Bids Are Invited For Glass cover microscope 18 mm square 0point10 mm thick for dark ground work pkt of 14 g , Replaces Glass cover microscopic rectangular PV 16442 22 x 50 mm made of USP No 1 glass pkt of 14 gm , Replaces glass cover microscopic rectangular PV 16446 22 x 40 mm made of USP No 1 glass pkt of 14 gm , Skin marking pen Thick marking with a flexible scale Sterile Peel open pouch , Micropipettes tips for 1 200 , Micropipette tips 500 1000UI , Slide microscope thickness 1point15 mm to 1point35 mm size 76 mm x 50 mm , Slide microscope thickness 1point15 to 1point35 mm size 75 mm x 25 mm , Powder Free Gloves Latex Gamma Irridation Size 7 , Acetone Commercial , Acid Hydrochloric arsenic freepoint , Blood Agar Base Infusion Agar , Chloroform AR , Cled Agar with Thymol Blue , D P X mounting med , Glycerine AR , HIV 1 and 2 Rapid Test kit of 50 test , Keto diastix bott of 50 strips , Mac Conkey agar , Methylene Blue , Mueller Hinton Agar , Peptone Water , Prothrombin Time Reagents To Give Control Of 10 , PTTK Reagent , Haematoxyline Stain RTU , Stain Leishman s powder , Strips Albumin and glucose bottle of 100 strips , Triple Sugar Iron Agar , Xylene Pure , Tissue paper for microscope , Molecular grade absolute alcohol , Frosted Microcsope Slide Ground Edges 75 25 mm Poly Lysine Coated , Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase test kit Kit of 10 tests , Low profile blade for Microtome pkt of 50 blades , Occult Blood test kit Kit of 50 test , Paracheck for PV PF Kit of 50 , Paraffin Wax Melting 56 degree centigrade to 60 degree centigrade , Tissue embedding Ring plastic white 1 cm height form base , Giemsa Stain RTU 500 ml bott , Rapid card test for pregnancy , RAPID CARD SCREENING FOR HCV , C reactive Protein kit for 50 tests , Disposable Microtome blade high profile Pack of 50 , Disposable Petri Dish 90mm , Disposal ESR Pipettes , Ehrlich Haematoxyline solution for microscopy stain Ready to use RTU , Filter Paper Large 125 Bid Number/बोली मांक (बड सं(या) : GEM/2024/B/5027342 Dated/)दनांक : 28-06-2024 Bid Document/ बड द1तावेज़ 1 / 64 Item Category/मद केटेगर microscopy stain Ready to use RTU , Filter Paper Large 125 cm Pack of 500 Sheet , Filter paper Large 46cm x57cm Pack of 500 Sheet , Formaldehyde 40parsantage W V , Gram Stain Pack of 1 Litre , Hi Media air sample plastic media strip , Nutrient Agar , Phenol Crystal Bottle of 500ml , Rapid decalcifying solution Osteomol , Rapid PAP stain RTU Pack of 250 smear , Sabouraud agar with Chlorophenicol , Sodium metabisulphite powder , Cytocolor cytological standard stain for mictoscopy 1 pack of 6 bottles Pap stain to be used in Lieca Auto stainer XL , Test tube 12x100 mm Borosil , Test Tubes plastic 12 X 75mm pack of 100 tubes , Dengue IgG IgM and NS 1 ICT , Activated Carbon Filter assay for automated slide stainer Leica Autostainer XL Set of 4 , Alcian Blue stain Ready to use RTU , ASO titre test Kit kit of 100 test , Bio chemistry Control L1 12X5 for Dimension EXL 200 , Bio chemistry Control L2 12X5 for Dimension EXL 200 , Bio Chemistry Control Lypocheck Diabetes Control Bilevel 6x0point5 Ml 3 per level compatable with Dimension EXL 200 , Biochemistry Control Liquicheck Urine Control Level 1 12x10 Ml compatable with Dimension EXL 200 , Biochemistry Control Liquicheck Urine Control Level 2 12x10 Ml compatable with Dimension EXL 200 , Charcoal Filter for Automated Vaccum Tissue Processor , CYTOCHEMISTRY STAIN PAS , Delimiting pan for IHC slide Marking , Embedding cassettes plastic , Grocott Stain Kit RTU , Hemacolor Rapid staining of blood smear staining set for microscopy 1 pack of 6 bottles , RA Factor test Kit kit of 100 test , Reticulocyte stain , RPR Test Kit Kit of 100 Tests Rapid Test , Sterile Cotton Swab Sticks , Sterile cotton swab sticks with container , Typhi Dot Rapid Kit of 25 Test , Whatman Filter Paper Nopoint1 Of Round 15cm Pkt Of 100 , Ziehl Neelsen Stain kit of 1 ltr , Iron stain Kit RTU , Isopropyl Alcohol , Widal Rapid Test 5ml Each TO TH AH BH , Tom 11 Slides Box of 100 Slides , COVID 19 Rapid Antigen point of care test with sample collection swab individually packed Kit of 25 tests , Viral transport media with two swabs Total Quantity : 616744