
Bids Are Invited For Repair, Maintenance, And Installation Of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - Manufacturing Unit; As Per Scope Of Work; Service Provider - Biennial Rate Contract For Carrying Out Miscellaneous Jobs Pertaining To Assistance In Ac, chembur-Maharashtra

Department Of Fertilizers has published Bids Are Invited For Repair, Maintenance, And Installation Of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - Manufacturing Unit; As Per Scope Of Work; Service Provider - Biennial Rate Contract For Carrying Out Miscellaneous Jobs Pertaining To Assistance In Ac. Submission Date for this Tender is 27-09-2024. Man Power Supply Tenders in chembur Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Repair, Maintenance, And Installation Of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - Manufacturing Unit; As Per Scope Of Work; Service Provider - Biennial Rate Contract For Carrying Out Miscellaneous Jobs Pertaining To Assistance In Ac
Open Tender

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Plant/ Systems/Equipments (Version 2) - Manufacturing Unit; AS PER SCOPE OF WORK; Service Provider - Biennial rate Contract for carrying out Miscellaneous jobs pertaining to assistance in activities required for operation & maintenance in GTG-HRSG unit at RCF Trombay Unit. - Shifting & Cleaning of Pump Suction strainers of size up to 6 (as per SOW attached in annexure-1). Shifting & Cleaning of Pump Suction strainers of size above 6 and up to 12” (as per SOW attached in annexure-1). HRSG FA fans, Aux. air fans, Seal Air fans suction air filter shifting & cleaning (as per SOW attached in annexure-1). Air Compressor air pre filter & filter cleaning GTG Cooling Tower cells wire mesh filter (02 filters per cell) lifting by chain block and cleaning Fitting of hose pipes and for giving water connections near hot job or for air connections for confined space job Pumps, fans and gear box oil draining, cleaning and oil filling Sample collection (of water, air, oil etc.) and submission to RCF lab Blow down pit sump cleaning from inside Blow down pit sump cleaning from outside Air Blowing of Piping 4 and 6 size for 8 hours Pipe line flushing 3 & 4 size for 4 hours Pipe line flushing 6 size for 4 hours Putting new oil drum on the rack Arranging oil drums. morpholine and hydrazine drums Oil drum area housekeeping and dirty oil filling in drum Keeping Tri sodium phosphate (TSP) at both HRSGs phosphate dosing skid Keeping hydrazine at both HRSGs hydrazine dosing skid Keeping morpholine at HRSGs morpholine dosing skid Carrying safety valve gags of the HRSGs to the location and from HRSGs to the storage area. Compressor Area & SWAS Area housekeeping Boiler Feed Pumps area housekeeping (in HRSG#1 & 2) Cleaning of pumps, compressors, fans, vessels from outside Shifting stationary, chemicals, safety items, hose pipes etc. from store/ safety to plant GTG Gas skid filter replacement at GTG Main gas station GTG-HRSG Main gas station housekeeping GTG oil cooler backwashing Assistance in GTG Compressor Washing Assistance during GTG Intake air filter inspection & supervision and/ or filters replacement. Assistance during GTG Ventilation air filter panels inspection and cleaning. GTG area cleaning and water spraying on regular basis to contain dust in area near GTG air filters. Housekeeping of GTG area, air filter area, ventilation filter area, GTG enclosure from outside and its periphery. Cleaning of drains of GTG-HRSG area and shifting of the materials at the scrap bin area. Provision of tarpaulin cover over GTG air filters, generator area & other areas, as per requirement to prevent water ingress into the system esp. during monsoon period (rainy season) etc. Moisture & water removal inside GTG enclosure and cleaning inside enclosure Housekeeping of PW to GTG pump area. Housekeeping of GTG cooling tower and ACW pump area. Rain water removing work above GTES Inlet/ exhaust duct esp. during monsoon period (rainy season) etc. HRSGs FA manhole cover opening, inside cleaning and box up. GT Exhaust system (GTES) manhole cover opening, inside cleaning and box up. GTG seal air cooler backwash and flushing. To carry out regular greasing of equipment as per instruction of RCF engineer. Housekeeping of Control Room Bldg. terrace Total Quantity :

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