
Tender For Provision For Restoration, Maintenance And Upkeep Of Electromechanical Equipments And Other Machinery (By Way Of Restoration/Replacement Of Damaged Cgi Sheets At Roof Top (For Full Refer To Nit), srinagar-Jammu And Kashmir

Public Health Engineering Department has published Tender For Provision For Restoration, Maintenance And Upkeep Of Electromechanical Equipments And Other Machinery (By Way Of Restoration/Replacement Of Damaged Cgi Sheets At Roof Top (For Full Refer To Nit). Submission Date for this Tender is 28-08-2024. Cutting Crimping and Punching Tools Tenders in srinagar Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Provision For Restoration, Maintenance And Upkeep Of Electromechanical Equipments And Other Machinery (By Way Of Restoration/Replacement Of Damaged Cgi Sheets At Roof Top (For Full Refer To Nit)
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

Provision For Restoration, Maintenance And Upkeep Of Electromechanical Equipments And Other Machinery (By Way Of Restoration/Replacement Of Damaged Cgi Sheets At Roof Top (For Full Refer To Nit) Please Refer To Boq- 1 Dismantling roofing including ridges, hips valleys and gutters etc., and stacking the material within 50 meters lead ofG.S. Sheet 2 Dismantling cement asbestos or other hard board ceiling or partition walls including stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials within 50 meters lead. 3 Shifting of damaged material (Iron/steel material, C.G.I. sheets, wooden frame, etc) from site to stores by mechanical transport including loading, unloading, handling and stacking by skilled labour & tools & tackles involved at store sub division (approx.10 km)by using Pick up van/Tata mobile.and stackingat store sub division incl.transportation to and fro. 4 Dismantling & stacking old, damaged & unserviceable 30.0 KVA DG set and base frame incl. dismantling & stacking base support iron girders of aprx.size 6x3x8 (4 Nos), etc by way of cutting rusted nuts & bolts and angle iron sections/webs fastened with the DG set/base frame, supports, etc using electric cutter/oxyact. gas plant /welding m/c as required at site and then shifting the same equipments/ DG set/machinery/girders/components out of shed to a safer place by skilled labour and tools & tackles involved. The job including charges of machinery used for dismantling, labour and other tools and tackles required for completion of job. Work further includes removing of base frame foundation bolts by cutting out the rusted bolts and cutting/extracting iron base members from walls by cutter/oxyact. gas plant, etc and restoring the damaged areas/walls with allied work. 5 Shifting of old, damaged & unserviceable 30.0 KVA DG set with its accessories including alternator, radiator, exhaust pipe, fuel tank and iron girders of aprx.size 6x3x8 (4 Nos) from site to stores by mechanical transport including loading, unloading, handling and stacking by skilled labour & tools involved at store sub division (approx.10 km)by using Pick up van/Tata mobile. 6 Cutting rusted nuts & bolts and damaged/cracked angle iron sections/webs fastened with the angle iron posts/beams in the ceiling/roof, etc by way of cutting/welding and providing the same/new section/fixings/joints and fixing by way of welding or otherwise, repairing cracked joints/welds also as required at site. The job including charges of grinding, surface preperation, charges of welding machine/oxacet. gas cylinder, labour and other tools and tackles required for completion of job. 7 Shifting electrical panel board with acessories fixed at centre with angle iron frame/ sections /angle iron posts/beams, etc near the wallby dismantling the complete structure by way of cutting/welding and providing the same/new section/fixings/joints and fixing by way of welding and otherwise, repairing cracked joints/fixtures,etc also as required at site. The job including charges of grinding, surface preperation, charges of welding machine/oxacet. gas cylinder, labour and other tools and tackles, new sections required for completion of job. 8 Providing corrugated G. S. sheet roofing including vertical/curved surface fixed with polymer coated J or L hooks, bolts and nuts 8mm diameter with bitumen and G.I limpet washers or with G.I. limpet washers filled with white lead, including a coat of approved steel primer and two coats of approved paint on overlapping of sheets complete (upto any pitch in horizontal/vertical or curved surface)excluding the cost of purlins, rafters and trusses and including cutting to size and shape wherever required.0.63mm thick(24 Guage) with zinc coating not less than 275 gram/m2 as per IS 277. 9 Structural steel work (welded) in built up sections, trusses and framed work, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position, allied work and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer all complete. Fabrication, providing and fitting of ISMC/ISA/Flatssupport etc as per site requirement.(A) Providing and fitting ofbase/ top members, door posts and vertical posts, etc to be fabiricated out ofISA 50x50x5mm= 130.0kg (approx.)(B) Providing and fitting ofhorizontal members, purlins, door posts and horizontal posts, etc to be fabiricated out ofISA 40x40x5mm= 90.0kg (approx.)(C) Providing and fitting of horizontal braces/ supports to the door fabricated out ofISA 35x35x5mm= 45.0kg (approx.)(D) Providing and fitting of horizontal braces/support to door frame/CGI sheet, transverse and wire mesh fabricated out of MS Flats 30x5mm= 28.0 kg(E) Providing and fitting of G plates (100x100x5mm) for connecting members, support and levelling, etc.= 12.0 kg 10 P/I of sheet metal iron/steel board (2.5x1.66) with scheme details, Div/sub-div, etc. The job includes applying two coats of steel primer Epilux-610 Grey or any other approved brand on the board and then painting (two or more coats) with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand over cleaned/ prepared surfaces and writings details on the board and fixing the board on the wall with tools & tackles involved. 11 Providing and fixing ISI marked oxidized M.S. sliding door bolts with nuts and screws etc. complete : 250x16 mm 12 Providing and fixing ISI marked oxidized M.S. door latches conforming to IS :5930 with screws etc. complete : 250x20x6 mm 13 Providing and fixing ISI marked oxidized M.S. handles conforming to IS : 4992 with necessary screws etc. complete :125 mm 14 Providing and fixing ISI: 12817 marked Stainless Steel Butt Hinges (heavy weight) with Stainless Steel screws etc. complete.125x64x2.50 mm 15 Providing and fixing glass panes with putty and glazing clips in steel doors, windows, clerestory windows, all complete with :4.0mm thick glass panes 16 Providing and fixing hard drawn steel wire fabric of size 75 x25 mmmesh or other suitable size wire mesh to be fixed & firmly anchored tothe concrete surface by means of “L” shaped mild steel shear key welded with existing reinforcement including the cost of materials, labour, tool & plants as approved by Engineer-in-charge.

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 200 /-
INR 3680.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 1.84 Lakhs /-
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