
Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Work Package For Store Activities For Two Years 2024 26 - (A1) Receipt Processing & Shifting Of Sheets (Upto 5 Mm) (A2) Receipt Processing & Shifting Of Plates (Including And Above 1000 Mm X 2000Mm) (A3) Re, NASHIK-Maharashtra

Department of Defence Production has published Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Work Package For Store Activities For Two Years 2024 26 - (A1) Receipt Processing & Shifting Of Sheets (Upto 5 Mm) (A2) Receipt Processing & Shifting Of Plates (Including And Above 1000 Mm X 2000Mm) (A3) Re. Submission Date for this Tender is 09-09-2024. Tanks and Cylinders Tenders in NASHIK Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Work Package For Store Activities For Two Years 2024 26 - (A1) Receipt Processing & Shifting Of Sheets (Upto 5 Mm) (A2) Receipt Processing & Shifting Of Plates (Including And Above 1000 Mm X 2000Mm) (A3) Re
Open Tender

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid for Services - WORK PACKAGE FOR STORE Activities For Two Years 2024 26 - (A1) Receipt Processing & Shifting of Sheets (upto 5 mm) (A2) Receipt Processing & Shifting of Plates (including and above 1000 mm x 2000mm) (A3) Receipt Processing & Shifting of Wires (A4) Receipt Processing & Shifting of Rods, Pipes & Profiles (A5) Receipt Processing & Shifting of Billets (below 1000 mm x 2000mm) (B1) Receipt Processing & Shifting of Castings & Forging (C1) Receipt Processing and Hinning action of Consumables & non-metallic items upto 300 kg in multiple of 300 kg. (D1) Receipt Processing & Shifting of RMA & Standard Part and Rubber Items. (E1) Receipt Processing and Binning action of Electronics (F1) Receipt Processing and Binning action of Capital & Commercial items. (G1) Inward Entry, Tracking and Delivering of IAF Items G2) Despatch of Out Sourcing Raw Material/ HAL. Support Parts Tooling Material/Assy Package Material ( (G3) Despatch of idto/Civil Sales/Export/Rejected material (G4) Despatch of AFLE Cat-A & Cat-B items (Acitivity is including offering by contractor to AFLE QAS) (G5) Despatch of items to 25 ED/ 11 BRD/Other Air Force Basis (G6) Despatch of CAT-D, CAT-E & Warranty items, loan itens (ie. DRC with zero value) (G7) Site Repair Paper Action of DRCY (G8) BOC of AFLE 25 ED & other Airforce Bases and Filing of DA (G9) Preparation of E way hill on e portal (G10) Stamping on DA/Q423, offering to CRI and Maintain the Proper record of Q423 with Linking. (H1) Fabrication of Wooden Boxes (H2) Painting of Fabricated Wooden Boxes (11) Packing of Items/Materials (J1) Loading/Unloading, shifting & positioning of Consignments received despatched through Trucks/Flights. Along with internal shifting between various shops. ( 12) Dispatch, collection, Loading and Unloading of sensitive items from HAL. Ojhar to Nashik road railway station/railway T (13) Dispatch/cOLLECTION of aircraft items from HAL. Ojhar to & fro Mumbai railway station (34) Collection of material by Escort From Mumbai/Pune (Excluding Railway station) (15) Receiving of consignment and Way Bill Preparation (L1) Checking/Binning of Casting & Forging and Raw material of Central Holding Stores. (K) Receipt Processing in CAT D Receipt Stores (13) Physical Stock Verification (P.S.V.) of Casting & Forging Store and updating in IFS. (12) Issue & MR/JC Posting of Casting & Forgings (L4) Re-preseavation of Casting & Forging Items (LS) Issue & Shifting of Raw material (rod, Pipes, Profile Sheet, Wires, Plates) from Central Holding Stores to AMS (16) lasue of material (rod, Pipes, Profile, Sheet/Plates, Wires) from AMS Stores and MR/IC posting in AMS,LOADING&UNLOADING MATERIAL ON MACHINE, AMS job cards updates. (L7) Physical Stock Verification (P.S.V.) of Rod, Profiles & Pipes at AMS & Central Holding Stores and updating in IFS. (L8) Re-preservation of rod, profiles & Pipes at Central Holding Stores (1.9) Physical Stock Verification (P.S.V.) of Sheet/Plates and updating in IFS. (L.10) Re-preservation of Aluminium/Steel Sheets/Plates (111) Physical Stock Verification (P.S.V.) of wires and updating in IFS. (1.12) Re-preseavation of Wires (L.13) Raw Material Holding store to VLD Hanger/Casting & Forging Hanger Sheet Store & Vice Vers with proper bin location update in IFS & hin cards, excel. Vehicle arrangement will be from contractor end. (114) Internal Shiftting inside Raw Material Holding Store with proper bin location update in IFS & bin cards, excel, Vehicle arrangement will be from contractor end. (L15) JAMS Store to VLD Hanger with proper bin location update in IFS & hin cards, excel. Vehicle arrangement will he from contractor end. (L16) Sheet Store to VLD Hanger with proper bin location update in IFS & bin cards, excel. Vehicle arrangement will be from contractor end (1.17) Internal Shiftting of Plates inside Sheet Holding Store with proper hin location update in IFS & bin cards, excel. Vehicle arrangement will be from contractor end. (L18) Water Jet Machine area to AMS Store /Sheet Store & Vice Versa with proper bin location update in IFS & bin cards, excel. Vehicle arrangement will be from contractor end. (L19) Sheet Store to Shed outside sheet Store with proper bin location update in IFS & bin cards, excel. Vehicle arrangement will be from contractor end. (120) Internal Shiftting of Sheets inside Sheet Holding Store with proper bin location update in IFS & bin cards, excel. Vehicle arrangement will be from contractor end. (121) AMS Store to VLD Hanger/ Sheet Store & Vice Versa with proper bin location update in IFS & bin cards, excel. Vehicle arrangement will be from contractor end (M1) Activities related to BOC of RMAs & Electronic Stores RMAs items through IFS & Physically (Serialized/non- serialized./Lot Batch wise) light/bulky item.) (Refer Mito M3 in BOQ) (M2) Activities related to ISSUE of RMAs & Electrome RMA items through IFS & physically (Serialized/non-serialized Lot Batch wise) light/bulky item.) (M3) Physical stock verification Serial no. /Code wise in Bonded Store (RMA, Electronic: Codewise/Serial No. Wise) RMA (M4) Activities related to Preservation/Depreservation of RMAS (N1) Activities related to BOC of RVs in Standard Part Store (N2) Activities related to issue of Standard parts (N3) Activities related to Physical stock verification of Standard parts. (Line wise) (01) Activities related to ssue of NON metallic Inflammable, Chemical Cold store consumablas & Cold store Rubber store through IFS & physically (Serialized/non-serialized./Lot Batch wise) light/bulky item. (02) Physical stock verification OF Consumables in Bonded Store (Cold store consumables & Cold stores raw rubber, Cold stores RMAS, Non metallic, Chemical Inflammable Batch wise /Serial nos) (03) Shifitng of Consumables like Paints, Chemicales, RUBBER items PPU Foam Std parts & RMAs from Holding store/Cold Store to Holding/Salavge Store after removing Material from Bins Batch wise inside Rack & Postioning same in diffierent store located in Salvage (other Store (which may be near or far away from Existing store) Space creation & Rearranging of material for remvonig/postioning of material for Rack (Entire activity to be carried out on Weight Basis) (Pla) Taking of Gas Cylinder, Checking due dates for testing & Physical condition of each cylinders (P1b)Issue of one gas cylinder in Milk Run (Pic)Collection of one gas cylinder from various shop in Milk Run (P1d) One Lines for Issue of one oil barrel(Size 210 Ltr) (Pie)One Lines for Cleaning of barrel by kerosene for refilling of kerosene (P2) (P.S.V.) in all commercial Holding Stores(Gas, Capital, Tool, Transport, Hardware consumable & Elect) (Q1) Making inward entries of file/letter/sample etc im inward register received from other deptts at AGM (IMM) Office (Q2) Making inward entries of file/letter/sample etc in outward register received from other deptts at AGM (IMM) Office (Q3) Making inward entries of file/letter/sample etc im inward register received from other deptts at CM (PUR) Office. (Q4) Making outward entries of file/letter/sample etc in intward register at CM (PUR) Office. (05) Printing and making sets of enquiry (06) Printing and making sets of Purchase Order (Q7) Despatch of Enquiry/PO to vendors with acknowledgement (08) Sending of Reminders of PO. (Q9) Preparation of files and note sheet for Vender Registration & obtaining all documents from venders. (Q10) Preparation of Certificate of approved venders (Q11) To Relocate the closed file of purchase dept to the other location 012) Visits to Store Dept for dispatch and receiving documents ( (Q13) Receiving RVs from Store dept and making entry in inword Register ( 014) Receiving Invoices copies from Store dept and making entry in inword Register (Q15) Receiving PDO and Credit Note copies from Store dept and making entry in inword Register (Q16) Dispatch of PO copies to Store Dept/ Indentors (017) Visits to ABB for dispatch and receiving documents (018) Dispatch and collection of Documents, letters, PRRS, BGs with reference to ABB (Q19) Scanning of Invoice copies of Group members (020) Scanning of PRRs related to Payment Cell (Q21) Filing of Remittance Advices and hand over of complete files to Group Officers (R1) Checking/Binning of Material in Hardware & Stationary Stores. (R2a) Issue of Light wt/Small size Material in Stationary Stores (R2h) Issue of Heavy Wt./Big size Material in Stationary Stores (R2c) Issue of Material in Harware & Maintenance Stores. (R3)Stock control MPR generation (R4)Creation of control no. for authrized MPR in system (R5)New part code generation of all stock/Non stock items (R6)Modification in MPR specification in system with concern to user shop dept. (ST) Letter drafting (A-4 size paper)/Sending mails (Per mails) (S2) Inward/Outward/Entry/ Scanning/storage & filing of letters/ Envelop Packing/ Similar Nature of Works (S3) Preparing MR of Stationary items & other office accessories in IFS (S4) Data entry of DRV, RV Printing ( S5) Office management (Filing/ attendance records/ record keeping, Making calls for meetings etc/Making Visitors gate pass etc.) (S6) Payslip/Stationary items/Commercial & Welfare items issued from store collection and distribution (S7) Taking Xerox/Maintaining files/dispatch of mails/files/Similar mise. Activities (88) GeM Portal updation (T1) Feeding of lines in MPR. Creation of Primary Suppler, Updation of estimated cost, upation of Purchase UOM, updation of HSN codes etc (12) Reservation of material in IFS and resolving queries with respect to stores stock, change of code, transfer of stock, create location, check shelf life to follow FIFO and change hatch No (13) Printing and making sets of DRCS (DRC document, in lieu certificates, test reports and COC as applicable) and handing over the same to Std Parts/RMA/Consumable/Raw Material Stores. Follow up for queries till DA (T4) Printing of AMQs and handing over to Process Planning, Indigenisation Dept., & Design Dept. with relevant documents like Test Reports from Central LAB, COC from Stores Inspection etc. (T5) Follow up on deviation queries, snag with Indigenisation, Design Dept and Stores Inspection. (16) Loading of RMAs for functional test to various shops, follow up and handing over the relevant documents to shops and Stores for completion of RV activity. (17) Updation of indigenisation request on portal (T8) Updation of status of materials in dashboard Total Quantity :

Key Value

Document Fees
Refer document
INR 423791.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 4.23 Crore /-
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We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.
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