
Renovation Of Pipra Tarbanna Pyne (538), Bhagalpur-Bihar

Water Resources Department has published Renovation Of Pipra Tarbanna Pyne (538). Submission Date for this Tender is 31-08-2024. Earth Moving Machinery Tenders in Bhagalpur Bihar. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Renovation Of Pipra Tarbanna Pyne (538)
Open Tender

Tender Details

Renovation Of Pipra Tarbanna Pyne (538)--1 Earth work by excavator and spreader or tractor leveller in lower level canal or flood embankment or dhar (like Minor, Sub-minor, Zamindari bundh, Pynes etc. where tipper is not needed) all types of work like filling and making of canal banks or embankment of earth free from logs roots or any other gradients, desilting of canal bed and dhar in proper frofile with dressing and finishing including new construction repair or restoration in ordinary soil including cutting loading carriage from pit to bank or embankment unloading spreading clod-breaking and laying in layers properly with lead below 15 metre and with all lifts all complete job as per specification and direction of E/I (mode of measurement-sectional measurement of compacted earth) (5.1.47) 2 Earth work by Mechanical means with help of Excavator, Tipper and Spreader in canal or Flood Embankments or dhar all types of work like filling and making of canal banks or embankment of earth free from logs, roots, or any other graedients, disilting of canal bed and dhar in proper profile with dressing and finishing including new construction, repair or restoration in ordinary soil including cutting, loading, carriage from pit to banks or embankments, unloading, spreading, clod- breaking and laying in layers properly with lead of ........ meter (Lead will be considerd as Track path i.e. Half of distance travelled in one cycle i.e. half of haulage path from pit to banks or embankments. Pit will be beyond 150 meter from centre of banks i,e. perpendicular distance from centre of bank to nearest boundary of pit will be more than 150 meter upto 0.50 Km) and with all lifts all complete job as per specification and direction of E/I (Mode of measurement - sectional measurement of compacted earth) Note :- Add Royality of Earth Rs. 33.00 Where needed without overhead charges & C.P ( 3 Earth work in excavation in trenches in ordinary soil (vide classification of soil item A) and disposal of excavated earth so obtained to a distance upto 50 M and Av. Lift of 1.5 M including levelling, ramming the foundation trenches removeing the roots of shurbs etc. all complete job as per specification and direction of E/I (5.1.27) 4 Providing coarse clean sand filling in foundation trenches or in plinth including ramming and watering in layer exceeding 150 mm thick with all leads including the cost of material and labour royalty and taxes all coplete as per building specification and direction of E/I (mode of measurement compacted volume) (5.1.37) 5 Providing brick flat soling work with designation 100A brick joints filled with local sand free from clay contents including royalty all taxes as per approved design as per speification and direction of E/I (5.7.14) 6 Providing and laying P.C.C. or R.C.C. M-100 with nominal mix of (1:3:6) in foundation of various component of canal or embenkment structure with approved quality of graded coarse aggregate of required grade (as per design) and approved quality sand of required F.M. washed and screened including necessary tools and plants, vibrating, curing royaity and all taxes etc. excluding the cost of form work as well as reinforcement, its cutting , bending, binding and placing complete job as per specification and direction of E/I (5.3.3) 7 Providing and laying P.C.C. or R.C.C. M-150 with nominal mix of (1:2:4) in foundation of various component of canal or embenkment structure with approved quality of graded coarse aggregate of required grade (as per design) and approved quality sand of required F.M. washed and screened including necessary tools and plants, vibrating, curing royality and all taxes etc. excluding the cost of form work as well as reinforcement, its cutting, bending, binding and placing complete job as per specification and direction of E/I (5.3.4) 8 Providing and laying P.C.C. or R.C.C. M-200 with nominal mix of (1:1.5:3) in foundation with approved quality of graded coarse aggregate of required grade (as per design) and approved quality sand of required F.M. wased and screened including necessary tools and plants, vibrating, curing royaity and all taxes etc. excluding the cost of form work as well as reinforcement, its cutting , bending, binding and placing complete job as per specification and direction of E/I (5.3.5) 6 Brick work in designation 100A Brick with cement mortar (1:4) in foundation with approved quality coarse snd of requisite F.M. washed and screened without joints to 12 mm depth, curring, scaffolding and its removal wherever required including royalty and all taxes etc. complete job as per specification and direction of E/I (5.4.2) 7 Providing designation 100A Brick work in Cement mortar (1:4) in superstructure with approved quality coarse sand of requisite F.M.washed and screened with raking out joints to 12 mm depth, curing, scaffolding and its removal wherever required including royality and all taxes etc.l complete as per specification and direction of E/I (5.4.6) 9 Providing M.S. Reinforcement (Tor Steel) as per approved design, drawing, removal of rust, cutting, bending, binding, including supplying annealed wire, placing M.S. rods in position complete job as per specification and direction of E/I (5.3.22) 08 mm 12 mm 10 Providing shuttering including strutting, propping and its removal after use in foundation as per specification and direction of E/I (5.3.18 / 5.3.19) 11 Providing 12mm thick C.P.(1:4) with approved quility sand of requisite F.M. wased and screened including curing, scaffoleding wherever required and its removal royalty and all taxes etc. complete job as per specification and direction of E/I (5.5.2) 12 E/W in filling in foundation trenches and back filling of structures in layers not exceeding 150 mm thick well watered rammed and fully compacted and finely dressed with semi pervious or suitable earth obtained after cutting or borrow pits of 1.5 mtr. completed job as per specification and direction of E/I (5.1.31) 13 Carriage of materials a) Cement (Lead 5 KM) b) Coarse Sand (Lead 50 KM) c) Stone Chips (Lead 65 KM) d) Bricks (Lead 8 KM) e) M.S. Rod (Lead 5 KM) f) Local sand

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 10000 /-
INR 100500.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 50.23 Lakhs /-
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