
Bids Are Invited For Cubic Meter Including Gst As Per Attached Boq And Scope Of Work , Custom Bid For Services - 4Th Service Code 1037134 Bidder Has To Quote Lumpsum Amount For 2000 Cubic Meter Including Gst As Per Attached Boq And Scope Of Work , Cu, Mangalore-Karnataka

Mangalore Refinery And Petrochemicals Limited has published Bids Are Invited For Cubic Meter Including Gst As Per Attached Boq And Scope Of Work , Custom Bid For Services - 4Th Service Code 1037134 Bidder Has To Quote Lumpsum Amount For 2000 Cubic Meter Including Gst As Per Attached Boq And Scope Of Work , Cu. Submission Date for this Tender is 07-09-2024. Rough Finishing Tools Tenders in Mangalore Karnataka. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Cubic Meter Including Gst As Per Attached Boq And Scope Of Work , Custom Bid For Services - 4Th Service Code 1037134 Bidder Has To Quote Lumpsum Amount For 2000 Cubic Meter Including Gst As Per Attached Boq And Scope Of Work , Cu
Open Tender

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid for Services - MRPL Tender 3900001197 1st service code 1003007 Bidder has to quote lumpsum amount for 10000 Cubic Meter including GST as per attached BOQ and scope of work , Custom Bid for Services - 2nd service code 1037133 Bidder has to quote lumpsum amount for 2500 Cubic Meter including GST as per attached BOQ and scope of work , Custom Bid for Services - 3rd service code 1037340 Bidder has to quote lumpsum amount for 5000 Cubic Meter including GST as per attached BOQ and scope of work , Custom Bid for Services - 4th service code 1037134 Bidder has to quote lumpsum amount for 2000 Cubic Meter including GST as per attached BOQ and scope of work , Custom Bid for Services - 5th service code 1037341 Bidder has to quote lumpsum amount for 4000 Cubic Meter including GST as per attached BOQ and scope of work - TENDER FOR SCAFFOLDING JOBS AT JETTY.COASTAL TERMINAL, BPS, APMC, MRPL PIPE LINES INSIDE NMPT PREMISES & AT OUTSIDE MRPL PREMISES REQUIRED FOR MRPL WORKS SUROUNDING AT MRPL 1. Introduction Tender for Erection and dismantling of scaffolding with contractor scaffolding material to provide safe access for carrying out Inspection & Maintenance of MRPI. Equipment, oil storage Tanks, Pipelines, Structures at MRPL facilities inside NMPT premises & Cross country pipelines from MRPL to Jetty, APMC, MRPL installation at ISPRL HPCL, PMHBPL etc., SPM booster pump station, MRPL Desalination plant. The Scaffolding jobs to be carried out at specified locations Outside MRPI, premises required for MRPL jobs surrounding MRPL as per scope of work, scope of supply, additional condition of contract, SOR, tender document and as per instructions of EIC for a period of one year from the date of placement of the order. The complete material required for the above job along with shifting is in the scope of contractor. The rates quoted should be strictly as per Schedule of Rates (SOR). 2 DETAILED SCOPE OF WORK 2.1 Erection & dismantling of Scaffolding at specified locations at Jenny for pipeline/structures/Loading Arms at Jetty, Pipe lines & Structures and equipments and Tanks, at BPS and locations at cross country pipelines outside the MRPL. promises for Inspection and maintenance jobs like repair, hot works, painting jobs etc. 2.2 Shift sufficient scaffolding materials from Contractor location to work site, Scaffolding shall be of Tube & coupler/ Tube & clamp scaffold as per Attached MRPL standard specification for scaffolding erection und dismantling. Scaffolding materials and shifting of material along with vehicle & manpower will be in contractors scope. 2.3 Supply and erection of scaffolding at all required locations using 1-1/2 inch NB steel tubular light/medium class pipes with suitable clamping arrangement, provision of steel gratings/metallic planks, ladders and platforms with handrails, toe guards and base plates at the required locations, temoval of the steel gratings, scaffolding pipes & all other scaffolding materials on completion of the job. Erecting & removing the scaffolding according to the instructions of EIC at specified locations as per the requirement at site. 2.4 Scaffolds should be provided with safe means of access, such as ladders/stairs as per attached MRPL. standard specification for scaffolding erection and dismantling. 2.5 The job includes supply of all required tools & tackles, lifting arrangements like chain pulley blocks, all consumables and qualified, experienced and trained supervisors and labour mobilizing and demobilizing scaffolding material and all necessary and required accessories, tools and tackles from contractors storage locations, handling at intermediate storage locations at site if any, and completing the job as per standards, specifications and instructions of the EIC Any assistance like cleaning of the inspection area with hand tools like wire brush ete, to be done as per the Inspection requirement. 2.6 Taking necessary permission for the material shifting & work safety permits for the job as per the instruction of EIC. 2.7. Scaffolding shall be erected for the oil storage tanks situated in Costal Terminal tank farm area. The scaffolding shall be erected for a minimum period of 6 (six) months for tank outside surfaces and 2 (two) months for tank inside surface from the date of completion of erection at each side. The erected scaffolding may require the modification during the erected period based on the Mäl job requirements which shall be carried out by the contractor as & when required without any extra cost to MRPL. In case of scaffolding requirement beyond the specified 6 months period for outside the tank & 2 months for inside the tank, retention charges will paid for each completed month as per schedule of rates. Scaffolding erection & dismantling days will not be counted for payment. For the payment purpose, the dates will be counted from the completion date of scaffolding job for each side surface (outside & inside) of the tank after inspection by EIC till date of clearance for removal of scaffolding as per instruction of EIC 2.8 After the Inspection/Repair jobs, dismantling/removal of the scaffolding and shifting the same out of work premises. 2.9 The Scaffolding jobs to be carried out as per the Standards associated and should be safe to work. Contractor shall obtain all the necessary clearances/gate passes from the respective offices of NMPA. CISF, Customs & other statutory bodies for shifting of scaffolding materials & manpower required for the job inside the NMPA & SEZ premises or where ever it required and taking out the same after the job completion. 2.10 House-Keeping by clearing the area of work and removing all used items and wastes. 2.11 Shifting of all the scaffolding material from contractors storage premises to the job location and shifting back the same after completion of the job. Vehicle for transportation of the scaffolding materials/toanpower is in contractors scope Total Quantity :

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