of all material, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. 382 Dismantling of Existing Plaster of Constructed Boundary. Including all material and labour etc. complete in all respect. 383 STRENGTHENING AND RENOVATION WORKS FOR EXISTING OVER HEAD TANK 384 1 Nos of OHT, ZONE- 1 EXISTING (TANK) 600 KL/ 15 M Staging 385 Providing and fixing double scaffolding system (cup lock type) on the exterior side, up to seven story height made with 40 mm dia M.S. tube 1.5 m centre to centre, horizontal & vertical tubes joining with cup & lock system with M.S. tubes, M.S. tube challies, M.S. clamps and M.S. staircase system in the scaffolding for working platform etc. and maintaining it in a serviceable condition for the required duration as approved and removing it there after . The scaffolding system shall be stiffened with bracings, runners, connection with the building etc wherever required for inspection of work at required locations with essential safety features for the workmen etc. complete as per directions and approval of Engineer in-charge .The elevational area of the scaffolding shall be measured for payment purpose .The payment will be made once irrespective of duration of scaffolding. Note: - This item to be used for maintenance work judicially , necessary deduction for scaffolding in the existing item to be done. 386 Zone-1 387 Zone-2 388 Surface Preparation:- Chipping of unsound/weak concrete material from slabs, beams, columns etc. with manual Chisel and/ or by standard power driven percussion type or of approved make including tapering of all edges, making square shoulders of cavities including cleaning the exposed concrete surface and reinforcement with wire brushes etc. and disposal of debris for all lead and lifts all complete as per direction of Engineer-In-Charge.(25mm average thickness) 389 Zone-1 390 Zone-2 391 Cleaning of reinforcement from rust from the reinforcing bars to give it a total rust free steel surface by using alkaline chemical rust remover of approved make with paint brush and removing loose particles after 24 hours of its application with wire brush and thoroughly washing with water and allowing it to dry , all complete as per direction of Engineer-In-Charge. Bars above 12 mm dia 392 Zone-1 393 Zone-2 394 Provision of following worksProvison for the surface of structure to be treated for strengthening to be roughened properly either by raking joints or by hacking the cement concrete surface with a specially made hacking tool or other wise alternatively to make the surface rough and dust free by providing spatter key or wire brush. Sqm 133.91 281.06 395 Zone-1 396 Zone-2 397 Injection grouting in vertical surface/wall Placing and fixing nozzle by drilling machine in tank wall having minimum dia of Nozzle 15mm and provided on a regular interval not exceeding 1m including construction joints. Injection of pidicrete AM (polymer based on shrinkage high strength grout) admixed with cement through nozzles under pressure by sump @ 250 gms per bag of cement. Sealing the nozzle after grouting with Polymer product mixed with cement. 398 Zone-1 399 Zone-2 400 Repairing of spalled and lose concrete where reinforcement is exposed apply like fixit rust remover by means of brush to the reinforcement for clearing bars and steel surface then apply a bonding coat of acreylic based polymer with cement slurry in 1:1 ratio to the pre-wet cencrete by brush. Now apply the mixture of 1:1 cement, coarse sand to the prepared substrate when primer becomes tacky. of 50 mm thick M25 grade. (Taking 20% of total surface area of OHT) 401 Zone-1 402 Zone-2 403 Change of S.S. ladder inside the tank, repair of M.H. cover of top dome, change of masquoto jali with new one complete. 404 Zone-1 405 Zone-2 406 Supply and fixing of 20 mm dia G.I. pipe railling in stair case and balcony. Taking only 50% new and 50% old materials) 407 Zone-1 408 Zone-2 409 Supply and fitting of lighting conductor on top dome and making earthing with required earthing wire from top to bottom of tank as per direction of engineer in charge. 410 Zone-1 411 Zone-2 412 100 mm thick 1:4:8 plain cement concrete and 100 mm thick RCC M15 flooring with apron with 3mm floating coat of neat cement including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc complete. 413 Zone-1 414 Zone-2 415 Painting of outer surface of OHT from Top to bottom with weather proof paint (like apex etc.) as per direction of engineer incharge. 416 Zone-1 417 Zone-2 418 RCC work with cement, coarse sand and 20mm gauge approved stone ballast in proportion of 1:1.5:3 in slabs excluding supply of reinforcement and fixing and binding the same with 0.50mm thick binding wire (to be supplied by the contractor) centering and supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 419 Zone-1 420 Zone-2 421 Mild steel or iron work in plain work such as R.C. or R.B. work (When not included, in over all rates) brought to required shape, as necessary including binding for proper completion of work including supply of steel and wastage. 422 Zone-1 423 Zone-2 424 1st class brick work in 1:4 cement and Coarse sand mortar in damaged portion of boundary wall including supply of all materials labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 425 Zone-1 426 Zone-2 427 12mm thick plaster with cement mortar consisting cement coarse sand in ratio 1:4 work minimum thickness not to be less than 10mm on boundary wall including supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. required work. 428 Zone-1 429 Zone-2 430 Painting on boundary wall with one priming coat and one coat of approved exterior paint like Apex including supply of all labour, material T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. 431 Zone-1 432 Zone-2 433 Painting on iron work in small areas with one coat priming and one coat of approved paint including supply of all materials, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 434 Zone-1 435 Zone-2 436 Dismantling of reinforce Cement concrete or reinforce brick work including sorthing and stacking of serviceable of disposal of unserviceable material within a distance of 50m. 437 Zone-1 438 Zone-2 439 Removal of silt and dismantle concrete debris deposited inside the container portion and its desposal, washing, disinfecting & cleaning etc. complete. 440 Zone-1 441 Zone-2 442 Supply of all material,labour, T&P etc. for fixing of additional vertical pipe for existing OHT of 15 m staging. 300 mm dia outlet. 150mm dia -2 nos inlet, 300 mm dia overflow and 100 mm dia overflow. 443 Zone-1 444 Zone-2 445 E&M Works 446 Zone-1 447 TRANSPORTATION 448 RIG MACHINE 449 Transportation of rig machineincluding Loading , unloading, Erection, Dismantling & labour etc complete in all respect . 450 AIR COMPRESSOR 451 Transportation of 400 psi compressor including Loading , unloading, Erection, Dismantling & labour etc complete in all respect . 452 O.P. UNIT 453 Transportation of 1 cusec op unit including Loading , unloading, Erection, Dismantling & labour etc complete in all respect . 454 CONSTRUCTION OF TUBE WELL (DRILLING) As per IS 2800 (Part I & II) 455 Drilling of BORE 456 Logging of Bore 457 Drilling of 600mm dia bore from G.L. to 65m BGL. 458 Drilling of 450mm dia bore from 66m BGL to 100m BGL. 459 Drilling of 450mm dia bore from 101m BGL to 200m BGL. 460 Drilling of 450mm dia bore from 201m BGL to 300m BGL. 461 LOWERING OF TUBE WELL ASSEMBLY AND SHROUDING OF T.W. BY GRAVEL- 462 Lowering of 300mm X 150mm dia tube well assembly in bore hole and shrouding of pea gravel between annular space ofbore hole and T.W. assembly from G.L. to 270m BGL. 463 Lowering of 300mm dia MSERW 7.1mm thick plain pipe from GL to 60m BGL. 464 Lowering of 150mm dia MSERW plain/slotted pipe 7.1mm thick from 61m BGL to 100m BGL. 465 Lowering of 150mm dia MSERW plain/slotted pipe 7.1mm thick from 101m BGL to 200m BGL. 466 Lowering of 150mm dia MSERW plain/slotted pipe 7.1mm thick from 201m BGL to 270m BGL. 467 MATERIALS 468 TUBE WELL: ASSEMBLY (As per IS 4270, IS 8110) 469 300mm dia size MSERW housing pipe 7.1mm thick including with 1 no 300 X 150mm dia M.S reducer 16mm thick, 1 noM.S. well cap 12mm thick ,M.S. ring 12mm thick, M.S. S/I clamp ,T.W. Support (I Section) etc comp in all respect . 470 150mm dia MSERW 7.1mm thick plain /slotted pipe including withM.S ring 12mmthick , 1 noM.S. bail plug ,center guide etc comp in all respect. 471 PEA-GRAVEL (As per IS 4097) 472 1.60mm to 4.80mm size pea-gravel of Lalkuwan quarry duly screened, washed and proper stackingat site. 473 DEVELOPMENT OF TUBE WELL 474 Development of tube well by 400 PSI air compressor 475 Development of tube well by 400 PSI air compressor 476 Development of tube well by 1 cusec O.P. Unit 477 Development of tube well by 1 cusec O.P. Unit. 478 Welding of Tube well cover by Electric welding 479 TEST 480 Chemical and bacteriological test. 481 Zone-2 482 TRANSPORTATION 483 RIG MACHINE 484 Transportation of rig machineincluding Loading , unloading, Erection, Dismantling & labour etc complete in all respect . 485 AIR COMPRESSOR 486 Transportation of 400 psi compressor including Loading , unloading, Erection, Dismantling & labour etc complete in all respect . 487 O.P. UNIT 488 Transportation of 1 cusec op unit including Loading , unloading, Erection, Dismantling & labour etc complete in all respect . 489 CONSTRUCTION OF TUBE WELL (DRILLING) As per IS 2800 (Part I & II) 490 Drilling of BORE 491 Logging of Bore 492 Drilling of 500mm dia bore from G.L. to 65m BGL. 493 Drilling of 450mm dia bore from 66m BGL to 100m BGL. 494 Drilling of 450mm dia bore from 101m BGL to 200m BGL. 495 Drilling of 450mm dia bore from 201m BGL to 300m BGL. 496 LOWERING OF TUBE WELL ASSEMBLY AND SHROUDING OF T.W. BY GRAVEL- 497 Lowering of 200mm X 150mm dia tube well assembly in bore hole and shrouding of pea gravel between annular space ofbore hole and T.W. assembly from G.L. to 270m BGL. 498 Lowering of 200mm dia MSERW 7.1mm thick plain pipe from GL to 60m BGL. 499 Lowering of 150mm dia MSERW plain/slotted pipe 7.1mm thick from 61m BGL to 100m BGL. 500 Lowering of 150mm dia MSERW plain/slotted pipe 7.1mm thick from 101m BGL to 200m BGL. 501 Lowering of 150mm dia MSERW plain/slotted pipe 7.1mm thick from 201m BGL to 270m BGL. 502 MATERIALS 503 TUBE WELL: ASSEMBLY (As per IS 4270, IS 8110) 504 200mm dia size MSERW housing pipe 7.1mm thick including with 1 no 200 X 150mm dia M.S reducer 16mm thick, 1 noM.S. well cap 12mm thick ,M.S. ring 12mm thick, M.S. S/I clamp ,T.W. Support (I Section) etc comp in all respect . 505 150mm dia MSERW 7.1mm thick plain /slotted pipe including withM.S ring 12mmthick , 1 noM.S. bail plug ,center guide etc comp in all respect. 506 PEA-GRAVEL (As per IS 4097) 507 1.60mm to 4.80mm size pea-gravel of Lalkuwan quarry duly screened, washed and proper stackingat site. 508 DEVELOPMENT OF TUBE WELL 509 Development of tube well by 400 PSI air compressor 510 Development of tube well by 400 PSI air compressor 511 Development of tube well by 1 cusec O.P. Unit 512 Development of tube well by 1 cusec O.P. Unit. 513 Welding of Tube well cover by Electric welding 514 TEST 515 Chemical and bacteriological test. 516 Zone-3 517 TRANSPORTATION 518 RIG MACHINE 519 Transportation of rig machineincluding Loading , unloading, Erection, Dismantling & labour etc complete in all respect . 520 AIR COMPRESSOR 521 Transportation of 400 psi compressor including Loading , unloading, Erection, Dismantling & labour etc complete in all respect . 522 O.P. UNIT 523 Transportation of 1 cusec op unit including Loading , unloading, Erection, Dismantling & labour etc complete in all respect . 524 CONSTRUCTION OF TUBE WELL (DRILLING) As per IS 2800 (Part I & II) 525 Drilling of BORE 526 Logging of Bore 527 Drilling of 600mm dia bore from G.L. to 65m BGL. 528 Drilling of 450mm dia bore from 66m BGL to 100m BGL. 529 Drilling of 450mm dia bore from 101m BGL to 200m BGL. 530 Drilling of 450mm dia bore from 201m BGL to 300m BGL. 531 LOWERING OF TUBE WELL ASSEMBLY AND SHROUDING OF T.W. BY GRAVEL- 532 Lowering of 300mm X 150mm dia tube well assembly in bore hole and shrouding of pea gravel between annular space ofbore hole and T.W. assembly from G.L. to 270m BGL. 533 Lowering of 300mm dia MSERW 7.1mm thick plain pipe from GL to 60m BGL. 534 Lowering of 150mm dia MSERW plain/slotted pipe 7.1mm thick from 61m BGL to 100m BGL. 535 Lowering of 150mm dia MSERW plain/slotted pipe 7.1mm thick from 101m BGL to 200m BGL. 536 Lowering of 150mm dia MSERW plain/slotted pipe 7.1mm thick from 201m BGL to 270m BGL. 537 MATERIALS 538 TUBE WELL: ASSEMBLY (As per IS 4270, IS 8110) 539 300mm dia size MSERW housing pipe 7.1mm thick including with 1 no 300 X 150mm dia M.S reducer 16mm thick, 1 noM.S. well cap 12mm thick ,M.S. ring 12mm thick, M.S. S/I clamp ,T.W. Support (I Section) etc comp in all respect . 540 150mm dia MSERW 7.1mm thick plain /slotted pipe including withM.S ring 12mmthick , 1 noM.S. bail plug ,center guide etc comp in all respect. 541 PEA-GRAVEL (As per IS 4097) 542 1.60mm to 4.80mm size pea-gravel of Lalkuwan quarry duly screened, washed and proper stackingat site. 543 DEVELOPMENT OF TUBE WELL 544 Development of tube well by 400 PSI air compressor 545 Development of tube well by 400 PSI air compressor 546 Development of tube well by 1 cusec O.P. Unit 547 Development of tube well by 1 cusec O.P. Unit. 548 Welding of Tube well cover by Electric welding 549 TEST 550 Chemical and bacteriological test. 551 Zone -1 552 PUMP SET: 553 700 LPM, 50m head 1450rpm, 15H.P. submersible clear water pumping plant suitable to operate on 415+ %5 volt, 50 Hz, 3 phase A.C. supply (as per IS 8034-1989) WITH Switch gear with soft starter and cable 554 MAIN PIPING AND VALVES: 555 SITC of 100mm dia size main piping and valves with 24mtr column pipe, Automatic chlorination system (SCADA compatable), power wiring, earthing, painting, tool set, wiring of pump house, chain pulley block and gauges complete in all respect with all required material, T& P labour. 556 SITC of 25 KVA voltage stabilizer . 557 Trial Run for three months 558 Zone-2 559 PUMP SET: 560 500LPM, 55m head 1450rpm, 12.5H.P. submersible clear water pumping plant suitable to operate on 415+ %5 volt, 50 Hz, 3 phase A.C. supply (as per IS 8034-1989) WITH Switch gear with soft starter and cable 561 MAIN PIPING AND VALVES: 562 SITC of 80mm dia size main piping and valves with 24 mtr column pipe, Automatic chlorination system (SCADA compatable), power wiring, earthing, painting, tool set, wiring of pump house, chain pulley block and gauges complete in all respect with all required material, T& P labour. 563 SITC of 20 KVA voltage stabilizer . 564 Trial Run for three months 565 Zone-3 566 PUMP SET: 567 850 LPM, 30m head 1450rpm, 12.5 H.P. submersible clear water pumping plant suitable to operate on 415+ %5 volt, 50 Hz, 3 phase A.C. supply (as per IS 8034-1989) with Switch gear with soft starter and cable 568 MAIN PIPING AND VALVES: 569 SITC of 100mm dia size main piping and valves with 24 mtr column pipe, Automatic chlorination system (SCADA compatable), power wiring, earthing, painting, tool set, wiring of pump house, chain pulley block and gauges complete in all respect with all required material, T& P labour. 570 SITC of 20 KVA voltage stabilizer . 571 Trial Run for three months 572 CWR 573 VT Pumping Plant :- Supply of2650 LPM, 35 mtr Head,1450 RPM, S.S impeller & shaftWater Lubricated VT Pump set coupled with squirrel cage VHS TEFC 40 HP induction motor (Operating Voltage 415 V + 10%, 3 ph, 50 cycle) with Bowl Assembly Discharge Head, Head Shaft, Strainer and 4.5 mts Column Assembly to feed OHT (2w+1s) (As per SOR 2022) 574 MOTOR CONTROL PANNEL :- 575 Supply of M.S. Fabricated Dust and Vermin Proof, Cubical Type, Floor Mounted Control Panel with suitable size capacitor bank compatible to SCADA with RS485 Port consisting as following :-INCOMING :-1 No. M.C.C.B. motorizes & microprocessor based200 Amp capacity.OUTGOING :- (i) 3 Nos. Outgoing Consist of SCADA Compatible Motorized M.C.C.B. microprocessor based 80 Amp Capacity, suitable to operate 40 HP induction motor with Soft starter with RS 485 Port- 400 V Class, 30 KW, Rating.(ii) 1 No. MCCB 63 Amp for Actuator(iii) 1 No. MCCB 32 Amp for lighting and fan 576 Auto Phase reversal unit / Automatic switch with inbuilt the delay & enclosure (Confirms to IEC: 60947-1 & IEC: 60947-6-1) of following rating: 577 200 Amp Rating (As per SOR 2020) 578 MAIN PIPING AND VALVES :- (As per Budgetory Offers) 579 200 mm dia Sluice Valve with Actuator (for Pump) (As per SOR 2020) 580 200 mm dia DI Reflux Valve (for Pump) (As per Delhi SOR Pg-145) 581 250 X 200 X 250 mm size C.I.,A/F Tee 582 200 mm M.S. D/F pipe 1 mt. long 583 250 mm M.S. D/F pipe 2 mt. long 584 250 mm M.S. D/F pipe 1.5 mt long 585 250 mm dia C.I.D/F. Bend- 90 degree 586 250 mm size M.S. blind flange 587 250 mm size Sluice Valve with Actuator (for Common Header) (As per SOR 2018) 588 Reflux Valve 250 mm Size (for Common Header) (As per Delhi SOR Pg-145) 589 250 x 250 x 250 mm CI Tee 590 250 mm dia Sluice Valve with Actuator (for Bye pass) (As per SOR 2020) 591 250 mm M.S. D/F pipe 1 mt. long (for Bye pass) 592 Nut bolt and rubber packing for jointing as per requirement 593 Other material such as dismantling joints, reducer in largeras required at the time of installation 594 CE/UL Certified Electromagnetic Flowmeters 595 250mm Size (As per SOR 2020) 596 Power Wiring (As per Havells Price list)Supply of 16 Sqmm. 3 core copper conductor cable from Starter to Motor. 597 Installation, Testing, Commissioning of VT Pumps including required material for Proper installation. 598 Power Wiring Complete in all respect in CWR 599 Double Plate Earthing of complete pumping station (as per IER/IS) including civil works and all material, separate double earthing for each equipment shall be carried out. 600 Laying of cable tray for power cable complete in all respect 601 3 Ton / 12 mtr. Lift chain pulley Block with four way motion HOT, Gantry I-section Girder, square rod with travelling trolley. (As per Budgetory Offer) 602 CE/UL Certified Pressure transmitter for each pump. (As per SOR 2020) 603 CE/UL Certified Surge protector for control panel. (As per SOR 2020) 604 Rubber mat for Electrical purpose as per IS 5424. 1 Mtr. X 2 Mtr. (12.5 mm thick). (As per Delhi SOR 2022- pg-237) 605 CO2 type Fire extinguisher ISI mark confirming to IS 15683- 4.5 Kg. (As per Delhi SOR 2022- pg-240) 606 Internal & External electrification of Pumping plant. 607 Tools & Sppanners Complete. (As per SOR 2019) 608 SCADA compatible Automatic Chlorinating system of suitable capacity (As per SOR 2022) 609 Installation, commissioning & testing of Automation related equipments for ZPS (As per SOR 2020) 610 Trial run for 3 month period for one ZPS (As per SOR 2020) 611 Water works Campus with Solar Panel LED light 35 W(As per RUIDP-22 SOR ) 612 3 Phase AC automatic voltage stabilizer for 120 KVA (As per UPJN SOR) 613 ARU/FRU 614 Supply,Installation,Commissioningand1Yrs O&MofNANOTechnologybasedTreatment Unit of desired capacity for treatment of existing TubeWell water to desirablequality as perBIS:10500,andcarryingthetreated water to existing OHSR for distribution of potable watertohouseholdsthroughthedistribution network water supply schemes in District Ballia. 700 LPMcapacity for treatment of Iron/Arsenic and Nano Fluoride Removal Plant 615 Supply,Installation,Commissioningand1Yrs O&MofNANOTechnologybasedTreatment Unit of desired capacity for treatment of existing TubeWell water to desirablequality as perBIS:10500,andcarryingthetreated water to existing OHSR for distribution of potable watertohouseholdsthroughthedistribution network water supply schemes in District Ballia. 500 LPMcapacity for treatment of Iron/Arsenic and Nano Fluoride Removal Plant 616 Supply,Installation,Commissioningand1Yrs O&MofNANOTechnologybasedTreatment Unit of desired capacity for treatment of existing TubeWell water to desirablequality as perBIS:10500,andcarryingthetreated water to existing OHSR for distribution of potable watertohouseholdsthroughthedistribution network water supply schemes in District Ballia. 850 LPMcapacity for treatment of Iron/Arsenic and Nano Fluoride Removal Plant 617 HT PanelSupplying, installation, testing & commissioning of indoor type floor mounted metal clad, 11 KV VCB panel with 1No. 630 Amp. incoming VCB & 2 Nos 630 Amp. outgoing VCB totally enclosed & fully interlocked, horizontal drawout, horizontal/ vertical isolation type breaker as per IS with all necessory protection and also should be compatible to SCADA operation (As per Delhi SOR 2022-Pg-189) 618 Supply of 70 Sq.mm size XLPE cable from 11 K.V.UPPCL metering panel to H.T. incoming Panel, and H.T. panel to Transformer. (As per Havells Price List) 619 Transformer (As per SOR 2022)Supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of 160 KVA, 11/0.44 KV, 3 Phase, 50 Hz, Dyn 11, indoor ONAN type, copper wound transformer with OFF load tap changing arrangement on HV side in steps of +7.5% & -15%, LV side @ 2.5% stapping complete with all accessories i/c first filling of filtered dehydrated oil and confirming to IS 1180-2014 (Part 1 to Part 5) & as per specificationcomplete in all respects as required at site. 620 Supply of LT Panel comprisiing of following details. 02 No. 250 Amp./suitable size Incoming MCCB Panel shall be mechanically and electrically interlocked completely and 01 Nos 250 Amp/suitable size MCCB as Outgoing and 01 Nos 63 Amp Outgoing for Auxiliary Load with motorized and microprocessor based suitable for SCADA and all necessary protection equipments and metering equipment as per requirement. 621 Supply of H.T. Cable end termination joint kit. 622 Complete in all respect. Earthing system shall executed as per IS : 3043 and I.E. rules. 623 Supply of 1.1 KVgrade 95 sq mm 3.5 core PVCinsulated Armored Aluminum cable fromTransformer to L.T. Panel. (As per Havells Price list) 624 Heavy Duty leak proof fire bucket as per IS 2546/1974 (As per Delhi SOR 2022- pg-240). 625 Fire bucket stand for 6 bucket 626 CO2 type Fire extinguisher ISI mark confirming to IS 15683- 4.5 Kg. (As per Delhi SOR 2022- pg-240) 627 Rubber mat for Electrical purpose as per IS 5424. 1 Mtr. X 2 Mtr. (12.5 mm thick). (As per Delhi SOR 2022- pg-237) 628 Light wiring of HT Room, LT Room, Metering Room & Transformer Area. 629 Wiring of light point/ fan point/ exhaust fan point/ call bell point with 1.5 sq. mm FR PVC insulated unsheathed flexible copper conductor 1.1 kV grade and 1.5 sq.mm FR PVC insulated unsheathed flexible copper earth conductor 1.1 kV grade (IS:694) of approved make in surface / recessed ISI marked medium duty PVC conduit & its accessories, round tiles,18 SWG M.S. box with earth terminal, screwless cage connectors for neutral looping in switch board & false ceiling point. 6 A switch, 3.0 mm thick phenolic laminated sheet, zinc plated / brass screws, cup washers, making connections, testing etc. as required 630 Wiring point for HPMV/sodium vapor lamp/ power plug with 2.5 sq mm PVC insulated multi core cable in heavy gauge rigid PVC conduit concealed in wall complete with 1/18 copper wire. Earth continuity wire with 16 Amp. metal clad SPN switch/ 15 Amp. piano type switches complete in all respect. 631 Provision for supply & fixing of main suitable distribution boards with MCBs for controlling the lighting system. 632 Supply and fixing of factory wired industrial fluorescent tube fitting with reflector fabricated from CRCA sheet and finished with powder coating / vitreous enamelled complete with accessories complete including tube etc. on wall. 633 Supply and fixing of HPSV/MV 125 watt fixture with lamp and its all accessories. 634 Water works Campus with Solar Panel LED light (As per SOR 2018) 635 NOC for substation from safety department 636 CE & UL approved manufacturer’s RTU/ PLC in IP 65 encloser suitable to communicate with GSM based modem unit with CPU and power supply with analog and digital parameter and features as specified, onefor each tubewellto store and transmit data on GSM backbone. RTU/PLC designed with logic to transfer data at multiple stations 637 G.S.M./G.P.R.S. based wireless communication with 4G Modem for RTU/ PLC Capable to transfer and gather data from remote sites to control stations, all accessories included with signal enhancer anteena made for pumping plant 638 CE / UL certified Intelligent smart energy meter 639 Motor OperatedActuator with Sluice Valve (100mm/80mm) 640 CE / UL certified Electromagneticflowmeter of size:100mm/80mm 641 Auto phase reversal unit with inbuilt time delay & enclosure conforming to IEC: 60947-1 & IEC:60947-b-1) (100 Amps) 642 CE / UL certified Hydrostatatic type sub soil water level transmitter for Tubewell. 643 CE / UL certified Pressure Transmitter 644 CE / UL certified Surge protector for control panel 645 CE / UL certified 7 HMI touchscreen suitable to communicate with PLC/RTU, for local display & control of process parameters 646 Complete Cabling for tubewell including all power & control cables of all equipment at pumphouse and OHT 647 Control panel with IP 54 protection, industrial grade fro all equipments (separate for control (24V) and power equipments. 648 Installation, commissioning & testing 649 Test and trial run for 3 Months period 650 ZONE-1 OHT 651 CE & UL certified Radar type level tranmitter for OHT 652 Motor OperatedActuator with Sluice Valve (300 mm ) 653 CE / UL certified Electromagneticflowmeter of size:300 mm 654 ZONE-2 OHT 655 CE & UL certified Radar type level tranmitter for OHT 656 Motor OperatedActuator with Sluice Valve (200 mm ) 657 CE / UL certified Electromagneticflowmeter of size:200 mm 658 ZONE-3 OHT 659 CE & UL certified Radar type level tranmitter for OHT 660 Motor OperatedActuator with Sluice Valve (500 mm) 661 CE / UL certified Electromagneticflowmeter of size:500 mm 662 SCADA CWR 663 CE & UL Certified PLC/RTU with redudant CPU & Power supply in IP 54 enclosure sutable to Communicate with GSM based modem unit with redudant CPU & Power Supply with annalog & digital Parameter & features as specified for each ZPS/OHT to store and transmit data on GSM backbone, RTU/PLC designed with logic to transfer sata at muliple stations as specified in tender technical specification. (As per SOR 2020) 664 G.S.M./G.P.R.S. based wireless communication with 4G modem for RTU/PLC capable to transfer & gather data from remote sites to control stations all accessories included with signal enhancer antenna made for pumping plant internet charges as specified in tender technical specification. (As per SOR 2020) 665 CE/UL Certified Intelligent Smart Energy Meter. (As per SOR 2020) 666 Cable 667 Complete cabling for ZPS including all power & control cable of all equipments at ZPS and OHT (Upto 3 Pumps) (As per SOR 2020) 668 Security Survelliance IP Camera (optional) (As per SOR 2020) 669 MCS 670 CE & BIS approved manufacturers industrial grade LCD monitor with latest configuration as per specification of size 65 671 Desktop/PC with i7 processor for as per spec mentioned in technical bid documents. 672 CE/UL approved manufacturers 3 KVA UPS with batteries as spec. mentioned for STP and Computer as per requirement 673 Full development version of required TAGS SCADA Software with costomization of software for MCS as per required as per spec mentioned in technical bid documents. 674 CE & UL approved manufacturers control room PLC with CPU & power supply at MCS in IP65 enclosure as per spec. mentioned 675 CE/UL certified field gateway agent for transfering data from MCS to control room 676 GSM based wireless / broadband/Equipment communication system for PLC capable to transfer and gather data from remote sites to control stations, including all accessories complete 677 CE/UL approved manufacturers Firewall for network protection 678 Lightning surge protector for ethernet communication protection 679 CE/UL approved manufacturers industrial grade ethernet switch 680 Mobile App facility system architecture complete. 681 Supply and Installation 1.5 Ton AC (O General/ Similar)with stabilizer and other required item for installation 682 Canon/HP 1018/equivalent Laser printer with chair and table. 683 Security Survelliance IP camera 684 Installation, testing and commissioning with required furniture,Air Conditioner etc 685 Test and trial run