
Tender For Repair And Renovation Of Purta Karmadhyakshas Office At 3Rd Floor Of New Administrative Building, Alipore Under Kolkata, 1 Repair & Renovation 2 Wood Work In Door And Window Frame Fitted And Fixed In Position Completeincluding A Protective , kolkata-West Bengal

Zilla Parishad has published Tender For Repair And Renovation Of Purta Karmadhyakshas Office At 3Rd Floor Of New Administrative Building, Alipore Under Kolkata, 1 Repair & Renovation 2 Wood Work In Door And Window Frame Fitted And Fixed In Position Completeincluding A Protective . Submission Date for this Tender is 05-09-2024. Rough Finishing Tools Tenders in kolkata West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Repair And Renovation Of Purta Karmadhyakshas Office At 3Rd Floor Of New Administrative Building, Alipore Under Kolkata, 1 Repair & Renovation 2 Wood Work In Door And Window Frame Fitted And Fixed In Position Completeincluding A Protective
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Details

tender for Repair And Renovation Of Purta Karmadhyakshas Office At 3Rd Floor Of New Administrative Building, Alipore Under Kolkata, 1 Repair & Renovation 2 Wood work in door and window frame fitted and fixed in position completeincluding a protective coat of painting at the contact surface of the frameexluding cost of concrete, Iron Butt Hinges and M.S clamps. (The quantum should be correted upto three decimals).ordinary teak 3 Panel shutters of door and window, as per design (each panel consisting of single plank without joint), including fitting and fixing the same in position but excluding the cost of hinge and other fittings .50mm thick shutters with 25mm thick panel of size 30 to 45 cm 4 Iron butt hinges of approved quality fitted and fixed with steel screws, with ISI mark. 100mm. X 75mm. X 3.50mm 5 Door stopper.(Brass) 6 Godrej Hydraulic door closer fitted and fixed complete. Heavy type 7 Anodised aluminium barrel / tower / socket bolt (full covered) of approvedmanufactured from extruded section conforming to I.S. 204/74 fitted and fixedwith cadmium plated screws:300mm long x 10mm dia. bolt. 8 150mm long x 10mm dia. bolt. 9 Anodised aluminium Aldrop / Sliding bolts of approved quality manufacturedfrom extruded section conforming to I.S. specification (I.S. 2681/66) fitted andfixed complete. 300mm x 19mm dia. bolt. 10 Anodised aluminium grip handle with base plate of approved quality fitted andfixed complete. With base plate 165mm grip x 12mm dia rod x 42mm plate x 3.2mm thick 11 300mm grip x 20mm dia rod x 50mm plate x 3.2mm thick. 12 Supplying,fitting & fixing in position suspended false ceiling with frame work of aluminium hollow section of size 50mm X 25mm (2.0mm thickness) combined with aluminium corners of size 38mm X 25mm, suspended by aluminium hollow tube section of size 38mm X 25mm having size of 600mm X 600mm ceiling with aluminium composit panels (ACP) - Interior grade of thickness 3.0mm comprising of proctective film, polyester coating, primer, aluminium coil, adhesive film, polyethylene core again with one layer adhesive film, aluminium bottom coating and finally service coating as per manufacturers specification finished with aluminium screw and silicon sealent complete in all respect including all incidental charges etc. as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. 13 Dressed wood work in post , plate , battens . etc. fitted & fixed complete(excluding the cost of bolts only, but including the cost of nails, screws etc.) (The quantum should be corrected upto three decimals) 14 Supplying, fitting and fixing boiling water proof ply conforming to IS: 710-1977 bonded with phenol formaldehyde synthetic resin conforming to IS: 848-1974 of approved make and brand fitted and fixed as per design as per approval and direction of Engineer-in-Charge. [excluding the cost of supporting frame work and teak wood batten/Lipping] 15 6mm 16 19mm 17 Partition of teak veneer [1 mm] as per design fitted and fixed complete (excluding the supporting frame work & necessary teak wood battens): 18 Polyurethane Polishing to woodwork with required colour as approved byEngineer-in-Charge with preparing surface including scaffolding and hirecharges of compressor machine including cost of filler and hardenermaterial such as P. U. Sealing, P. U. Top coat (Matt/Glossy), Thinner,Spirit etc. and inclusive of all operation, material and labour complete asper direction of Engineer-in- Charge. 19 Supplying & laying of approved make and brand of scratch proof, flexible & homogeneous P.V.C. Vinyle flooring conforming to IS:3462 - 1982 in required finish, fixed with synthetic acrylic adhesive after preparing the floor, levelling & smothaning when necessary with suitable putty, as per the design & instruction of the Engineer-in-charge.2 mm thick (Plain) 20 Dismantling all types of plain cement concrete works, stacking serviceable materials at site and removing rubbish as directed within a lead of 75 m upto 150 mm. thick 21 Taking out Mirzapur or glazed porcelain tiles carefully by chiselling from walls or floor including stacking serviceablematerial as directed. 22 Stripping off worn out plaster and raking out joints of walls, celings etc. upto any height and in any floor including removing rubbish within a lead of 75m as directed. 23 Cleaning the concrete surface by removing dirt and debris, marking defective locations and removing loose concrete by careful stripping untill hard surfaceis exposed, cutting the concrete to regular shape, wire brushing the exposed surface and removing debris from site complete as per direction of the Engineer - in - Charge 24 Applying epoxy based reactive joining agent for joining the old concrete withfresh concrete to be applied within manufacturers specified time as permanufacturers specification. (0.4 Kg / m² of concrete surface) 25 Applying 2 coats of bonding agent with synthetic multi functional rubberemulsion having adhesive and water proofing properties by mixing with waterin proportion (1 bonding agent : 4 water : 6 cement) as per Manufacturersspecification [Cement to be supplied by the Department] 26 Applying 2 coats of Non-Toxic Acrylic Polymer modified Paint havingadhesive & waterproofing properties by mixing in proportion (1 liquid: 4cementitious material) or as per manufacturers specification for waterproofing layer in water tank etc. (No Departmental Cement is required) 27 Ordinary Cement concrete (mix 1:2:4) with graded stone chips (20 mmnominal size) excluding shuttering and reinforcement,if any, in ground flooras per relevant IS codes.Pakur Variety 28 Cement concrete (1:1.5:3) with graded stone chips 5.6 mm size withhexagonal square mesh wire netting, I.R.C. fabric mesh or X.P. M. fitted andfixed after tying the existing reinforcement on concrete without distributing the same and with proper scarping and cleaning the reinforcement and disturbed concrete with wire brush etc. after applying a coat of cementincluding the cost of wire netting I.R.C or X. P. M. & cost of all handling andscaffolding complete as per direction of Engineer-in -charge.37.5mm thick 29 Ordinary Cement concrete (mix 1:2:4) with graded stone chips (6mm nominalsize) excluding shuttering and reinforcement,if any, in gound floor as per relevant IS codes. 30 Plaster (to wall, floor, ceiling etc.) with sand and cement mortar including rounding off or chamfering corners as directed and raking out joints including throating, nosing and drip course, scaffolding/staging where necessary With 1:6 cement mortar20 mm thick plaster 31 Supplying, fitting & fixing 1st quality Ceramic tiles in wallsand floors to match with the existing work & 4 nos. of keystones (10mm) fixed with araldite at the back of each tile &finishing the joints with white cement mixed with colouringoxide if required to match the colour of tiles includingroughening of concrete surface, if necessary or by syntheticadhesive & grout materials etc.WallArea of each tile above 0.09 Sq.m Coloured decorative 32 Supplying and laying true to line and level Double Charge Vitrified Tiles of approved brandconforming to IS 15622: 2006(Group B I a) and tested as per IS 13630:2006 (relevant parts)[Non-modular sizes for tiles with Water Absorption (av.) ≤ 0.08 %] in floor, skirting etc. set in 20 mm thick sand cement mortar (1:4) bed prepared after application of slurry using1.75Kg of cement per Sqm over the base and 2mm thick cement slurry using cement @2.91Kg./sqm at the back side ofthe tiles and laid over the mortar bed using 0.2 kg/sqm of White cement used for joint filling with approved pigment asdirected and removal of wax coating of top surface of tiles with warm water and polishing the tiles using soft and drycloth upto mirror finish complete including the cost of materials,Iabour and all other incidental charges completetrue to the manufacturers specification and direction of Engineer-in-Charge. 33 Applying Interior grade Acrylic Primer of approved quality and brandon plastered or cencrete surface old or new surface to receiveDistemper/ Acrylic emulsion paint including scraping and preparingthe surface throughly, complete as per manufacturers specification andas per direction of the EIC. 34 Supplying,fitting & fixing of 2-Track / 3-Track Aluminium slidingWindow of all Aluminium sections viz. window frame (top,bottom & sideframe), shutter (top, bottom, side & interlock member) made of aluminium alloy extrusions conforming to IS 733-1983 & IS 1285-1975, annodisedconforming to IS 1868-1983, fitted with all other accessories viz. PVCroller, EPDM gasket, maruti lock, screws etc. including labour chargesfor fitting & fixing of aluminium 2-track/3-track sliding window withfixing of glass (excluding cost of glass) all complete as per architecturaldrawings and direction of Engineer-in-charge. 35 Supplying, fitting and fixing G.I. pipes of TATA make with all necessaryaccessories, specials viz. socket, bend, tee, union, cross, elbo, nipple,longscrew, reducing socket, reducing tee, short piece etc. fitted withholder bats clamps, including cutting pipes, making threads, fitting, fixingetc. complete in all respect including cost of all necessary fittings asrequired,jointing materials and two coats of painting with approved paintin any position above ground.15 mm dia. medium quality 36 Supplying, fitting and fixing shower of approved brand and make 37 Chromium plated round shower with revolving joint 100 mm diawith rubid cleaning system 38 Chromium plated Hand shower with Flexible Tube fittings 39 Hand Shower(Health Faucet) with 1mtr Fexible Tube with Wall Hook 40 Supplying, fitting and fixing bib cock or stop cock. 41 Chromium plated Bib Cock 42 Chromium plated Bib Cock with wall flange 43 Chromium plated Bib Cock short body 44 Chromium plated Stop Cock 45 Supplying, fitting and fixing PVC pipes of approved make of Schedule 80(medium duty) conforming to ASTMD - 1785 and threaded to match withGI Pipes as per IS : 1239 (Part - I). with all necessary accessories,specials viz. socket, bend, tee, union, cross, elbo, nipple, longscrew,reducing socket, reducing tee, short piece etc. fitted with holder batsclamps, including cutting pipes, making threads,fitting, fixing etc.complete in all respect including cost of all necessary fittings asrequired,jointing materials and two coats of painting with approved paintin any position above ground 46 Supplying, fitting and fixing white vitreous china best quality approvedmake wash basin with C.I. brackets on 75 mm X 75 mm wooden blocks,C.P. waste fittings of 32 mm dia., one approved quality brass C.P. pillarcock of 15 mm dia., C.P. chain with rubber plug of 30 mm dia., approvedquality P.V.C. waste pipe with C.P. nut 32 mm dia., 900 mm long approvedquality P.V.C. connection pipe with heavy brass C.P. nut includingmending good all damages and painting the brackets with two coats ofapproved paint. 47 Suppling, fitting and fixing Wall mounted water closet of white glazedvitreous chinaware of approved make and brand in position complete withnecessary nut and boalts 48 Supplying, fitting & installation of Executive type wooden tablewith glass topwith approved make & brand as per directed by E-in- c 49 Supplying, fitting & installation of Executive type high back revolving chair with cousion & hand rest with approved make & brand as per directed by E-in- c 50 Supplying, fitting & installation of Executive type 3 seated sofa setwith cousion & hand rest with approved make & brand as per directed by E-in- c 51 Supplying, fitting & installation of visitor chair with cousion & hand rest with approved make & brand as per directed by E-in- c 52 Electrical part 53 Add 18% GST 54 Add 1% L&W cess

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INR 38058.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 19.02 Lakhs /-
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