
Tender For Hiring Of Agencies For Lmc Works At Meerut., noida-Uttar Pradesh

Gas Authority Of India Limited has published Tender For Hiring Of Agencies For Lmc Works At Meerut.. Submission Date for this Tender is 02-09-2024. Kitchen Equipment Tenders in noida Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Hiring Of Agencies For Lmc Works At Meerut.
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender For Hiring Of Agencies For Lmc Works At Meerut.; 1 LMC - Meerut 2 PE PIPELINE 3 Pipe Laying in any type of surface like unprepared surface (Katcha surface)/ Normal Surface/ Hard surface/Pebbles/Cobbles/Boulders/Structures/Rock surface etc using open cut/ Moling (without Casing)/ Moling (with Casing)/Directional Drilling technique (with and without casing pipe) methodology. 4 Receipt, Loading, unloading, storing, reloading, tranportation, unloading, stringing and laying of PE100, SDR11 line pipes of all sizes including, proper stacking, identification,and supply of accessories of all sizes & thickness like PE Bends, Couplers, Endcaps, Tee, Reducer, CS / GI to PE Fittings (i.e. Transition Fittings of sizes 20 mm to 32 mm), Warning Mat etc.Handling, Stringing / uncoiling, aligning of the PE line pipe on the pipeline Right-of-Use/ route, laying / installation of PE line pipe alongwith required accessories as mentioned above as per specification wherever required depending on site condition including execution of all works; Storeage of material in contractors store, fabrication, access for construction procurement and supply of all materials, consumables, equipments, labour and other inputs. In the case of free issue items, the scope also includes, receiving and loading from Owners designated store, transportation, unloading and stacking of free issue items at Contractors store.-Laying of all PE pipe (PE 100 SDR11), Including supply of HDPE casing pipe (in case of HDD (with case).Moling(with case) ,Couplers, End caps etc. (Ref. cl. 4.3 of Particular job specification).-Survey of under ground utilities, execution of the work as per specification, including excavation of pits moling with the hole size not exceeding 20% of the pipe dia, jointing and insertion of carrier pipe with casing, testing & commissioning and restoration of the pits to original condition, submission of As-Built Graph as per specifications and the instruction of Engineer-in-charge. -Casing details is as given below:-1. For 20/32 mm PEpipe (in 75 mm dia. HDPE Casing Pipe, PE 63/80 PN6.0).2. For 63 mm PE pipe (in 125 mm dia. HDPE Casing Pipe, PE 63/80 PN6.0).3. For 90 mm pipe (in 180 mm dia. HDPE Casing Pipe, PE 63/80 PN6.0).4. For 125 mm pipe (in 250 mm dia. HDPE Casing Pipe, PE63/80 PN 6.0). 5 Carrying out all temporary, ancillary, auxiliary works required to make the PE pipeline ready for commissioning as per drawings. 6 Specifications, scope of work indicated in PJS and other provisions of Contract document and instructions of Engineer-in-charge, including but not limited to carrying out the following works: 7 Surveying of route and detours required at the time of execution, preparation of construction drawings showing survey details and submit same to Owner for review / approval. 8 Carrying out preliminary activities such as preperation of drawings wherever required for crossing etc. 9 Preparation and getting approval of schedules, execution procedures, drawings/ sketches/ wherever required, making trial pits to determine the underground utilities/ services etc., restoration of the abandoned trial pits to original condition. 10 Stacking and installation of construction markers, clearing, fencing, grubbing, cutting of trees, full filling all the requirements of various statutory/ environment authorities to the entire satisfaction of concerned authorities, grading of work area. 11 Barricading the work area as per local authorities norms & to thesatisfaction of Owner/ Eingineer -in- charge, installation of safety signs. 12 Barricading the pipeline construction area prior to execution of the works as per enclosed drawingenclosed with tender document and to the entire satisfaction of owner / engineer- in -charge. 13 Laying using open trench without casing includes survey of under ground utilities (through trial pits), execution of work as per specification including Trenching to all depths by excavation in all types of soils including soft/ rocky strata (Rock Cutting to be paid separately as per SOR no 1.120) and different type of pavement / footpath / roads etc. including rock breaking, chiselling or otherwise cutting etc. as required and storing excavated soil, reusable materials at designated area as directed by Engineer in charge and to a width to accommodate the pipelineas per the relevant standard/ specification etc. [The minimum depth of the top of pipeline shall be 1.0 m measured from top of pipeline to the top of undisturbed surface of the soil or as per Specification/ OISD- 226 & PNGRB latest guidelines whichever is higher]. Dewatering of trenches / pits if required as per site condition. Repairing of all damaged utilities if any, and payment of any compensation (if claimed by owner / other utility agencies) 14 Uncoiling / stringing & aligning of PE pipes, clamping, jointing of the pipe ends / fittings / valves by qualified personnel using approved electro-fusion techniques as per specification. 15 Installation / lowering the pipeline in trench to required depth as per PJS, Technical Specification & drawings, supply & placement of HDPE Yellow colour warning mat (refer PJS item.- 4.2) over the pipeline along the complete route as per standard drawings, data sheets & technical specifications, padding around pipeline including supply of suitable padding material duly approved by EIC, backfilling to its original condition with excavated earth / borrowed select soil/sand duly approved by EIC & its compaction & crowning. At certain specific area of ROU, trench shall be backfilled & compacted and shall be made ready for motorable. All tiles / slabs / curb stones etc removed during excavation shall be placed properly and no seperate payment shall be admissible against this activity. Restoration shall be carried as per separate SOR item mentioned elsewhere in the SOR or to be done by Owner / concerned authorities. 16 The scope of work against this item also include Electro-fusion jointing of valves, fittings wherever required and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 17 The scope of work against laying of 20/32 mm pipealso includes works like making of PCC pedastal of grade (1:2:4) and size ( (300mm(L)X200mm(W) XHeight (H)),(H>=300mm & will be as per site condition) ), supply and installation of GI Sleeve (Heavy (C-Class) as per IS-1239), filling of sand and installation of TF (along with supply). 18 Pneumatic testing, purging with nitrogen and commissioning as per specification and approved procedures providing all tools and tackles, nitrogen, instruments, manpower and other related accessories and as per the instructions of the Engineer-in-charge. 19 Final clean-up of right-of-use or area disturbed by contractor during their construction activities for laying of pipeline works and disposal of debris and surplus material to designated disposal areas and backfilling of trench and compaction of the same as per satisfaction of Owner and / or as directed by Engineer–in–charge. 20 Maintaining the completed pipelines and installation for any defect or failures during defect liability period (i.e. 12 months from date of completion of work) . 21 Handing over the completed works to Owner for their operation/ use, reconciliation of material area wise and obtaining no objection certificate from Owner/ PMC. 22 Preparation and submission of Daily progress report, Laying Graphs / PE line cards on daily basis. 23 On completion of gas charging of pipelines. Preparation and submission of As-built drawings, crossings details, termination, utility graphs and deviation statements. 24 In case, the minimum required depth is not possible due to site condition, necessary mitigation measures (for minimum top cover of 600mm) shall be required to be taken by contractor in consultation with EIC as per PNGRB Guidelines. No additional payment shall be admissible against the same. However required top cover can further be reduce till 375mm and payment against the same shall be made according to SOR item no. 1.3 or 1.4 (whichever is applicable). 25 Submission of all documents required for contract closure in numbers as mentioned in contract. 26 Any other activities not mentioned / covered explicitly above, but otherwise required for satisfactory completion / operation / safety / statutory / maintenance of the works shall also be covered under the scope of work and has to be completed by the Contractor within specified schedule at no extra cost to Owner. All the work shall be executed in accordance with the provision of contract. 27 20 mm PE 100 pipe Service line laying upto 4 M length 28 20 mm PE 100 pipe 29 32 mm PE 100 pipe 30 NOTE : 31 i) The lengths of pipelines are tentative. 32 ii) For restoration of asphalt / concrete roads, the item for construction of asphalt top / concrete top / Tiles/Stone slab/Paver Blocks/Curb Stones shall be paid separately as per the rates quoted for the same elsewhere in the SOR. 33 iii) In case, contractor prefers to lay the pipeline through HDD method in place of method as per SOR item- 1.1, contractor shall be required to lay the pipe upto a depth not more than 1.4 m. The payment shall however be made as per SOR item No.- 1.1 only. 34 iv) In case quantity increases beyond 4 meter (against SOR item no 1.1.a) payment towards additional length shall be paid as per SOR item no. 1.1.b. 35 v) For PE laying through casing pipe ,payment for length of PE pipe will be done as per casing pipe length. 36 vi) Payment for items above under pipeline laying in all type of rocky strata shall be made only whereever hard rock is existing and supply and installationj of padding materails(i.e. sand/soft soil)shall be done as per the direction of EIC.Bidders to quote accordingly. 37 Restoration 38 Restoration of the roads, pavements, channels, footpaths, tiles, stones etc. to original condition including supply of the approved quality material required, as per local authorities norms, obtaining NOC from concerned local authorities / land owners /third party inspection agencies (if any) designated by owner and to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge. 39 Asphalting 40 Cement Concrete 41 Tiles / Paver / Blocks / Curb Stones, Red sand stone 42 Brick Soling / Channels, etc. 43 Providing, hoisting and placing of 75 mm thick precast reinforced cement concrete slab of M-20 grade over pipeline as mechanical protection including the cost of required centering, shuttering, reinforcement complete as per tender drawing and direction of the EIC.Note:- Size (Length x Width) of the precast slab will be decided as per site condition and as per instruction of EIC. Precast slab will be placed in multiple number and various location as per site condition and as per instruction of EIC. 44 Pipe laying inside Private Property i.e Multistory buildings / apartments with no movement of Heavy Vehicles, surrounded with Boundary wall where pipe top cover could not be achieved 600 mm. 45 Minimum pipe top cover of 375 mm is required and the line pressure shall not exceed 110mbar. 46 Necessary mitigation measures such as RCC slab (150mm thick and 300mm width) at the top, the RCC slab of the roof of basement shall be treated as bottom. There shall be sand filling across three sides of the line pipe of 100mm each shall be required to be taken by contractor in consultation with EIC as per latest PNGRB Guidelines. No additional payment shall be admissible against the same. 47 Receipt, Loading, unloading, storing, reloading, tranportation, unloading, stringing and laying of 20mm, 32mm & 63mm PE pipe (PE 100 SDR11) including proper stacking, identification,and supply of accessories of below mentioned sizes & all thickness like PE Bends, Couplers, Endcaps, Tee, Reducer, CS / GI to PE Fittings (i.e. Transition Fittings of sizes 20 mm to 63 mm), Warning Matetc.Handling, Stringing / uncoiling, aligning of the PE line pipe on the pipeline Right-of-Use/ route , laying / installation of PE line pipe alongwithrequired accessories as mentioned above as per specification wherever required depending on site condition including execution ofall works; Storage of material in contractors store, fabrication, access for construction procurement and supply of all materials, consumables,equipments, labour and other inputs. In the case of free issue items, the scope also includes, receiving and loading from Owners designated store, transportation, unloading and stacking of free issue items at Contractors store. 48 Carrying out all temporary, ancillary, auxiliary works required to make the PE pipeline ready for commissioning as per drawing. 49 Surveying of route and detours required at the time of execution, preparation of construction drawings showing survey details, and submit same to Owner for review / approval. 50 Preparation and getting approval of schedules, execution procedures, drawings/ sketches/ wherever required, making trial pits to determine the underground utilities/ services etc., restoration of the abandoned trial pits to original condition. 51 Barricading the pipeline construction area prior to execution of the works as per drawing no. MEC/23QH/05/25/M/000/011 & MEC/23QH/05/25/M/000/10 enclosed with tender document and to the entire satisfaction of owner / engineer- in -charge. 52 Laying using open trench without casing includes survey of under ground utilities (through trial pits), execution of work as per specification including Trenching to all depths by excavation in all types of soils including soft/ rocky strata (Rock Cutting to be paid separately as per SOR no 1.120) and different type of pavement / footpath / roads etc. including rock breaking, chiselling or otherwise cutting etc. as required and storing excavated soil, reusable materials at designated area as directed by Engineer in charge and to a width to accommodate the pipelineas per the relevant standard/ specification etc. [The minimum depth of the top of pipeline shall be 1.0 m measured from top of pipeline to the top of undisturbed surface of the soil or as per Specification/ OISD- 226 & PNGRB latest guidelines whichever is higher]. Dewatering of trenches / pits if required as per site condition. Repairing of all damaged utilities if any, and payment of any compensation (if claimed by owner / other utility agencies) 53 Uncoiling / stringing & aligning of PE pipes, clamping, jointing of the pipe ends / fittings / valves by qualified personnel using approved electro-fusion techniques as per specification. 54 Installation / lowering the pipeline in trench to required depth, supply & placement of HDPE Yellow colour warning mat (refer PJS item.- 4.2) over the pipeline along the complete route as per enclosed drawing and backfilling to its original condition with excavated earth / borrowed select soil / sand duly approved by EIC & its compaction & crowning. At certain specific area of ROU, trench shall be backfilled & compacted and shall be made ready for motorable. All tiles / slabs / curb stones etc removed during excavation shall be placed properly and no seperate payment shall be admissible against this activity. Restoration shall be carried as per separate SOR item mentioned elsewhere in the SOR or to be done by Owner / concerned authorities. 55 The scope of work against laying of 20/32 mm pipealso includes works like making of PCC pedastal of grade (1:2:4) and size ( (300mm(L)X200mm(W) XHeight (H)),(H>=300mm & will be as per site condition) ), supply and installation of GI Sleeve (Heavy (C-Class) as per IS-1239), filling of sand and installation of TF (along with supply). 56 Pneumatic testing, purging with nitrogen and commissioning as per specification and approved procedures providing all tools and tackles, nitrogen, instruments, manpower and other related accessories and as per the instructions of the Engineer-in-charge. 57 Final clean-up of right-of-use or area disturbed by contractor during their construction activities for laying of pipeline works and disposal of debris and surplus material to designated disposal areas and backfilling of trench and compaction of the same as per satisfaction of Owner and / or as directed by Engineer–in–charge. 58 Maintaining the completed pipelines and installation for any defect or failures during defect liability period (i.e. 12 months from date of completion of work) . 59 Handing over the completed works to Owner for their operation/ use, reconciliation of material area wise and obtaining no objection certificate from Owner/ Consultant. 60 On completion of gas charging of pipelines. Preparation and submission of As-built drawings, crossings details, termination, utility graphs and deviation statements. 61 Any other activities not mentioned / covered explicitly above, but otherwise required for satisfactory completion / operation / safety / statutory / maintenance of the works shall also be covered under the scope of work and has to be completed by the Contractor within specified schedule at no extra cost to Owner. All the work shall be executed in accordance with the provision of contract. 62 20 mm PE 100 pipe / 32 mm PE 100 pipe 63 Pipe laying inside Private Property i.e Multistory buildings / apartments with no movement of Heavy Vehicles, surrounded with Boundary wall where pipe top cover could not be achieved 600 mm. 64 Minimum pipe top cover of 375 mm is required and the line pressure shall not exceed 110mbar. 65 Necessary mitigation measures such as RCC slab (150mm thick and 300mm width) at the top and RCC slab (100mm thick and 300mm width) at bottom. There shall be sand filling across three sides of the line pipe of 100mm each shall be required to be taken by contractor in consultation with EIC as per latest PNGRB Guidelines. No additional payment shall be admissible against the same. 66 Receipt, Loading, unloading, storing, reloading, tranportation, unloading, stringing and laying of 20mm, 32mm & 63mm PE pipe (PE 100 SDR11) including proper stacking, identification,and supply of accessories of below mentioned sizes & all thickness like PE Bends, Couplers, Endcaps, Tee, Reducer, CS / GI to PE Fittings (i.e. Transition Fittings of sizes 20 mm to 63 mm), Warning Matetc.Handling, Stringing / uncoiling, aligning of the PE line pipe on the pipeline Right-of-Use/ route , laying / installation of PE line pipe alongwithrequired accessories as mentioned above as per specification wherever required depending on site condition including execution ofall works; Storage of material in contractors store, fabrication, access for construction procurement and supply of all materials, consumables,equipments, labour and other inputs. In the case of free issue items, the scope also includes, receiving and loading from Owners designated store, transportation, unloading and stacking of free issue items at Contractors store. 67 Carrying out all temporary, ancillary, auxiliary works required to make the PE pipeline ready for commissioning as per drawing. 68 Surveying of route and detours required at the time of execution, preparation of construction drawings showing survey details, and submit same to Owner for review / approval. 69 Preparation and getting approval of schedules, execution procedures, drawings/ sketches/ wherever required, making trial pits to determine the underground utilities/ services etc., restoration of the abandoned trial pits to original condition. 70 Barricading the pipeline construction area prior to execution of the works as per drawingenclosed with tender document and to the entire satisfaction of owner / engineer- in -charge. 71 Laying using open trench without casing includes survey of under ground utilities (through trial pits), execution of work as per specification including Trenching to all depths by excavation in all types of soils including soft/ rocky strata (Rock Cutting to be paid separately as per SOR no 1.120) and different type of pavement / footpath / roads etc. including rock breaking, chiselling or otherwise cutting etc. as required and storing excavated soil, reusable materials at designated area as directed by Engineer in charge and to a width to accommodate the pipelineas per the relevant standard/ specification etc. [The minimum depth of the top of pipeline shall be 1.0 m measured from top of pipeline to the top of undisturbed surface of the soil or as per Specification/ OISD- 226 & PNGRB latest guidelines whichever is higher]. Dewatering of trenches / pits if required as per site condition. Repairing of all damaged utilities if any, and payment of any compensation (if claimed by owner / other utility agencies) 72 Uncoiling / stringing & aligning of PE pipes, clamping, jointing of the pipe ends / fittings / valves by qualified personnel using approved electro-fusion techniques as per specification. 73 Installation / lowering the pipeline in trench to required depth, supply & placement of HDPE Yellow colour warning mat (refer PJS item.- 4.2) over the pipeline along the complete route as per drawingand backfilling to its original condition with excavated earth / borrowed select soil / sand duly approved by EIC & its compaction & crowning. At certain specific area of ROU, trench shall be backfilled & compacted and shall be made ready for motorable. All tiles / slabs / curb stones etc removed during excavation shall be placed properly and no seperate payment shall be admissible against this activity. Restoration shall be carried as per separate SOR item mentioned elsewhere in the SOR or to be done by Owner / concerned authorities. 74 The scope of work against laying of 20/32 mm pipealso includes works like making of PCC pedastal of grade (1:2:4) and size ( (300mm(L)X200mm(W) XHeight (H)),(H>=300mm & will be as per site condition) ), supply and installation of GI Sleeve (Heavy (C-Class) as per IS-1239), filling of sand and installation of TF (along with supply). 75 Pneumatic testing, purging with nitrogen and commissioning as per specification and approved procedures providing all tools and tackles, nitrogen, instruments, manpower and other related accessories and as per the instructions of the Engineer-in-charge. 76 Final clean-up of right-of-use or area disturbed by contractor during their construction activities for laying of pipeline works and disposal of debris and surplus material to designated disposal areas and backfilling of trench and compaction of the same as per satisfaction of Owner and / or as directed by Engineer–in–charge. 77 Maintaining the completed pipelines and installation for any defect or failures during defect liability period (i.e. 12 months from date of completion of work) . 78 Handing over the completed works to Owner for their operation/ use, reconciliation of material area wise and obtaining no objection certificate from Owner/ Consultant. 79 On completion of gas charging of pipelines. Preparation and submission of As-built drawings, crossings details, termination, utility graphs and deviation statements. 80 Any other activities not mentioned / covered explicitly above, but otherwise required for satisfactory completion / operation / safety / statutory / maintenance of the works shall also be covered under the scope of work and has to be completed by the Contractor within specified schedule at no extra cost to Owner. All the work shall be executed in accordance with the provision of contract. 81 20 mm PE 100 pipe / 32 mm PE 100 pipe 82 Supply of GI/ MS/ Concrete Sleeves (wherever required as a Special Case as per instructions of the Engineer-in-charge) 83 Supply, installation of sleeve, insertion of pipe, sealing the annuals, firm fixing ofSleeves with concrete mix. Breaking through any obstructions and their subsequent restoration, as per specifications and instructions of the Engineer-in-charge.GI/MS Pipes shall be Heavy (C-Class) as per IS-1239 84 GI Sleeves /Concrete Sleeves 85 2 1/2” NB, 1’ Length 86 4” NB, 1’ Length 87 MS Enamel Coated 88 4” NB, 3’ Length 89 Concrete Sleeve (NP-2 Class) 90 4” NB, 3’ Length 91 6” NB, 3’ Length 92 The decision regarding use of type of sleeves to be used at various locations shall be made by Engineer In-Charge / Owner 93 Fabrication& Installation of Markers 94 Warning Plate Markers 95 Supply, fabrication and installation of plate markers, including application of approved color and quality of primer and paint, stencil letter cutting of lettering, numbers, direction, etc. as per the attached drawing in technical volume to be installed near regulator. 96 Excavation of Hard rock/surface 97 Excavation of trench or pits, wherever hard rock presence is exceeding 1.5 m in any direction of the trench and excavation of trench or pits in Malba/Multiple layers of asphalt/ brick / PCC/RCC etc and removable only by pneumatic chisel / drill as per the specifications and direction of EIC. The rates are payable over and above the Laying rates as per relevant SOR no. 1.1 98 Cutting of PCC/RCC surface with thickness more than 12 orContinuous asphalt multi-layer/ Malba/ Brick / Boulders more than 24.(Malba shall be considered as a strata where soil is in mixed form of debris/building rubbish or discarded pieces of bricks/stones ) 99 Rock Cutting encountered while excavation of trenches for item 1.1 of SOR, not exceeding 1.5 meter in width, and lift upto 1.5 meter, including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of excavated soil as directed within a lead of 50 meter. In case of rocky soil, the bedding shall be done with approved/ good quality packing sand, subject to the approval of the EIC, the size distribution of the sand / shall be the same as per soil. The packing sand shall be placed to a minimum thickness of 150mm around the pipe in case of rocky terrain. 100 Demolition of PCC work below plinth level 101 Demolishing plain cement concrete (PCC) work (taking all necessary safety precautions) for all depths below plinth level including supply of all tools & tackles, necessary scaffolding, propping, underpinning, etc. , disposal of unserviceable material outside the boundary limits keeping the owner indemnified of any liabilities from statutory/ local bodies, all complete work as specified and directed 102 Core Cutting of RCC structure/Brick Wall 103 PNG Connection to Domestic Consumers 104 Installation of GI Service Pipe 105 Supply, loading, storing, unloading and installation of GI pipes, including supply of GI fittings/accessories including Anaconda, Fittings of all sizes & thickness like Elbows, Hex Nipple,Tees, unions, sockets, reducers, GI plugs,Sleeves etc., installation of GI line (alongwith installation of required accessories as mentioned above) of following sizes, including fabrication with supply of all materials, consumables, labour and other incidental works. The scope of work excludes installation of Regulators (1/6 bar to 21 m bar with HEX nipple on inlet and outlet side of regulator) which shall be provided as free issue item. Carrying out all temporary, ancillary, auxiliary works required to make the GI line ready for commissioning as per drawings specifications. 106 Scope of work indicated in PJS and other provisions of Contract document and instructions of Engineer-in-charge, including but not limited to carrying out the following works:Preparation and approval of schedules, execution procedures, sketches. 107 Finalisation of optimum route with consent of customer, from transition fitting to cooking oven/ appliance. 108 Making temporay but stable platforms/ scaffolding/ rope ladders and all other safety measures including safety belts wherever required. 109 Installation of GI Pipes, Fittings, including NPT threading, painting as specified. 110 Drillings of holes through walls (Brick, RCC), Granite, Marble, Glass Cutting with proper heavy duty hammer drill machine tools and tackeles, using proper sealent /grout materialed colors to match the original replacement of damages during drillling, restoring the area to original condition. 111 Supply & Fixing of approved clamps, Dowell Plugs with screws, grout material, suitable thread sealant i.e. Teflon Tape/ lock tight, drilling of holes through tiles/ wood/ marble/ Granite etc. jointing of PE to above Ground service GI pipes, testing, purging with Nitrogen and commissioning of the complete installation as per specification. 112 Painting ofentire length of pipe along with fittings after proper surface finish by one coat of approved primer paint and two coats of approved synthetic enamel paint complete as per specification & direction of EIC. Restoring the wall surface to origin. 113 All above activities to be carried out as per specification to the complete satisfaction of consumer & as desired by Engineer-in-charge. 114 Handing over the completed works to CLIENT for operation/ use, reconciliation of material area wise and obtaining no objection certificate from CLIENT / PMC. 115 Any other activity not mentioned/ covered, explicitly above, but otherwise required for satisfactory completion/ safety/ statutory/ maintenance of works shall also be covered under scope of work and has to be completed by contractor within specified schedule time. 116 all the entry of GI related work right from Registration till Gas charging/commission is to be mapped with GAIL GAS Shahaj appincluding uploading the documentswhich will be also used for certifying the measurementby PMC /GAIL GAS and keep track of activity of all the contractors , the entry of all the activityon day to day basis is also in the scope of bidder. 117 ½”All floors (Including connectivity from TF to regulator)- with supply of GI Pipes by Contractor 118 ½”All floors (Including connectivity from TF to regulator)-with supply of GI Pipes by Owner on Free Issue Basis. 119 ¾” All Floors (Including Installtion of Risers)-with supply of GI Pipes by Contractor 120 ¾” All Floors (Including Installtion of Risers) with supply of GI Pipes by Owner on Free Issue Basis 121 1 Dia All Floors (For Riser Installtions & For Commercial Connections)- with supply of GI Pipes by Contractor 122 1 Dia All Floors (For Riser Installtions & For Commercial Connections)- with supply of GI Pipes by Owner on Free Issue Basis 123 Note:- 124 i) Refer Particular Job Specification for supply items. 125 ii) The quantity measurement shall be from the outlet of the Transition Fitting (TF) upto the Meter. All intermediate GI fittings (excluding Flexible hose/Anaconda, valves and regulator) shall be considered while measuring length of GI Pipes. 126 iii) Supply and installation of isolation Ball Valves shall be paid as a separate SOR Item. 127 iv) In case of SOR items b, d & f above (under SOR item No.- 7.1.1), owner shall supply Plain or Powder Coated GI Pipes (as free issue) remaining scope of supplies of fittings etc. including all associated works shall be as per item nos.-a, c & e (under SOR item No.- 7.1.1) 128 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Copper Service Pipes /Multi Layer Composite (MLC) Pipes 129 Supply and installation of copper tubing as perTS and associated fittings including brass fittings at the outlet of the meter and at the entry of appliance valve as per satisfaction of EIC. The copper tube and fittings shall be procured from approved vendors who have supplied these items for similar application earlier and with prior approved of Client / Consultant. 130 Copper tube shall be installed from the downstream of meter upto the isolation valve before the customers appliance as per requirement and to the satisfaction of EIC. The Contractor to provide all equipment, tools and material necessary to execute the work in an efficient manner by cutting, cleaning, flux application, soldering and lacquering. The work includes supply of all tools, tackles and consumables including clamps for fixing the tubes. 131 12.0 mm OD x 0.6 mm wall thickness 132 Supply and installation of MLC Pipe as per ISO17484-1 latest standard and installation of Appliance Ball valvesas per technical specification alogwith associated acessories/fittings including brass fittings at the outlet of the meter and at the entry of appliance valve as per satisfaction and instruction of EIC. The MLC Pipe and fittings shall be procured from approved vendors or from those vendors, who have supplied these items for similar application earlier and with prior approved of Owner / PMC. 133 MLC Pipe shall be installed from the downstream of meter upto the isolation/ appliance valve before the customers appliance as per requirement and to the satisfaction of EIC. The Contractor to provide all equipment, tools & tackles and asoociated material required necessary to execute the work in an efficient manner by cutting, cleaning, Bending, Fixing with clamp etc. The work includes supply of all tools, tackles and consumables including clamps for fixing the MLC pipe and restoration of the work area to the satisfaction of the customer. 134 16.0 mm OD 135 Note: 136 i) Supply and installation of Appliance Ball Valves shall be paid as a separate SOR Item. 137 ii) SOR item No.7.2.A & 7.2.B shall be carried out including supply of materials, only after getting instruction / approval from EIC. 138 Installation of Meter, Flexible Hose & Conversion of Domestic Appliance: 139 Installation & fixing of meters with associated inlet connections/ fittings, valves, approved meter brackets and other supports by proper scaffolding/ grouting, Restoring the area to original completre as per specification. (Meter and Regulator will be provided as as free issue Items) 140 Conversion of Domestic Appliance ,This works starts from outlet of meters which includes installation of GI pipe,Appliance valve etc& other supports by proper scaffolding/ grouting, Restoring the area to original completre as per specification.The work also includes installation and supply ofSteel reinforced Flexible Hose as per IS 9573 (with Type as per lastest PNGRB guidelines) (Gas tube from end of Isolation Valve upto burner/stove) and conevrsion of all the burners of the LPG stove (one per household) including supply of all types of burner nozzles/jets and associated controls etc. 141 Cleaning and performing minor maintenance, greasing etc. of appliance, testing/ showing performance to thecustomer ,signing of Joint Meter Records (JMR) andinstructing customer on use & safety norms, complete as per specifications & to satisfaction of customer 142 Isolation Ball Valve And Appliance Valve 143 Supply and installation of Isolation & Appliance Ball Valves as per Technical Specification and as directed by EIC 144 Isolation Ball Valve 1/2 max. 6 bar (g) 145 Isolation Ball Valve 3/4 max. 6 bar (g) 146 Isolation Ball Valve 1 max. 6 bar (g) 147 Appliance Ball Valve 1/2 max. 35 mili Bar (g) 148 Testing,Commsioning & integration of previously laid GI /Copper Piping for PNG Connection:- 149 Testing,Commsioning & integration of previously laid GI /Copper Piping network of various sizes having riser ,headers as well as laterals & outlet work (GI/Copper).Item include checking of the network by air pressure ,repair if any leakage observed and to make network ready for GAS-IN by providing manpower tools & tackles ,gasket etc. The total length of the network being tested shall be considered for payment .All sizes of GI network from 1/2 to 1 and Copper Outlet pipe.Note:-i) It includes any rectification,repair or replacement activities involving associated GI /CU fittings (as applicable) ,GI valve etc. and any other associated work required for completeness of PNG connections.ii) It may also be noted that in case of replacement of GI pipes ,same shall be payable as per SOR no. 7.1.1 (which includes required GI fitting for complete integration and in that case payment for the fiiting coming under the replaced length of GI pipe shall not be payble in SOR no. 7.5).iii) It may also be noted that in case of replacement of Cu tubes ,same shall be payable as per SOR no. 7.2.A (which includes required fitting for complete integration and in that case payment for the fiiting coming under the replaced length of Cu Tube shall not be payble in SOR no. 7.5) 150 Testing,Commsioning & integration of previously laid GI Piping 151 Testing,Commsioning & integration of previously laid Copper Piping 152 Regulator Boxes: Supply including painting of approved make regulator boxes and installing them firmly by grouting using approved bracket /clamps as per drawing enclosed & as per specifications and and cleaning the area complete to the satisfaction. 153 Service Regulator Boxes: Supply and installation of Service Regulators Boxes as per drawing attached and as per directions of EIC. 154 Domestic/Service Regulators :-Installation of all type of regulators at all floors of various capacity 2.5 to 65 SCMH with supply & fixing of associated inlet and outlet connections/ fittings,HEX nipple on inlet and outlet side of regulator,bracket and other supports with grouting as required ,by using proper scaffolding .Restoring the area to orginal completre as per specification. 155 Domestic regulators -2.5 SCMH-100mbar to 21 mbar (supply of regulator and Adopter is free issue material) 156 Domestic reulators -2.5 and 6.5 SCMH regulators, -Pressure 4 bar to 21 mbar (only supply of regulator is free issue material) 157 Service Reulator (0.5 -6 bar to 100mbar)-10 SCMH to 65 SCMH capacity (only supply of regulator is free issue material) 158 COMMERCIAL METER:- Installation & fixing of commercial meter alongwith box such as G4,G6,G10,G16 and G25 etc with associated inlet and outlet connection fittings,Meter brackets (if required) ,pipe supports etc,by using proper scaffolding .Restoring the area to original completre as per specification.Commercial Meter is a free issue material. 159 COMMERCIAL REGULATOR:- Installation & fixing of commercial regulators(0.5-6 bar to 300/500mbar)-10 SCMH to 65 SCMH capacity with associated inlet and outlet connection fittings with required supports.Restoring the area to original completre as per specification.Commercial Regulator is a free issue material. 160 Preservation of Pipeline 161 Preservation ofpipeline sections and associated facilities (in event of delay in comissioning, other unforeseen reasons) including supply of nitrogen, all consumables, all equipment, man-power, etc. complete as per the requirements of specifications, other provisions of Contract document andinstructions of Engineer-in-charge. 162 By filling and pressurizing with nitrogen to a pressure of 2 bar(g) for a period of one month or part thereof. 163 For 32 mm Pipeline 164 For 20 mm Pipeline 165 For every additional period of one month or part thereof Limited to 6 month 166 For 32 mm Pipeline 167 For 20 mm Pipeline 168 Notes: i) The above length is not for a single section but for no. of sections. 169 ii) All accessrious ie; End caps and two nos tappings of 3/4 inches, PG to be considered per section and rate for the same shall be quoted by bidder under this item. 170 iii) If month is partially complete, payment shall be made on prorata basis. 171 iv) Scope includes pressure holding for a period of 6 months or as per EIC and jointing of PE pipe (if required) due to damage by any means and further filling of nitrogen for pressure holding. 172 Registration of Domestic PNG Connections 173 Assistance in carrying out the work of Domestic PNG registration as per directions/instructions of the Marketing In charge of CLIENT / Authorized representative including but not limited to following: 1) Enrolment & Registration of Domestic PNG Customers as per the given target. 2) Collection of filled up form along with Cheque/Demand Draft of Security Deposit amount and documents .3) Registration document uploading on SAHAJ. 4) Submission of application along with SD Cheque/DD and all supporting documents All other activities as may be required to complete the work in all respect is defined in the Scope of work to be read along with the Special Conditions of Contract and as per instructions of MIC. Carrying out the marketing activities for Domestic PNG connection as detailed in Scope of work, complete in all respects, as per directions/instructions of the Marketing In Charge including but not limited to the following: Distribution of leaflets & FAQ, Installation of banners, to be provided by client, at prime location, Awareness cum Registration Camp, Audio / Visual Presentations, Organizing Road Shows, etc. 174 Construction of RCC structure for protection of service line for drain/nallah Crossings 175 Construction of Non suspended slabs/pavement slabs including pedestal/ramp etc.using reinforced cement concrete of M-25 grade (Concrete shall be design mix/nominal mix with 20 mm & down size graded crushed stone aggregates) to protect the PE pipe laid. All necessary form work, finishing the top surface rough/smooth as required in any position, shape, level and thickness etc. shall be as specified and directed by EIC. The rates shall include grouting of pockets, supply of all material, tools, reinforcement steel etc. 176 Note:(i) The quantites of individual item can varied as per site requirement.The payment will be made as per actual certified measurement at site. For the supply items the quantities shall be procured after approval from client/ consultant/EIC. 177 (ii)Some of the may / may not be execute as per site requirements. 178 NOTE: It is to be noted that the total work front may be offered to the bidder at different locations (which may not be near to each other) in staggered basis across the GA. Bidder to understand to execute the required work at various locations and be prepared as per the allotted fronts at scattered locations across the GA.

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