
Tender For 2000149833-Arc Flash Studies Of Pellet Plant, vizianagaram-Andhra Pradesh

Arcelor Mittal Nippon Steel India Limited has published Tender For 2000149833-Arc Flash Studies Of Pellet Plant. Submission Date for this Tender is 10-08-2024. Other Adhesives and Sealants Tenders in vizianagaram Andhra Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For 2000149833-Arc Flash Studies Of Pellet Plant
Open Tender
Andhra Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender For 2000149833-Arc Flash Studies Of Pellet Plant 2000149833 10 10 10 ARC FLASH HAZARD ANALYSIS 1 LO Email : RAJITHA.PALLI@AMNS.IN Contact : Name : Rajitha Palli Item Details : Scope of Work:- 1. Verification of data/drawings/documents of existing/upcoming plant electrical system in furnished prescribed format by vendor. 2. Preparation of Plant electrical system single line diagram in Software type ETAP. All information of Equipments received from M/s AMNS shall be fed. 3. After confirmation of SLD by M/s AMNS in ETAP (along with the ratings, connections, configuration) vendor shall perform further study. 4. Updating of Plant SLD as per Latest system Modifications if there is any. 5. Verification and comments on specification of CT, PT, CB and comments on selection of Protective relays. 6. Load Flow Study: To evaluate the MW, MVAR, and AMP flow from each branch. % Voltage and values of P.F. at each bus. 7. Short Circuit Study: Using Short Circuit Study to verify the Device Duty of each allied Equipments of power system. Relay coordination duty for L-G, L-L, LL-G and L-L-L faults, at each bus will be calculated by considering actual pre-fault loading conditions. For short circuit analysis, for Normal loading and fault conditions, various reports and single line diagrams showing results, will be prepared / generated. 8. Load Flow and Short Circuit analysis: Shall consider different operating philosophy and combination of source for Reliability, wi thstand capacity and hence to check the potential of plant to cater and sustain against adverse fault conditions, and hence to optimise the plant operation in best possible philosophy. 9. Relay co-ordination: Study up to 415 V MCC Incomer bus having settable protective devices (Relay/Release) for overcurrent and Earth fault. At each branch, as per time/plot characteristics for various relays provided by the Buyer, the co-ordination among protective devices will be checked using software module by considering all conditions like inrush current of transformers, mechanical damage to cables <(>&<)> transformers due to short circuit forces, overloading, etc. 10. For accurate co-ordinating the system, the curves can be adjusted for getting desired settings of relays. 11. Unit Protection: Calculation/Review of Unit Protections relay settings viz. Power Transformer (Differential and REF protection), Motor protection and Generator Protection. 12. Arc Flash Analysis: The same shall be carried out based on FCT (fault clearing time) derived in relay coordination study. Analysis will be carried according to Arc flash analysis’s latest standard IEEE 1584.1-2018 and in compliance with NFPA 70E-2021. On the basis of study calculations, Arc Flash Labels (in PDF Copy) shall be furnished containing following information only, for mutually agreed and finalized 13. Normal Operating Philosophy of the plant. • Arc hazard boundary (meter) • Working distance (cm) • Arc flash incident energy at the working distance (calories/ cm2) • PPE category and description including the glove rating • Voltage rating of the equipment • Limited approach distance (meter) • Restricted approach distance (meter) • Equipment/bus name • Upstream Isolating device 14. Implementation or marking of Arc Flash boundaries. 15. Supply of Arc Flash Labels. 16. Pasting of Arc Flash stickers. 17. Suggestions for required changes in the Electrical System as per studies and analysis carried out shall be provided. 18. The draft report: After data and result compilation, we shall submit the preliminary report considering various operating philosophies as per Page 2 of 2 ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India Limited AM/NS PELLETS VIZAG Near Flyover, Scindia Road,Visakhapatnam,530004,Andhra Pradesh,India GSTIN 37AAACE1741P1ZG PAN AAACE1741P CIN U27100GJ1976FLC013787 Request for Quotation Number 6000117930 Date 01.08.2024 Submission Date 10.08.2024 Coll Req No AMNS deals with OEMs directly. We are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from OEMs from any part of the world in a professional manner. We also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. We do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or Indian Agents of vendors. We assure all OEMs that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.Kindly respond to our RFQs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. Offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. Contact for this RFQ null Sravan Lanka Contact Email sravan.lanka@ext.amns.in MATERIALS / SERVICES Please acknowledge receipt of the RFQ And provide your best quote for below given RFQ details. SR. No PR No. PR Item RFQ Item Services for line Item Quantity UOM Technical Details Other Details discussion and agreed upon mutually with initial observations, recommendation notes and study results in soft copy. This report shall be reviewed by Buyer and upon receipt of comments we shall proceed further to work out relay settings. 19. Maximum number of revisions that will be done after submission of draft report and before final report will be 2 Only. 20. Final Report submission: Final report [1 Hard copy + Soft copy (.pdf)] shall be submitted incorporating inputs from Buyer on draft report in hard copy as well as soft copy. It shall consist of: • Detail observation and recommendation based on executed Simulation and analysed Study. • ETAP results of all the analysis studies. • Recommended relay settings for overcurrent as well as earth fault protection. Also, TC (Time current) curves Generated from ETAP d isplaying operating times of Relays for various fault current with time grading between them thus assuring sequence of relay operation correctly. • Recommended unit protection settings viz. Power Transformer (Differential and REF protection), Motor Protection and Generator Prot ection. • The ETAP single line diagram for the project will be submitted in both Hard copy and soft copy (.pdf). 21. Report discussion and explanation to concerned team regarding our completed study, analysis, results and recommendation. 22. Relays / Release Setting implementation after submission and discussion of Final Report and its recommendation. 23. The time schedule can be worked out at the time of award of contract <(>&<)> will be dependent on submission of necessary technical data from the Buyer. 24. The above studies shall be carried out on Latest version of software type ETAP. AMNS SCOPE 1. The project data like all single line diagrams, details of electrical Equipments, loading conditions <(>&<)> specific requirements and various other required details will be provided by M/s AMNS. 2. The details of all protective devices (relays, fuses, circuit breakers or vacuum contactors, etc.) shall be submitted by M/s AMNS. The detail shall include type of devices, make, series no / catalogue reference no, CT ratios, PT ratios, etc. 3. Verification of SLD prepared in ETAP by vendor and to be confirmed for further studies. 4. Details of below equipment will be provided by M/s AMNS • SLD [Single Line Diagram] • Transformers • HT/LT Load • HT/LT Circuit Breakers • Transmission Line / Power Cable • Relays • Grid/Upstream Source data required for short circuit calculation • Loading details at individual MCC/PCCs • Any other details required by the vendor for performing the further studies. • ETAP software with Project OTI file <(>&<)> suitable Engineering

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