Tender For Addition And Alteration To Dispersal At Icgae Porbandar- 1 Demolition of Hardstanding/Cement concrete of any description and in any position not otherwise specificallly provided for all as specified and directed.NOTE:- Before demolition the levels of existing surface shall be taken to record slope and drainage pattern and level sheet shall be signed by GE and Contractor. Rate quoted shall be inclusive of this provision. 2 Removal of demolished concrete obtained from item No 01 above outside MOD land, including loading, unloading and staking at the destination complete all as specified and as directed.Note:- (i) There is no disposal site on MOD land. Hence the demolished material is to be dumped out side MoD land. Contractor shall ascertain the location of authorised disposal sites by local authorities and dispose off the demolished material accordingly. The rate quoted shall be inclusive of these provisions and nothing extra shall be paid on account of any misunderstanding.(ii) Solid contents as measured before demolition (item No 01 above) shall be considered for payment purpose.. 3 M&L for 10 mm thick sand cushion with clean river sand duly clear of residual, organic and deleterious materials spread evenly to uniform thickness laid over DLC layer all as specified and directed. 4 Supplying and laying 400 micron thick HDPE sheet (Virgin Quality) water proof, wrinkle free without puncture having minimum weight 390 gm/sqm over tack coat/sand cushion as specified in the design with overlap between adjacent strips and at transverse joints as minimum 300mm all as specified and as directed. (No additional amount to be paid for overlap) 5 Providing and laying Dry Lean Concrete (DLC) 100 mm thick of aggregate gradation as per Table-1 of SP 49 2014 having 7 days average ccompressive strength not less than 140 kg/cum DLC mixed in batching Plant, transported to site and laid by electronic sensor paver including amplitude tamping bars of paver (initial compaction) further by double drum smooth wheeled vibratory rollers with 80-100 KN static weight to acheive minimum dry density not less than 98% of maximum dry density, necessary finishing etc. complete all as specified and tolerances to be as per table 900-1 of MoRTH specifications for road and bridge work 2013. 6 M&L for pavement quality concrete (PQC) of minimum 28 days field flexural strength of 45 Kg/Sqcm or 4.5 Mpa, aggregate gradation as per Table 3 of IRC 15-2017, coarse aggregate of clean, hard strong, dense, non-porous and durable pieces of crushed stone or gravel, fine aggregates of clean natural sand or crushed stone sand or combination of both using minimum 360 Kg/Cum of cement with non-circular, virgin synthetic fibre of 12-18 mm length, specific gravity 1.34 to 1.39, UV stable, alkali resistant with equivalent dia 15-40 micron, minimum melting temperature as 240oC and minimum tensile strength of 300 Mpa and at the rate as specified by the manufacturer. PQC laid, spread and compacted with mechanical paver of adequate width including curing and tining by texturing cum curing machine complete all as specified and directed. Required surface texturing to be done as specified in clause10.1.14 and Table 8 of IRC 15 2017. (minimum thickness 200mm)NOTE:- No price adjustment shall be made for any excess cement used as per design mix than the minimum cement content. 7 M&L for forming 25 mm width expansion joint in concrete slab for full depth of PQC. Early entry saw and subsequent cutting by using diamond bit cutter of appropriate size, straight and smooth edges. Joint cleaned thoroughly with application of compressed air. Joint shall be made dry, vacuum cleaned and free of dirt, oil, vegetation and other debris. The joint then filled with pre-molded 25 mm thick compressible polyethylene closed cell type filler board as specified, thereafter application of two coats of primer with thin brush by forward and backward movement at an interval of 30 minutes before placing the backup rod and pouring the sealent. Placing of closed cell, medium density, crossed linked polyethylene foam backup rod of 30 mm dia, over filler board and filled with polyurethene based sealant complying with BS-5212, BS-4254 and EN- 141875-2003 with minimum movement accommodation factor (MAF) of +/- 30% having minimum 10 year performance guarantee, applying masked tape on the edges of joints and removing the masking tape after filling of sealant as per method specified by the manufacturer complete all as specified and directed. 8 M&L for cutting of construction joints 25mm deep and 10mm wide by early entry saw cut using diamond bit cutter of appropriate size, straight and smooth edges, Joint cleaned thoroughly with application of compressed air. Joint shall be made dry, vacuum cleaned and free of dirt, oil, vegetation and other debris. Application of two coats of primer with thin brush by forward and backward movement at an interval of 30 minutes before placing the backup rod and pouring the sealant. Placing of closed cell, medium density, crossed linked polyethlene foam backup rod of 12mm dia, application of bond breaker tape on top of back up rod for complete width of the joint and filled with polyurethane based sealant complying with BS-5212, BS 4254 and EN-141875-2003 with minimum movement accommodation factor (MAF) of +/- 30% having minimum 10 year performance guarantee, applying masked tape on the edges of joints and removing the masking tape after filling of sealant as the method specified by the manufacturer complete as specified and directed. 9 M&L for forming dummy/contraction joint with an initial saw cut of 3mm soon after the concrete has set, upto a depth of 1/3rd to 1/4th the thickness of the slab, widening the first saw cut to 6mm and 24mm deep by using diamond bit cutter of appropriate size, straight and smooth edges. Joint cleaned thoroughly with application of compressed air. Joint shall be made dry, vacuum cleaned and free of dirt, oil, vegetation and other debris. Applicaiton of two coats of primer with thin brush by forward and backward of prime with thin brush by forward and backward movement at an interval of 30 minutes before placing the backup rod and pouring the sealant.Placing of closed cell, medium density, crossed linked polyethylene foam backup rod of 8mm dia, application of bond, breaker tape on top of back up rod for complete width of the joint and filled with polyurethane based sealant complying with BS-5212, BS 4254 and EN-141875-2003 with minimum movementaccommodation factor (MAF) of +/-30% having minimum 10 year performance guarantee, applying masked tape on the edges of joints and removing the masking tape after filling of sealant as per the method specified by the manufacturer complete as specified and directed. 10 M&L for preparation of new concrete surface of runways and painting to line, dashes, arrows, letters etc.on roads, pavement and the like exc 10 cm wide to the shape and pattern as per instructions with adequate coat of road marking paint white, golden yellow and black etc. complete all as specified and directed. 11 Rolling and consolidating formation surfaces in disturbed GSBby using power roller of exc 8 tonne but n exc 12 tonne complete all as specified and directed.NOTE:- Demolition of existing PQC & DLC layers shall be done carefully without disturbing GSB layer. Any damage to GSB layer during demolition process shall be made good by the contractor without any extra cost. (ii) After rolling and consolidating formation surfaces levels shall be taken to ensure proper slope of GSB layer and if any work is required for minor slope correctionthen the same shall be done without anyextra cost. The GSB layer shall be inspected by GE after preparation and approved for laying DLC & PQC layers. 12 Dismantling wrought iron or mild steel work of any description complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in charge. 13 M&L for framed work as in doors or gates of angle or other section with gusset plates, rails, braces etc. complete , drilled for fixing of steel sheeting or other covering. Doors etc to be prepared for hanging or sliding with and including either hooks and hinges or steel hanging door fittings (exclusive of steel sheeting or other covering, running rails and guides) and hanging; also fastening and fixing complete confirming to Fe-410-W(Gde-E-250) quality B, all as specified and as directed. 14 M&L for rolled mild steel sections as in main and cross beams, hip and jack rafters, purlins where connected to common rafters and running rails and guides for sliding doors, fixed with angle cleats or other connecting plates and confirming to Fe-410-W(Gde-E-250) quality B,all as specified and as directed 15 M&L for applying two coats of synthetic enemel paint over a coat of red oxide primer including preparation of new steel surfaces of any description, over 10 cm in width or girth, not otherwise described complete all as specified and as directed. 16 Demolition of brick work or stone masonry built in cement mortar including all quoins, arches, pillars, etc complete all as specified and as directed. 17 M & L Porbandar stone masonry, well bonded, bedded and solidly hearted built in CM 1:6 all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 18 M&L for rendering 15mm thick on stone masonry surfaces in cement mortar 1:4 and even and smooth without using extra cement complete all as specified and as directed 19 M&L cement concrete (1:2:4) type B1 using 20mm graded stone aggregate as in surface channels and drains and benching including finishing the top of benching even and smooth with using extra cement all as specified and as directed. 20 M&L for Extra for forming fair finished drain or channel 30 cm inner girth in cement concrete, using ex- tra cement, including forms, moulds, mitred/stopped ends etc complete all as specified and directed. 21 Providing, cement concrete Type B-1 (1:2:4) (20mm graded aggregate) in roof kerbs or mud stops, rounded or chamfered on edges, in lintels upto 1.5m clear span, cills, steps; seismic and other similar bands, plinth courses, string courses, lacing courses, parapets and railings upto 60 cm in height copings, kneelers, apex stones, bed plates, kerbs, water troughs and the like including weathering, slightly rounded or chambered angles and throating complete all as specified and as directed. 22 M&L Providing, precast cement concrete Type B1 1:2:4 (20 mm graded agg) as inin landings, cover slabs (for manholes, drain etc.) chullah hoods, chajjas, water troughs, mangers, shelves and similar articleswith plain fair faces, including chamfers, weatherings, throating etc. and setting in mortar complete with joints to match set in CM 1:6 complete all as specified and as directed. 23 M&L for CRS TMT bars 10mm dia and over, cut to length, bent to shape required, including cranking , bending spirally for hooping for columns, hooking ends and binding with and including mild steel wire (annealed) not less than 0.9mm dia or securing with clips complete all as specified and as directed. 24 S&F framed work such as grills, gratings etc with ends of bars shouldred and/or riveted or forged in to spikes, framed guard bars, barred iron doors, ladders framed balusters walk ways railing, framework and similar work confirming to FE-290, Gde-E-165, complete all as specified and as directed 25 Cutting through cement concrete slabs, channels, grooves or rebates of 25mm wide and upto a depth exc 15cm but n exc 30cm with or without reinforcement and trimming the surfaces as required etc complete all as specified and as directed.