
Tender For C&I Works Pertaining To Impulse Tubing, Cabling, Terminations And Associated Works Related To Dcn/Fcn/Tar/Milestone Targets Of Kknpp-3&4., Tirunelveli-Tamil Nadu

Nuclear Power Corporation Of India Limited has published Tender For C&I Works Pertaining To Impulse Tubing, Cabling, Terminations And Associated Works Related To Dcn/Fcn/Tar/Milestone Targets Of Kknpp-3&4.. Submission Date for this Tender is 23-10-2024. Electrification Work Tenders in Tirunelveli Tamil Nadu. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For C&I Works Pertaining To Impulse Tubing, Cabling, Terminations And Associated Works Related To Dcn/Fcn/Tar/Milestone Targets Of Kknpp-3&4.
Open Tender
Tamil Nadu

Tender Details

Tender For C&I Works Pertaining To Impulse Tubing, Cabling, Terminations And Associated Works Related To Dcn/Fcn/Tar/Milestone Targets Of Kknpp-3&4. ; 1 Laying of impulse tubes of following sizes of Stainless Steel /Titanium for process systems from take off point /sampling point up to field instrument/ instrument support stands / instrument support stand drain point. The work includes cutting, bending of tube to the required profile, laying the tube on the already installedfabricated support , clamping of tubes to supports using suitable clamps, installation of all in-line components like isolation valves, isolators, stubs, reducers, condensing pots, Tee (equal passage pipes) and any other in line components as per working documentation. Completion of work includes receipt of material from site store, transportation, handling, storage, cleaning of tubes, end capping, arrangement of tube benders, arrangement of scaffolding, leak search/leak arresting during system integrity test, arrangement of required manpower, machinery, tools & tackles and consumables, preparation & submission of reports and checklists for erection. Impulse tubesinline components like manual isolation valves, tube fittings, condensing pot, isolators, impulse tube clamping brackets, one tab brackets, two tab bracket, nut, bolts, washers & branch pipe for clamping the tubes are free issue material to contractor. This work shall be executed as per working documentation, tender specification and approved procedure. 2 Tubes up to 14 mm OD size with wall thickness up to 2 mm 3 Tubes of 18 mm OD size with wall thickness up to 2.5 mm 4 Automatic orbital welding of Stainless Steel SS-321 impulse tubes up to 14 mm OD size with wall thickness up to 2 mm and all inline components. The works involve cutting, edge preparation and butt welding oftubes, isolation valves, isolators, stubs, reducers, condensing pots, Tee (equal passage pipes) nipples and any other in line components as per working documentation, process sampling pointsand instrument support stands connections without filler wires using orbital welding machinefollowing GTAW process, including supply of high purity 99.999%- argon gas, 2% thoriated tungsten welding electrodes and all other required consumables. Arrangement of required Tube Squaring machine, tube cutter, de-burring tool, Scaffolding, manpower, machinery, tools & tackles are in the scope of contractor. The work shall include Preparation & submission of reports and checklists. This work shall be executed as per working documentation, technical specification and approved procedure. 5 Manual welding of Stainless Steel SS-321 impulse tubes up to 14 mm OD size with wall thickness up to 2 mm and all inline components. The works involve cutting, edge preparation and welding of tubes, isolation valves, isolators, stubs, reducers, condensing pots, Tee (equal passage pipes) nipples and any other in line components as per working documentation including connection on sampling points and instrument support stands, with filler wires for manual welding using GTAWprocess. Supply of welding machine, high purity99.999%- argon gas, 2% thoriated tungsten welding electrodes, filler wires, Tube Squaring machine , tube cutter, de-burring tool, arrangement of all required scaffolding ,manpower & machinery,tools & tackles and consumables. The scope includes Preparation & submission of reports and checklist for erection. This work will be executed as per working documentation, specification and approved procedure. 6 Tubes up to 14 mm OD size with wall thickness up to 2 mm 7 Tubes from 18mm OD size with wall thickness up to 2.5 mm 8 Manual welding of titanium impulse tubes up to 14 mm OD size with wall thickness up to 2 mm and all inline components. Theworks involve cutting, edge preparation and welding oftubes, isolation valves, isolators, stubs, reducers, condensing pots, TEE(equal passage pipes), nipples and any other in line components as per working documentation including connection on sampling points and instrument support stands with filler wires for manual welding using GTAW process. Supply of welding machine, high purity 99.999%- argon gas, 2% thoriated tungsten welding electrodes, filler wires, Tube Squaring machine, tube cutter, de-burring tool, arrangement of Scaffolding, manpower & machinery,tools & tackles and consumables . The work scope includes Preparation & submission of reports and checklist for erection. This work will be executed as per working documentation, specification and approved procedure. Please refer the technical specification for more details. 9 Radio Graphic Testing - Identification of the weld joints for impulse pipe Sizes up to 14 mm OD and 2mm thick. The scope includes making scaffolding arrangement, shifting the radiographic cameras & its accessories to location and conducting radiographic examination of the weld joint with f distance technique. Providing radiography cameras, radiographic sources, storing facilities for RT sources as per standards dark room and other processing facilities for processing films, Preparation & submission of reports and checklist are in the scope of the contractor. This work will be executed as per working documentation, specification and approved procedure. Please refer the technical specification for more details. 10 Hydro testing of impulse tube loops with equivalent medium of the systemat maximum up to 25 MPa. Loopsconsisting of instrument, impulse tube and all inline components from sampling point on the pipeline to theinstrument support stand along with Instrument drain line. Completion of work includes arrangement of required manpower, equivalent medium for testing, test set up, pumps, gauges, blanks, Relief valves, braided hoses, connectors, Scaffolding, tools & tackles and consumables. Leak search and arresting of leak, preparation & submission ofreports and checklist are in scope of the contractor .This work will beexecutedas perworking documentation, specification andapproved procedure. Impulse tubing loop having minimum 10 nos of field weld is considered as one unit. Other loops having less than 10 welds shall be considered pro rata basis. Please refer the technical specification for more details. 11 DPT (Die Penetrate Testing) work includeIdentification of the weld joints, making scaffolding arrangement, shiftingthe DPT consumable to location, pre cleaning & post cleaning of joints and conducting examination of the weld joint by qualified level II manpower. The work scope includes Dye and Penetrant including the supply of all consumables, required manpower, tools & tackles and submission of reports. The work shall be executed as per working documents, specification and approved procedures. Please refer the technical specification for more details. 12 VBT (Vacuum Box Testing) for CS/SS transition platewelded to liner for supports. The workincludes, Identification of the weld joints, shiftingthe VBT equipments to location, pre cleaning & post cleaning of joints and conductingexamination of the weld joint by qualified level II manpower .The work scopeincludesprovidingVBT equipment, supply of all consumables, required manpower, tools & tackles, submission of procedure, checklist and reports. The work shall be executed as per working documents, specification and approved procedures. Please refer the technical specification for more details. 13 Manual Welding on carbon steel and stainless steel equipment & components using GTAW process. This includes similar and dissimilar welding of fillet joint configuration of various weld size.The works involves cleaning, cutting, edge preparation and welding. The work includes receipt of materialfrom stores, transportation, handling, storage, cleaning, supply of high purity 99.999% argon gas, arrangement of welding machine, thoriated tungstenwelding electrodes, arrangement of required manpower & machinery, tools & tackles, consumables, preparation & submission of reports and checklist .This work will be executed as per working documentation, specification and approved procedure. Please refer the technical specification for more details. 14 Manual Welding on carbon steel and stainless steel equipment & components using SMAW process. This include similar and dissimilar welding of fillet joint configuration of various weld size. The works involves cleaning, cutting, edge preparation and welding. This work includes receipt of material from stores, transportation, handling, storage, cleaning, arrangement of welding machine, welding electrodes, arrangement of required manpower & machinery, tools & tackles, consumables, preparation & submission ofreports and checklist .This work will be executed as per working documentation, specification and approved procedure. 15 Erection and dismantling of scaffolding: Erection of scaffolding using standard MS pipescross supports,MS clamps, for making approach/ working platformsand removal of the scaffolding , after the completion of workincluding arrangment or hiring of man power, plant & machinery , tools & tackles, consumables,and completion of work as per tender specification and drawings.Note: The base size (plan) & height of scaffolding erected shall be considered for the measurement. No inclined supports, lateral support bracing etc projected beyond base size shall be considered in measurement for payment. 16 Fabrication & erection of impulse tube supports of stainless steel Grade -321 perforatedlight channels, perforated angle, perforated Z-profiles, perforated strip or any kind of profiles upto 2.5mm thicknessand erection on SS liners / CS liners /concrete floors/ walls without liners, structural supports by welding or anchoring .The work involveswelding of carbon steelbase plate to this Stainless steel impulse tube supports & SS supports to SS support welding using GTAW by welding and installation of anchor fasteners. This work includes receipt of material, transportation, handling, arrangement ofrequired manpower & machinery, tools & tackles, supply of electrodes & filler wires, consumables, preparation & submission of reports and checklist. This work will be executed as per working documentation, specification and approved procedure. Anchor fastners and stainless steel Grade -321 perforatedlight channelsshall be FIM from NPCIL. 17 Fabrication and erection of ISA, ISMC, ISMB or any other cross sections of MS E250 Grade A of IS 2062-2011 and plates ofMS E250 Grade BR ofIS 2062-2011.The work scope includes Grit blasting, primer application and painting, welding or anchoring to EP / support structure / wall. Supply and application of primers and epoxy paint as specified in drawing/specification from NPCIL approved vendor, including supply of consumable, performing DFT inspection, preparation of report are under the scope of contractor. This work includes receipt of material, transportation, handling, arrangement of manpower & machinery, tools & tackles, supply of electrodes & filler wires, nuts, bolts & washers, consumables, preparation & submission ofreports and checklist forerection .This work will beexecutedas perworking documentation ,specification andapproved procedure. Above mentionedISA, ISMC, ISMB, plates shall be FIM material from NPCIL. 18 Fabricationand erectionofStainless steel sections includingcutting, welding by GTAW process, drilling, handling, shifting of materialas per working documentation and site requirement. This work includes receipt of material, transportation, handling, arrangement of manpower & machinery, tools & tackles, supply of electrodes & filler wires, nuts, bolts & washers, consumables, preparation & submission ofreports and checklist forerection. This work will beexecutedas perworking documentation ,specification andapproved procedure. SS plates shall be FIM material from NPCIL. 19 Erection of Stands/ local control pannel/Consoles/ fabricated supports either by welding to EPs or by anchoring wall/ floor concrete or bolting to supports. The scopeincludes receipt of material, de-preservation ,transportation, material handling, storage, installation/overhaulingof various loose partssupplied along with the equipments ,alignment of Equipments , arrangement of manpower & machinery, tools & tackles, fastening hardware’s like nuts/ bolts/ washers, welding electrodes, filler wires and consumables and arrangement of scaffolding. This work will be executed as per working documentation, specification and approved procedure. 20 Laying of different types of field control cables up to 40mm size on already installed cable trays / light channels / through conduitsincluding supply of all consumables such as anodized aluminium rectangular tags, clamps, nylon cable ties,all other hardware’s and consumablesrequiredfor completing the job are included in the scope of this item. 21 For sizes up to 10 mm OD (on cable metal tray/light channel) and integral cables supplied along with instruments. 22 For sizesabove 10 mm ODup to 20 mm OD (on cable metal tray/light channel) 23 For sizesabove 20 mm ODup to 40 mm OD (on cable metal tray/light channel) 24 Glanding of cables up to 40mm size on equipments, panels/cabinets/junction Boxes including supply of suitable consumables such as anodized aluminium rectangular tags, nylon cable ties, heat shrinkable boot sleeves etc. required for completing the job are included in the scope. Cable glands shall be FIM from NPCIL. Please refer Technical Specification for further details. 25 For sizes up to 10 mm OD 26 For sizesabove 10 mm ODup to 20 mm OD 27 For sizesabove 20 mm ODup to 40 mm OD 28 Termination of cores ofall types of control cables including supply of suitable consumables likevarious types of lugs, 2%-5% silver solder wireas per requirement, heat shrinkable sleeves, wire sleeve suitable for thermal printing including printing of wire numbers for completing the job are included in the scope. The scope also includes the end to end core continuity of cable prior to cable termination.Please refer technical specification for further details. 29 Screwed / Cage Clamp Terminations 30 Soldered Terminations 31 RJ-45 Connectorization 32 Installation offollowing sizes of MS hot-dip galvanized/MS Epoxy perforated or non- perforated light channels along with the supply of all required accessories such as fastening hardware’s (bolts/nuts/washers), anchor fastners for wall & welding electrode, filler wire for welding on liner and all other consumables required for completing the laying including installation of suitable pre fabricated supports either by welding or anchoring are in the scope of contractor. Supply of HST3 –M8x75 shall be used for anchoring for concrete wall and HRD-C 8 x 60/HRD-H 10 x 60 in case of brick wall at every one meter laying is in the scope of the contractor. MS hot-dip galvanized/MS Epoxy perforated light channels shall be FIM from NPCIL. Please refer technical specification for further details. 33 20x50x20x2 mm thick light channel 34 20x90x20x2 mm thick light channel 35 20x125x20x2 mm thick light channel 36 40x150x40x2 mm thick light channel 37 Installation of following Junction Boxes on brackets / supports either by welding with embedded parts (EP) or by anchoring using HILTI anchor fasteners.All required accessories like fastening hardware’s (bolts/nuts/washers) and consumables are in the scope of the contractor. (Fabrication and supply of local supports/brackets and also the supply of anchor fasteners are covered under separate items in this BOQ ) .Please refer technical specification for further details. 38 Small Junction Boxesup to 20 terminal capacity 39 Junctionboxes of20 to 100 terminal capacity 40 Junctionboxes of 100to 200 terminal capacity 41 Core cutting of holes upto Dia 200 mm of various depths in the following types of walls / floorslabs. The scope of the work includes identification and marking of holes, core cutting and finishing of the edges of the holes and the area near by where thesurface is damaged, with cement mortar. All the tools, tackles ,scaffolding and machinery required for the works as well as thecement mortar required for finishing are in the scope of the job including arrangement and shifting of machineries and consumables required for completion of the job are in contracts scope. Job also includes removal and disposal of debris and cleaning the area.(Unit of measurement is mm-mtr ,i.e.,mm dia of hole and meter depth of hole). 42 Core cutting of holes upto Dia 200 mm of various depths in reinforced concrete walls / slabs 43 Core cuttingof holes above Dia 200 mm of various depths in reinforced concrete walls / slabs 44 Drilling of holes upto Dia 200 mm of various depths in the following types of walls / floorslabs . The scope of the work includes identification and marking of holes, drilling and finishing of the edges of the holes and the area near by where thesurface is damaged, with cement mortar. All the tools, tackles ,scaffolding and machinery required for the works as well as thecement mortar required for finishing are in the scope of the job including arrangement and shifting of machineries and consumables required for completion of the job. Job also includes removal and disposal of debris and cleaning the area.(Unit of measurement is mm-mtr ,i.e.,mm dia of hole and meter depth of hole ). Please refer technical specification for further details. 45 Drilling of holes upto Dia 200 mm of various depths in concrete block walls / brick 46 Drilling of holes above Dia 200 mm of various depths in concrete block walls / brick 47 Machining offittings/nipples/reducersand adaptors of length 50 mm.This work includes Turning operation in lathe ,General Milling operation, surface grinding operation ,drilling & tapping operation. Collection and delivery of material from/to KKNPP Lessthan 10 kgs andreturning of the wastage in kgs is in contractors scope. This work will be executed as per documentation, specification and procedure. Please refer technical specification for further details. Please refer technical specification for further details. 48 Items of dia upto 40 mm 49 Items of dia above 40 mm upto 60 mm 50 Supply of cable gland of SS 316L material with EPDM sealing & locknut. IP class of cable glands shall be IP68. Please refer technical specification for further details. 51 For cable of OD from 10 to14 mm 52 For cable of OD from 13 to18 mm 53 Supply of ISA , ISMC , ISMB or any other cross section ofMSE250 Grade A IS 2062-2011andplates ofMS E250 Grade BRIS 2062-2011 along with material testreports and certificates. Please refer technical specification for further details. 54 Supply of Stainless steel sectionsof SS 316 rods / SS 321 plates along with material testreports and certificates. Please refer technical specification for further details. 55 Supply of Hiilti Anchor fasteners of different sizes/ capacity 56 Chemicalfor anchor fasteners- HIT-HY170- 500 ml 57 Anchor rod HIT-V-R M8/1 58 HSL 4G M8x107 59 HDA-T M10-100/20 60 HST3 M12x115 61 HST3 M10x90 62 HST3 M8x75 63 Supply, trainingand qualification ofair cooledprogrammableportable orbital weldingmachine with auto purge control including closed chamber weld head having minimum 15 meter connecting cable of length suitable for 14mm OD, 2 mm thick stainless tube SS321, maximum current 200A with all necessary accessories. please refer Technical Specification for more details. 64 Orbital welding machine with weld head & fixture block suitable for OD size ranging for 12-52 mm Dia, 14mm collet size, suitable for 14mm OD x 2mm tube and with necessary packaing. Please refer Technical specification for more details. 65 Orbital welding machine with weld head & fixture block suitable for OD size ranging for 6-25 mm Dia,14mm collet size, suitable for 14mm OD x 2mm tube and with necessary packaing. The supply also includes tube facing tool of 3 to 25 mm dia, 14mm collet for facing tool, tube cutter of minimum 6-25mm dia with min 5 nos of replacement cutting wheels, deburring tool for 4-38mm ODalong withtraining of 5 persons and all necessary packaging.Please refer Technical specification for more details. 66 Supply of Stainless Steel - 321 Clip-CH-14 Bracket,3 no’s spring washer, 2 no’s plain washers as per technical specification. 67 Supply of dual channel temperature controlled high temperature & 200 W soldering stations with Power-Response Heating Technologyalong with 120W and 200 W Soldering irons with Soldering tip chisel of 3.2x1.2, 3.2x.08, 1.6x0.7, two nos tip tinner lead free 0.5oz and one polishing bar. Contractor shallsupply all accessories such as stand to hold soldering iron ,sponge and consumables as per technical specification. 68 Supply of Maxi termi pneumatic tool-2 numbers, Maxi termi hand tool-1 no, wire stripper arrangement -2 nos, Pull test tool (Minimum Dynamometer 50N) -1 no, pool test tip adapter (0.31x0.62)-1 no as per technical specification. 69 Supplyof crimping System pliers And Crimping Dies for Crimp System Pliers ,Stripping Tools for cables, crimping pliers for western plugs, precision strippers for fine wires and solid round cables, insulation strippers with adaptable blades. Contractor shall supply these item including all required dies Preciselyas per technical specification. 70 Supply of scanning tool along with all required accessories for locating reinforcing bars in concrete and other non-ferritic construction materials, and for measuring the cover and estimating the diameter of the top most layer of the reinforcement with 200 mm detection depth for object localization, and Localisation accuracy of +/- 3mm with Integrated display for rebar layout visuals in top view and sectional view for on-the-spot structural analysis with feature to record scan data for documentation and structural analysis. 71 Field survey, transferring & marking the grid location in X, Y & Zaxisusingtotalstationin main plant building as and when required . The scope includes arrangement oftotal station, surveyor, transportation of instruments, handling, arrangement of manpower & machinery, tools & tackles, consumables, preparation & submission ofreports and checklist for erection. This work will beexecutedas perworking documentation, specification andapproved procedure. 72 Providing following catagory of manpower for miscelleneous C&I works required .(UOM is Operation Day , One Operation day means deployment of 1 manpower for 9 hrs of work which includes one hour break for lunch, tiffin & rest) 73 Highly skilled Manpower 74 Skilled Manpower 75 Unskilled Manpower

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 05-10-2024 Corrigendum for queries and clarification reg Other 14-10-2024
2 05-10-2024 Corrigendum for Extension of submission date Date 14-10-2024
3 14-10-2024 corrigendum for Revised Part I Evaluation sheet reg Other 23-10-2024
4 14-10-2024 Corrigendum for extension of Submission Date Date 23-10-2024
5 25-09-2024 corrigendum for Revised Part I Evaluation sheet Other 07-10-2024
6 25-09-2024 Corrigendum for Extension of submission Date 07-10-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
Refer document
INR 2146932.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 14.89 Crore /-
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