
Tender For Providing And Fixing Panelled Glazed Or Panelled And Glazed Shutters For Doors Windows And Clerestory Windows. Including Black Enamelled Iron Butt Hinges With Necessary Screws. A) 35 Mm Thick, 2 Class Deodar Wood, Palampur-Himachal Pradesh

Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishva Vidyalaya has published Tender For Providing And Fixing Panelled Glazed Or Panelled And Glazed Shutters For Doors Windows And Clerestory Windows. Including Black Enamelled Iron Butt Hinges With Necessary Screws. A) 35 Mm Thick, 2 Class Deodar Wood. Submission Date for this Tender is 14-08-2024. Casks Barrels and Drums Tenders in Palampur Himachal Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Providing And Fixing Panelled Glazed Or Panelled And Glazed Shutters For Doors Windows And Clerestory Windows. Including Black Enamelled Iron Butt Hinges With Necessary Screws. A) 35 Mm Thick, 2 Class Deodar Wood
Open Tender
Himachal Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender For Providing And Fixing Panelled Glazed Or Panelled And Glazed Shutters For Doors Windows And Clerestory Windows. Including Black Enamelled Iron Butt Hinges With Necessary Screws. A) 35 Mm Thick, 2 Class Deodar Wood Providing and fixing wire gauge shuties using galvanisat M.5. wire gauge of LS. gauge designation SS G. With wire of dis 0.56 mm for doors windows incloding bright finished black enamelled iron hinges with neosmary screws a) 30 mm thick, 2 class deodar wood Providing and fixing anodised aluminium work for door, window, ventilators and partitions with extruded built up mandand tubular and other sections of appeived make confirming to 18 733 and 18 1285 anodised vansparent or dyed to required shade according to I5 1868 (Minimum modic coating of grade AC 15) fixed with rawiplags and screws or with fixing clips, or with expansion hold fastners including necessary filling up of gaps at junctions, at top, bottom and sides with required PVC/neoprene fets etc. Alhuninium sections shall be smooth, rusten, maight, mitred and jointed mechanically shume ever required including cleast angle, aluminium, anap beading for glazinge/paselling C.P. brass/stainless steel screws. All complete as per architectural drawings and the directions of Engineer-In-Charge. For doors window and ventilators and glazed partitions frame. b) For shutters of doors window & ventilators instuding providing fixing, hinges/pivots mut making provision for fixing of fittings where met equired inculing of PVC/neoprene gaskets as required (fittings and glazing/panelling shall be paid for separately) Providing and foong glazing in aluminium dou window, ventilator shutters and partition etc with PVC/neoprent gasket et complete se per the architectural drawings and the directions of Engineer Incharge (com of aluminium snap beading shall be paid basic iten. a) Glazing with glass panes of 5.50mm thicknes Providing and fixing to existing door frames, 30mm thick factory made PVC paneled door shutte consisting of frume made out of M.S. tubes of 19 gauge thiskosers and size of 19mm 19mm for styles and 15am 15mm for top & bottom rails, M.5. frame shall lave n cont of steel printen of approved make and manufacture M.5. frame covered with Stam thick buat moulded PVC C channel of size 30mm thickness, 70mm width out of which 10mm shall be flst and 20mm stall be topprod in 45 degree angle o either side forming style and 5mm thick, 95mm wide, PVC shent out of which 75mm shall be flat and 20mm shall be tapered in 45 degme on the inner side to funn top and bottuin rail and 115man wide PVC sheet out of which 75mm shall be flat and 20mm shall be tapered on both side to farm lock rail, top, hattus and lock mail shall be provided either side of the panel 10 thick, 20mum wide cross PVC short be provided as gap insert for top rail and bottom rail paneling of Som thick both side PVC Sheet to be fitted in the M.S frame welded/sesded to the style & esile, joints mitrest and jointed with solvent cement alhesive ive fluxing of PVC shutter with exiting frame with M.S. butt hingen 100x50x1.90mm size with necesary news complete. Providing and fixing anodized aluminium sliding door bolt anodized colour and shade with bolts and nuts, srews etc. complete. ) 250 x16 mm Providing and fixing aluminum tower bolts (barrel (ype) anodized trans parent or dyed to required shade and colour with screw etc. complete 200 10 mm b) 100 10 mm Providing and fixing slunüsiam handies anodized sparent or dyed to required colour & shade with neoussary screws atc, complete. 125m 100mm Providing and fixing bright finished hard drawn oks md eye a) 200 mm Providing and fixing factory made PVC door frame angle rebate of any clous of size 50 47ms with wall thickness of 5mm rigid PVC foum sheat heat bend & mitred at omers and jointed with 2 Nos. of 150mm long brukets of 15mm 15mm M.S. square tube, the vertical door prutiles to be reinforced with 19mm 19mm MS sure tobe of gauge EPDM rubber gasket weather seal to be provided fhroughout the frame Ve fixing of door frame to wall with M.S. crews 100 long with wooden ur rawl plugs emedded masonry complete as per manufactures specification & direction is Engineer-in-Charge Providing and fixing Finales PVC-U-Rigid pipe sett fit finolex/ Diplast soil waste and ventilating pipe as per ES: 4985-2000 including cutting and fixing with approved quality of adhesive compite is all respets Class c as per approval by the Enginerin-charge 4) 150s Type-60 kg pe bi 75m. Type-14.5kg P Providing and Gxing PVC - Rigid ng and rice. The fittings should be Pinces plast per 38:7834 with latest amendments: Hands required egetary radius) sa per approved by the Engineer-in-charge of 1. Plan-beed 150ml ste

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