
Tender For Provision Of Vehicle Repair Shed Under Ge 862 Ews, rajouri-Jammu And Kashmir

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Provision Of Vehicle Repair Shed Under Ge 862 Ews. Submission Date for this Tender is 16-10-2024. Storage Chests and Cabinets and Trunks Tenders in rajouri Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Provision Of Vehicle Repair Shed Under Ge 862 Ews
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

Tender For Provision Of Vehicle Repair Shed Under Ge 862 Ews; 2 Construction of block of Veh repair shed, complete all as specified and shown in drawings. 3 TotalAmount of Sch A Part - II (Site Clearance) 4 TotalAmount of Sch A -III (Internal Water Supply) 5 TotalAmount of Sch A -IV (Internal Electric Supply) 6 TotalAmount of Sch A -V (Plumbing Work) 7 TotalAmount of Sch A -VI (Area Drainage Work) 8 TotalAmount of Sch A Part -VII (Sewage Disposal Work) 9 TotalAmount of Sch A Part -VIII (Road, Path and Culvert) 10 TotalAmount of Sch A Part -IX (External Water Supply) 11 TotalAmount of Sch A Part -X (External Electric Supply) 12 TotalAmount of Sch A Part -XI (Retaining Wall) 13 TotalAmount of Sch A Part XII (Ramp and Washing Platform Work) 14 Sch A Part - XIII (Misc Items of Work) Note : This Schedule is not Pre-Priced by MES and the Pre-Priced rate indicated as Rs. 0.00 under col.5 signifies this fact only. 15 Construction of 30 user conventional LLDPE septic tank, design to carry sewage and sullage water, excavation in any type of soil PCC (1:4:8) below foundation, vent shaft, connection etc, complete all as specified and directed. 16 Construction of Soakage well (Brick construction) of size 2.4 mtr dia 3.00 mtr deep including excavation & earth work in any type of soil, PCC 1:3:6 type C-2 (using 40mm graded crushed stone aggregate) as in foundation, walls with brick masonry with top ring of M-25 (Design mix) concrete including intercepting chamber and screen chamber and solid brick work in cement mortar 1:4, RCC cover slab in M-25 (Design mix) concrete, filling with brick bats, interconnecting pipe of RCC/DWC complete all as specified and shown on drawing. 17 Supply, installation and testing of hi wall split units indoor/outdoor complete with cordless remote control unit and with in built heating and cooling arrangement and digital inverter twin rotary of capacity 2 TR, 3 star rated including copper tubing/pipes of suitable size and cable etc; complete all as specified and as directed. 18 Supply, installation and testing of hi wall split units indoor/outdoor complete with cordless remote control unit and with in built heating and cooling arrangement and digital inverter twin rotary of capacity 1.5 TR, 3 star rated including copper tubing/pipes of suitable size and cable etc; complete all as specified and as directed. 19 Voltage stabilizer for automatic operation, single phase naturally air cooled indoor wall mounted type & designed for input variation between 160 volts to 280 volts with output stabilized voltage at 230 volts with accuracy of ± 2.5% and of capacity 5 KVA, complete all as specified and directed. 20 Voltage stabilizer for automatic operation, single phase naturally air cooled indoor wall mounted type & designed for input variation between 160 volts to 280 volts with output stabilized voltage at 230 volts with accuracy of ± 2.5% and of capacity 4 KVA, complete all as specified and directed. 21 Sub main wiring with two run of single core FRLSHPVC insulated unsheathed 1100 volts grade cable with stranded copper conductor of size 4 Sqmm drawing through and includingconcealed rigid non metallic PVC conduit medium grade (ISI marked) 20mm dia or above as required including one single core FRLSH PVC insulated unsheathed 1100 volts grade cable with stranded copper conductor of size 4 sqmmas earth continuity conductorconnected to commen earth and earth dolly complete all as specified and directed. 22 Modular AC MCB box protected socket PVC plastic base 3 module including module MCB 20 Amps complete all as specified and directed. 23 FRP looping box of size (325x320x150)mm with connector and comprising of MCB SP 6 Amps, ISI marked, 240V complete with and including providing GI clamps , nuts etc suitable for fixing on PCC pole/wall/steel tubular pole etc complete all as specified and directed.Make: National/Sintex. 24 GI bracket pipe of size 40mm dia medium grade of 1.2mtr long, bent to shape,suitable for street light fitting and making the one end of GI pipe bracket suitable for fixing of street light fittings of any type and the GI bracket pipe shall be fixed on wall /pole, steel/PCC surfaces by providing suitable MS iron 25x4 mm clamps 2 Nos of length as required at site to the bracket pipe and painting to MS clamps and fixing with necessary suitable nuts, bolts & washers, complete all as specified and directed. 25 Copper conductor cable,1.5 Sqmm, 3 core,PVC insulated, FRLSH sheathed flexible, multistranded, ISI marked, 1100 Volts grade including necessaryconnection and testing, complete all as specified and directed. 26 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of totally enclosed LT electric panel outdoor type IP-65/66fabricated out of 3.15mm thick CRCA, CPRI approved sheet dust and vermin proof powder coated double door type independent cabin including locking arrangement for each MCCB, bus bar chamber with inner shell, thickness of panel 2.0mm complete suitable for operating on 415 volt 50 Hz AC supply internally wired with copper conductor/strip of adequate size from main incoming MCCB to bus bar and bus bar to outgoing MCCBs, LT panel having legs 45cm made out of 65x65x6mm angle iron grouted on brick masonry platform upto 30cm. Brick masonry platform should be 60cm above the ground level, comprising the following:-(a) MCCB 250 Amps, FP, 36 KA, 415 volts, 50Hz -01 No (Incoming)(b) MCCB 125 Amps, FP, 16 KA, 415 volts 50Hz -02 Nos (Outcoming)(c) MCB 63 Amps, SPN, 10 KA, 230 volts 50Hz -02 Nos(d) Digital voltmeter, with VSS -01 set , Digital, Ammeter, with CTs, & ASS-01 set (e) LED phase indication lamps RYB -01 set (f) Aluminium bus bar TPN 400 Amps rating -01 set 27 Earthing complete with galvanised steel earth plate electrode 600mmx600mmx6mm thick buried directed in ground (earth plate not less than 2.25m deep below normal ground level) with top edge of the plate not less than 1.5m below normal ground level) connected to and including galvanised strip 32x6mm by means of bolts, nuts, check nuts and washers of galvanised iron including PCC 1:2:4 in pit, angle iron 25x25x3mm frame work with precast RCC 1:2:4 cover reinforced with 8mm dia TMT bars @ 150mm C/C both ways and 12 mm dia MS fabricated handle, mediumgrade GI watering pipe 20mm bore with funnel, wire mesh and light grade GI protection pipe 40mm bore upto 7.5m length for drawing in earth lead wire, salt, charcoal, etc. Including excavation and earth work in any type of soil, removal of surplus soil to a distance not exc. 50m complete all as shown in electrical plate No 3 of MES schedule 2009 (Pt-I) and connected to main control board all as specified or indicated including testing on completion, complete all as specified and as directed. 28 Point wiring complete with 1.5 sqmm PVC insulated, FRLSHtype, unsheathed, multistranded, flexible copper conductor cable 1.5 Sqmm 1100 volts grade, drawn through and including concealed PVC conduit, medium grade of size 25mm or above as required at site with all accessories such as tee, corner, overlaping connector etc; on surface walls, roots and ceiling etc; including modular steel terminal boxes of required size alongwith modular white cover plate with frame for mounting modular switches, socket, fan regulators etc; and including 1.5 Sqmm PVC insulated, multistranded, unsheathed (greed colour), FRLSH type single core, copper conductor cable as earth continuity conductor and connecting to common earth dolly for one light point controlled by one switch, complete all as specified and directed 29 All as per Srl Item No. 27 hereinabove but for one 3 pin 6 amps socket outlet point controlled by one 6 amps switch on independent board. 30 All as per Srl Item No. 27 hereinabove but for one 3 pin 6 amps socket point controlled by one 6 amps switch on same board. 31 All as per srl item No. 27here-in-before but one light point controlled by 2 way 6 amps switch. 32 All as per Srl item No.27 hereinbefore, but point wiring with 2.5 sqmm copper conductor cable and earth conductor of size 2.5 sqmm copper conductor cablefor one 6 pin 16/6 amps socket outlet point controlled by one 16 amps switchon independent board complete all as specified and directed. 33 Point wiring complete with 1.5 sqmm PVC insulated, FRLSHtype, unsheathed, multistranded, flexible copper conductor cable 1.5 Sqmm 1100 volts grade drawn through and including concealed stove enamelled steel conduit of size 20mm or above as required at site with all accessories such as tee, corner, overlaping connector etc; on surface walls, roots and ceiling etc; including modular steel boxes of required size alongwith modular white cover plate with frame for mounting modular switches and including 1.5 Sqmm PVC insulated, multistranded, unsheathed (greed colour), FRLSH type single core, copper conductor cable as earth continuity conductor and connecting to common earth dolly for flame proof fittings point controlled by one switch, complete all as specified and directed. 34 LED 70W high bay light energy saving, environment friendly & robust IP 65 protected LED midway with PDC housing suitable for ceiling (surface /suspended) mount & available wide beam optics, including connecting up with three core flexible copper conductor cable of suitable size from ceiling roseand overall sheathed flexible copper conductor cable of size 0.75 sqmm 3 core, complete all as specified and directed. 35 LED lights fitting 1x20W, 220V. AC type with driver, holder including LED tube light connecting up with three core flexible copper conductor cable of suitable size from ceiling rose and overall sheathed flexible copper conductor cable of size 0.75 sqmm 3 core, complete all as specified and directed. 36 CRCA box type LED lights fitting including 2x20W LED tube polycarbonate, 220V. AC type with driver, holder including LED tube light connecting up with three core flexible copper conductor cable of suitable size from ceiling rose and overall sheathed flexible copper conductor cable of size 0.75 sqmm 3 core, complete all as specified and directed. 37 Factory made sheet metal enclosure, double door, 415 volts, AC, TPN vertical distribution board 12 way painted with epoxy based powder coated suitable for mounting MCCB as incomer of rating upto 250 Amps, FP, rating upto 36 KA and MCB SP/TP as outgoing and complete with including 200 Amps rated copper busbar, neutral bar, each bar, connecting cable links with and including top bottom removable gland plate with IP 43 protection, completeall as specified and directed. Note:- MCCB/MCBs will be measured separately. 38 MCBTP 40 Amps, 10 KA, 415 Volts C series complete all as specified and directed. 39 MCCBFP adjustable type, 250 Amps, 36 KA, 415 Volts complete all as specified and directed. 40 Sub main wiring with two run of single core FRLSHPVC insulated unsheathed 1100 volts grade cable with stranded copper conductor of size 6 Sqmm drawing through and includingconcealed rigid non metallic PVC conduit medium grade (ISI marked) 20mm dia or above as required including one single core FRLSH PVC insulated unsheathed 1100 volts grade cable with stranded copper conductor of size 6.0 sqmmas earth continuity conductorconnected to commen earth and earth dolly complete all as specified and directed. 41 Sub main wiring with two run of single core FRLSHPVC insulated unsheathed 1100 volts grade cable with stranded copper conductor of size 2.5 Sqmm drawing through and includingconcealed rigid non metallic PVC conduit medium grade ISI marked 20mm dia or above as required including one single core FRLSH PVC insulated unsheathed 1100 volts grade cable with stranded copper conductor of size 2.5 sqmmas earth continuity conductorconnected to commen earth and earth dolly complete all as specified and directed. 42 Sub main wiring with two run of single core FRLSHPVC insulated unsheathed 1100 volts grade cable with stranded copper conductor of size 4 Sqmm drawing through and includingconcealed rigid non metallic PVC conduit medium grade ISI marked 20mm dia or above required including one single core FRLSH PVC insulated unsheathed 1100 volts grade cable with stranded copper conductor of size 4 sqmmas earth continuity conductorconnected to commen earth and earth dolly complete all as specified and directed. 43 Sub main wiring with four run of single core FRLSHPVC insulated unsheathed 1100 volts grade cable with stranded copper conductor of size 10 Sqmm drawing through and includingconcealed rigid non metallic PVC conduit medium grade ISI marked 20mm dia including one single core FRLSH PVC insulated unsheathed 1100 volts grade cable with stranded copper conductor of size 10 sqmmas earth continuity conductorconnected to commen earth and earth dolly complete all as specified and directed. 44 Earthing complete with steel earth plate electrode 60 cm x 60cm x 6mm thick buried directly in ground (earth pit not less than 2.25 metres deep below normal ground level) with top edge of plate not less than 1.5 metres below normal ground level, connecting to the Galvanised iron earth wire 4.0mmdia by means of bolts, nuts, check nuts and washers of galvanised iron and steel earthwire protected by provision of GI Medium grade pipe 15 mm bore including provision of concrete pit made from PCC (1:2:4) type B-1 (using 20 mm graded stone aggregate) with 17mmthick cover of RCC (1:2:4) reinforced with XPM (weight not less than 4 Kg/Sqm) and frame of angle iron 25x3mm with lugs 02 No and with 6 mm dia MS bar handle made to shape GI medium grade 20 mm bore pipe for watering perforated at bottom, 1.75 metere long placed on top edge of earth plate, common salt and charcoal fittings, test point made out of 17 mm x 8 mm FI with fixing arrangement, funnel wire mesh and earth work in hard / dense soil, returning filling in and removal of surplus soil to a distance notexceeding 50m all as per electrical plate No 5 of SSR Part- I connected to earth test point complete all as specified and directed or indicated including testing on completion. 45 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning outdoor step down transformer 11000/433 Volts (at no load), AC 4 wire, 3 phase, 50 HZ of capacity 160 KVA, core type double copper wound, oil immersed, naturally cooled, oil natural, air natural (ONAN) with external cooling fans, delta connected on primary side (HV) and star connected on secondary side (LV) in accordance with vector symbal, DYN 11 (Vector group) with neutral brought out on secondary side (LV) and having tapping at 2.5% to 7.5% HV side to be changed by means of hand operated off load tap change gear, impedance@ 4.5% and losses at 50% load and full load and full load are 670 W and 1950 W respectively. The maximum temperature rise should not exceed 45 degree celsius in oil and 55 degree celsius in HV/LV winding when measured by resistance method after continuous full load run on an ambient temperature of 40 degree celsius. The transformer shall be IS: 1180-2014 Part-I (level-II) marked and shall comprises of the following:(a) 3 Nos porcelain bushing with arcing horn on HV side suitable for 11 KV complete with bushing, copper rods, nuts and washers.(b) One cable box on LT side (secondary side) consisting of four Nos. porcelain bushing with copper rod, complete with nuts and washers with 02 Nos. cable gland suitable for reception/taking out XLPE insulated heavy duly armoured cable including gland, joint and jointing material completed.(c) Oil conservator with filter type drain valve and oil level guage.(d) De-hydrating with first fill dehydrating agent (silica gel) 46 (e) Explosive vent.(f) Thermometer pocket on tank cover.(g) One No. 100mm dia, dial type thermometer, vapours pressure type, having range 0-120 degree, celsius with metal guard having maximumperimeter reading temperature indicator with resisting device transformer.(h) Two earthing terminals on tank cover to facilitate fixing of 32x6mm galvanized in earth strip for earthing of neutral & body.(j) Rating plate and terminal making plate.(k) Oil level gauge.(l) Oil drain/filter valve.(m) Lifting lugs.(n) Oil filling hole with cap/plug with connecting plate complete.(o) Air release valve plug.(p) Four plain solid cast steel detachable rollers.(q) Extra bushing for neutral, outside the LT cable box for providing independent earthing for neutral.(r) First filling of new and unused transformer oil conforming to IS-35/93 (fourth revision) marked (Make - savita/power oil or make as approved by the GE) filtered and tested up to 60 KV dielectric strength at 2.5mm air gap between testing.Note: Certificate of dielectric strength shall be submitted by the contractor after filling the oil. 47 Ceiling fan complete with three blades, down rod, electronic regulator and accessories, 230V, 1400mm sweep with brushless DC(BLDC) motor, 5 star rated including modular fan regulator, 120 watt, 2 module complete all as specified and directed. 48 Air circulator fan, 230 volts, single phase, oscillating 600mm sweep suitable for wall mounting with 3 speed low noise motor with strong air throw 12 cubic per feet high RPM 1400 vertical adjustment with corded electric, complete all as specified and directed 49 Construction of PCC platform for transformer of size 3.5m x3m and 1.2m high from ground level with brick construction walls and steps, PCC 1:5:10 type E-2 using 40mm graded crushed stone aggregate in foundation, brick work in CM 1:4, 10mm thick rendering in cement mortar (1:4), 50mm thick PCC 1:2:4 type B-1 using 20mm graded crushed stone aggregate in flooring and 40mm thick PCC on steps, painting to fencing with two coats of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of red oxide primer, including duly surrounded with XPM fencingcomplete with 40mm x 5mm angle iron post including MS gate made out of 40mm x 5mm angle iron & 12mm dia steel bar, fixed on PCC gate pillars complete with and including sliding bolts, locking arrangements, hinges and all accessories complete all as specified and as shown on drawings. 50 Deduction to be made from BOQfor Sch A Part-XIV (Schedule of credit) Amount of Rs.2,500.00 during AOC.Note: Tenderers shall not quote for this schedule.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 09-10-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 16-10-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 2000 /-
INR 478000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 4.03 Crore /-
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