
Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Biennial Maintenance Contract For Turbine Auxiliaries And Offsite Equipments 250X4 Mw Brbcl Nabinagar - Bmc For Tg, Auxiliary Strainer () Cleaning Cep (>210-500Mw#) Inspection Bfp (Suc Strnr) Cleaning B, AURANGABAD-Bihar

Bharatiya Rail Bijlee Company Limited has published Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Biennial Maintenance Contract For Turbine Auxiliaries And Offsite Equipments 250X4 Mw Brbcl Nabinagar - Bmc For Tg, Auxiliary Strainer () Cleaning Cep (>210-500Mw#) Inspection Bfp (Suc Strnr) Cleaning B. Submission Date for this Tender is 08-08-2024. Chokes Tenders in AURANGABAD Bihar. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Biennial Maintenance Contract For Turbine Auxiliaries And Offsite Equipments 250X4 Mw Brbcl Nabinagar - Bmc For Tg, Auxiliary Strainer () Cleaning Cep (>210-500Mw#) Inspection Bfp (Suc Strnr) Cleaning B
Open Tender

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid for Services - Biennial maintenance Contract for Turbine auxiliaries and Offsite equipments 250x4 MW BRBCL NABINAGAR - BMC For TG, Auxiliary STRAINER () Cleaning CEP (>210-500MW#) INSPECTION BFP (SUC STRNR) Cleaning BFP (MECHSEAL COOLER) Cleaning Plate Heat Exchngr (PLATE) Serv BFP (>210-500MW#) Serv BFP(<=110MW#)-OH Vac Pp/Blwr (>10-20NM3) OH CEP(>210-500MW#)-OH LP Water Pump (<>) Serv CONT VV (>) Serv LPT (DIAPHRAGM) Repl CENTRIFUGE (<>) Serv Gear Boxes (GEARS) Serv LP Valves(Dia<=6)-Attend Defect FLANGE (GASKET) Repl FLANGE (DN100) Attend Defect FLANGE (DN400) Attend Defect LP Valves (Dia>6-12) ATTEND BREAKDOWN MATL (STEEL) Fabrication LP Valves (Dia<=6) Serv Chem Dosing Pump (<>) Serv CONDENSER (HOTWELL) Serv Lub Oil Cooler (<>) Serv HPBP Valves (SPRAY CV) OH HP Valves (150NB) OH BFV (<>) Serv Misc Works (>) Daily Chks LP Valves (Dia>6-12) Serv LP Valves (Dia>6-12) OH LP Valves (Dia>12) OH Fixed to steel windows by welding CONDENSER (WATERBOX) Cleaning BFP (<=110MW#) 04W Chks CEP(>210-500MW#)-04W Chks LP Water Pump (<>) 12W Chks Vac Pp/Blwr (>20NM3) 12W Chks LP Water Pump (<>) 04W Chks Vac Pp/Blwr (<=10NM3) 08W CHKS CENTRIFUGE (<>) 04W Chks DEPTT > MAN DEP-SW Turbine JOP () Attend Defect Misc Works () ATTEND BREAKDOWN BMC For Offsite Area LP Water Pump (<>) OH LP Water Pump (Dia<=6) Serv VERT PP (<>) OH LP Water Pump (<>) Attend Defect VERT PP (>) Attend Defect VERT PP (>90KW) Attend Defect LP Water Pump (<>) Decpl/Cpl/Algn Structures (<>) Fabrication Misc Works (→) Daily Chks VERT PP(<37KW)OH Chem Dosing Pump(<>)-Attend Defect LP Valves (Dia<=6) Serv LP Valves (Dia>6-12) Serv LP Valves (Dia>12) Serv LP Valves(Dia<=6)-Attend Defect LP Valves(Dia>6-12)-Attend Defect LP Valves(Dia>12)-Attend Defect DIAPHRAGM V/V (<>) Serv DIAPHRAGM V/V (<>) Instal/Remove LP Valves (GLAND) Repl LP Valves (DELUGE VV) Repair FIRE SYS (HYDRANT VALVE) Repair MS Piping (Dia>6-12) Attend Defect FIRE SYS (MULS SPRY SYS) Attend Defect MS Piping (Dia<=6) Laying MS Piping (<>) Attend Defect MS Piping (Dia>6-12) Laying MS Piping (Dia>12) Attend Defect MSRL PIPE (<>) Repl MSRL PIPE (>) Attend Defect WATER CHANNEL () Cleaning PVC PIPE (>) Laying PVC PIPE () Connection ELEC HOISTS (>) Checking Elec Hoists (>03-05MT) Statutory Testing BLWR/FAN (>) Attend Defect CLARIFLOCULATOR (<>) Attend Defect Clarifloculator Drive(>)-Attend Defect BLWR/FAN (<>) OH EJECTOR () Repair Chlorine Tonners(<>)-Connection CL2 ABS SYS (<>) Attend Defect WATER LVL INDICATOR/GAUGE MADE OF GLS Submersible Pumps (<>) Instal/Remove Misc Works (<>) Attend Defect Misc Works (<>) Checking Misc Works (<>) Fabrication Misc Works () ATTEND BREAKDOWN BFV (DIA>=12) Attend Defect DEPTT <> MAN.DEP-SW 3 Misc Works (>) Choking Removal CW SYSTEM () OH CW PUMP (<>) 12W Chks CW PUMP (<>) Attend Defect BMC FOR CT FAN CT Cells (DOOR) Instal/Remove CT Fan (<>) 12W Chks CT Fan(G.box) (<>)-Repl CT Fan(G.box) (OILSEAL) Repl CT Fan(G.box) () OH CT Fan(G.box) (→) ALIGNING CT Fan(G.box) (OIL) TOP UP CT Fan (BLADES) Repl CT Fan (DRIVE SHAFT) Repl CT Fan (BLADES) SETTING CT Fan (HUB/HUB COVER) Repair CT Dist Pipe/Nozzles (<>) Attend Defect CT Dist Pipe/Nozzles (<>) Cleaning BFV (DIA>=12) Serv Misc Works (<>) Attend Defect COOLING TOWER (<>) OH CT Basin (210-500MW#) OH Misc Works () Painting Structures (<>) Painting DEPTT <> MAN.DEP-ETC DEPTT <> MAN.DEP-HSW DEPTT >> MAN.DEP-SW Amount linked toSafetyAspects/complianc Amount linked to safety aspects Total Quantity :

Key Value

Document Fees
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INR 1000000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 6.71 Crore /-
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