
Open Tender Enquiry For Supply Of Sugar Process Chemicals On Door Delivery Basis At Hbl’S Sugauli & Lauriya Plant, Under Dist. East & West Champaran, Bihar., sugauli-Bihar

Hpcl Biofuels Limited has published Open Tender Enquiry For Supply Of Sugar Process Chemicals On Door Delivery Basis At Hbl’S Sugauli & Lauriya Plant, Under Dist. East & West Champaran, Bihar.. Submission Date for this Tender is 27-08-2024. Pure Elemental Gases Tenders in sugauli Bihar. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Open Tender Enquiry For Supply Of Sugar Process Chemicals On Door Delivery Basis At Hbl’S Sugauli & Lauriya Plant, Under Dist. East & West Champaran, Bihar.
Open Tender

Tender Details

OPEN TENDER ENQUIRY FOR SUPPLY OF SUGAR PROCESS CHEMICALS ON DOOR DELIVERY BASIS AT HBL’S SUGAULI & LAURIYA PLANT, UNDER DIST. EAST & WEST CHAMPARAN, BIHAR. ; 1 PART-A-SUGAULI:SUPPLY OF SUGAR PROCESS CHEMICALS AS PER BELOW SPECIFICATIONS: 2 Biocide (D.T.C) Base Win C 9030 Specification : DTC not less than 40% by Wt. min, Ph: 9-11.5, Density : 1 – 1.2, Clear Pale - Yellow to Amber Colour Liquid, Packed in 50 Kg HDPE Jar 3 Biocide (Q.A.C) Base, Win C-9040, Specification : QAC not less than 40%, Ph : 6.5-7.8, Density : 1-1.1 And Colour Less To Pale Yellow, Packed in 50 Kg HDPE Jar 4 Scale Softener 5 Flocculent (Magna Floc LT-27) 6 Ammonium Bifluoride 7 PH Booster packed in 50 Kg HDPE Jar 8 Phosphoric Acid (Food Grade 85%) Physical and Chemical properties, H3PO4- 85% P205-61.6%, SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 25O C-1.685 g/ml, Color<10 (APHA), Arsenic(As) <0.8 (mg/kg), Fluoride (F)-10 (mg/kg), Iron(Fe)-20 (mg/kg), Heavy Metal(as Pb) <10(mg/kg), Lead (Pb)<0.4 (mg/kg), Cadmium (cd)-0.0 (mg/kg), Nickel (Ni)<0.2 (mg/kg), Chromium (Cr) <0.6 (mg/kg), Mercury (Hg) <0.05 (mg/kg), Copper (cu) <0.1 (mg/kg), Phosphorus (P) 26.9%, Sulphates (So4)383 (mg/kg), Chloride (Cl) <20.0 (mg/kg), Volatile acids (as Acetic acid) < 10 (mg/kg), Nitrates < 5 (mg/kg), Visual appearance clear, colorless liquid without visible particles. 9 Caustic Soda Flakes (Packed in 50 Kg PP Bag) as per below technical specifications: 1. SODIUM HYDROXIDE (as NaOH) 99.5% MIN, SODIUM CARBONATE (as Na2CO3)0.4% AX.2. CHLORIDE (as NaCl) 0.1% MAX.3. SULPHATE (as Na2CO4) 0.1% MAX.4. SILICATE (as SiO2) 0.02% MAX.5. COPPER (as Cu) ppm 2.0 MAX.6. IRON (as Fe) ppm 20 MAX.7. Manganese (as MIN0 ppm 1.00 MAX.8. Chlorates & Perchlorates (NaCLO3) ppm 10 MAX.9. MATTER INSOLUBLE IN WATER % BY MASS 0.05 MAX.10. MAKE: DCM/ADITYA BIRLA / PUNJAB ALKALI. 10 Seed Slurry (Size 3 to 5 Micron) 11 Colour Precipitant / Colour Wash 12 Bleaching Powder 13 Washing Soda (Na2CO3 should be more than 98%) 14 Ordinary Common Salt, Purity - 99%, Chemical Formula: NaCl, Colour -White,Processing Type - Refined, Make- Indian Standard 15 Benzyl Penicillin (10 Lakhs Unit) of commercial Grade 16 PART-B-LAURIYA:SUPPLY OF SUGAR PROCESS CHEMICALS AS PER BELOW SPECIFICATIONS: 17 Flocculent (Magna Floc LT-27), Dose should be 1 PPM 18 Seed Slurry 3-5 Micron 19 Viscosity Reducer (Packed in 50 Kg HDPE Jar), Polymer Base. The application shall be as per user discretion depending on local conditions and effects oil base reducer to have 50% strength Polymer base should have specific gravity of 1.0-1.1 20 Antifoam Commercial Chemical of Silicon Based (25% Fat Content) Make : Arosol 3000 21 Biocide (D.T.C) base, Specification : DTC not less than 40% by wt. min, Ph : 9-11.5, Density : 1 - 1.2, Clear pale-yellow to amber colour liquid. 22 Biocide Nature -1035 (NHC Germany), Base Specification : DTC not less than 40% by wt. min, Ph: 9-11.5, Density : 1-1.2, Clear pale yellow to amber colour liquid. 23 Biocide (Q.A.C) Base, Specification : QAC not less than 40%, ph : 6.5 – 7.8, Density : 1-1.1, Colour less to pale yellow 24 Biocide For Filtrate Juice- WIN C881 25 Benzyl Penicillin Injection (40 Lakhs Unit, FPP: 40 Lakh) of commercial Grade 26 Substitute of Phosphoric Acid Polymer based 46-50% 27 Colour wash (Packed in 50 Kg HDPE Jar), Specification-Sugar Colour reduce up to 10% and colour wash PH should be 6.5 to 7.0 after 10 times dilution

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