
Tender For Maintenance & Repair To Dts Type Quarter Including Roof Treatment At Bhatbandhirrigation Colony, Block-Purulia-I, P.O+P.S+Dist: Purulia Sl. No. Item Description 1 Stripping Off Worn Out Plaster And Raking Out Joints Of Walls, Celings Etc., purulia-West Bengal

Irrigation and Waterways Department has published Tender For Maintenance & Repair To Dts Type Quarter Including Roof Treatment At Bhatbandhirrigation Colony, Block-Purulia-I, P.O+P.S+Dist: Purulia Sl. No. Item Description 1 Stripping Off Worn Out Plaster And Raking Out Joints Of Walls, Celings Etc.. Submission Date for this Tender is 05-09-2024. Rough Finishing Tools Tenders in purulia West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Maintenance & Repair To Dts Type Quarter Including Roof Treatment At Bhatbandhirrigation Colony, Block-Purulia-I, P.O+P.S+Dist: Purulia Sl. No. Item Description 1 Stripping Off Worn Out Plaster And Raking Out Joints Of Walls, Celings Etc.
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Details

tender for Maintenance & repair to DTS Type Quarter including Roof Treatment at BhatbandhIrrigation Colony, Block-Purulia-I, P.O+P.S+DIST: Purulia Sl. No. Item Description 1 Stripping off worn out plaster and raking out joints of walls, celings etc. upto any height and in any floor including removing rubbish within a lead of 75m as directed. 2 Plaster (to wall, floor, ceiling etc.) with sand and cement mortar including rounding off or chamfering corners as directed and raking out joints including throating, nosing and drip course, scaffolding/stagingwhere necessary (Ground floor).[Excluding cost of chipping over concrete surface] (ii) With 1:4 cement mortar b) 15 mm thick plaster 3 Extra for each additional floor over the rate for ground floor items 1 to 3 of subhead A 4 (i) External plaster(a) Upto 4th floor Ist floor area 5 IInd floor area 6 (ii) Internal plaster (a) Upto 4th floorIst floor Building 7 I Ist floor Building 8 Neat cement punning about 1.5mm thick in wall, dado, windowsill, floor etc.NOTE:Cement 0.152 cu.m per100 sq.m 9 Applying Exterior grade Acrylic primer of approved quality and brand on plastered or cencrete surface old or new surface to receive decorative textured (matt finish) or smooth finish acrylic exterior emulsion paint including scraping and preparing the surface throughly, complete as per manufacturers specification and as per direction of theEIC. In Ground Floor: a) one coat 10 Protective and Decorative Acrylic exterior emulsion paint of approved quality, as per manufacturers specification and as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge to be applied over acrylic primer as required. The rate includes cost of material, labour, scaffolding and all incidental charges but excluding the cost ofprimer. In Ground floor (Two Coat) a) Normal Acrylic Emulsion 11 Add extra for each additional floor over the rate for ground floor on items (3 to 6) and item (8), (15 to17) of subhead 12 A External surface (i) Upto 4th floor1ST FLOOR 13 2ND FLOOR 14 Dismantling all types of plain cement concrete works, stacking serviceable materials at site and removing rubbish as directed within a lead of 75 m.In ground floor including roof. (a) upto 150 mm. thic 15 (c) Extra rate for each addl floor over the rate of ground floor. 16 (a) Applying 2 coats of bonding agent with synthetic multi functional rubber emulsion having adhesive and water proofing properties by mixing with water in proportion (1 bonding agent : 4 water : 6 cement) as per Manufacturers specification 17 Ordinary Cement concrete (mix 1:1.5:3) with graded stone chips (20 mm nominal size) excluding shuttering and reinforcement if any, in ground floor as per relevant IS codes.(i) Pakur Variety 18 Add extra over the rate of ground floor for basement and each additional floor above ground floor for items 1, 4 to 22 of subhead B (i)upto4 th floor.[Iind floor top] 19 Panel shutters of door and window, as per design (each panel consisting of single plank without joint), including fitting and fixing the same in position but excluding the cost of hinge and other fittings.In ground floor.(In case of non-supply of single plank, penal rate of reduction of 20% will be made(iii) 35mm thick shutters with 19mm thick panel of size 30 to 45 cm.(b) Sishu, Gamar, Champ,Badam,Bhola, Mogra, Hallak. 20 Wood work in door and window frame fitted and fixed in position complete including a protective coat of painting at the contact surface of the frame exluding cost of concrete, Iron Butt Hinges and M.S clamps. (The quantum should be correted upto three decimals).(f) Sishu, Gamar, Champ, Badam, Bhola, Mogra, Hallak. 21 Removal of defective concrete, cleaning thesurface thoroughly, applying the shotcrete mixturemechanically with compressed air under pressure, comprising of cement, sand, coarse aggregates, water and quick setting compound in the proportion as per clause 2807.1., sand and coarse aggregates conforming to IS: 383 and table 1 of IS: 9012 respectively, water cement ratio ranging from 0.35 to 0.50, density of gunite not less than 2000 kg/cum, strength not less than 25 MPa and workmanship conforming to clause 2807.6. (40 mm average thickness.) 22 White washing including cleaning and smoothening surface thoroughly. All floors :b) Two coats . 23 Taking out M.S. or W.I. Grills from wooden frame including cutting lugs from masonry wall and refitting the same and mending good damages after repairs. (Excluding the cost of necessary repair of damages) or doing any other necessary works 24 a) Priming one coat on steel or other metal surface with synthetic oil bound primer of approved quality including smoothening surfaces by sand papering etc. 25 (b) Priming one coat on timber or plastered surface with synthetic oil bound primer of approved quality including smoothening surfaces by sand papering etc. 26 A) Painting with best quality synthetic enamel paint of approved make and brand including smoothening surface by sand papering etc. Including using of approved putty etc. on the surface, if necessary :(a) On timber or plastered surface :With super gloss (hi-gloss)(iv) Two coats (with any shade except white) 27 (b) On steel or other metal surface :With super gloss (hi-gloss)(iv) Two coats (with any shade except white) 28 Dismantling all types of masonry excepting cement concrete plain or reinforced, stacking serviceablematerials at site and removing rubbish as directedwithin a lead of 75 m a) In ground floor including roof 29 b) Extra rate for each addl. Floor over the rate of ground floor 30 Brick work with 1st class bricks in cement mortar (1:4)b) In superstructure, ground floor 31 Add extra for basement and each additional floor over the rate for ground floor on item Nos. 5 to 10 and 13 of subhead A(a) Upto 4th floor 32 Reinforcement for reinforced concrete work in all sorts of structures including distribution bars, stirrups, binders etc initial straightening and removal of loose rust (if necessary), cutting to requisite length, hooking and bending to correct shape, placing in proper position and binding with 16 gauge black annealed wire at every intersection, complete as per drawing and direction.(a) For works in foundation and upto roof of ground floor/upto 4 miii)Other manufacturers not specified 33 (b)Add extra over the rate of ground floor/initial 4 m for each basement floorand each additional floor below/ above ground floor(i) Upto 4 th floor roof in each addl. Floor[Iind Floor] 34 Removal of rubbish,earth etc. from the working site and disposal of the same beyond the compound, in conformity with the Municipal / Corporation Rules for such disposal, loading into truck and cleaning the site in all respect as per direction of Engineer in charge 35 Ordinary Cement concrete (mix 1:2:4) with graded stone chips (20 mm nominal size) excluding shuttering and reinforcement,if any, in ground floor as per relevant IS codes.a) Pakur Variety 36 Hire and labour charges for shuttering with centering and necessary staging upto 4 m using approved stout props and thick hard wood planks of approved thickness with required bracing for concrete slabs, beams and columns, lintels curved or straight including fitting, fixing and striking out after completion of works (upto roof of ground floor)(a) 25 mm to 30 mm thick wooden shuttering as per decision & direction of Engineer-In-Charge. 37 Dismantling artificial stone flooring upto 50 mm. thick by carefully chiselling without damaging the base and re moving rubbish as directed within a lead of 75 m.a) In ground floor including roof. 38 b) Extra for each addl. Floor over the rate of gournd floor 39 Artificial stone in floor, dado, staircase etc with cement concrete (1:2:4) with stone chips, laid in panels as directed with topping made with ordinary or white cement (as necessary) and marble dust in proportion (1:2) including smooth finishing and rounding off corners including raking out joints or roughening of concrete surface andapplication of cement slurry before flooring works using cement @ 1.75 kg/sq.m all complete including all materials and labour.n ground floor.3 mm. thick topping (High polishing grinding on this item is not permitted with ordinary cement). (ii)25 mm. thick(Add extra @1.5% for each addl. floor upto 4th floor and @1.75% for each additional floor above 4th floor for item No.5 and 6 of subhead A). 40 Cleaning the exposed reinforcement preferably upto full diameter by wire brush, applying two coats of polymer based rust removing compound left for 24 hours, removing the coating and then applying two (2) coats of polymer i corrosive protective coating formulated to inhibit the corrosion of reinforcement as per manufacturers specification][Mode of measurement:The affected surface area of reinforcement shall be considered for payment] 41 Iron butt hinges of approved quality fitted and fixed with steel screws, with ISImark 42 iii) 75mm. X 40mm. X 1.12mm. 43 vi) 100mm. X 50mm. X 1.25mm. 44 Iron socket bolt of approved quality fitted and fixed complete (b) 100mm long x 10mm dia bolt. 45 i) Iron hasp bolt of approved quality fitted and fixed complete (oxidised) with 16mm dia rod with centre bolt and round fitting. b) 250mm long. 46 (A) Iron door ring of approved quality fitted and fixed with nut and washer complete.In ground floor (ii) 75mm dia. 47 Anodised aliminium D-type handle of approved quality manufactured from extruded section conforming to I.S. specification (I.S. 230/72) fitted and fixed complete:(v) 150 mm grip x 12 mm dia rod. 48 Taking out door shutter and rehanging the same by fixing aluminium sheet [0.457 mm] with proper nail etc. 49 Supply of UPVC pipes (B Type) & fittings conforming to IS-13592-199 50 (A) (i) Single Socketed 3 Meter Lengthb)110 mm 51 (B) Fittings(i) Coupler(b) 110 mm 52 xi)Door Tee(b)110 mm 53 xi)Door Bend (T.S.)(b)110 mm 54 ix)Bend 45º (b)110 mm 55 xv)Vent Cowl (b)110 mm 56 xx) 125/110 P Trap with W.C. Ring 57 Labour for fitting and fixing U.P.V.C. pipes for above ground work including cost of jointing materials etc. fitting and fixing all necessary specials, cutting pipes, cutting holes in walls or R.C. floor where necessary and mending good all damages excluding the cost of masonry or concrete work, if necessary, but including the cost and fitting and fixing holder bat clamps (any floor) or for underground work including cutting trenches upto 1.5 metre and refilling the same complete as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge. (Payment will be made on centre line measurement of the total pipeline including specials.(A) Above ground (ii)110 mm dia.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 04-09-2024 DATE CORRIGENDUM Date 05-09-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
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INR 10987.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 5.49 Lakhs /-
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