
Tender For Consultancy For Preparation Of Dpr For Mh Roorkee, roorkee-Uttarakhand

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Consultancy For Preparation Of Dpr For Mh Roorkee. Submission Date for this Tender is 29-10-2024. Irrigation System Tenders in roorkee Uttarakhand. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Consultancy For Preparation Of Dpr For Mh Roorkee
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Consultancy For Preparation Of Dpr For Mh Roorkee; 1 SCOPE FOR CONSULTANCY FOR MH ROORKEE : CONSULTANCY FOR PREPARATION OF DPR FOR 440 BEDDED + 50 CRISES BEDS HOSP HAVING REQD ACCN AS ACCN STATEMENT ENCLOSED AS APPX A (SCOPE OF DPR IS AS ELABORATED) 2 STAGE-I : PRELIMINARY STAGE 3 Preparation of Accommodation Statement Part-II in consultation with Unser and MES accoording to Scales of Accommodation for Armed Forces Hospital-2003 4 Survey of Land Marked for Hospitala. Spot Levels of site at 5.00 mtrs interval/ grid.b. Contour Mapping at Contour 0.25 mtr.c. Marking of all natural feasutes such as trees nallahs etc.d. Marking of man made features such as buildings, roads, under ground and overhead water supply and electric supply lines etc.e. Submission of Architectural plans in soft copy hard copy duly marked all details in different layers and colors. 5 Preparation of conceptual plan of all major buildings in consultation with user and MES. 6 Approval of Architectural drawings of Hospital bldgs from Hosp Cell of Engineer-in-Chiefs Branch 7 Preparation of site plan with all proposed buildings and external services. 8 Computation of earth work, demolotion of building, trees cutting, shifting of electric/water supply lines and any other requirement for siting of building. 9 Sub Soil exploration for design of building. 10 Preparation of detailed Architectural drawings for all buildings and external services. 11 Preparation of detailed Structural drawings for all buildings and external services. 12 Marking of internal services and hospital services on building plan like medical gas pipe line system and Medical Gas manifold, fire detection, alarm system, PA system, call bell system, cable TV system, Air conditioning ducting, telephone and LAN conduit etc in consultation with user and MES. Note :- The tech building of MH shall be designed as per green building norms as per GRIHA star rating and the certificate for GRIHA star rating shall be obtained & will be part of DPR, cost to this effect shall be deemed to be included in the rates quoted from serial 01 to 12 above. 13 Preparation of Arboriculture and Landscaoing plan. 14 Calculation of electric load and assess the Augmentation and getting the estimates from state electricity boards for any enhancement of load or shifting of any lines pertains to electricity board. 15 Calculation of total water requirement for Military Hospital Roorkee and assess the source for supply and getting the report for feasibility of exploring ground water from CGWB. 16 Calculation of Air conditioning load and costing for central AC system. 17 Requirement of Hospital Furnitures and its costing. 18 Preparation of estimates on SSR 2020, ED 2016 & crrent Market Rates for all buildings and its internal and external services for pricing. 19 Preparation of DPR : DPR of project consist of followings:- 20 a. Scope of work including Accmommodation Statement Part-I&II.b. Land details : Terrain, Features, Type of Soil, Build ability Factor Etc.c. Philosophy of design adopted.d. Estimate for all items based on SSR 2022, ED-2016 and current Market Rates.e. Site plan showing all esisting features.f. Site plan showing all proposed Construction.g. Conceptual Plan.h. Submission of DPR in 15 Sets duly bonded. 21 DPR strictly prepared as per Authorisation and Superior Specification items is to be allowed only where these are technically and functionally required. 22 Design & capacity of central industrial type RO plant for complete hospital. 23 STAGE-II : PRE ADMINISTRATIVE PLANNING STAGE (PHASE-I) 24 Preparation of necessary documents for getting Environmental Clearance from Appropriate Authority and getting the Clearance. 25 Preparation of detailed scheme for fire fighting and documents for obtaining clearance from CEFEES. 26 Preparation of detailed working drawings for building including followings:-a. Internal Electrification plan with lighting system.b. Night lighting and corridor lighting system.c. Internal water supply plan.d. Fire detection, alarm and sprinkler system.e. Medical Gas Pipeline Supply System.f. Conduit layout for LAN, cable TV, Telephone and Intercom.g. Air Conditionig Ducting.h. PA system and Nurse call system including accessories.j. UPS System and wiring.k. Lifts, Stairs Ramps and Corridors.l. Dirty linen corridors.m. Sanitary fitting According to Hospitals Norms.n. Waste Water Pipe Network upto ETP/STP.o. Doors, Windows and ventilators with their fitting and fixtures.p. Signage Systems.q. Details for specialized requirements for different Wards and services of Hospotals. 27 Schdules of Finishes According to Scales and Codal provisiona for whole building including specialised rooms. 28 Design and detailing of External Electric Supply System along with Area illumination and Street lighting. 29 Design of signage system inside and outside of building. 30 Design of solid waste disposal system as per Hospital Norms including design of incinerator. 31 Scheme and design for sewarage Network ant Treatment System, ETP and STP Etc. 32 Scheme and design of water supply system including development of New source. 33 Scheme for Area drainage System including RWH According to Codal Provisions. 34 Design of Road Network with path, parking area and Road marking fixtures. 35 Boundary Wall, Gates with other security systems like boom barrier etc. 36 Design of standby power supply based on essential load and equipment load of Hospital and synchronizing scheme with other sources. 37 Design and details of Air Conditioning Plants. 38 Details of misc equipments, such as Air Curtains, OT lights, Soap Dispensers, Hand Dryers etc in consultation with users. 39 Mechanical Laundry including building, plants and disposal of waste water etc. 40 Detailed planning of Arboriculture and Landscaping with details of Plants, Grass etc by consultation users and MES including watering system. 41 Scheme for fire fighting including pipe network and hydrants system. 42 Preparation of Static Model of MH Roorkee as whole. 43 STAGE-III : PRE ADMINISTRATIVE PLANNING STAGE (PHASE-II) 44 Preparation of DPR documents alongwith yard stick. 45 Submission of list of reputed Manufacturers (Mininum three Nos) and venders for various items included in projects. 46 List of IS codes for testing of various Materials incorporated in works and Methods of sampling and testing. 47 Submission of walkthrough presentation of about 5 minutes duration showing all important features and services including pattern of internal finishes. 48 Assisting in Market Rate analysis for scrutiny of qouated tender alongwith supporting documents such as quotations and price lists etc. 49 Submission of Technical Literature for any items included in Work as and when required. 50 Submission of detailed working Architectural/Structural drawings dut vetted from IIT and approved from Hospital Cell of E-in-Cs Branch for whole project in 07 Sets along with design folder. 51 Submission of schedules for various Services (Internal and External) duly vetted and verified by respective sections in 07 Sets. 52 Prepration of tender documents for the project on the basis of the following :-(a) Lump sum basis (for building part) & item rate (for provision items)(b)Item rate basis for bldg portion & for all services.(b) IAFW -2249 General Condition of Contracts.(c) Manual on Contract 2020. Note :- Details of tender be provided in both Lump sum & item rate basis. At the time of issue of main tender the type of tender will be decided. 53 STAGE-IV : EXECUTION STAGE 54 Supervision by Structer Engineer and Architect minimum once in every month and at every important stage of currency of work. 55 Submission of details for any Missing data found during execution of project. 56 Establishment of Sample Room for items incorporated such as joinery, sanitary fittings, finishing material. Electrical items etc.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 04-10-2024 dtcorrigendum Date 15-10-2024
2 11-10-2024 Date Date 22-10-2024
3 18-10-2024 Amendment to tender documents Other 22-10-2024
4 22-10-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 29-10-2024
5 23-09-2024 Amendment to BOQ BOQ 07-10-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 2000 /-
INR 290000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 2.15 Crore /-
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