
Tender For Repair Of Various Types Of Otm Furniture At Mil Stn Under Ge Rangia, rangia-Assam

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Repair Of Various Types Of Otm Furniture At Mil Stn Under Ge Rangia. Submission Date for this Tender is 19-09-2024. Footwears Tenders in rangia Assam. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Repair Of Various Types Of Otm Furniture At Mil Stn Under Ge Rangia
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Repair Of Various Types Of Otm Furniture At Mil Stn Under Ge Rangia; 1 Note:-S&F new components in lieu of dismantled components including tightening the joints, pinning, screwing nailing,wedging, glueing, providing hinges,applying putty to level thesurface, placing every part in-tact and polishing the disturbed portion & Scratching the entire wooden pallets ,filling putty to the bore holes making surface smooth by scratching it with sand emery paper, the Wooden furniture shall be French polished with high gloss finish shade as approved by Engineer In Charge, after properly cleaned and smoothened the surface.Painting the steel disturbed portion & painting steel surface with two coats of synthetic enamel paint of existing shade with spray gun & apply red oxide primer where ever requiredafter properly smoothening the surface with sand paperTop shall be 18 mm thick pre-laminated particle board both side laminated,duly fixed with half round teak wood beading in matching shade with synthetic adhesive. Make of particle board : Century/Archid /Greenply.All kind of work will be executed where the furniture exist in different User Units of GE Rangia including BSOs Furniture Yard at Rangia, and office hours only as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.(Note applicable for item Srl No-1.01 to 14.01). 2 Bed Ply top :FD-246- S&F of 12 mm thick BWR grade plywood in Bed. Make-Archidply/Century Ply/ Greenply. 3 Repair of Head rest as per drg. 4 Repair of Foot rest as per drg. 5 S& F of Long Rail as per drg. 6 S & F of Stiffener as per drg. 7 Polishing of bed plytop as per above Note. 8 Chair diningFD-279- S & F of Back rest as per drg. 9 S & F of Front leg as per drg. 10 S & F of Rear legs as per drg. 11 S & F of Rails including hole of canning as per drg. 12 S & F of Leg stiffner as per drg. 13 Polishing of Chair dining as per above Note. 14 Removing the existing unserviceable cane plastic from the chair and Recanning the chairs with plastic cane as existing size. 15 Sofa set 5 seater with cushion) FD-281:- S & F of Leg as per drg. 16 S & F of Arm as per drg. 17 S & F of Wooden batten as per drg. 18 S & F of Bearer as per drg. 19 Taking out old pressed /torn old cushions from sofa set and Supply 40 density thick foamcushion of size 21”x22”x4” duly fixed with the GM fabricas approved by GE.Cushion cover with marking cloth shall be provided with good quality zip stitched on one edge of cushion cover with standard fitting.(Make of Cushion-kurlon Gold line/ Sleepwell). 20 Polishing of sofa set 5 seater as per above Note. 21 Table dining 6 person FD-273:-S & F of Top as per drg. 22 S & F of Legs as per drg 23 S & F of Rails as per drg 24 Polishing of Table dining as per above note. 25 Table writing FD-275:- S & F of Top as per drg. 26 S & F of Legs as per drg 27 S & F of Rails as per drg 28 Repair of Drawer as per drg. 29 S& F of lock as per existing pattern. 30 S & F of Stiffener as per drg. 31 Polishing of Table writing as per above note. 32 Table 900x900 mm steel FD-1009:- S & F of Top as per drg. 33 Repair of steel portion by welding, grinding etc. 34 Painting of Table 900x900as per above note. 35 S & F rubber shoes for table. 36 Table 900x600 mm steel with/without drawer FD-1008/1007:-S & F of Top as per drg. 37 Repair of steel portion by welding, grinding and applying putty etc. 38 S & F of lock for table drawer as per existing pattern. 39 Painting of Table 900x600 with/without dwr as per above note. 40 S & F rubber shoes for table. 41 Table office clk steel FD-1004:- S & F of Top as per drg. 42 Repair of steel portion by removing denting, welding/grinding and making surface smooth finish. 43 S & F of drawer lock as per existing pattern. 44 Painting of table office clk steel as per above Note. 45 Locker steel: FD-1029/257- S&F of hasp & staples as per existing pattern. 46 Repairs to Steel portion by welding/Grinding/applying putty to making surface smooth finish. 47 S & F of CP handle as per existing pattern. 48 S & F of Leg as per existing pattern. 49 Painting of Locker steel as per aboveNote. 50 Almirah large steel :FD-1031:-S& F oflock as per existing pattern and shape. Make-Harrison/Godrej/Link 51 S & F of CP handle as per existing pattern. 52 Repair of steel portion with welding,grinding and applying putty to smooth the surface. 53 S & F of Leg as per existing pattern. 54 Painting of Almirah large steel as per Note. 55 Charpoy MS tubing with plytop:- FD/CWE/TEZ/04:Taking out existing broken plywood from the charpoy by loosining the nut bolts with washer. S&F of new 12 mm thick BWR grade plywood fixed to Charpoy from with Nut, Bolts, Make of Plywood- Greenply/Century Ply/Archidply 56 Taking out existing broken head board from charpoy and fixing new head board with 18 mm thickprelaminated particle board both side laminated shade as approved by BSO/GE. 57 Repairs to Steel portion by welding/Grinding/applying putty to making surface smooth finish. 58 S & F of Hard rubber shoes as per drg 59 Painting of charpoy MS tubing with plytop as per above note 60 S&F of prelaminated particle board fixed with half round beeding all around the board in various furniture as required as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 61 S&F of BWR grade plywood of 6 mm thick in various furniture as required as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 62 S&F of 0.8 mm thick sunmica with & including 18 mm thick BWR grade plywood all around PVC edging, pasted with good quality of Dendrite as required as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 12-09-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 19-09-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 70000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 35 Lakhs /-
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