
Tender For Supply Delivery Of Upvc Consumables With Drilling Related Allied Works And Providing Skilled & Unskilled Manpower & Hiring Supporting Vehicles For Dept. Rig Unit For Sinking Of (150 Mm X 100 Mm X 135 Mtr.) Rbtw By Rotary /Combination Method For, jhargram-West Bengal

Public Health Engineering Department has published Tender For Supply Delivery Of Upvc Consumables With Drilling Related Allied Works And Providing Skilled & Unskilled Manpower & Hiring Supporting Vehicles For Dept. Rig Unit For Sinking Of (150 Mm X 100 Mm X 135 Mtr.) Rbtw By Rotary /Combination Method For. Submission Date for this Tender is 06-08-2024. Vehicle Hiring Service Tenders in jhargram West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Supply Delivery Of Upvc Consumables With Drilling Related Allied Works And Providing Skilled & Unskilled Manpower & Hiring Supporting Vehicles For Dept. Rig Unit For Sinking Of (150 Mm X 100 Mm X 135 Mtr.) Rbtw By Rotary /Combination Method For
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Details

tender for Supply delivery of UPVC consumables with drilling related allied works and providing skilled & unskilled manpower & hiring supporting vehicles for Dept. Rig unit for sinking of (150 mm x 100 mm x 135 mtr.) RBTW by Rotary /combination method for Baharabani at Binpur-I block of Jhargram Dist. under Jhargram Mechanical Division P.H.E. Dte. Sl. No. Item Description 1 Part-IUPVC consumable items & drilling related other allied works.Geophysical Investigation (Electrical Resistivity) for ground water exploration atdifferent pin pointed sites(for 06 nos pin pointed locationfor each site )alongwith geophysical investigation of the acquifer by electrologging system with all tools and plants as necessary including supply of necessary report. 2 Supply and delivery of following materials at site: PVC pipes and fittings Schedule-80 (medium duty) conforming to ASTMD - 1795 andthreaded to match with GI pipes as per IS : 1239 ( Part - I ) a) 150 mm dia.(Schedule -80) 3 b) 100 mm dia..(Schedule -80) 4 c) 100 mm dia high density polythene strainer of approved make with adapter conforming to I.S. specifications. 5 d) Bentonite Powder conforming to IS 6196 : 19960.6 MT for each RBTW X01 nos RBTW=0.6MT 6 e) M.S. Housing clamp 150 mm dia. 7 f) M.S .Centre guide (Special Type). 8 g) 100 mm dia. UPVC threaded end Cap. 9 h) Washed gravels size ranging from 1.90 mm to 4.74 mm conformingto IS 4097:1967.10 m3. for each RBTW X01 nos RBTW=10 m3. 10 Supplying and fitting-fixing of following items :a) G.I. cap at top of 150 mm dia. 11 b) 150mmx 100 mm dia. reducing Socket (mm X mm) 12 Water sample collection and chemical test including Arsenic Test. 13 Washing and developing tube well with air compressor pump and engine for 8 (eight) hours continuous pumping per day with necessary arrangements for testing the yield in gallons per hour with V notch including hire and labour charges for all tools and plants and scaffolding as required with full satisfaction of EIC.2 daysfor each RBTW X01 nos RBTW=02 days. 14 Part-II Hiringskilled & unskilled manpower for Dept. Rig unit & hiring supporting vehicle Providingcasual labours on hiring basis having knowledge of drilling works through rig machine and to be postedat camp site for round the clock drilling and allied work. It involves movement of materials from D.C.C premisses to camp site & material loading, handling, unloading, preparing the drilling sites, necessary earth work, surface dressing, cutting trench, pits, refilling the mudpits, guarding the govt. materials from progress to completion of drilling works as per direction of E.I.C.Unskilled Manpower @ 5 nos. X 02 shift/day. for 4 days i.e. total( 05 x02 x 04)=40 nos labour days.40 nos labour day for each RBTW X01nos RBTW=40 nos labour days. 15 Providing highly skilled Rig operator [Driller] on hiring basis having sufficient knowledge of operation of similar type Rig units performing drilling operation/works through rig machine and to be posted at camp site for round the clock drilling operation, maintaining log of diff. works, attendance and supervising drilling related allied works. It involves countability, receiving, movement of materials from D.C.C premises to camp site & back, observing processes of loading, handling, unloading preparing the drilling sites, necessary earth work, surface dressing, cutting trench, pits, refilling the mud pits, guarding the govt. materials etc. from progress upto completion of drilling works and report the same time to time as per direction of EIC.Skilled Manpower(Rig operator) @ 2 nos. X 02 shift/day. for 4 daysi.etotal ( 02 x02 x 04)=16 nos labour days.16 nos labour day for each RBTW X 01 nos RBTW=16 nos. labour day 16 Providing Driver on contract basis to be engaged for driving & operation of Departmental Vehicles used for construction of Rig Bored Tube well in the District of Jhargram/other districtas per direction of E.I.C .The Driver should have sufficientexperience in driving & also have valid drivinglicense for driving heavy/ light vehicles. The driver will have to stay at the Rig site camp for 24 hours as per directiion of E.I.C along with the vehicle performing the Goverment works & day to day maintenance of the vehicle.Rig unit :-Driver @ 1 no X 02 shift /day. for 4 daysi.etotal =(1X2X4)=8 nos.(whenever required)08nos driver day for each RBTW X 01 nos RBTW= 8 nos,driver days. 17 Supporting Truck Driver @ 1 no X 02 shift /day. for 4 daysi.etotal =(1X2X4)=8 nos.(whenever required)08nos driver day for each RBTW X01nos RBTW=8 nos,driver days. 18 Supporting Tractor Driver @ 1 no X 02 shift /day. for 4 daysi.etotal =(1X2X4)=8 nos.(whenever required)08nos driver day for each RBTW X01 nos RBTW=8 nos,driver days. 19 Hiring of diesel Driven Truck of 10 MT capacity along with one licensed driver (age within 45 years) for maneuvering drilling crews along with Drilling Materials or other purpose as and when required. The Driver shall have to present with the truck as and when required by the rig unit within 24hrs. notice for performing the drilling works or drilling related works. The Truck shall have to be moved within the working area of Jhargram Mechanical Division, P.H.E.Dte. as per enclosed terms & condition. Only Fuel and Lubricants will be issued by departmentas per direction of E.I.C.a) Fuel: 4 ltr/km.b) Engine Oil: 1ltr/400km.02 shift /day X4days =8shift for each RBTW 08 nos. shiftfor each RBTW X01 nos RBTW=8 nos. shift for each RBTW 20 Hiring of one diesel driven tractor of 32 BHP capacity along with one licensed driver for maneuvering water tanker or other purpose as and when required. The Driver shall have to present with the Tractor as and when required by the rig unit within 24hrs. notice for performing the drilling works or drilling related works. The Tractor will have to move within the working area of JhargramMechanical Division, P.H.E. Dte. as per enclosed terms & condition. Only Fuel and Lubricants will be issued by department as per direction of EIC.a) Fuel:-5 ltr/kmb)Engine oil:- 1 ltr/250 km02 shift /day X4 days =8shift for each RBTW 08nos. shiftfor each RBTW X01nos RBTW=8 nos. shift for each RBTW 21 Add GST @ 18 % 22 Add Cess @ 1 %

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INR 6844.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 3.42 Lakhs /-
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