
Bids Are Invited For Route Survey , Detailed Grid Line Survey Carrying Out Detailed Survey Along Proposed Gas Pipeline Routes For A Width Of 5 M On Either Side As Per Specifications , Carrying Out Soil Investigation Work Along The Pipeline Route As Per, Chatra-Jharkhand

Ministry Of Petroleum And Natural Gas has published Bids Are Invited For Route Survey , Detailed Grid Line Survey Carrying Out Detailed Survey Along Proposed Gas Pipeline Routes For A Width Of 5 M On Either Side As Per Specifications , Carrying Out Soil Investigation Work Along The Pipeline Route As Per. Submission Date for this Tender is 23-08-2024. Cutting Crimping and Punching Tools Tenders in Chatra Jharkhand. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Bids Are Invited For Route Survey , Detailed Grid Line Survey Carrying Out Detailed Survey Along Proposed Gas Pipeline Routes For A Width Of 5 M On Either Side As Per Specifications , Carrying Out Soil Investigation Work Along The Pipeline Route As Per
Open Tender

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Route Survey , Detailed Grid Line Survey Carrying out detailed survey along proposed gas pipeline routes for a width of 5 m on either side as per specifications , Carrying out Soil Investigation work along the pipeline route as per specification , Corrosion Survey Carrying out corrosion survey including measurement of soil resistivity , Crossing Survey To carry out a detailed survey covering a proposed crossing for Gas Pipeline , On River Water Bodies Bank , In River Water Bodies Bed including making necessary arrangement for supplying floating plate , In River Water bodies bed including making necessary arrangement for supplying floating plate , Conducting Standard Penetration Tests in boreholes as specified as decided by EIC , Collecting 100 mm dia undisturbed sample form boreholes as specified as decided by EIC , Collecting Disturbed samples from Bore Holes , Atterbergs Limit Liquid Limit and Plastic Limit , Natural Moisture Content , Bulk and Dry Density , Specific gravity and Void ratio , Ground Water level , Sieve analysis , Shrinkage Limit , Chemical Analysis of Soil and Sub soil water pH Chloride and Sulphate , Core Recovery RQD , Point Load Test , By Boring of minimum 150 mm dia boreholes as specified in specific requirement through all kinds of soil excluding hard rock , Drilling through rock boulder strata where SPT value is greater than 100 with minimum Nx size bit as per instruction of Engineer in charge , To carry out detailed Topographic Survey at different locations of Plots Area of SV Station CNG Stations etc , By Boring of minimum 150 mm dia boreholes upto a max depth as specified or refusal strata REFUSAL means when N greater than 100 for 30 cms of penetration in all type of soil , Conducting Standard Penetration Tests in Boreholes as specified as decided by EIC , Grain Size Analysis and IS Classification , Direct Shear Test , Permission Railway Obtaining permission for laying gas pipeline along with OFC cable from appropriate railways authority for crossings at desired location , Permission NH along Obtaining permission for laying Gas pipeline along with OFC cable from apropriate NH authority for laying along the RoU of National highway , Permission NH Crossings Obtaining permission for laying gas pipeline along with OFC cable from appropriate NH authority for crossings at desired location , Permission SH Along Obtaining permission for laying Gas pipeline along with OFC cable from Appropriate SH Authority for laying along the ROU , Permission SH Crossings Obtaining permission for laying Gas pipeline along with OFC cable from Appropriate SH Authority for crossings , Permission Canal Obtaining permission for laying Gas pipeline along with OFC cable from Appropriate Authority for crossings , Permission River Obtaining permission for laying Gas pipeline along with OFC cable from Appropriate Authority for crossings , Permission Water Bodies Obtaining permission for laying Gas pipeline along with OFC cable from Appropriate Authority for crossings , Permission Major District Roads Obtaining permission for laying Gas pipeline along with OFC cable , Permission Gram Panchayat Roads Obtaining permission for laying Gas pipeline along with OFC cable , Permission OFC Telephone Obtaining permission for laying Gas pipeline along with OFC cable from Appropriate Authority , Permission State PWD Obtaining permission for laying Gas pipeline along with OFC cable from Appropriate Authority , Permission Development Authority Obtaining permission for laying Gas pipeline along with OFC cable from Appropriate Authority , Pollution Control Board , Fire Fighting Board , Irrigation Board , PESO NOC of All Kinds Of Pipeline Works STPL Line BPCL Line CNG Station CGS Station Etc , Pradhan Mantri Gramin Sadak Yojana , Any Other Authority , Permission RoU from Land owner Obtaining permission for laying Gas pipeline along with OFC cable from Private Land Owner , Permission Municipal Obtaining permission for laying Gas pipeline along with OFC cable , Permission Social Forest Obtaining permission for laying Gas pipeline along with OFC cable from Forest Department , Permission Protected Reserved Forest Obtaining permission for laying Gas pipeline along with OFC cable , Obtaining Power Connection Bidder will apply and get power connection HT or LT for BPCLs premises station , Area Survey for MDPE Network To carryout Area survey and propose a feasible route for laying the proposed pipeline network , Carrying out subsurface utility survey along the proposed pipeline route and or as specified by Eingineer In Charge for 5 m Total Quantity : 11527

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 16-08-2024 23-08-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
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INR 100000.0 /-
Tender Value
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