
Tender For Works For 5 Km Proof Range Inside Factory Premises In A Greenfield Site., badmal-Odisha

Munitions India Limited has published Tender For Works For 5 Km Proof Range Inside Factory Premises In A Greenfield Site.. Submission Date for this Tender is 16-09-2024. Uniform Tenders in badmal Odisha. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Works For 5 Km Proof Range Inside Factory Premises In A Greenfield Site.
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Tender Details

Tender For Works For 5 Km Proof Range Inside Factory Premises In A Greenfield Site.; 1 Works for 5 Km proof range inside factory premises in a greenfield site. 2 (A) Carrying out of site survey with all necessary instruments and manpower in presence of OFBL Rep. to lay out the centre line of roads and other civil structures like hume pipe culverts (04 Nos.) , RCC box culverts (04 Nos. with size L: 5.0m, B:4.0m and H:3.0m), RCC cause way (10 Nos. vent with size of each vent L: 5.0m, B: 4.0m and H:3.0m), road side drains, static water tank (Cap. 36.0 KL), bldgs, hard standing etc. and submission of survey report for the same as per the directives of E-in-C (Dimensions and numbers of culverts and cause way may be changed as per site requirement and survey report). (B) Submission of soil investigation report, structural, drawings and design details of all civil structures mentioned in Para (A) above, duly prepared and approvedby any competent licensed structural engineer or structural engineering consultant company having expertise and experience of minimum five years. Copy of licence or registration certification and proof of experience of minimum two projects are also to be furnished for the licenced structural engineer orstructural engineering consultant company. Work is to be started only after receiving clearance of O.F.Badmal for the detailed designing and drawings submitted by the contractor.(C) After completion of work submission of stability certificate duly approved by any competent licensed structural engineer or structural engineering consultant company having expertise and supply of05 set of complete as built drawing of all civil infrastructures with PSMB and RPMB etc. 5 set of drawings for total electrical power distribution system with internal & external elecrtification of all buildings. 3 M & L for uprooting of stumps by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) of any girth above ground level, filling holes and leveling off ground, removing of all roots, stumps etc to a distance not exc. 1.0 km and cleaning the site complete as per thr directive of E-in-C.(Up-rooting of stups to be done for a total area os approx. 60, 000 sqm). 4 Earth work in excavation (All kind of soil) by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) means over areas (exceeding 30 cm in depth, 1.5 m in width as well as 10 sqm on plan) including getting out and disposal of excavated earth lead upto 50 m and lift upto 3.0m, as directed by E-in-C. 5 Rough excavation over area not exceeding 1.5m deep for moorum/hard and dense soil and removing excavated material exc. 250m but not exc. 500m and to deposit where directed for formation of embankment as per the directive of E-in-C. 6 Formation of embankments including raising earth, spreading in layers not exc. 30cm thick watering, ramming/rolling and finishing to required size, shape etc noe exc. 1.5m high from base. 7 Earth work in excavation (All kind of soil)by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on plan), including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m, including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 m 8 Rolling and consolidating formation surfaces in cutting and filling with roller exc. 8 tonnes but not exc. 12 tonees. 9 M & L for soling (sub base) with broken boulders or quarried stone (200mm spread thickness), inter stices filled, surface formed and rolled and consolidated to required gradient and camber as per the directive of E-in-C. 10 M & L for 7.5cm thick (compacted thickness) WBM, with coarse aggregates of grading 2 (63 to 40mm size) or of grading 3 (50 to 20mm size), spread, rolled and consolidated to gradient and camber required using granite trape and basalt aggregate) as per the directive of E-in-C. 11 Preparing unsurfaced water bound macadam surfaces by brushing with wire brushes for removing caked mud etc. sweeping with brooms and finally fanning the cleaned surface with gunny bags to remove all loose dirt etc. as per direction of E-I-C. 12 M & L for applying evenly a priming/ tack coat with bituminous primer @ 10 kg per 10 sq metre using paving bitumen as per direction of E-I-C. 13 M & L for premix bituminous macadam laid/ rolled and compacted to required gradient and camber using paving bitumen (Gr. VG-30) (consolidated thickness 40mm) as per direction of E-I-C (Binder content will be not less than 5% by weight of total mix). 14 M & L for bituminous premix asphaltic dense concrete 25mm consolidated thickness with 6% binder content by weight of total mix, rolled and compacted to required camber and gradient complet using paving bitumen (Gr. VG-30) as per direction of E-I-C.(Binder content will be not less than 6% by weight of total mix) 15 M & L premixed sand seal coat with 0.06 cu.m. of sand mixed with 6.8 kg of bitumen, applied and rolled to a uniform smooth surface. 16 M & L for moorum/red bajri, spread, rolled and consolidated to gradient and camber required on berms (spread thickness 100mm) as per direction of E-I-C. 17 M & L for painting lines, dashes, arrows, letters, etc. on roads pavements and the like n exc 10cm wide with road marking paint, white or golden yellow. 18 M & L for sand filling under floors or in foundations including watering and consolidation. 19 M & L for cement concrete Type-C 2 (1:3:6) with 40 mm aggregate in surface channels and drains. 20 M & L for brickwork with fly ash bricks, straight or curved on plan exc 6m mean radius, built in cement mortar 1:6. 21 M & L for providing cooping with cement concrete Type B-0, 12.5mm graded aggregate including weathering, slightly rounded or chamfered angles and throating, form work etc. as directed. 22 M & L for rendering12mm thick plaster on fair faces of brick work or concrete surfaces with cement mortar 1:4. 23 M & L for boulder pitching, grouted with cement and sand 1:6 as per the directive of E-in-C. 24 M & L for RCC (Design mix) M-25 (20mm graded aggregate) in foundations, including rafts, footings, foundation beams, plinth beams, bases for columns, etc., basement slabs, under-reamed piles and mass concrete as per directive of E-in-C. 25 M & L for TMT bars of HYSD FE-500D 8mm dia and over, cut to length, bent to shape required, including cranking, bending spirally for hooping for columns, hooking ends and binding with and including mild steel wire (annealed) not less than 0.9mm dia or securing with clips. as per the directive of E-in-C 26 Preparation of new plastered wall surfaces and applying three coat of white wash. 27 M & L for PCC Type B2 1:2:4 with 40 mm graded aggregate in foundations filling and mass concrete. 28 M & L for walling of random rubble uncoursed well bonded beded and solidly hearted built in cement mortar 1:6. 29 M & L for providing cement concrete Type B-2 1:2:4 with 40mm graded aggregate in surface channel and drain. 30 Providing and laying Non Pressure NP-4 class (Heavy duty) R.C.C. pipes including collars/ spigot jointed with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of 1:2 (1200 mm dia RCC pipes) 31 M & L for moorum/red bajri filling in floor or paving laid in layers n exc, 15cm thick spread levelled and rammed including watering. 32 Returning filling in including spreading levelling watering and well ramming in layers not exc. 25cm. 33 M & L for reinforced cement concrete (design mix) M-25 (20mm graded aggregate) in walls, retaining walls, basement walls, ballast walls and the like; any thickness; above top of footings; including attached pilasters and buttresses 34 M & L for formwork to sides of concrete foundations, footings, bases of columns, raft and raft beams, sides and soffits (if any) of foundation and plinth beams; and similar work; vertical or to batter 35 M & L for formwork to faces of walls, retaining walls, abutments, parapets and staircase railings and similar work including attached pillasters, buttresses, etc.; vertical or to batter 36 M & L for formwork to soffits of suspended slabs such as roof slabs, floor slabs, landings and similar work. 37 M & L for RCC (Design mix) M-25 (20mm graded aggregate) slabs supported on walls, beams and columns in floors, roofs, landings, balconies, canopies, deck slabs and in shelves and the like. 38 M & L for hand packing with broken boulder (any thickness) at back of walls over arches etc. and raising (or lowering) to the required level 39 M & L for forming embankments including raising (or lowering) earth, spreading in layers n exc. 30 cm thick; watering, ramming/rolling and finishing to required size, shape, etc., n exc. 4.0 m high from base. 40 M & L for walling of polygonal rubble, uncoursed well bonded, bedded solidly hearted, built in cement mortar 1:4. 41 M & L for flush pointing to random rubble masonry, uncoursed or brought upto courses with cement mortar 1:4 42 S & F of PVC (SWR) pipes 110mm dia for weep holes. 43 M & L for cement concrete in foundations, filling and mass concrete type C2 1:3:6 (40 mm graded aggregate)as per the direction of Engineering-In-charge. 44 Site Clearance in soft/loose soilas per the direction of Engineering-In-charge. 45 M & L for P.C.C type-1 gradedM-15 mixed (1:2:4 ) using 20 mm graded coarse aggregate as per the direction of E-in-C. 46 M & L for joint Sealing Compound Grade “A” (Normal) in 25/30 Kg. 47 M & L for pre anti termite treatment to bottom and sides of excavation at the rate of 5 litres of emulsion per square metre of surface areaas per the direction of Engineering-In-charge. . 48 M & L for RCC (Design mix) M-25 (20 mm graded aggregate) in columns, pillars, piers, posts and struts as per the direction of Engineering-In-charge. 49 M & L for RCC (Design mix) M-25 (20 mm graded) in beams, cantilevers, bressummers, lintels,chajja etc over 1.5m span as per the direction of Engineering-In-charge. 50 M & L for (flooring) cement concrete type D- 2, 1:4:8 (40mm graded aggregate) 150mm thick including use and waste of form work and finishing conc. top even and fair as per the direction of Engineering-In-charge . 51 M & L for (flooring) cement concrete type B-1, 1:2:4 (20mm graded aggregate) of 150mm thick including use and waste of form work and finishing conc. top even and fair as per the direction of Engineering-In-charge. 52 M & L for finishing walls with Acrylic Smooth exterior paint of required shade : New work (Two or more coat applied @ 1.67 ltr/10 sqm over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 2.20 kg/10 sqm) as per the direction of Engineering-in-charge. 53 M & L for surfaces of any description wood, steel, iron, concrete, brick, stone, etc., exceeding 10cm in width or girth and including priming coat applied and two coat of fire resistance paints as per the direction of E-in-C. 54 S & F offramed work as in doors or gates of angle or other section with gusset plates, rails, braces, etc., complete, drilled for fixing of steel sheeting or other covering. Doors, etc. to beprepared for hanging or sliding with and including either hooks and hinges or steel hanging door fittings (exclusive of steel sheeting or other covering,running rails and guides) andhanging; also fastening and fixing complete rolled mild.as per the direction of E-in-C. 55 S & F of mild steel, plain black sheet in covering to door shutters cut to size edges beaded if directed holes punched, including rounded headed serews clout nails or rivetrs and fixed to steel members etc with plain 40mm lap joints or welded/riveted seams including bending, turning up mitred angles, stopped ends outlets etc as required. 56 Preparation of new surfaces of any description, not other wise described over 10cm width or girth and applying two coats of synthetic enamel paint on iron surface over one coat of priming with Red oxide as per the direction of Engineering-In-charge. 57 S & F for medium grade GI pipe of 40mm internal dia.with all fittings laid in trenches as per the directive of E-in-C. 58 S & F of 40 mm dia. Gun-metal gate valve with iron wheel head screwed both ends for iron pipe and fixed ad per the directive of E-in-C. 59 Excavating trenches in hard/dense soiln exc 1.5 m wide and n exc 1.5m in depth for cable trench work/erection of pole & getting earth out. 60 Excavating trenches in hard/dense soiln exc 1.5 m wide andexc 1.5m in depth for earth pit construction & getting earth out. 61 Returning & filling of excavated soil in the cable trench including spreading,levelling and well rammingin layers not exc 25cm . 62 M & L for sand filling in cable trench including consolidation for protection of electrical power cable. 63 M & L for reinforced cement concrete of Type B0 (1:2:4) with 12.5 mm graded aggregate in foundations, filling and mass concrete. 64 M & L for Mild Steel Bars of Fe-410-W (Gde. E-250) Quality A of 10 MM Dia and Over, cut to length, bent to shape required, including cranking, bending spirally for hooping for coloumns and binding with & including mild steel wire not less than 0.9mm dia or securing with clips. 65 M & L for Mild Steel Bars of Fe-410-W (Gde. E-250) Quality A of 8 MM Dia and Over, cut to length, bent to shape required, including cranking, bending spirally for hooping for coloumns and binding with & including mild steel wire not less than 0.9mm dia or securing with clips. 66 M & L for earth continuity conductor or main earthing lead fixed to poles or any other situation for loop earthing etc. as required 4 mm dia galvanised iron or steel wire. 67 Framed work with Galvanised Iron as in doors or gates of angle (25x25x6)/GI Pipe of dia 40/50 MM or GI Strip of size 25 x 3 mm or other section with gusset plates, rails, braces, etc., complete, drilled for fixing of steel sheeting or other covering and hanging; also fastening and fixing complete. 68 S & F of flame proof switch socket & plug combined in LM6 cable termination box in LM6, 16 A, 250 V, 2 P + Earth. The material shall be confirming to relevant IS standards and Flame proof certificate from CMRI to be produced on demand. 69 S & F of flame proof rotary type switch with termination box in LM6 6 A, double pole 250 V. The material shall be confirming to relevant IS standards and Flame proof certificate from CMRI to be produced on demand. 70 M & L for 40 mm Dia Tubes, Medium Grade, Galvanised, with all fitting, laid in trenches. 71 M & L for 50 mm Dia Tubes, Medium Grade, Galvanised, with all fitting, laid in trenches. 72 Supply & fixing of ceiling fans complete with blades, down rods, stepped electronic regulator and accessories, 230 V, 1200 mm sweep. Min air delivery 210 CFM with service value 6.00, BEE 5 Star rated with brushless direct current motor (BLDC). The material to be supplied shall be of reputed make like Bajaj, Havells, Phillips, Atomberg etc. and confirming to relevant IS standards. 73 Supply & fixing of LED light fitting 2 x 16 watt flameproof , CMRI certified recommended for gas/vapour group IIA & II B, Zone 1 & 2 and IP 65 Protection with die cast aluminium housing with heat resistant toughened glass with LED tube light fixtures driver, holders, connector etc. Complete with all accessories prewired and including connecting up with three core flexible copper conductor cable with suitable size. 74 M & L for one light point or one fan point controlled by one switch with 1.5 sq. mm size FRLS PVC insulated single corecopper conductor in PVC conduit. 75 M & L for one 3 pin socket outlet15 amps, independent , with cablescontrolled by one switch with 4sq. mm size FRLS PVC insulated single corecopper conductor in PVC conduit. This includes phase, neutral & earth wire of same size. 76 M & L for one light point or one fan point controlled by one switch with 1.5 sq. mm size FRLS PVC insulated single corecopper conductor in ERW steel conduit. 77 M & L for one flameproof socket outlet 15 amps, independent , with cablescontrolled by one switch with 4sq. mm size FRLS PVC insulated single corecopper conductor in ERW steel conduit. This includes phase, neutral & earth wire of same size. 78 Material & Labour for Modular Switch 1 Way 6A,1 Module. The material to be used shall be of ISI marked.The material to be used of reputed make like Crabtree, V-Guard, Havells etc. 79 S & F of AC Starter with Single Pole MCB,2 Module. The material to be used shall be of ISI marked. The material to be used of reputed make like Crabtree, V-Guard, Havells etc. 80 S & F of 16 A, 2/3 Pin Combined 2 Module Socket Outlet. The material to be used shall be of ISI marked.The material to be used of reputed make like Crabtree, V-Guard, Havells etc. 81 M & L for ceiling rose, 3 phase PVC/Polycarbonate isolated body for ceiling fan & LED light point wiring. 82 Material & Labour for 3.5 Core PVC insulated armoured, heavy duty electric cable with aluminium conductor, 1100 Volts Grade, Cross-Sectional Area 25 Sq. MM 83 Material & Labour for 3.5 Core PVC insulated armoured, heavy duty electric cable with aluminium conductor, 1100 Volts Grade, Cross-Sectional Area 35 Sq. MM 84 Material & Labour for 3.5 Core PVC insulated armoured, heavy duty electric cable with aluminium conductor, 1100 Volts Grade, Cross-Sectional Area 70 Sq. MM 85 Supplying & fixing 240 V, 10KA B Curve Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB) of Single Poles and current carrying capacity in 6 to 32 Amp, in the MCB DB complete with testing and commissioning. 86 S & F of 40 A, Four Pole,30 mA RCBO for earth leakage , overload & short circuit protection. The material to be supplied shall be of ISI marked or confirming to relevant standards. This includes connection, testing & commissioning as per standard engineering practice. 87 S & F of 63 A, Four Pole,30 mA RCBO for earth leakage , overload & short circuit protection.The material to be supplied shall be of ISI marked or confirming to relevant standards. This includes connection, testing & commissioning as per standard engineering practice. 88 S & F of 100 A 415 V, 16 KA, 4 Pole Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB). The material to be supplied shall be of ISI marked or confirming to relevant standards. This includes connection, testing & commissioning as per standard engineering practice. 89 M & L for 9 Meters Long Galvanised Steel Tubular Swaged Poles complete with cast iron base plate , finial taper plug, bolts, nuts & screws as specified type 410 SP 31. 90 M & L for Earth continuity conductor or main earthing lead fixed to wall on batten or recess or chases or buried in groundor drawn in conduit /pipeor fixed to poles or any other indicated situation for loop earthing etc. as required 32 x 6 mm gavalised iron strip. 91 M & L for air termination, single pointed aluminium rod 12mm dia and 300mm long. 92 M & L for aluminium strip 25 x 3.15 mm with saddles & fixing screws etc. for down conductors above ground. 93 M & L for test point terminal block made of gun metal or phosphorus bronze of size 75 x 75 x 25 mm drilled & screwed including 3 nos. of 8 mm dia 25mm long hex. Head screw. 94 M & L for aluminium conductor steel reinforced i.e. 6 Nos. of Aluminium Strand of Dia 4.72 mm and 7 Nos. of GI Strands of dia 1.57 mm or ACSR conductor with overall crossectional area of not less than 80 sq. mm. 95 M & L for 1100 volt grade shackle type , porcelain, vitreous, white, brown or green insulator of height 75 mm, including galvanised mild steel straps with crossesctional size 31x3mm, washers, insulator bolts with dia 12mm, washers and nuts. 96 Supplying & fixing 1 x 22 Watt LED light fitting , 220 V AC with driver , holder including LED tube light connecting up with three core/two core flexible copper conductor cable of suitable size from ceiling rose complete. The LED tube light shall be of reputed make like Bajaj, Phillips, Havells etc. and confirming to relevant IS standards. 97 M & L for wiring for circuit/submain wiring along with earthwire with2 x 1.5 sq. mm + 1 x 1.5 sq.mm sizes of FR PVC insulated copper conductor, single core cable in existing conduit or street light pole. The material to be used of reputed make like Finolex, Polycab, Havells, V-Guard etc. 98 M & L for wiring for circuit/submain wiring along with earthwire with2 x 2.5 sq. mm + 1 x 2.5 sq.mm sizes of FR PVC insulated copper conductor, single core cable in existing conduit . The material to be used of reputed make like Finolex, Polycab, Havells, V-Guard etc. 99 Supply & fixing LED street light fitting 70 Watt, 230 V AC outdoor type with hight pressure die cast aluminum housing and heat resistant complete with driver, lamp bracket with impact and corrosion resistant including thermal management in multiple optics complete with IP 65/66 protection complete. The LED light shall be of reputed make like Bajaj, Phillips, Havells etc.and confirming to relevant IS Standards. 100 Supply & fixing of LED flood light 70 watt 230 V AC outdoor type with thermal management in multiple optics and equipped with IP 66 protection, with impact & corrosion resistant complete with driver and lamp. The LED light shall be of reputed make and confirming to relevant IS Standards. 101 M & L for earthing with GI earth plate 600 mm x 600 mm x 6 mm thick including accessories and providing masonry enclosure with cover plate having lockig arrangement and watering pipe of 2.7 meter long etc. with charcoal/coke and salt as required. 102 Supplying & making end termination with brass compression gland and aluminium lugs for 3.5 core 25 Sq mm (28 mm)size of PVC insulated and PVC sheathed/XLPE aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade as required. 103 Supplying & making end termination with brass compression gland and aluminium lugs for 3.5 core 35 Sq mm (32mm)size of PVC insulated and PVC sheathed/XLPE aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade as required. 104 Supplying & making end termination with brass compression gland and aluminium lugs for 3.5 core 70 Sq mm (35mm)size of PVC insulated and PVC sheathed/XLPE aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade as required. 105 Supplying & fixing cable route marker with 10 cm x 10 cm x 5 mm thick GI Plate with inscription there on bolted/welded to 35 mm x 35 mm x 6 mm angle iron , 60 cm long & fixing the same in ground as required. 106 Supplying and fixing 12 Module GI Box alongwith modular base & cover plate for modular switches in recess etc. as required. The material to be used of reputed make like Crabtree, V-Guard, Havells etc. 107 Supplying and fixing 2 Module GI Box alongwith modular base & cover plate for modular switches in recess etc. as required.The material to be used of reputed make like Crabtree, V-Guard, Havells etc. 108 Supplying & fixing 20A, 240 V, SPN Industrial Type Socket Outlet with 2 pole & earth, metal enclosed plug top alongwith 20 AC Curve SP MCB in sheet steel enclosure on surface or in recess with chained metal cover for the socket out let and complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as required. 109 Supplying & fixing 4 way ( 4 + 12 ) way doule door , horizontal type three pole and neutral, sheet steel, MCB distribution board, 415 V, on surface/recess, complete with neutral bus bar, earth bar, din bar, interconnections, powder painted including earthing etc. as required. 110 Supplying & fixing of 25 mm sizes of medium class PVC conduit along with accessories in recess including cutting the wall and making good the same as required. 111 Supplying & erection of stay set complete (galvanised) with 19/20 mm dia x 1.8 meters long stay rod , anchor plate of size 45 cm x 45 cm x 7.5 mm, thimble, stay clamps, turn buckle (20mm x 60 cm), 7/4.00 mm dia GI stay wire and strain insulator etc. in cement concrete 1:3:6 ( 1 Cement: 3 coarse sand : 6 Graded Stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) foundation including excavation and refilling etc. as required. 112 Supply & fixingof octagonal or tubular GI metallic single bracket street light pole of height 9 to 10 meter with complete accessoreis such as FRP/metallic marshalling (junction box) having din rail & suitable ratings of 1 Nos. of MCB & 8 Nos. of PVC Connectors for termination of incoming & outgoing power cables and GI clamps for fixing of Marshalling Box. The pole & switchgears to be used shall be confirming to relevant IS.The civil works like cement concrete foundation and earth excavation to be measured separately. 113 Supply & fixing of 415 V AC,Outdoor Type Three Phase Feeder Pillar Panel duly Powder Coated& suitable for Floor Mounting having DIN rail for fixing of MCCB, Colour shrouded Copper Bus-Bar of Rating 100 Amp to be provided for 3 Phases, Neutral & Earth . Bus-Bar to be fabricated in separete compartment and MCCB will be accommodated in separate compartment. Provision to be made for two nos. of earth stud for body earthing. Bus-Bar shall have 5 Nos. of drilled holes in each bus bar conductor for connection of cables. MCCB to be measured separately. Further, any civil works like cement concrete foundation and earth excavation to be measured separately. 114 Supply & fixing of 100 A, 415 V, Four Pole Isolator/ICTPN with complete accessories such as clamps, nuts, bolts, HRC fuses etc.This includes connection, testing & commissioning also. 115 Supply & fixing of 3 way flameproof junction box to be used for light circuit wiring. Test certificate from CMRI to be produced on demand. 116 Supply & fixing of 250 to 300 MM Wall Mounted Flameproof Fan with complete accessories for fixing. The material shalle be confirming to relevant IS standards. Certificate from CMRI to be produced on demand.

Key Value

Document Fees
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INR 1095300.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 15.40 Crore /-
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