
Tender For Repair And Painting Of Steel Furniture(Fd/Map) Of Omqs/ Smqs Single Accn At 402 Afs Chakeri Kanpur, Kanpur-Uttar Pradesh

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Repair And Painting Of Steel Furniture(Fd/Map) Of Omqs/ Smqs Single Accn At 402 Afs Chakeri Kanpur. Submission Date for this Tender is 28-09-2024. Painting Tenders in Kanpur Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Repair And Painting Of Steel Furniture(Fd/Map) Of Omqs/ Smqs Single Accn At 402 Afs Chakeri Kanpur
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Repair And Painting Of Steel Furniture(Fd/Map) Of Omqs/ Smqs Single Accn At 402 Afs Chakeri Kanpur- 1 Almira large/Medsteel with shelves( FD 1031 & 1032) :-Taking out existing unserviceable locks almirah large/medium steel and S&F of new locks of six leavers of existing shape & size with duplicate keys complete all as specified and directed. 2 Taking out broken/damaged handle ofalmirah large/med steel and S&F of new handle of mild steel chromium plated of existing shape all as specified and directed. 3 Taking down existing unserviceable shelves of almirah large steel and S&F of new shelves made of 1mm thick mild steel of existing shape and size complete allas specified on drawing and directed. 4 All as per item 1.02 here in before but shelves of almirah medium steel 5 Taking out old unserviceabledoor hinges from almirah large/medium steel and S&F of new door hinges mild steel 75/80 mm long complete all asspecified and directed. 6 Taking down unserviceable locking device & rod set from almirah large steel and S&F of new locking device & rod set of existing shape and size complete allas specified on drawing and directed. 7 All as per item 1.05 here in before but locking device & rod set of almirah medium steel 8 Dismantling of unserviceable legs of almirah large steel and S&F of new made of 1mm thick mild steel sheet of existing shape and size complete all as specified on drawing and directed. 9 All as per item 1.07 here in before but legs of almirah medium steel. 10 M&L for painting to the following items by spraying on both side (outer and inner surfaces) including legs, door shutter, partition,drawers and shelves with one coat of OG synthetic enamel paint (2nd grade quality) including preparation of old painted surfaces & applying ready made putty wherever required to fill up the cavities complete all as specified and as directed and shown on drg. 11 Almirah Large Steel(FD 1031 / FD -1033 & FD/E6/MAP/18) 12 Almirah Med steel (FD 1032)/MAP 13 Chair Varandah(FD 256 & 359 ):-Removing old U/S canning of chair varandah and S&F re-canning of Chair Varandah mat pattern with 4 to 5 mm wide 0.5 mm thick half round new plastic cane cream/white colour confirming to sample Kept in furniture Yard as specified in drg and directed by Engr-in-Charge 14 Removing of U/S shoe and S&F newPVC hard shoes to chair varandah all as directed by Engr-in-Charge 15 M & L for PaintingofChair Varandah with two coats ofwhite synthetic enamel paint after preparing of surfaces by scraping with adhsice clothof Chair Verandah complete all asspecifiedin drg and directed by Engr-in-Charge 16 Table Office Officer steel(FD 1003):-Removing old u/s top of table office officer steel and S&F of new top of Pre- laminated particle board 18 mmthick exterior grade with 4mm thick teak wood beading around the top complete all as specified and directed. 17 Taking out U/S drawer of table office officer steeland S&F new drawer made of 1mm thick MS sheet ,rest all as per drgand directedby Engr –in-charge. 18 Removing U/Sdamaged legs and S & F New legmade of MS Sheet 1.6mm thick 25mm sqre conduit pipe all as per drg and directed by Engr-in-Charge 19 Removing of U/S shoe and S&F newPVC hard shoes to table office officer steel all as directed by Engr-in-Charge 20 Taking out U/S locks from the drawers/mobile padestal unitof Table officer/executivemake Godrej/Fetherlite/methodex or any other make any shape and any size and S&F new lock as per trade pattren matching with existing shape and size approved quality, all as directed by Engr-in-charge. 21 Taking out U/S telescopic channelfrom the drawers/mobile padestal unit of Table officer/executivemake Godrej/Fetherlite/methodexany other make any shape and any size and S&F new channel as per trade pattren matching with existing shape and size approved quality, all as directed by Engr-in-charge. 22 Taking out unserviceable locks from table office officer steel and S&F of new locks matching withexisting shape & size with duplicate key as approved by GE/Engr-In-Chare 23 M & L for PaintingofTable office officer steel with two coats ofOG synthetic enamel paint after preparing of surfaces by scraping with adhsice clothof Table office officer steel complete all asspecifiedin drg and directed by Engr-in-Charge 24 Table office Clk steel(FD 1004):-Removing old u/s top of table office clk steel and S&F of new top of Pre- laminated particle board 18 mmthick exterior grade with 4mm thick teak wood beading around the top complete all as specified and directed. 25 Taking out U/S drawer of table office clk steeland S&F new drawer made of 1mm thick MS sheet ,rest all as per drgand directedby Engr –in-charge.. 26 Removing U/Sdamaged legs and S & F New legmade of MS sheet 1.6mm thick 25mm square conduit pipe all as per drg and directed by Engr-in-Charge. 27 Removing of U/S shoe and S&F newPVC hard shoes to table office clk steel all as directed by Engr-in-Charge 28 Taking out unserviceable locks from table office clk steeland S&F of new locks matching withexisting shape & size with duplicate key as approved by GE/Engr-In-Chare. 29 M & L for PaintingofTable office clk steelwith two coats ofOGsynthetic enamel paint after preparing of surfaces by scraping with adhsice clothof Table office clk steel complete all asspecifiedin drg and directed by Engr-in-Charge 30 Repair to table 900x600x760mm with /without drawer steel (FD 1008 &1007):-M&L for repairs to table 900x600x760mm with/without drawer steelby welding of conduit frame wherever required including strengthening etc removing old/unsv worn out existing top and S&F new top of 18/19mm thick pre-laminated plastic board. Exterior grade one side teak finish and other side white including with 4mm thick Ist class Hard Wood Shisham beading all round the top fixed with suitable size of screws complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge. 31 Taking out old U/S legsof table 900x600 steel with /without drawer and S&F new legs of well-seasoned sheesham wood of existing shape and size all as specified shown on drg and directed by Engr-in-Charge. 32 All as per item No 5.01 here in before but short rail. 33 All as per item No 5.01 here in before but long rail. 34 Removing of unserviceable drawer of table 900x600 with drawer steel and S & F New drawersame shape and size. Rest all as per drg and directed by Engr-in-Charge 35 All as per item No 5.04 here in before but stiffener. 36 Removing old unsv rubber shoes and S&F new rubber shoes in each table complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge. 37 M & L for Paintingoftable steel 900x600x760mm with two coats of OG synthetic enamel paint after preparing of surfaces by scraping with adhsice clothof table steel 900x600x760mm complete all asspecifiedin drg and directed by Engr-in-Charge 38 Table Steel 900x900x760mm(FD 1009 & TP):- Taking out old U/S existing top from Table Steel (900 x900x760 mm) and S&F of new top made of 18 mm thick Pre - laminated particle boardexterior grade with 4mm thick teak wood beading around the top complete all as specified and directed 39 S & F of 25 mm Square MS tube 1.6 mm thick 1100 mm long cross stiffener to table dining 900x900x760 mm steel 8” (inch) below from top frame by welding Rest all as directed by Engr-in-Charge. 40 Removing of U/S PVC Leg Shoes of Table Steel 900x900x760 mm and S&F of new PVC legs shoes of the same shape and size Rest all as per drg and directed by Engr-in-Charge 41 M & L for Paintingoftable steel 900x900x760mm with two coats of OG synthetic enamel paint after preparing of surfaces by scraping with adhsice clothof table steel 900x900x760mm complete all asspecifiedin drg and directed by Engr-in-Charge 42 Chair CBA Steel/CBB Steel( FD 75(M):-Removing of old existing U/S seat & back of chair CBA/CBB Steeland S&F new seats/back of seasoned sheesham wood duly Canned with ½ round plastic cane 2mm wide 0.4mm thick and border with 3.5mm wide 0.5mm thick for chair CBA /CBB steelall as specified and as shown on drg. 43 S&F new mild steel cleats of size 50 X 25 X3mm in replacement of old U/S cleats by welding to the frame complete of Chair CBA/CBBsteel allas specified and as directed by Engr-in-Charge 44 Removing of old existing U/S cap and S&F new PVC cap for chair steel tumbler with arms. 45 Removing of U/S shoe and S&F new hard rubber shoes to chair steel tubler with arms with appropriate steel screw all as directed by Engr-in-Charge 46 Removing of old U/S arms and S&F new arms seasoned sheesham wood with steel screw appropriate size complete of Chair CBA steel with Arms as specified and shown on drg all as directed by Engr-in-Charge 47 M & L for PaintingofChair CBA steel /CBB Steel with two coats ofOG synthetic enamel paint after preparing of surfaces by scraping with adhsice clothof Chair CBA steel /CBB Steel complete all asspecifiedin drg and directed by Engr-in-Charge 48 Teapoy Verandah(FD 255):-Taking out U/S top from Teapoy Verandah and S&F New top made out ofpre-laminated particle board exterior grade 19 mm thick duly provided with 4mm thick teak wood beadingand all around the top dully polished &repairing the entire frame including welding if required . All as specifiedand shown in drg. 49 Taking out U/S rubber shoes from Teapoy Verandah And S&F new rubber shoes of best quality matching with the existing shape & size. As approved by Engr-in-charge 50 S & F of MS conduit pipe of size 350x25Sq mm16 gaugewelded with two legs making a stiffener both side of teapoy varandah and 750x25Sq mm 16 guage center stiffener welded with both side stiffeners of teapoy varandah rest all as directed by Engr-in-Charge. 51 M & L for PaintingofTeapoy Varandah with two coats ofwhite synthetic enamel paint after preparing of surfaces by scraping with adhsice clothof teapoyVarandah complete all asspecifiedin drg and directed by Engr-in-Charge . 52 Table Computer (TP):- Taking out the oldexisting unservicable following parts of computer table Supply & Fixing new parts of the same complete with the help of appropriate nuts, bolts and washers and as directed by Engr-in-charge 53 Top 54 Shelf 55 Drawer 56 Key board with slider 57 Caster Wheel 58 Chair computer (TP):- Taking out the oldexisting unservicable following parts of chair computer (TP)and S&F new parts of the same complete with the help of appropriate nuts, bolts and washers and as directed by Engr-in-charge 59 Seat& Back 60 Base 61 Coaster wheel 62 Chair revolving office officers high back/executive with PU arm (TP) Taking out U/S caster wheel from any type of chair revolving high back executive and S&F new caster wheel of different type as per trade pattern matching with the existing shape & size.as approved by Engr-in-charge 63 Taking out U/S tapestry/fabric cloth from seat &back of chair revolving high back executive and S&F new tapestry/ Fabric cloth of approved quality & shade including replacement of foam cushion and plywood etc all as directed by Engr-in-Charge 64 Taking out U/S hand rest from chair revolving high back executive and S&F new hand rest of different type as per trade pattern matching with the existing hand rest.all as directed by Engr-in-charge 65 Taking out of Hydrualic AssemblyForm Chair revilving office officer High back/executive and S&F new Hydrualic assembly different type as per trade pattern with the existing shape and size as directed by Engr-in-charge 66 Shoe Rack steel(FD/MAP/02(R) ):- Removing of U/S shoe and S&F newPVC hard shoes to chair varandah all as directed by Engr-in-Charge 67 M & L for PaintingofShoe Rack Steel with two coats ofBlack synthetic enamel paint after preparing of surfaces by scraping with adhsice clothof Shoe Rack Steel complete all asspecifiedin drg and directed by Engr-in-Charge Make : Berger/Asian/Shalimar 68 Chair School with hand board (FD/E6/MAP/05) :-Taking out the old existing unserviceable following parts of Chair steel with writing pad and PVC seat and S & F New parts of the same complete with the help of appropriate nuts, bolts and washers and as directed by Engr-in-charge . 69 Seat PVC 70 Writing Pad 71 M & L for PaintingofChair school with hand board with two coats of black synthetic enamel paint after preparing of surfaces by scraping with adhsice clothof Chair school with hand board complete all asspecifiedin drg and directed by Engr-in-Charge 72 Charpoy GI Pipe ply top (FD 220) :- Removing of unserviceable long rails from Charpoy GI Pipe and S & F new long rail made out of 32mm dia GI pipe medium grade, complete all as specified shown on drawing and directed by Engineer-in-Charge 73 Removing of unserviceable short rails from charpoy GI pipe & making of two short rails obtained from execution of item No 13.00 and fixing the same in charpoy including cutting threads on both ends, complete all as specified shown on drawing and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 74 Removing of unserviceable legs from charpoy GI pipe & making two legs from short rails obtained from execution of item No 13.01 and fixing the same in charpoy including cutting , threading on one end and S&F clamps as per drawing for FMN set, complete all as specified shown on drawing and directed by Engineer-in- Charge. 75 Removing old unserviceable 3 way GI elbow and S&F new three way elbow of 32 mm dia, ISI marked med grade, complete all as specified shown on drawings and as directed 76 Removing old unserviceable GI check nut and S&F new GI check nuts of 32 mm dia 6mm thick ISI marked complete all as specified shown on drawings and as specified shown on drawings and as directed. 77 Removing of existing Ply top 12mmBWRfrom GI charpoy ply top and tightening the frame, loose laying charpoys components i.e. check nuts, elbows, rails, legs etc and S&F 2000x900x12mm thick ply wood sheet BWR,as directed shall also be provided 10 Nos nuts bolt (GI) 75mm long 6mm dia with washer and painting of flat iron. 78 M&L for welding of broken steel parts of various steel furniture by electric welding & welding up to 25mm considera single pointas and where required as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 21-09-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 28-09-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 59900.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 29.95 Lakhs /-
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