Removal, Overhaul/ repair,fitment onboard and functional trials of Refrigeration plant and its components-Degutting, dismantling, chemical cleaning, defect survey , shop floor testing from both sea water side and gas side, repair of tubes, pre-assembly, assembly and regutting of condenser 3 Degutting, repair, calibration and regutting ofpressure gauges and temperature gauges 4 Degutting, dismantling, cleaning, defect survey,repair, pre-assembly, shop floor testing, assembly and regutting of automatic control devices, valves, shut off valves, isolating valves, solenoid valve, expansion valve and stop valves 5 Degutting, dismantling, cleaning, defect survey,repair, pre-assembly, shop floor testing, assembly and regutting of sea water pump as per SoW 6 Degutting, dismantling, cleaning, defect survey,repair, pre-assembly, shop floor testing, assemblyand regutting of compressor as per SoW, renewsight glass 7 Degutting, dismantling, cleaning, defect survey,repair, pre-assembly, shop floor testing, assembly and regutting of freon receiver unit as per SoW 8 Degutting, dismantling, cleaning, defect survey,repair, pre-assembly, shop floor testing, assembly and regutting of heat exchanger as per SoW 9 Degutting, dismantling, cleaning, defect survey,repair, pre-assembly, shop floor pressure testing, assembly and regutting of direct expansion batteries in cold, cool and provison rooms 10 Degutting, chemical cleaning, defect survey, repair, fabrication of new pipes, shop floor testing and regutting of all pipelines 11 Carry out heat input test 12 MANDATORY SPARES 13 Sensor pressure switch 14 Metal reinforced hose 15 Thermostatic expansion valve 16 Solenoid valve 17 Filter drier 18 Level gauge 19 LP cut out 20 HP cut out 21 Compression ring 22 Oil control ring 23 Locking ring 24 Connecting rod big end bush 25 Connecting rod bush 26 Bearing 27 Spring 28 Thrust ring 29 Ring 30 Packing ring 31 Oil filter 32 Intake filter 33 Dowel pin 34 Safety valve spring 35 Spring 36 Protector 37 Compressor bush 38 Spacer 39 Disk 40 Rubber ring 41 Electric motor bush 42 Pressure disc 43 Piston compressor with connecting rod 44 Crankshaft 45 Sealing graphite (Set with 1 spring, 1 washer, 1gasket, 3 rings) 46 Washer tab/ Locking/ Safety 47 Ring graphite 48 Valve plate (discharge) 49 Spring outer 50 Spring 51 Filter 52 Ring 53 Bush connecting rod 54 Ring piston compression 55 Sleeve (Bush) 56 Ring locking 57 Ring piston compressor (Compression ring bottom) 58 Ring piston, Oil control 59 Rod connecting 60 Bearing 61 Plate suction valve 62 Valve board 63 Cylinder block 64 Note : Bidders are requested to quote inline withPrice Bid format mentioned in TTS