Bids Are Invited For Customized Annual maintenance contract / comprehensive maintenance contract for Pre-owned Products - Operation and Maintenance of PMCC at Mysore BP for One Year; Operation and Maintenance of PMCC at Mysore BP for One Year; Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC); Monthly; Yes - General Maintenance of PMCC–Panels for all the equipments such as LPG Pumps, LPG Compressors, Air Compressors, Conveyor Drive Units Motors etc, HT DP Structures, 11 kV VCB, Transformers. ACB’s, Battery Chargers, Bore wells, main lighting supply distribution board, etc. by checking for proper operation, detection of faults like earth fault, over current or short circuit if any and taking corrective action immediately including replacement of switch fuse units of the concerned equipment in the panels, whenever required, including checking and assistance in maintenance of the following as per maintenance checklists given by IOCL: i) PMCC Feeders: 1. Feeder on/off position. 2. Fuse Condition and maintenance. 3. Voltage and Current in meters. 4. Indication lamps condition. 5. Cleaning the switchboards inside/outside and maintenance of the same to ensure free of cobwebs and cable trench check. 6. All the solenoid switches related to safety, FF systems protection. 7. EPBX and intercom system. 8. Gas Monitoring System check up. 9. High Level Alarm in vessels, ROV solenoid coil maintenance. 10. Emergency tripping systems. 11. ETB and MCP periodical checks. 12. All Lighting system including the emergency lighting system and ELCB checks. 13. PA paging. 14. All ROV’ solenoid coils and ROV panels. 15. Proper monitoring of the water level in the Fire Water Tanks. 16. Checking and cleaning of all the contactors and relays for all the electrical switches, trip systems, starters, etc. 17. All records of FF system, Air compressors, DG starting, etc., shall be put for verification and further instruction. 18. Access Control System supervision. ii) OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF POWER AND LIGHTING DG SETS. Starting and running the DG Sets for proper operation and during Electricity Board power cuts, resuming power supply to plant load including the following: a) Topping of Fuel Tanks. b) Checking lube oil level and topping up. c) Checking and topping up radiator water. d) Checking the acid density of batteries and topping up with distilled water. e) Voltage, frequency, RPM, KW, KWH, Hrs monitoring in the respective meters for proper readings. f) Troubleshooting and rectification of electrical faults in all the DG panels. g) Assistance to be rendered for A, B, C and D- Checks etc., as and when required for engines. The required spares will be supplied by us. h) Maintenance of DG records and Batteries records. iii) DIESEL DRIVEN FIRE ENGINES AND PUMPS: Whole and sole operation responsibilities of Fire Engines coupled with Fire Pumps as per the directive of plant officials including topping up of fuel tanks, checking lube. Oil level and topping up, if required. This also requires servicing and maintenance of fire engines control panels for maintaining Page | 70 the firefighting systems in AUTO condition. Also, maintenance and operation of Jockey Pumps and security air compressors. iv) MAINTENANCE OF STARTERS, MOTORS, ISOLATORS ETC. – for the security compressors, Air Compressors in the Air Compressors House, Service Water Pumps, Air drier two numbers, LPG Pumps, LPG Vapor Compressors, Cooling water pumps at Filling Shed and other filling shed area motors, evacuation compressors, HLA system maintenance etc. and maintenance of Flame Proof Equipments by checking the allen screws, internal contacts, damages to enclosure etc. as directed Plant Manager. v) BATTERIES/ BATTERY CHARGER/UPS/ EMERGENCY LIGHT CHECK UP: Daily checks and maintenance of: a) Battery performance b) Battery voltage. c) Acid Level d) Battery Terminal tightness/ replacement if required. e) UPS/Emergency Lighting system. f) Batteries records maintenance on daily basis. g) CP/Rectifier Unit and its record maintaining. vi) FLAME PROOF /NON FLAME PROOF LIGHTS AND YARD LIGHTS: a) Check the flameproofness of all the fluorescent / incandescent lamps, mercury vapor/ sodium vapour lamps in the licensed area/non licensed area of the Plant. b) Replacement of fused bulbs in Towers and maintenance of records. c) Replacement of defective switch fuses (HRC/ Ordinary units). d) Replacement of the fused bulbs and maintaining proper lighting system in the plant, Fire Pump House and other buildings. This includes replacement of fused mercury/sodium vapor lamps of yard lights and Filling Shed. All the lighting system records to be maintained. e) CCTV Cabling and switch Board maintenance. vii) ALL ELECTRICAL MOTORS AND ALTERNATORS: All the electrical motors and DG alternators have to be checked as per the guidelines given in the OISD standard 135, 144 and as directed by IOCL. Proper records have to be maintained for the same. viii) EARTHING AND BONDING & INSTRUMENTATIONS SYSTEM: All the electrical/mechanical equipments, structure earthing and bonding (including pipeline flanges) in the plant to be inspected everyday and continuity to be checked and maintained. a) All earthing system at TW Gantry I&II and Track system to be maintained properly always. b) TLD bays and flexible earthing clips and cables to be maintained, and replacement if any damage. c) LA earthing, drop conductors and earth bus at plant area to be maintained bolts nuts will be supplied at plant. d) Motor IR Value, Earth continuity & push button station earth continuity check up and maintaining records periodical as per instructions. e) Cathodic protection (Impressed current system) for mounded storage bullets to be checked regularly and maintaining of records. Rectifier System maintenance to be carried out and records thereof. f) Polarization Cells for mounded storage bullets to be checked regularly and maintaining of records. g) Monolithic isolation of Liquid and vapour pipe lines at mounded storage bullets periodical Checking and records to be maintained regularly. h) All Instruments at Mounded bullets at TOP to be maintained with Full FLP condition always. i) Instrumentations of Bullets to be maintained. Page | 71 j) HLA Testing and its working confirmation. ix) Cable termination for all the electric motor- tightness of cable termination should be checked (by opening the gland box) and the proper tightness should be maintained. Any other cable fault should be rectified, and the cable resistance test shall be carried out and the same is recorded. x) DG/Alternator checks of A, B ,C & D and its records to be filled up on the monthly basis and to be submitted to the concerned Electrical department as instructed by IOC Officer. Also, co-coordinating DG Regular checks, services by OEM during their visit. xi) All the daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly/half yearly and yearly maintenance should be carried out as per the Preventive maintenance schedule of various electrical equipment. Also, the required log book and the checklists to be filled and maintained for all the routine and preventive maintenance checks. xii) Proper entry shall be made in the History cards of the electrical equipment, whenever any maintenance works will be carried out and to be handed over to the concerned department. xiii) Any failure of State Electricity Department supply, shall be promptly informed to the officials for the resume/ defects details and intimate to IOCL officials. xiv) Necessary tools and tackles shall be arranged for carrying out day-to-day maintenance and preventive maintenance works. xv) Compressed Air system: The performance of the compressed Air System i.e., compressor output, identification of leakages at various points in the plant in the air lines, pump off test, etc should be monitored and carried out on a weekly basis and reported to the maintenance in charge. Necessary steps to be taken to ensure that air leakage in the system do not exceed 5% of the compressed air requirement. xvi) Necessary work permits shall be obtained from the concerned department for any preventive and break down maintenance works. xvii) The Electrical Supervisor and the wiremen shall report to the shift in charge and the concerned department daily to get instructions regarding works. xviii) In case of any accident during the operation and maintenance of the equipment leading to injuries/damages to human beings/ equipment or loss of life, it shall be the responsibility of the contractor for settling all the claims and indemnify IOC against all claims arising out of such accidents. xix) Water system at Admin & Filling shed area: The contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the water availability in tanks at Admin building, S&D, all cooling tower tanks and filling shed area at all times. xx) Service air system at Admin & Filling shed area: The contractor shall be responsible for maintaining service air before commencement of shift activity & filling. xxi)Vibration Monitoring: Vibration Monitoring of all the electrical motors and equipments have to be carried out on a periodic basis as directed by plant manager. Periodic reports have to be submitted in the format required by IOCL. xxii) All the Safety and Security norms shall be strictly conformed to. Page | 72 xxiii) Maintenance of any additional or new equipment related to electrical systems shall be part of this work scope. xxiv) In addition to all the points mentioned above, any other work related to the electrical system at the plant has to be carried out by the successful tenderer as and when directed by the Plant Manager or officers authorized by him. xxv) Maintenance of Electrical systems and appliances at Admn building area, Stores, S&D, Security Gates, Canteen etc. xxvi)RECORD MAINTENANCE: 1. Log daily shift wise DG operations/Trial run/Breakdowns 2. Log daily shift wise Fire engines operations/Trial run/Breakdowns 3. Log daily shift wise HT EB Meter reading 4. Record preventive maintenance done as per schedule on daily/weekly/Monthly/Quarterly/Yearly for PMCC/DG/Fire Engine 5.Checking and maintaining records for earth pit resistance values 6.Checking and maintaining records for Insulation values of cables 7. Weekly check the specific gravity & voltage of batteries provided at DG,Fire Engine, UPS room 8. Preparation and updation of history card for DG/Fire Engines/All Electric motors/compressors/Pumps 9. Maintenance of records related to CP system of mounded bullets 10. Maintaining records for Diesel consumption of Fire Engines/DG sets 11. Any other records as instructed by location, in connection with PMCC/electrical work. Total Quantity :