
Forestry Works Along With Material, Aravalli-Gujarat

Forests and Environment Department has published Forestry Works Along With Material. Submission Date for this Tender is 29-08-2024. Earth Work Tenders in Aravalli Gujarat. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Forestry Works Along With Material
Open Tender

Tender Details

Forestry Works Along With Material; 1 Nursery labour Maerial (% of labour) 1.1 Bed Preparation A. Sunken Bed in Soft $oiI10m X1m X0.15m 2 Bed per person per day Per Bed 237.00 Nil B. Sunken Bed in Hard Soil - 10m X1m X0.15m 1 Bed per person per day Per Bed 475.00 Nil C. Raised Bed - 10m X1m X0.30m 0.5 Bed per person per day Per Bed 952.00 Nil 1.2 Preparation of Mixture of Soil and FYM in 3:1 ratio, Sieving d Filling of Polithene bags A. 1O X20 X 150 size 600 Bags per person per day Per 1000 Bags 792.00 Actual B 15 X25X200 size 400 Bags per person per day Per 1000 Bags 1188.00 Actual C 20 X 20 X200 size 400 Bags per person per day Per 1000 Bags 1188.00 Actual D. 20 X 30 X 250 size 300 Bags per person per day Per 1000 Bags 1584.00 Actual E. 30 X 40 X 300 size 150 Bags per person per day Per 1000 Bags 3170.00 Actual 1.3 Nurturing (Watering, Weeding, Shifting,Grading, etc.) A. Polipot bed 20 Beds per person per month Per Bed/ Per Month 713.00 Nil B. Mother beds 40 Beds per person per month Per Bed/ Per Month 357.00 Nil 1.4 Preparation &Supplying of Stumps/Rhyzomes etc A. Digging and Preparation of teak stump 500 Stumps per person per day 1000 Stumps 952.00 Nil B. Digging of Rhyzome(Bamboo) 1000 Rhyzome per person per day 1000 Rhyzome 475.00 Nil 2 Sit Preparation 2.1 Site Cleaning A. Cut back of Coppice Species (<23 cm GBH) 100 per person per 1 Piece day 5.00 B. Singling & Pruning 100 per person per 1 Piece 5.00 2 C. Uprooting of unwanted growth 100 per person per 1 Piece day 5.00 D. Cleaning / Burning of unwanted undergrowth/ grasses 0.2/ Ha 1 Ha 2377.00 E. Stump(<1.37 m height) Cutting, dressing & planting 20 per person per day 1 Piece 25.00 2.2 Digging of Pits A. 30 cm X 30cmX30 cm (Soft $oiI) 60 pits per person per day Per pit 8.00 B. 30 cm X 30cmX30 cm (Hard sojl) 40 pits per person per day 12.00 C. 4Scm X 45cmX45 cm (Soft 5oiI) 30 pits per person Per pit per day 16.00 D. 45 cm X 45cmX45 cm (Hard soil] 20 pits per person per day Per pit 24.00 E. Saucer pit : 1 m dia and 10 cm deep (Hard Soil) 15 pits per person per day Per pit 32.00 F. Digging of 1 cmt (Soft soil) 2 cmt per person per day 237.00 G. Digging of 1 cmt (Hard soil) 1 cmt per person per day per cmt 475.00 2.3 Soil and Moisture Conservation works A. Contour Trench: 2m X 0.45mX 0.30 m (Soft soil) 12 contour trench per person per day per contour trench 40.00 Nil B. Contour Trench: 2 m X 0.45mX 0.30 m (Hard soil) 6 contour trench per person per day per contour trench 79.00 Nil c Contour stone dykes: 45 cm ht and 1 m inward sloped width 6 rmt per person per day per rmt 79.00 Nil D. Loose Stone bunds 5 cmt per person per day per cmt 96.00 Nil G. Percolation Tank: (Soft soil) per cmt 237.00 Nil F-. Percolation Tank: (Hard soil) Per cmt 475.00 Nij G. Live hedge planting for Fencing 25 rmt per person per day per rmt 19.00 17.00 2.4 Protection Fence A. Protection Trench: 1.20mX0.60 mX 1.00m (Soft Soil) 4 rmt per person per day per rmt 120.00 Nil B. Protection Trench: 1.20mX0.60 mX 1.00m (Hard soil) 2 rmt per person per day 238.00 Nil C. Stone wall: 0.90mX0.60 mX 1.00m 2 rmt per person per day 238.00 72.00 D. Zeta fence: wooden poles and thorny bushes 10 rmt per person per day per rmt 48.00 72.00 E. Thore fence: 25 cm apart 4’ht 5 rmt per person per day per rmt 95.00 89.00 F Putting thorny bushes: 2.00 m dia and 1.5 m ht 5 plants per person per day per plant 95.00 72.00 G. Repair and Maintenance of Live Hedge fence (first year) 20 rmt per person per day per rmt 24.00 ! 36.00 3 Planting and Post Planting operations A. Unloading and Head load transportation of seedlings 1 10 X 20 X 150 500 bags per person per day 1000 bags 952.00 Nil 2 15 X25 X200 250 bags per person per day 1000 bags 1911.00 Nil 3 20 X20 X200 200 bags per person per day 1000 bags 2377.00 Nil 3 4 20 X30 X 250 120 bags per person per day 1000 bags 3967.00 Nil 5 30 X40 X300 60 bags per person per day 1000 bags 7915.00 Nil B. Planting Operations 1 Planting of Polypot with Khamna 80 plants per person per day per plant 6.00 Nil 2 Planting with Rhizome 150 plants per person per day Per plant 3.00 Nil 3 Teak Stump Planting 250 stumps per person per day per plant 2.00 Nil 4 Digging of pit and then planting with Polypot 40 plants per person per day per plant 12.00 5 Fertilizer/ insecticide application 1000 plants per person per day per 1000 plant 462.00 Actual C. Post Planting Operations 1 First Operation (Weeding): in 1.20 m dia 60 plants per person per day per plant 8.00 Nil 2 Second Operation (Soil Working) in 1.20 m dia with 6 depth 80 plants per person per day per plant 6.00 Ni! 3 Third Operation (Mulching): in 1.20 m dia with digging and bhar 200 plants per person per day per plant 3.00 Nil 4 Fireline cutting and clearance 2 m width (not burning) 200 rmt per person per day per rmt 3.00 Nil 5 Fireline with burning 5 m width 100 rmt per person per day per rmt 5.00 Nil 6 Fireline with burning 8 m width 60 rmt per person per day per rmt 8.00 Nil 7 Fireline burning 20 m width 30 rmt per person per day per rmt 16.00 Nil D Support watering 200 plants per person per day per plant 3.00 Actual 4 Grass Management A. Preparation of pot mixture and filling of cup / polypot 1000 polypot per person per day per 1000 tusucks 477.00 B. Grass Nusery maintenance 40 bed per person per month per bed / per month 357.00 C Tussocks: unloading and headload transport 1000 per person per day per 1000 tusucks 477.00 D Planting of Tussocks 500 tusucks per person per day per 1000 tusucks 952.00 Rates of Mechanical Works (Works carried out by Machines) EarthMover/Excavator/JCB like machines 1730 per hour Cultivation by Tractor 866 per hour Disc plough by Tractor 1301 per hour Plough by Tractor 1549 per hour Raising of Clonal seedings (with materials) 4.75 Per Clone

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 21-08-2024 29-08-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1500 /-
INR 50000.0 /-
Tender Value
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