
Tender For Supply Of Ochemicals, Ernakulam-Kerala

Government Ayurveda College has published Tender For Supply Of Ochemicals. Submission Date for this Tender is 23-09-2024. Chemical Supply Tenders in Ernakulam Kerala. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Supply Of Ochemicals
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Ochemicals Supply Of Chemicals And Reagents To Various Departments-Dept of Dravyaguna vijnan 2 Sodium hydroxide N/10 3 Diluted Sulphuric acid 4 Acetone 5 Cyclohexane 6 Ferric Alum 7 Indigo carmine reagent 8 Isopropyl Alchohol 9 Petroleum ether 10 Ammonium oxalate 11 Ethyl acetate 12 Folin’s reagent 13 Litmus paper (blue) 14 Litmus paper (red) 15 Silica gel 16 Sulphuric acid 17 Benedicts reagent 18 Chloroform 19 Diluted hydrochloric acid 20 Demineralized water 21 Catechol 22 Copper sulphate 23 Ammonium Ferric Sulphate 24 Ammonium hydroxide 25 Ammonium molybdate 26 Barium chloride crystals 27 Barium chloride solution 28 Buffer powder 4 29 Buffer powder 7 30 Buffer powder 9.2 31 Cyclohexane 32 Dragon Droff reagent 33 Fehlings solution A 34 Fehlings solution B 35 Gelatin powder 36 Lead acetate 37 Meyers solution 38 Ninhydrin 39 Nitric acid 40 Picric acid 41 Potassium permanganate 42 Povidone iodine solution 5% 43 Safranin stain 44 Silver nitrate solution 45 Sodium bicarbonate 46 Sodium carbonate anhydrous 47 Xylene 48 Light green 49 Sudan red III 50 Millons reagent 51 Wagners reagent 52 Iodine solution 53 Phloroglucinol 54 Potassium iodide 55 Toluene 56 Silica gel -500gm 57 Magnesium turnings 58 R & B 59 Ethyl acetate 60 Carbon Tetra Chloride 61 Wijis iodine 62 Sulphuric acid 63 PH powder - PH7 64 PH 4 65 Solvent ether 66 Triethanolamine 67 Bee wax-kg 68 Department of Agathatantra 69 p-Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde (100gm) himedia labs 70 Conc HCl (100 ml) 71 Ethanol (500ml) 72 Boric acid crystals 500gm 73 Urea 500gm 74 Lugols iodine 125 ml 75 Potassium hydroxide -200 ml 76 Formaldehyde solution 37 - 41%, Hi-AR™-5 litre 77 Glycerol 48 - 52%, Hi-AR™-1 litre 78 Chloroform Hi-LR™-500 ml 79 Department of Kriyasareera 80 Bile salt (250 mg packing) 81 Acetone 500 ml 82 Ammonia solution 500 ml 83 Blood grouping serum 84 Department of Salyatantra 85 Inj. Lignocaine (2%)- 30 ml 86 Lignocaine Gel ( 2% ) 30 g 87 Lignocaine spray 10% - 50ml 88 Surgical spirit (400ml.) 89 Dettol (500 ml.) 90 Hand wash - Dettol Skin Care Liquid Hand Wash 215 Ml Pump 91 Hand Sanitizer 500ml 92 Betadine solution - 100ml 93 Distilled water 1L 94 Department of Rachanasareera 95 Formalin 96 Glycerin 97 SALAKYATHANTHRA-Dental op & OT 98 LIDOCAINE TOPICAL SPRAY-500 ml 99 SPIRIT-500 ml 100 HAEMOSTATIC GEL 101 DISTILLED WATER IOOML) 102 BETADINE LOTION (100M) 103 T PLUS 104 HOMIDE 105 ROGANIDANAM STUDENTS LAB 106 ESR Tubes -Qual Scan Vaccum ESR Tubes for Qualcyte 10 ESR Analyser 107 Multi Stix (Urine Strips) 108 Widal Kit (Latex agglutination) (50 Nos. x 2 test) 109 VDRL Kit (Latex agglutination)(50nos. X 2 test) 110 Leishman stain 111 Coagulometer (Single Channel)-spec attached 112 PT INR Tubes (anticongulated tubes for congulation studies) 113 Insuline Test Kit (1 kit - 100 tests) 114 C-piptide kit (1 kit - 100 tests) 115 Free T3 Kit(1 kit - 100 tests) 116 Free T4 Kit(1 kit - 100 tests) 117 CLINICAL LABORATORY 118 Nyco card HbA1C ABOTT (24 test) 119 ASO Latex Agglutination Test/1test 120 RA Latex Agglutination Test/1 Test 121 HCG Card (40 Test) 122 HIV 1/2 AB Rapid Test (50 Test) 123 HBSAg Rapid Test (50 Test) 124 VDRL Syphillis Rapid Test (50 Test) 125 Blood Grouping Sera (ANTI ABD) 126 Spirit (5 Litre) 127 Cotton Roll 128 Tissue Paper roll 129 Blood Lancet (100 Nos) 130 Filter Paper Whatman No.I (100 Nos.) 131 Sodium Chloride (0.85%)500ml 132 Fouchets Reagent (500ml) 133 Microtips (5-200yl)(microlitres) 134 Microtips (200-1000yl)(microlitres) 135 CLOT ACTIVATOR TUBE (4ml.) 100 Nos. 136 ESR WESTERCREN STAND 137 ESR WESTERCREN TUBE 138 K3 EDTA Tube (2ml) 139 5ml Dispovan Syringe (100 Nos) 140 2.5ml Dispovan Syringe (100 Nos) 141 Urine Container (5ml) (Disposable) 142 Test tube brush (Large) 143 Test tube brush (Small) 144 BOROSILTest Tube (5ml) (12 x 75) 145 BOROSILTest Tube (7.5ml) (12 x100)

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 590 /-
INR 2500.0 /-
Tender Value
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