Corrigendum : Tender For supply of Science Lab Equipment-Beaker 50ml, Beaker 100ml., Beaker 250ml, Beaker 500ml, Bent glass tube, Bottle brush, Burette 50ml, Burette stand with clamp, Carbon electrode with terminals, China dish, Clinical thermometer, Cork borer set, Conical flask 100ML, Conical flask 250ml, Conical flask 500ml, Copper caloriemeter, Copper plate with terminals, Copper water bath, Copper voltmeter with jar, Diamond model, Sodium chloride model, Diffragrating spoon with brass plate, Filter paper packet, Flat bottom flask 250ml, Formation of chlorine ion model in acrylic showcase, Formation of sodium ion model in acrylic showcase, Fractional distallation set appts Litmus blue solution 125ml, Litmus red solution 125ml, Litmus paper (red & blue paper) packet, Mercury 100gm, Acetone 500ml, Aniline 500ml, Copper sulphate 500gm, Ethyl alcohol 500ml, Formaline 500ml, Lime mortar 500ml, Magnesium ribbon 25gm, Phosphorous red 25 gm, Sodium bi carbonate 500g, Sulphur powder 500gm, Sulphuric acid 500ml, Safranine stain solution 125ml, PH paper, Sodium metal 100gm, Succrose 500gm, Silver nitrate solution N/10 125ml, Zinc metal grannules 250gm, Digital Balance .01gm-600gm Capacity