
Tender For Construction Of Boundarywall, Pathway, Drain, Providing Fhtc, Iep Washout Etc. At 3Rd Tw Site For Patkidaha Pwss Icw Jjm Under Jalpaiguri Division, Phe Dte. Sl. No. Item Description 1 Earth Work In Excavation Of Foundation Trenches Or Dra, jalpaiguri-West Bengal

Public Health Engineering Department has published Tender For Construction Of Boundarywall, Pathway, Drain, Providing Fhtc, Iep Washout Etc. At 3Rd Tw Site For Patkidaha Pwss Icw Jjm Under Jalpaiguri Division, Phe Dte. Sl. No. Item Description 1 Earth Work In Excavation Of Foundation Trenches Or Dra. Submission Date for this Tender is 17-08-2024. Water Pipe Line Tenders in jalpaiguri West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Construction Of Boundarywall, Pathway, Drain, Providing Fhtc, Iep Washout Etc. At 3Rd Tw Site For Patkidaha Pwss Icw Jjm Under Jalpaiguri Division, Phe Dte. Sl. No. Item Description 1 Earth Work In Excavation Of Foundation Trenches Or Dra
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Details

tender for Construction of BoundaryWall, Pathway, Drain, Providing FHTC, IEP Washout etc. at 3rd TW Site for Patkidaha PWSS icw JJM under Jalpaiguri Division, PHE Dte. Sl. No. Item Description 1 Earth work in excavation of foundation trenches or drain in all sorts of soil (including mixed soil but excluding lateritc or sand stone ) includig removing , spreading or stacking the spoils within a lead of 75m as directed .The item includes necessary trimming the bottom, bailing out water as required complete. (a) Depth of excavation not exceeding 1.500mm 2 Earth work in filling in foundation trenches or plinth with good earth, in layers not exceeding 150 mm. including watering and ramming etc. layer by layer complete. (Payment to be made on the basis of measurement of finished quantity of work) (a) With earth obtained from excavation of foundation. 3 Ordinary Cement concrete (mix 1:1.5:3) with graded stone chips (20 mm nominal size) excluding shuttering and reinforcement if any, in ground floor as per relevant IS codes. (ii ) River Bazree 4 Cement concrete with 30 mm down graded shingles excluding shuttering.N.B. Variety(a) 1:3:6 proportion 5 Ordinary Cement concrete (mix 1:2:4) with graded stone chips (20 mm nominal size) excluding shuttering and reinforcement,if any, in ground floor as per relevant IS codes. (b) River bazree 6 Hire and labour charges for shuttering with centering and necessary staging upto 4 m using approved stout props and thick hard wood planks of approved thickness with required bracing for concrete slabs, beams and columns, lintels curved or straight including fitting, fixing and striking out after completion of works (upto roof of ground floor) (f) 25 mm to 30 mm shuttering without staging in foundation. 7 Reinforcement for reinforced concrete work in all sorts of structures including distribution bars, stirrups, binders etc initial straightening and removal of loose rust (if necessary), cutting to requisite length, hooking and bending to correct shape, placing in proper position and binding with 16 gauge black annealed wire at every intersection, complete as per drawing and direction. (a) For works in foundation and upto roof of ground floor/upto 4 m (i) Tor steel/Mild Steel II. JSW/JSPL/SHYAM/ SRMB/BMASL/ELECROSTEEL/SSL 8 125 mm. thick brick work with 1st class bricks in cement mortar (1:4) in ground floor. 9 Plaster (to wall, floor, ceiling etc.) with sand and cement mortar including rounding off or chamfering corners as directed and raking out joints including throating, nosing and drip course, scaffolding/staging where necessary (Ground floor).[Excluding cost of chipping over concrete surface] (i) With 1:6 cement mortar (c) 15 mm thick plaster 10 (i) With 1:6 cement mortar (b) 20 mm thick plaster 11 (ii) With 1:4 cement mortar (c) 10 mm thick plaster 12 Neat cement punning about 1.5mm thick in wall, dado, window sill, floor etc. NOTE:Cement 0.152 cu.m per100 sq.m. 13 Applying Exterior grade Acrylic primer of approved quality and brand on plastered or cencrete surface old or new surface to receive decorative textured (matt finish) or smooth finish acrylic exterior emulsion paint including scraping and preparing the surface throughly, complete as per manufacturers specification and as per direction of the EIC. In Ground Floor: (b) Two Coats 14 Protective and Decorative Acrylic exterior emulsion paint of approved quality, as per manufacturers specification and as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge to be applied over acrylic primer as required. The rate includes cost of material, labour, scaffolding and all incidental charges but excluding the cost of primer. In Ground floor (Two Coat) c) Acrylic Emulsion. 15 M.S. works in brackets made from flats, angles, tees etc. to sizes specialy bent, twisted, forged; making holes drilled and fitted to rafter of trusses with necessary bolts, nuts, washer or screws etc. (length of straight not less than 230 mm) 16 Supplying fitting and fixing 600 mm ( ±30 mm) diametre R.B.T (Reinforced Barbed Tape) Concertina fencing on wall top using concertina coils stretched to approx.6 meters length at site clipped with two nos. of horizontal R.B.T strands which will be tensioned and fixed with the vertical M.S angle iron posts by means of security fasteners (such as C clips, R.B.T clips etc.) 17 Drilling hole of requisite diameter in R.S. joist, channel, tees, plates etc. (a) (I) Dia. Upto 12 mm and depth upto 10 mm 18 M.S.or W.I. Ornamental grill of approved design joints continuously welded with M.S, W.I. Flats and bars of windows, railing etc. fitted and fixed with necessary screws and lugs in ground floor.ii) Grill weighing above 16 Kg./sq.mtr and above 19 Priming one coat on steel or other metal surface with synthetic oil bound primer of approved quality including smoothening surfaces by sand papering etc. 20 Painting with best quality synthetic enamel paint of approved make and brand including smoothening surface by sand papering etc. including using of approved putty etc. on the surface, if necessary :(b) On steel or other metal surface :With super gloss (hi-gloss)(iv) Two coats (with any shade except white) 21 Supplying & laying as per IRC-SP:063-2004paver unit of any shade of approvedquality as per relevant IS code, laid inpattern as directed in pavement, footpath, driveway (paverblockonly), etc including necessaryunderlaycomplete inallrespect with all labour and material. [Border concrete if necessary to be paid separately]. Note: Sub-grade CBR should not be less than 5. 22 (b) Supplying and Laying in the specified pattern of Interlocking Concrete Block Pavements (ICBP) with concrete blocks (with Concrete grade as specified as per Table 1 of IS 15658: 2006) manufactured from BIS licensee manufacturer, with spacer nib (Small protruding profiles on the vertical face of a paver block used as a device for keeping minimum joint gap in between the paving blocks, as per Cl. No 3.26 of IS: 15658) and of specified size and shape with aspect ratio (The ratio of length to thickness of a paver block, as per Cl. No. 3.3 of IS: 15658) as per Table 2 of IS :15658 with flexural strength/breaking load as per Annexure G ofIS:15658, on the prepared base course of specified CBR as per Table 1 of IRC SP 63 (2018) or else as mentioned in design and drawing with a cushion of compacted bedding sand of 25-35 mm thick (grading of the bedding sand as per clause 6.5.1 of IRC SP- 63) and filling up the gaps in between paver blocks with joint filling sand (the grading of the joint filling sand will be as per clause 6.5.2 of IRC SP 63) und completing the edges with cut blocks as per Cl. No. 8.7 of IRC SP-63 (2018) with proper confinement of bedding und joint filling sand, compaction, levelling and filling up of the edge gap.50mm thick(ii) Coloured Decorative. 23 Supply and delivery of CIDF sluice valve (Special type) PW-1.00 of different dia make with CI double flanged non rusting spindle sluice valves conforming to IS 14846 -2000 with latest emended having body dome/bonnet and cover of C.I.Gr-F.G 210mtr. spindle of IS-6603 G.R- 12/Gr-13 non-magnetic, nuts seat rings are of Gunonetal as per IS:318 LTB-2 flanges and drilled to IS:1538 Part IV & VI valves are suitable for max. working pressure of 10kg/cm2(seat test) and body tested to 15kg/cm2. N.B: The above item should be procured from the reputed manufactures as per deptt. approved vender list 24 100 mm dia. 25 80 mm dia. 26 Construction of different dia Sluice valve /Air valve /Washout chamber in different sizes for village road where light traffic run and for main road where heavy traffic run as deptt.approved drawing with 25cm thick brick work (1:6) over cement concrete (4:2:1) over a single B/F soling over 150 mm. thick sand filling in foundation including earth work in excavation and disposal of excess earth from work site with RCC] (1:1.5:3) cover slab 100mm / 150mm thick slab on top of chamber with 1% reinforcement in RCC cover slab with necessary opening for operation of valve all complete including cost of labour & materials as per Departmental Dwg. [Reinforcement type:- Other manufactuerers not specified] 27 80 mm to 150 mm dia pipe 28 Supply of CI Jeffy coupling as per IS specification. 29 80 mm dia. 30 100 mm dia. 31 Labour charges for Jeffy joint of all diameter. 32 Supplying HDPE (Materials grade PE-100) pipes conforming to IS 4984- 1995 with latest revision & amendments if any with necessary HDPE specials (excluding cost of CIDF valves) including labour charges for earth work in excavation in any kind of soil including mixed soil with boulder,road sub-grade and aits flank but excluding moorum laterite or sand stone / hard rock cutting with chisel required including cutting road flank/ brick pavement etc. without damaging the exisiting telephone/electrical cable line etc.(in case of damage of any type of cable line by the agency at the time of execution necessary damage charge as applicable by the respective authority will have to be brone by the agency at his own cost)upto the depth (av.) so as to maintain 1.10m.earth cushion from top of the pipe upto G.L. including loading unloading carrying lowering laying fitting fixing carefully pipes, valves and specials with the all types of jointing materials in trenches maintaining proper levels and alignment jointing the pipes and specials by butt welding/ adopting suitable method (But weld jointing with help of hydraulic tack and trimming machines, Hitter etc. for reaching at necessary melting point of HDPE pipe so that joint can be monolithic) so as to facilitate the maintenance of pipe line locally as per conventional method in future. 33 (A) Pressure Rating : PN 6(ii) Laying of pipe line including cost of pipe & fittings/specials butexcluding cost of valves. 34 i) 90mm (OD) 35 Providing FHTCfrom the existingCl/DI/uPVC/HDPE/GI/AC distributionpipelineby installing 10 mm NB Gun-metal Ferrule conforming to IS 2692:1989 with latest amendments on the said pipeline with supply, fitting & fixing of all other accessories like saddle piece of required size to fit the existing distribution pipeline, specials, nut & bolts, rubber sheet, washers etc and supply & laying of 15mm NB PVC (schedule 80)/20mm OD HDPE (PE100, PN16)/20mm OD PPR-C (Class - SDR7.4/PN16) pipes upto required length with all necessary special5 1.0 metre below the ground connecting the ferrule including cutting trenches in all sorts of soil and filling up trenches’ as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge and upto a point just inside the premises of the household or as directed by EIC. Supply and installation of a 15mm dia. alloy iron Bib Cock (tested to 21 Kg/cm2) above 1.0 Mtr. from ground, an alloy Stop Cock of 15 mm dia. with brass spindle (tested to 21 Kg/cm2) to be fitted in a position as directed by E.I.C. G.I pipe of TATA make (medium duly) of 2 metre length with all necessary specials to continue from the end of the PVC/HDPE/PPR-C pipe and upto 1.0 m above ground within the premises of household.Note :1. PVC pipe shall of Schedule 80 (medium duty) conforming to ASTMD -1785 and threaded to match with GI Pipes as per IS : 1239 (Part - I).2. PPR-C (Poly propylene Random copolymer) pipe shall be 3-layer confirming to IS:15801 UV stabilised & anti-microbial fusion welded, having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply including all PP-R plain & brass threaded polypropylene random/fittings.3. Rate is exclusive supply and delivery af10mm NB gun-metal Ferrule.Supply & laying of 15mm NB PVC (schedule 80)/20mm OD HDPE (PE100,PN16)/30mm OD PPR-C (Class - SDR7.4/PN16) pipes.a) Upto 10m length 36 b) Above 10m upto 20m length 37 Supplying, fitting and fiing of 15mm NB PVC (schedule 80)/20mm OD HDPE (PE100, PN16) pipes for underground work and threaded to match with GI Pipes as per IS : 1239 (Part - I). with all necessary accessories, specials viz. socket, bend, tee, union, cross, elbo, nipple, longscrew, reducing socket, reducing tee, short piece etc. fitted including cost of all materials ,jointing materials, cutting pipes, making threads ,cutting trenches upto 1.0 metre below surface in all sorts of soil and refilling the same as directed complete in all respect. (Payment will be made on the centre line measurement of the total pipe line beyond 20m including all specials No separate payment will be made for accessories, specials.) 38 Collection of House Hold Details at Prescribed Format through Mobile App / Hard Copy including Geo-Reference as directed by EIC and Submission of the same to PHE Dte in soft copy. 39 Making Village Road (average 3m width) crossing by horizontal auger boring for accomodation of laying of average 3 (three) nos. 15mm dia GI pipes for FHTC or as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. 40 Dismantling all types of plain cement concrete works, stacking serviceable materials at site and removing rubbish as directed within a lead of 75 m. In ground floor including roof. (a) upto 150 mm. thick 41 Supplying, fitting and fixing in position G.I. pipes of TATA make for underground works with all necessary accessories,specials viz.socket, bend, tee, union, cross, elbow, nipple, short piece etc.including cost of all materials,jointing materials ,cutting pipes,making threads,cutting trenches upto 1.5 metre below surface in all sorts of soil and refilling the same as directed with two coats of painting on G.I. pipes and specials with bituminous paint complete in all respect. (Payment will be made on the centre line measurement of the total pipe line including all specials No separate payment will be made for accessories, specials.Payment for painting will be made seperately) (i) 15 mm dia. medium quality (Non TATA) 42 Construction of Sub Base using Local Materials, spreading in uniform layers with Motor grader on prepared surface, including screening the metal as necessary, mixing by mix in place method withRotavator at OMC, and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density, lighting, guarding and barricading including cost and carriage of all materials and making necessary earthen bundh of one metre wide on each side toprotect the edges complete as per Clause 401 of Specifications for Road & Bridge Works of MoRT&H (5th Revision).(iv) For Construction of Sub Base by compacting river bed materials. 43 Add GST @ 18% 44 Add Labour Welfare Cess @1%

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 13-08-2024 CORRIGENDUM NOTICE- I Date 17-08-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
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INR 31593.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 15.79 Lakhs /-
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