
Tender For Retrofitting And External Painting Works Phase - Vi To Residential And Non Residential Buildings In Visweshwaraya Sector At Anupuram Township., Chengalpattu-Tamil Nadu

Department Of Atomic Energy has published Tender For Retrofitting And External Painting Works Phase - Vi To Residential And Non Residential Buildings In Visweshwaraya Sector At Anupuram Township.. Submission Date for this Tender is 07-10-2024. Painting Tenders in Chengalpattu Tamil Nadu. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Retrofitting And External Painting Works Phase - Vi To Residential And Non Residential Buildings In Visweshwaraya Sector At Anupuram Township.
Open Tender
Tamil Nadu

Tender Details

Tender For Retrofitting And External Painting Works Phase - Vi To Residential And Non Residential Buildings In Visweshwaraya Sector At Anupuram Township.; 1 Providing and fixing double scaffolding system (cup lock type) on the exterior side at all height made using 40mm diameter M.S. tube spaced @ 1.5m center to center at both horizontal and vertical joining with cup and lock system with M.S.tube, M.S.tube challies, M.S clamps and M.S staircase system in the scaffolding for working platform etc., including maintaining it in a serviceable condition for the required duration as approved, removing after completion of repair works, the scaffolding system shall be stiffened with bracings, runners connection with the building, etc., wherever required for essential safety features for the workmen, etc., all complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge.Note: 1) The elevational area of the scaffolding shall be measured for payment purpose. The payment will be made once irrespective of duration of scaffolding. 2)The buildings are of Ground+ 2 storeyed structure and the contractor has to observe all safety procedure while working on heights as per I.S. 3696 (Part-I) - 1987. (Safety Code for scaffolds).3) All working platform must be of minimum 600 mm wide, made of M.S pipe and must have guard rails as per specification.4) Screen of suitable material shall be provided to the full height of scaffolding and securely tied to protect falling objects coming out during the repair work is in progress.5) To protect workers on lower platform against falling objects from higher level over head protection should be provided on the scaffolds.6)Necessary aluminium/ M.S. ladder shall be provided at the cost of the contractor, to the full height of scaffolding at required location around the building to enable Departmental Supervisor/Engineer climb up and closely watch the repair work of the building. 2 Providing and laying in position of plain cement concrete 1:2:4 using machine crushed hard broken granite stone of nominal size 20mm for all insitu levelling courses in foundations, floor, roof screeding, encasing pipes, etc., including mechanical mixing, ramming, compaction, leveling, curing, dewatering, if any including the cost of formwork etc., all complete as per specifications. 3 Providing, cutting, bending, placing and binding steel reinforcement using TMT bars of Fe-500 / Fe-500D grade in all reinforced cement concrete works including preparation of bar bending schedules, cutting, bending,fixing, tieing in position with 1.6 mm dia soft drawn annealed binding wire, welding of reinforcement to existing steel reinforcement/ shear connectors, cost of cover blocks in C.M 1:2, etc., complete as per specifications and as directed by Engineer-In-Charge. ImportantNote: The required quantity of steel reinforcement as mentioned in the schedule should be procured by the contractor only of SAIL, Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited (VIZAG), TATA Steel & JINDAL from authorised dealers which shall conform to IS: 1786 (Latest Edition). 4 Providing and laying brick masonry in Cement Mortar 1:6 with well burnt chamber bricks/FALG bricks of approved quality in all shapes and sizes at all lifts including scaffolding, curing, raking out joints, etc., all complete as per specifications and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 5 Providing and constructing 110mm thick (plus or minus 5mm) brick work in Cement Mortar 1:4 using well burnt stock brick/ FALG brick including scaffolding, curing, raking out joints, dismantling the existing brickwork, disposing the dismantled debris within 2 Kms lead etc., all complete as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. 6 Plastering with Cement Mortar 1:5, 12mm thick for brickwork / Concrete on its external faces at all lifts including scaffolding, curing and forming grooves wherever necessary all complete as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in­charge. (Note:- 6mm premium glass fibre of make Dugar & Co or Recron shall be mixed with cement @ 60 gms of glass fibre per 50 kgs of cement) 7 Plastering with Cement Mortar 1:3, 20mm thick including supplying and mixing of approved water proofing compound at the rate of 2 % (two percent) by weight of cement and finished smooth with a floating coat of neat cement and including chipping the plastering, applying bonding agents, disposing the dismantled debris within 2 kms lead etc., all complete as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. (Note:- 6mm premium glass fibre of make Dugar & Co or Recron shall be mixed with cement @ 60 gms of glass fibre per 50 kgs of cement) 8 Supplying and fixing in position of Alkali resistance Glass fibre mesh (4-5mm square aperture with 145 gsm) over the joints of RCC and Brick work with cement paste before plastering as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 9 Chipping of unsound/weak reinforced cement concrete material from slabs, beams, columns, etc., with manual Chisel and / or by standard power driven percussion type of approved make at all lifts including tapering of all edges, making square shoulders of cavities, cleaning the exposed concrete surface and reinforcement with wire brushes, disposal of debris within 2 Km lead, etc., all complete as directed by Engineer-In-Charge. 10 25mm average thickness 11 50 mm average thickness 12 Providing anti corrosive treatment to steel reinforcement by removing the rust from corroded reinforcement and applying anti-corrosive chemicals as details below including cleaning of reinforcement from rust to give it a total rust freesteel surface by using alkaline chemical rust remover with paint brush, removing loose particles after 24 hours of its application with wire brush, thoroughly washing with water and allowing it to dry, applying anticorrosive coating, etc., all complete as per manufacturer specification and as directed by Engineer-In-Charge. 13 Bars upto 12 mm diameter 14 Bars above 12 mm diameter 15 Providing and fixing of 10mm dia shear connectors/ steel reinforcement in reinforced or plain cement concrete by drilling 12mm dia holes at 1mtr c/c or as specified with power driven drill machine to a minimum depth of 75mm and upto 200mm in RCC beams, lintels, columns and slabs to introduce steel bars/ shear connectors including drilling holes, fixing the steel bars in position using epoxy resin anchor grout of approved make, etc., all complete as directed by Engineer-In-Charge.(Note:- The cost of steel reinforcement will be paid for seperately under relevant item) 16 Repairs to damaged RCC structural members at all locations and all lifts using SBR Polymer modified plain/ reinforced cement concrete for structural members having minimum characteristic compressive strength [with ordinary portland cement, coarse sand and graded stone aggregate of 10mm maximum size in proportion as per design criteria] with specified average thickness including preparing the dismantled concrete surface by hacking the surface for better adhesion, treating the exposed steel reinforcement using approved chemicals, providing additional reinforcement, if any required, applying bond coat, filling/plastering with polymer modified concrete repair mortar in layers using approved polymers, curing, cleaning of floor/windows thoroughly on completion of repair work etc., all complete as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.(Note:- Cost of additional reinforcement, shear keys, form work and anticorrosive treatment will be paid for separately under relevant item) 17 20mm average thickness 18 40mm average thickness 19 Repairs to internal/ external plastering over brick work/ concrete at all locations and all lifts using Polymer modified cement repair mortar including preparing the surface by hacking the surface for better adhesion, providing glass fibre mesh or chicken reinforcement, if any required, applying bond coat, filling/plastering with polymer modified repair mortar in layers using approved polymers, curing, cleaning of floor/windows thoroughly on completion of repair work etc., all complete asperspecifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. 20 12mm average thickness - Plain plaster 21 20mm average thickness - Plain plaster 22 19mm average thickness Rough cast plaster (7 mm thick rough cast in C.M 1.3 using 6 mm and below size granite chips over 12 mm thick base coat) 23 Repairs to the wall and ceiling cracks by chipping and removing the damaged portion upto 20 to 30mm deep, 100 to 200mm wide and plastering with CM 1:3 including making grooves over cracks, grouting with cement slurry or approved crack filling compound ofapproved make, providing glass fibre mesh or chicken reinforcement over the area, applying SBR based bonding chemicals, finishing the surface, curing, disposing the debris at suitable places within 2Km lead etc., all complete as per specification and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 24 Repairing and rectifying the roof leakage around rain water down take pipe 110mm dia/water line pipes repair works including chipping the existing brick bad coba, preparation of surface, applying bonding agents, fixing fibre reinforcement mesh around pipes, filling PCC 1 : 2 : 4 and finishing top surface with CM 1:3 with to required slope and alignment including the cost of materials, transportation etc., all complete as directed by the Engineer - In - charge. (Note:- PCC 1:2:4 will be paid for separately under relevant item.) 25 Providing Painting over all exposed surfaces at all heights over rough cast plaster / plain plaster with One Coat of SBR based bond coat of make MC Bauchemie (Naufufill-SBR) or FOSROC (Nitobond SBR) or FAB Chemical (Mixbond SBR) or Bostik (Boscocem 475) or Ultratech (Xtracrete). Mixing ratio of chemicals, consumption and application shall be as per manufacturer specifications. 26 Painting allinternal faces of walls / plastered surfaces with One coat of Interior Emulsion paint of make Asian (Tractor) / Berger (Bison) or other approved equivalent make of approved shade over a coat of primer of make Asian (Professional) / Berger (BP Primer) or other approved equivalent make including preparation of surfaces by scrapping the existing white wash / colour wash using scrapping / sanding machine with dust free vacuum collection system, cleaning the existing white wash/colour wash area, roughening the surface, washing the area thoroughly with lime and soda mix or other approved chemical using high pressure washer, preparing the surface dust free for applying the primer coat,applying approved make wall care putty to make surface smooth without porous by using putty knife and sand papers, the dust accumulated during scraping shall be collected in appropriate dust bin collector/ equipment and disposed with in 2Kms lead, etc., all complete as per specification and as directed by Engineer-in-charge.(Note: The sample shall be got approved by the EIC before making bulk order.) 27 Providing Painting over all exposed surfaces at all heights over rough cast plaster / plain plaster with Two Coat of premium exterior emulsion paint ofmake Asian (APEX - Dust proof exterior emulsion) / Berger (Weather coat smooth)or other approved equivalent make of approved shade over a coat of exterior wall primer of make Asian / Berger or other approved equivalent make including preparation of surfaces by scrubbing / cleaning the fungus / stains, cleaning with water, filling the cracks with approved crack filler and including cost of all materials, labour, tools and plants, curing, scaffolding at all lifts, etc., all complete as per specifications and as directed by Engineer-In-Charge. Note:- 1) The samples should be got approved by the EIC before placing.2) The contractor should give warranty for the finishes for a period not less than 5 years as specified in tender conditions from the date of completion of the work. 3)Guarantee bond for 5 years period in the approved format has to be submitted by the contractor.4) 50% (Fifty percent) of security deposit will be retained as performance security for the guarantee period and the same will be released after successful completion of the guarantee period i.e., after five years to be reckoned from the date after the maintenance period prescribed in the contract. 28 Painting over Plain Plaster at all lifts. 29 Painting over Roughcast Plaster at all lifts. 30 Providing Terracotta Paintingover Honey comb wall / Roof tiles / facia tiles at all heights with one coat ofAcrylic Emulsion paint of make Asian (APEX - Dust proof exterior emulsion) / Berger (Anti dustt weather coat) or other approved equivalent make of approved shade and colour including cleaning, preparation of surfacesby scrubbing / cleaning the fungus / stains, cleaning with water, filling the cracks with approved crack filler, curing, scaffolding etc., all complete as per specifications. Note:- 1) The samples should be got approved by the EIC before placing.2) The contractor should give warranty for the finishes for a period not less than 5 years as specified in tender conditions from the date of completion of the work.3)Guarantee bond for 5 years period in the approved format has to be submitted by the contractor.4) 50% (Fifty percent) of security deposit will be retained as performance security for the guarantee period and the same will be released after successful completion of the guarantee period i.e., after five years to be reckoned from the date after the maintenance period prescribed in the contract. 31 Flush pointing on roof tiles by removing the damaged pointing over existing roof tiles, cleaning, removing any growth of vegetation, washing thoroughly, pointing the joints with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) mixed with 2% of integral water proofing compound by weight of cement including filling the gap with polymer modified mortars or other approved water proofing chemicals etc., all completed as per specification and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. 32 Providing and laying machine made 20mm thick burnt clay flat terrace tiles of size 230x230mm conforming to IS 2690 ( Part - I) of make Nuvocotto or other equivalent make colour and pattern over roof at all elevations jointed with cement mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 Coarse sand) mixed with 2% of integral water proofing laid over a bed of 20mm thick cement motar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 Coarse sand) and finished neat complete. 33 Painting for doors, windows and grills with One coats of PU finish paint of make MRF (Metal coat) or other approved makeand colour at all lifts including cost of all materials, scaffolding, labour, preparing the surfaces for receivingthe paint by scraping, rubbingetc., as per specification. 34 Painting the existing Doors, windows, grills, pipe line and rolling shutter, etc., with one coat of synthetic enamel paint of approved make and brand, shade and colour including cost of all materials, labour, tools and plants, scaffolding, smooth, all lifts / height with safety measures, etc., complete all as per specification and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. [Note: The samples should be got approved by the EIC before placing.] 35 Polishing the existing handrails, notice board, wall panelling and other wooden areas at all lifts with one coat of Touch wood of approved make including preparation of surfaces by scrapping with suitable tools or with suitable grade of sand paper, cleaning the surface dust free for applying the polish, disposing the scrapped debris, applying sealer, suitable filler materials wherever required, cost of all materials, labour etc., all complete as per specification. 36 Providing and fixing in position aluminium partitions, doors, windows, ventilators, louvers,fixed glazing, sliding windows north light glazing, sliding shutter E Channel etc., using heavy duty standard anodized aluminium extruded sections, anodized aluminium sheets as per relevant IS code of JINDAL or approved equivalent make including pivots, approved door and window handles, door stopper, EPDM gasket, neoprene gasket lining, stainless steel screw, mastic filling, weather strips, washers, reinforcing the door shutters at top and bottom with MS rod threaded and fixed to vertical members, etc., as required and as per drawing etc., all complete at all heights and as directed by the Engineer in charge.Note:- 1. Payment shall be made on the basis of weight of aluminium members/section fabricated and actually installed in position without extra allowance for wastage no extra payment shall be made for non-aluminium consumable items like screws, gasket, weather strips PVC/Neoprene lining, sliding wheels for windows, in built tower bolt, reinforcing rods, etc.,2. Glazing, particle boards, aluminium grills, mesh etc., will be paid separately under relevant items.3. All fittings except under Note-1 will be paid seperately under relevant item and the fittings shall be of matching colour anodized aluminium sections. 4. The aluminium section shall be smooth, rust free, straight, mitred and jointed mechanically wherever required cleat angles at no extra cost.5. The aluminium section shall be anodized with MATT FINISH (15 micron thick) finishing and of approved shade/colour with the approval of Engineer-In-Charge. 37 Providing and fixing in position of 10mm thick Cement bonded pre-laminated particle board of `Bison Lams or approved equivalent make panels prelaminated with decorative lamination on both sides for door shutters, partitions, cupboard shutters, sliding shutters, etc., including cutting to required shape and size, making as per drawing with Anodized aluminium frame alround with lock rails at the centre for each leaf, fixing in structural opening, providing teakwood lipping alround for sliding shutters, etc., all as per specification and as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge.(Note:- Aluminium frame work will be paid for seperately under relevant item.) 38 Providing and fixing Aluminium butt hinges of size 75 x 45 x 3.20mm conforming to IS : 205 of make Classic or Crown or approved equivalent make including anodised transparent or dyed to required colour or shade, fixing with necessary CP screws, etc., all complete as per specification. 39 Providing and fixing IS:208 marked Aluminium handles of size 125mm x 12mm dia. of make Classic or Crown or approved equivalent make including anodised (anodic coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS :1868) transparent or dyed to required colour or shade, fixing with necessary CP screws etc., all complete as per specification. 40 Providing and fixing ISI marked Aluminium sliding door bolts (Aldrops) of size 250 x 16 mm Classic or Crown or approved equivalent make as per IS 2681 including anodised transparent or dyed to required colour or shade, fixing with 5 Nos of clip and staple with necessary CP screws etc., all complete as per specification. 41 Replacing the damaged CI soil waste pipe by supplying, laying and fixing of PVC pipe lines laid, embedded under floor slab and fixed to walls wherever required using Finolex or approved equivalent make of SWR uPVC pipes - Type B (suitable for soil and waste discharge system having wall thickness of minimum 3.2 to maximum 3.8mm) conforming to IS:13592 - latest edition with ISI mark and PVC pasting type specials such as door bends, door tees and cowls etc. heavy quality for soil waste or vent or antisyphonage PVC pipe including removing the damaged CI pipe, chipping/removing the embedded pipe if any, fixing the new PVC pipe with suitable clamps over Teak Wood packing pieces, restoring the same to its original condition, disposal of debris within a initial lead, stacking of retrived CI pipes at GSO stores etc., all complete as per specification and as directed by Engineer. 42 90mm OD SWR-uPVC pipes and specials (Type B) 43 110mm OD SWR-uPVC pipes and specials (Type B) 44 Providing and fixing 110mm size of Upvc roof corner rainwater gratings of premium quality approved make over the rain water pipes including fixing in CM 1:3 as per specifications. 45 Numbering the houses by writing letters/ numbers/ symbols with enamel (Marker) paint of approved colour on the face of the wall/ Display Boards using templates and stencil cutting, including base painting, cost of materials, labours, scaffolding, applying wall care putty wherever required to making surface smooth, etc., all complete as per specification and as directed by the EIC. 46 200mm size letters of approved font over base area upto 0.25 sq.m for name plates - maximum five letters in each. 47 200mm size letters of approved font over base area upto 0.55 sq.m for name plates - maximum Twelve digit letters in each. 48 150mm size letters of approved font over base area upto 0.15 sq.m for house letters - maximum four digit letters in each. 49 100mm size letters of approved font over base area upto 0.16 sq.m for house letters - maximum six digit letters in each. 50 75mm size letters of approved font- maximum two digit letters in each. 51 Dismantling Brick workin cement mortar at all lifts including clearing and depositing the debris within a distance of 100 metres all as directed by Engineer-in-charge.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 19-09-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 23-09-2024
2 24-09-2024 Tender submission and opening dates postponed vide Corrigendum No. 2 Date 30-09-2024
3 30-09-2024 Tender submission and opening dates postponed vide Corrigendum No. 3 Date 07-10-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
Refer document
INR 210400.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 1.05 Crore /-
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