
Tender For Construction Of Labs Under Pm Shri At Kv Command Hospital Kolkata Under Ge Alipore Kolkata, kolkata-West Bengal

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Construction Of Labs Under Pm Shri At Kv Command Hospital Kolkata Under Ge Alipore Kolkata. Submission Date for this Tender is 03-10-2024. Wrenches and Drivers Tenders in kolkata West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Construction Of Labs Under Pm Shri At Kv Command Hospital Kolkata Under Ge Alipore Kolkata
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Details

Construction Of Labs Under Pm Shri At Kv Command Hospital Kolkata Under Ge Alipore Kolkata- 1 Excavation in trenches n. exc 1.5 mtr wide and n. exc 1.5 mtr deep for foundation etc. n. exc 10 Sqm on plan and n. exc 1.5 mtr deep and getting out in hard/dense soil. 2 All as per item No. 1 above butexc 1.50 m deep n. exc 3.0 m deep. 3 Excavating over areas, n exc 1.5 m deep and getting out in hard/dense soil. 4 All as per item No. 3 above butexc 1.50 m deep n. exc 3.0 m deep. 5 Returning filling including spreading, leveling, watering in layers n. exc. 15cm in any type of soil. 6 Removing excavated soil to a distance exc. 50 mtr and n. exc 250 mtr from starting point. 7 M&L for PCC (1:4:8) type D2 using 40mm graded stone aggregate as in foundation complete all as specified 8 M&L for formwork to flat rough finished surfaces of concrete sides of foundations, footings, bases of columns, raft and raft beams, sides and soffits (if any) of foundation and plinth beams; and similar work vertical or to batter complete all as specified and directed. 9 M&L for formwork to flat rough finished surfaces of concrete sides of pillars, posts, struts, piers, columns and stanchions complete all as specified and as directed. 10 M&L for formwork to soffits of suspended slabs such as roof slabs etc. not exceeding 200mm thick (Horizontal or sloping) complete all as specified and as directed. 11 M&L for formwork to sides and soffits of floor or roof beams, cantilevers etc. complete all as specified and as directed. 12 M&L for RCC M 25 design mix (using 20 mm graded stone aggregate) as in foundations, including rafts, footings, foundation beams; plinth beams; bases for columns, etc.; basement slabs, under-reamed piles and mass concrete complete all as specified and directed. 13 M&L for RCC M 25 design mix (using 20 mm graded stone aggregate) as in columns, pillars, pier, postscomplete all as specified and directed. 14 M&L for RCC M 25 design mix (using 20 mm graded stone aggregate) as in Beams, cantilevers complete all as specified and directed. 15 M&L for RCC M 25 design mix (using 20 mm graded stone aggregate) as in slab supported on walls, beams and columns in floors, roofscomplete all as specified and directed. 16 M&L for mild steel TMT bars of 10mm dia and over cut to length bent to shape required including cranking bending spirally for hooping for column, hooking ends and binding with and including MS wire (annealed) not less than 0.9mm dia allas specified and directed. 17 M&L for mild steel TMT bars of 5mm dia and over upto and including 10mm dia in stirrups, spacers and binders cut to length bent to shape required including cranking bending spirally for hooping for column, hooking ends and binding with and including MS wire (annealed) not less than 0.9mm dia allas specified and directed. 18 M&L for Treating (ATT) the soil along with external perimeter of building at the rate of 2.25 litre of emulsion per metre of the perimeter wall complete all as specified. 19 M&L for treating (ATT) the top surface of filled earth at the rate of 5 litres of emulsion per square metre of surface complete all as specified. 20 M&L for brick work with subclass ‘B’ bricks, straight or curved on plan exc 6m mean radius, built in CM (1:6) complete all as specified and directed. 21 M&L for brick work with sub class B bricks straight or curved on plan to any radius in half brick thickwallingbuiltin cement mortar (1:4) complete all as specified and directed. 22 M&L for 20mm thick (in two layer) plastering on fair face of Brick surface with CM (1:4) mixed with WPC finish surface even and smooth with out using extra cement complete all as specified and directed. 23 Supply only water proofing compound. 24 M&L for 15mm thick cement plaster with CM (1:6) on other than fare face of brick wall finsh even and smooth without using extra cement complete all as directed. 25 M&L for 5mm thick plastering onceiling surfaces in CM (1:3) surface finished even and fair complete all as specified and directed. 26 M&L for 3mm thick wall care putty on wall including rubbing with sand paper to achieve a smooth surface & sharp straight edges etc. complete all as specified and directed. 27 M&L for preparation of newly plastered wall surface two coats of oil bounddistemper over a coat of primer on complete all as specified and directed. 28 Material & Labour for applying Two or more coats of 100% Premium acrylic emulsion paint having VOC less than 50 gm/litre and UV resistance as per IS 15489:2004, Alkali & fungal resistance, dirt resistance exterior paint of required shade (Company Depot Tinted) with silicon additives @ 1.43 litre/ 10 sqm over 2mm thick wall care putty and icluding priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 0.90 litre/ 10 sqm over new surfaces complete all as specified and as directed. 29 M&L for Moorum/red bajari filling in floors are paning laid in layer n exc 15cm thick, spread levelled and rammed including watering complete all as specified. 30 M&L for broken stone boulders or hardcore of guage n exc 63 mm , deposited,spread and levelled in layer n exc 15 cm thick,watered and well rammed to a true surface. 31 M&L for 100mm thick cement concrete type C2, (1:3:6) (40mm graded stone aggregate) in sub base in floors complete all as specified. 32 M&L forMachine cut kota stone slab flooring 20-25mm thick over cement screed base laid and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab including rubbing and polishing complete, including over 20 mm thick screed bed in CM (1:6) all as specified and directed. 33 M&L forMachine cut kota stone slab as in skirting 20-25mm thick over cement screed base laid and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab including rubbing and polishing complete, including over 10 mm thick screed bed in CM (1:4) all as specified and directed. 34 S & F 2nd H/W plain solid straight chowkhats,wrought framed rebated on the solid,rounded or chamfered put together with glue pinned at joints. 35 M&L for 30mm thick Flush shutters, solid core construction, with block board core and plywood face panels, commercial type on both sides with both facecovered with decorative face veneer with lipping/frame to match 36 S&F 100mm MS Butthinges, medium weight, cold rolled mild steel, and fixed complete all as specified and directed. 37 S&F Stainless steel handles 150mm long, bright polished complete, all as specified . 38 S&F Stainless steel handles 125mm long, bright polished complete, all as specified . 39 S&F Aluminium anodised barrel tower bolts of extruded section with 200 mm long bolt, all as specified . 40 S&F 300mm long aluminium alloy, anodised sliding door bolt with hasp, staple (bolt type) and fixing clip of sheet,cast or extruded section and fixing bolt of extruded section or cast aluminium alloy and fixed. 41 M&L for 18/19mm thick prelaminated particle board, interior grade, prelaminated both side with decorative choice lamination & other side balancing white lamination, fixed with screws to timber frame work complete all as specified & as directed. 42 S & F Continuous (Piano) hinges, mild steel, bright finished or electro galvanized, width of flaps (When open) 30 mm at any storey of building 43 S&F floor door stopper overall length of cover plate 150mm of aluminium alloy body and tongue, anodised, with hard drawn steel spring, fixed in floor 44 Supply and fix in repair Aluminium anodised (powder coated) Three track sliding window frame with shutters with (2 nos glazed and one wire gauzed shutter) including all necessary joining cleats, hold fast, rubber gasket, snap beading and locking arrangements fixed with screws to wall etc. complete with glazing and including 5 mm thick tinted glass to aluminium frame work using rubber gasket and including stainless steel wire cloth of 0.36 mm dia & average width of aperture 1.40mm with staple or suitable fillets wire mesh fitted with screws and washers etc with the following section of frame and shutter:- (A) Sections for shutter :- (i) H section 39 x 20 x 1.50 mm thick. (ii) Interlock section 39 x 20x 1.50 mm thick. (iii) Edge & Bottom section 41 x 20 x 1.50 mm thick.(B) Section for frame :- (i) Top & Sides 123 X 29.70X 1.50mm not less than 1.30 Kg /RM. (ii) Bottom 123 X 29.70 X 1.50mm not less than 1.502 Kg /RM and complete all asspecified and directed. 45 M & L for Granite (of any type) 20 mm thick (table rubbed and polished) in steps, jambs, pillars, window-cills, cooking platforms and like in cement mortar (1:4) including pointing in white cement (1:2) using marble dust with admixture of pigment to match with shade of granite complete all as specified and directed. 46 M&L for glazed ceramic (coloured) tiles of size 450x3506-7mm thick as in vertical surface/dado set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to match complete all as specified and directed. 47 M&L for bedding layer of mortar 10 mm thick in CM (1:3) for laying wall/dado finishes 48 M&L for rotational moulded polythylene water storage tanks 1000 litres capacity (cylindrical vertical with closed top) hoisted and fixed in position complete all as specified including 20 mm brass valve high pressure with polythene float and fly nut complete and GI tank nipple, screwd for iron pipe complete all as specified and directed. 49 S&L 20 mm bore (Outer dia) CPVC pipes ofSDR 11and plain CPVC SDR 11 fittingfixed on wall or floor (concealed ), ceiling or laying in floors complete all as directed. 50 S&F 110mm dia PVC (SWR) pipes double socketed inany length withrubber ring joints fixed to walls 51 S&F 20 mm bore CPVC Male Brass Threaded Adaptor (MTA/ MBTA) 52 S&F 20mm bore CPVC Female Brass Threaded Adaptor (FTA/ FBTA) 53 S&F PVC (SWR)bends 110mm dia 54 S&F PVC (SWR) junction single, (Single T) equal or unequal 110 mm dia 55 S & F in repairs 15 mm Dia CP Bib taps,fancy typewith crutch handle, screwed down, screwed for iron pipe or for brass ferrule and fixed . 56 S&F 600 mm x 450 x 6 mm bevelled edge mirror of selected quality glass, mounted on 6mm thick| AC building board or commercial plywood and fixed to wooden plugs with chromium plated brass| screws and cup washers comlete all as specified and directed. 57 S&F CP Soap dish, fixed to plugs with chromium plated brass screwscomlete all as specified and directed. 58 S&F Curtain rails with Decorative type drappery Rod along with all fittings of 25 mm diacomplete all as specfied and directed. 59 S&F brass CP Tubular towel rail, 20mm dia, D type, 60cm long between flangescomplete all as specfied and directed. 60 S&F sinks made of stainless steel 1 mm thick kitchen or laboratory with plugs, washers and wastes;including bedding in cement mortar on to dwarf wall or including fixing cantilever brackets and connecting union to pipe, overall size 495mm x 420mm bowl size 410mm x 330mm x 160mm all as specified and directed. 61 M&L for 10 mm thick rendering in cement mortar (1:4) mixed with Water Proofing Compound as per manufactures instructions and top surface of rendering finished even and smooth to recieve water proofing treatment complete all as specified and directed.Note : Water Proofing Compound shall be measured and paid separately under relevant items. 62 M&L for applying evenly a tack coat of industrial bitumon 85/25 at the rate of 1.2 kg per sqm including cleaning surface on roof surface for fixing APP membranecomplete all as specified and directed. 63 M&L APP based polymeric membrane minimum weighing 3kg/sqm and minimum 3mm thick reinforced with polyster non wove fabric (wt. not less than 150 gms/sqm) laid over bitumen coasted surface of roof applied with proper torch flames all as per manufactures instruction. NOTE:- The APP membrane will have an overlaping of 100 mm on the end laps and 150 mm on side laps. The overlaping and joints will be thermo sealed with the propare torchcomplete all as specified and directed. 64 M&L for applying protective coating with aluminium paint @ 0.2 kg/sqm complete all as specified and directed. 65 M&L for preparation of new wooden surfaces of any description, not otherwise described oer 10cm width or girthand application of two coats of synthetic enamel paint over one coat of pink primer complete all as specified and directed. 66 M&L for 75mm thick PCC (1:3:6), type C2, using 40mm graded stone aggte as in plinth protection / paving, surfae finished even & smooth with using extra cement as complete as specified and directed. 67 Material and labour in repair for point wiring for modular fitting, for one light/ fan / call bell point with 1.5 Sqmm PVC insulated FRLSH unsheathed copper cable multistranded conductor 1100 volts grade for continuity earth wire connected to common earth dolly drawn through non metallic rigid PVC heavy duty concealed conduit of size 25 mm dia with wall thickness not less than 1.6 mm including conduit accessories like bends, tees junction boxes etc. including 1.5 Sqmm, single core PVC insulated unsheathed multi stranded copper conductor FRLSH cable (green) 100 Volts grade as earth continuity wire connected to earth dolly and including modular sunken galvanized terminal boxes of same make of switch/ socket/ regulator with sleek and curvy cover plates, for mounting of modular switches, sockets, complete after and making good the disturbed surfaces as per the existing complete all as specified and directed. 68 All as per itrm no 67 here in before but for 3 pin 6 Amps socket modular type on the same board with 1.5 Sqmm cable complete all as specified anddirected. 69 All as per itrm no 67 here in before but for 3 pin 6 Amps socket modular type on the independent board with 1.5 Sqmm cable complete all as specified anddirected. 70 All as per item No 67 here in before but for socket modular type 2 in 1,3 pin 5/15 Amp on independent board with 2.5 Sqmm PVC unsheathed copper cable and 2.5 Sqmm copper conductor cable as earth continuity conductor complete all as directed. 71 Material and labour in repair for point wiring for Modular fitting, for one light/ fan / call bell point with 2.5 Sqmm PVC insulated FRLSH unsheathed copper cable multistranded conductor 1100 Volts grade, concealed type, controlled by one way switch including 2.5 Sqmm PVC FRLSH insulated unsheathed copper cable multistrand conductor 1100 volts grade for continuity earth wire connected to common earth wire dolly drawn through non metallic rigid PVC heavy duty concealed conduit of size 25 mm dia with wall thickness not less than 1.6 mm including conduit accessories like bends, tees junction boxes etc including 2.5 Sqmm, single core PVC insulated unsheathed multi stranded copper conductor FRLSH cable (green) 1100 Volts grade as earth continuity wire connected to earth dolly and including modular sunken galvanized terminal boxes of same make of switch/ socket /regulator with sleek and curvy cover plates, for mounting of modular switches, sockets, complete after and making good the disturbed surfaces as per the existing complete all as specified and directed. 72 Supply and fixing modular socket, 6 Amp, 2/3 pin combined 2 module complete all as specified and directed. 73 Supply and fixing modular Socket, 6/16 Amp, 2/3 pin combined 2 module complete all as specified and as directed. 74 Supply and fixing modular switch single pole, one way, 6 Amp, 1 module complete all as specified and as directed. 75 Supply and fixing modular switch single pole, one way, 16 Amp, 1 module complete all as specified and as directed. 76 Supply and fixing in modular white cover plate with frame, 2 module complete all as specified and as directed. 77 Supply and fixing in modular white cover plate with frame, 3 module complete all as specified and as directed. 78 Supply and fixing in modular white cover plate with frame, 4 module complete all as specified and as directed. 79 Supply and fixing in modular white cover plate with frame, 6 module complete all as specified and as directed. 80 Supply and fixing in modular white cover plate with frame, 8 module complete all as specified and as directed. 81 Supply and fixing in modular white cover plate with frame, 12 module complete all as specified and as directed. 82 Supply and fixing in Modular metal flush box 2 module complete all as specified and as directed. 83 Supply and fixing in Modular metal flush box 3 module complete all as specified and as directed. 84 Supply and fixing in Modular metal flush box 4 module complete all as specified and as directed. 85 Supply and fixing in Modular metal flush box 6 module complete all as specified and as directed. 86 Supply and fixing in Modular metal flush box 8 module complete all as specified and as directed. 87 Supply and fixing ceiling rose surface bakelite three terminal 65 mm X 50 mm, PVC/ Polycarbonated isolated body complete all as specified andas directed. 88 Supply and fixing main stream battens fitting LED 20/22 Watt tube 4 feet long fixing on PVC/ wooden round block complete with all accessories, prewired and flexible wire twin core from ceiling rose to terminal block all as directed. 89 Supply and fixing bldg security lighting of LED 35 Watts high efficient lighting solution anodised with heart resistance with accessories provided including necessary electric connection with all accessories required for fixing/ mounting with nut bolt washer and clamp support on GI pipe 1.5 meters of suitable diameter complete all as specified and as direcetd. 90 Supply laying and testing of cable XLPE insulated, screened, PVC bedded, galvanized steel strip or wire armoured, electric power cables (heavy duty) 1100 Volts grade with stranded aluminium conductor of size 16.0 Sqmm 4.0 core complete after taking down old XLPE cable of any size all as specified and directed. 91 Material and labour for sub-main wiring (concealed type) for main DBs to sub DBs with PVC (FRLSH) insulated and unsheathed two runs of 6.00 Sqmm single core multi strandedcopper conductor cable, 1100 Volt grade alongwith one run of 6.00 Sqmm PVC (FRLSH) insulated and unsheathed copper conductor cable, 1100 Volt grade, connected to common earth dolly as earth continuity conductor, including drawn through suitable size of casing caping/ PVC rigid conduit 25 mm dia and having thickness 1.6 mm including accessories carefully and taken down old existing aluminium/ copper sub main wiring with accessories complete all as directed.NOTE: Three runs of 6.00 sqmm cable and one RM of PVC Conduit shall constitute one unit. 92 Material and labour for Sub main wiring with two runs of single core 4 Sqmm (Nominal Area) FRLS PVC insulated and unsheathed multi stranded copper conductor cable LT 1100 Volts grade drawn through and including PVC conduit of adequate size fixed on surface of wall/ ceiling with all necessary fittings and accessaries and 1 run of FRLS PVC insulated and unsheathed insulated single core cable with multi stranded copper conductor of size 4 Sqmm as earth wire (green in colour) run through PVC conduit and connecetd common eart dolly including taking out the old sub main wiring for connection to DBs/ dolly shall be deemed to be included in this item and shall be measured as one run complete all as specified anddirected 93 Supply and fixing as MCB DB SPN (double door) 12 Ways including copper bus bar neutral link, earth bar and din rail, recessed with wall surfaces by chase cutting and making good surfaces of wall all as specified and directed. 94 Supplying and fixing MCB, Single pole, 240 Volts of capacity (6-32 Amps) C series breaking capacity 10KA. 95 Supplying and fixing MCB SPN,16 to 32 Amps,240 Volts breaking capacity 10KA complete all as direcetd. 96 Supply and fixing as MCB DB TPN (double door) 4 Ways including copper bus bar neutral link, earth bar and din rail, recessed with wall surfaces by chase cutting and making good surfaces of wall all as specified and directed. 97 Supplying and fixing MCB TPN,63 Amps,415 Volts breaking capacity 10KA complete all as direcetd. 98 M & L GI tubing medium grade 40 mm bore with fitting complete fixing to walls and ceilings or laid in floors complete all as specified and as directed. 99 All as per item No 98 here in before ditto but 25 mm bore. 100 Supply and fixing for AC power supply unit 6 module consisting of in built modular motor starter, plug top, 20 Amp Socket and box duly fixed/ grouted on wall complete all as specified and as directed. 101 Supply and laying XPLE insulated, screened, PVC bedded galvanised steel strip or wire armoured, electric power cables (heavy duty) with stranded aluminium conductor rating 1100 Volts grade of size 25 Sqmm 4 core laid in trenches or passing through pipes/ ducts or fixed to walls/ poles complete all as specified anddirected. (Earth work, brick protection and sand cushioning shall be measured and paid for separately). 102 M & L sand cushioning to under ground cable, 8 cms thick before laying the cable and 15 cm deep after laying and stretching the cable in trenches, including hand punning and consolidating, complete all as specified anddirected.NOTE: For payment purpose punned thickness shall be measured. 103 M & L Sub Class B brick, old size, brick covering laid dry, flat, transversally along the length of cable on sand cushioning, with width equal to the length of the brick complete all as specified anddirected. 104 M & L GI tubing light grade 100 mm bore with fitting complete fixing to walls and ceilings or laid in floors for passing of cable with suitable size clamps complete all as specified anddirected. 105 Supply, install, testing and commissioning in renewal of indoor type cubical panel board suitable for 3 phase 4 wire 415 Volt, 50 Hz and type tested at CPRI at 415 Volt factory fabricated in an approved factory having modern fabrication process powder coated in approved shard having thickness not less than 100 microns provided with suitable gasket to make it dust / vermin proof and comprising of the following:-OUTER SHELL:The outer shell shall be made out of 2 mm thick CRCA Sheet and MS angle section 50 X 50 X 6 mm frame, factory fabricated with front and back openable double door system locable/ openable by keys from both side having chromium plated 19 mm dia fancy lock, louvers and air vent gasket for natural flow of air. The bottom of the outer shell contains ditachable plate having provn for entry of armoured cable of adequate size with glants. The dimension of the shell should be adequate to accomodate inner shell described below giving minimum 75 mm space all round. Provision of threaded earthing scud at bottom & lifting lugs of suitable size at top to lift the panel safely shall be made. The degree of protection of outer shell shall be IP-54. 106 INNER SHELL: Inner shell shall be made out of 2 mm thick CRCA sheet duly compartmentalized for each control gears, front & back openable single door system by keys. To accommodate incomer/ outgoing MCCBs and TPN copper busbar of rating not less than 1.5 times the rated capacity of the incomer MCCB. The TPN busbar shall be insulated with colour coded heat shrinkable sleeve and shall not be mounted on suitable size F class insulators. The degree of protection for inner shell shall be IP-42 & carry the following items:-(a) Incoming: MCCB 200 Amps, 4 pole, 415 Volts, 50 Hz ICU 25 KA thermally adjustable between 70-100%- 01 No.(b) Outgoing:(i) MCCB 63 Amps, 4 Pole, 415 Volts, 50 Hz ICU 25 KA thermally adjustable between 70-100%-06 Nos(ii) MCB 20 Amps, single pole & neutral, 230 Volts, 50 Hz ICU 10 KA-01 Nos 107 (c) Instrumentation: The inner cubical shall carry the following:(i) Digital panel multifunctionmeter to measure current, voltage, frequency and power factor having programmable CT ratio (CT ratio should be equal to the rated current carrying capacity of incommer MCCB) and buit in selector switch of size 96 mm X 96 mm accuracy class 1.0 suitable to work on auxiliary power supply of 240 Volts AC with backup protection by 2 Amp MCB.(ii) Indication lamp 22.5 mm dia LED type, 240 Volts AC at the incommer of the unit to show 3 phase availability at the outgoing of incommer with back up protection by 2 Amp MCB.(iii) Inspection LED lamp 14 Watt with movable non ferrous chromium plated arm fitted on topside of inner shell. 108 Supply and fix stop, gun metal glove or gate valve with iron wheel head, screwed both ends for iron pipe and fixed incl taking down old unsv complete 40 mm dia pipe. 109 Supply and fix stop, gun metal glove or gate valve with iron wheel head, screwed both ends for iron pipe and fixed incl taking down old unsv complete 25 mm (1.0) dia pipe

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 26-09-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 03-10-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 57820.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 28.91 Lakhs /-
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