
Tender For Medical Lab Items Rate Contract, tirur-Kerala

Directorate Of Health Services has published Tender For Medical Lab Items Rate Contract. Submission Date for this Tender is 12-09-2024. clocks Tenders in tirur Kerala. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Medical Lab Items Rate Contract
Open Tender

Tender Details

Medical Lab Items Rate Contract Medical Lab Re Agent, Consumables, Cards Rate Contract , Lab Consumables , K3 Edta Tubes( 1 X100) , Sodium Fluride Tube(1X100) , Clot Activator Tubes(1X100) , 3.2% Sodium Citrate Tubes(1X100) , 3.8% Sodium Citrate Tubes(1X100) , Lithium Heparin Tubes(1X100) , Disposible Esr Tubes (1X200) , Vesmatic Tubes(1X500) , Borosil Glass Tubes(12X75)100Nos , Plastic Test Tubes(12X75) , Cover Slip(28X50)50Nos. , Glass Slide(1X50) , Hitachi Cup(1X500) , Capillary Tubes(1X100) , Wattman No.1 Filter Paper(1X100) , Lancet(Plastic Tiktok Type)(1X100) , Disposible Non Sterile Urine Plastic Container(1X100) , 1000Ml.Microtip(Blue)(1X500) , 100-200Ml. Microtip Yellow(1X200) , Microcentrifuge Tube(1X500) , Tourniquet() , Stopwatch , Timer , Micropipette(500 Micro Litre) , Micro Pipette Variable(1000 Micro Litre) , Micropipette(5250 Micro Litre) Variable , Micropipette(100 Micro Litre)Fixed , Micropipette(100-200 Micro Litre) Variable , Digital Thermometer , Slide Box , Weils Tube , Felix Tube , Vaccutainer (Open System) , Vaccutainer (Closed System) , Urine Culture Bottle Sterile , Blood Culture Bottle , Swab Culture Bottle , Vtm Tubes , Sterile Swabs , Band Aid Spot Plaster(1X100) , Disposable Plastic Dropper , Microscopic Glass Slide(1X50) , Tissue Roll , Butterfly Needle(1X100) , Bio Chemistry Semi Analyser , Semi Glucose(5X50 Ml + 1X5 Ml) , Semi Urea(5X44/5X11 Ml) , Semi Creatinine (5X44/5X11 Ml) , Semi Billirubin Total And Direct( 2X60ml/2X60ml/1X6 Ml) , Laboclean 5 L , Sodium Hypochloride 5L , Fibronogen Re Agent , S Calcium 50 Ml , S Chloride 50 Ml , Vitamin D3 50 Ml , Cpk , Cpkmb , T3 , T4 , Wdal Test Serum , To , Th , Ah , Bh , Tsh , Card Test , Hbsag Card 1X 50 , Hcv Card1x30 , Hav Card 1X10 , Dengue Igg Igm Card 1X25 , Dengue Ns 1 Card1x10 , Leptospira Igg/Igmcard , Pregnancy Card 1X100 , Urine Strip (Glucose / Protein)1X100 Strips , Urine Strips(Glucose/Ketone) 1X100 Strips , Trop I Card 1X10 , Urine Micro Albumine Strips 1X100 , Lab Re Agent , Benedict Reagent 1X500ml , 10%Barium Chloride 1X500 Ml , 3% Sulphosalicyde Acid , Fouchets Reagent 1X25 Ml , Sulphur Powder 100 Gm , Erlichs Reagent 500 Ml , 3%Acetic Acid 500 Ml , Ammonium Sulphate 250 Gm , Sodium Nitro Prusside 100 Gm , Ammonia Solution 500 Ml , Benzidine Powder 100 Gm , Hydrohen Peroxide 100 Ml , Leishmen Stain 500 Ml , Giemsa Stain 100 Ml , Jsb - 1 1X25 Ml , Jsb-2 1X25 Ml , Sodium Hypo Chlorite Solution 5 L , 0.1 % Methylene Blue1x100 Ml , Liquid Paraffin 1X500 Ml , Hematology Qc , Grouping Serum Antia1x10 Ml , Grouping Serum Antib1x10 Ml , Grouping Serum Antid1x10 Ml , Grouping Serum Antiab1x10 Ml , Stool Occult Blood Kit , Benedict Reagent 1X500ml , 10%Barium Chloride 1X500 Ml , 3% Sulphosalicyde Acid , Fouchets Reagent 1X25 Ml , Sulphur Powder 100 Gm , Erlichs Reagent 500 Ml , 3%Acetic Acid 500 Ml , Ammonium Sulphate 250 Gm , Sodium Nitro Prusside 100 Gm , Ammonia Solution 500 Ml , Benzidine Powder 100 Gm , Hydrohen Peroxide 100 Ml , Leishmen Stain 500 Ml , Giemsa Stain 100 Ml , Jsb - 1 1X25 Ml , Jsb-2 1X25 Ml , Sodium Hypo Chlorite Solution 5 L , 0.1 % Methylene Blue1x100 Ml , Liquid Paraffin 1X500 Ml , Hematology Qc , Grouping Serum Antia1x10 Ml , Grouping Serum Antib1x10 Ml , Grouping Serum Antid1x10 Ml , Grouping Serum Antiab1x10 Ml , Stool Occult Blood Kit , Machine Name Bc 5 Part Cbc , Cbc , D.S Diluent 20 L , M-6-Ld Lyse 50 Ml , M-6-Lh Lyse50 Ml , M-6-Ln Lyse 50 Ml , Probe Cleaner 50 Ml , M-6 Fd Lyse 50 Ml , M-6 Fm Dye 50 Ml , Machine Name Start Max Stago Coagulation , Screening Test , A)Pt Re Agent 20 Ml , B)Aptt Re Agent 20 Ml , C)Barette Cuvette , D) Ball Vials , E) Calcium Chloride 20 Ml , Machine Name Mispa Agappe Analyser , A)Crp Test 30T/Kit , B)Hba1c30t/Kit , C)Rf 30T/Kit , D)D. Dimer 30T/Kit , E)Serumferritin 30T/Kit , F)Aso 30T/Kit , G)Vitamined3 30T/Kit , Micro Albumin , Machine Name Em-360 Erba Fully Automated Biochemistry Analyser , A)Glucose5x60ml/1X5ml , B)Urea5x60ml/1X5ml , C)Uric Acid1x44 Ml/5 X11 Ml , D)Creatinine1x44 Ml/5 X11 Ml , E)Totalcholesterol , F) Hdl Cholesterol , G)Tri Glycerides , H)Billirubin Total& Direct , I)Sgot , J)Sgpt , K)Alkaline Phosphatase , L) Total Protein10 X44 Ml , M) Albumine 10 X44 Ml , N)Hba1c Ml 100 , O) Rfml 100 , P)Aso Ml 100 , Q)Crpturbilatexml 100 , R)Creatinine Kinase , S)S.Amylase , T)S.Lipase , U) Multi Cal , V)Erbanom , W)Ckmb , Z) Erba Autowash , 1) Erba Acid Alkaly Wash , 2) Ldh , S Ferrittin , Cpk , Roche Cobra232 Trop T Analyser , Troponin T 1X10 T , Agd Machine , Agd Pack , Deprotinizer , Si-200 , Abg Pack , Sena Core , Abg Caliborate , Abg Analyser , Abg Caliborate , B)Ci Bend 22.5° (250Mm Dia)

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 8850 /-
INR 50000.0 /-
Tender Value
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