
Bids Are Invited For Operation And Maintenance Of Electro-Mechanical Installations - Complete System Total Quantity :, AMRITSAR-Punjab

Department Of Telecommunications has published Bids Are Invited For Operation And Maintenance Of Electro-Mechanical Installations - Complete System Total Quantity :. Submission Date for this Tender is 12-08-2024. Electromechanical Services Tenders in AMRITSAR Punjab. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Operation And Maintenance Of Electro-Mechanical Installations - Complete System Total Quantity :
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Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Operation And Maintenance Of Electro-Mechanical Installations - Complete System - 1. GENERAL 1.1 The Telecom Exchanges work on round the clock mode, and it requires stable and uninterrupted power supply to the equipment. The Electro-mechanical installations in Telephone Exchange (TE) buildings are typically of Substation / DG sets / AC plants / Fire detection /EI & Fans / pump sets / Lightening Conductor / Earthing and Compound lighting etc. It is proposed to outsource the operation and maintenance of these services in TE building for smooth and uninterrupted / need based working and the performance of Outsourced activities are determined by the well-defined SLA Parameters The scope of work comprises of operation and regular maintenance/preventive maintenance of various electrical & mechanical equipment and machines as indicated in the bid document or Schedule of Work. 1.2 Service Hours: The Contractor’s standard hours of service shall be 24 hours a day, 7 days a week throughout the year (i.e. 24x365). The Contractor shall be responsible for 24x365 management of all the systems as per scope of work with services rendered as per Service Level Agreement between utility & Contractor. 1.3 The vendor has to maintain a complain booking facility where the complaint can be booked by the user on 24x7 basis. The complain can be booked by the user over phone/email/WhatsApp at any point of time. The service provider shall provide complaint docket No. immediately after a complaint is booked. The status of complain docket will available in 24x7 hours basis. The logbook format to be issued by concerned CEE. 1.4 The service provider is at liberty to implement the operation of EM services either by deploying minimum required manpower or by deploying the Automation and remote monitoring systems such that required operations are carried out as per system requirement to meet the availability of power source either through EB supply/ DG , and maintaining the desired Switch room Temp by optimally switching on / off AC units / operating pumps as and when required to maintain sufficient water in storage tanks and also on/off of other services on need basis. The guiding principle for operation of EM services either through engaged operators / system based, is optimal utilization / Availability of required service / meeting the KPI / SLA Parameters / Energy conservation. 1.5 Apart from the operation, the service provider shall undertake all preventive / breakdown maintenance activities as stated in the Tender document to ensure that the systems are in good working condition and are repaired within the shortest possible time period without affecting the ongoing services. In case of any delay in repairs/ service of faulty equipment, which is likely to affect extending power supply / maintaining the desired Temp in switch room etc. the service provider shall make alternative arrangements at his own cost. 1.6 The Department reserves the right to intervene and take such steps which in its view necessitated due to perceived failure of the service provider to extend required operations / repairs / replacements / preventive maintenance activities etc. in the interest of maintaining the Telecom services in the building. 2 MATERIALS 2.1 Generally, materials needed for maintenance have to be arranged by the Service Provider at his own cost. Materials arranged by Service Provider shall be of makes as per the list of approved makes attached, the materials not available in the approved makes list shall be of good quality of makes (ISI) duly approved by Engineer-in-charge. 2.2 Replacement of defective/damaged material shall be of approved make only. 2.3 Dismantled materials shall be returned to BSNL except those items for which the replacement is supplied by the Service Provider. 2.4 To ensure timely replacement of faulty items, spare material required as per schedule of inventory shall be maintained at nodal station/s. The list of material and their quantities in proportion to the quantum of work 10 involved in the contract and name of station/s will be declared by Engineer-in-charge at the time of commencement of the work. 3 TOOLS & PLANTS 3.1 All tools and plants required for carrying out various tasks relevant to operation and maintenance of EMS have to be arranged by Service Provider at his own cost. The following minimum T&P are required to be kept at site i.e., all the major premises, where operation and maintenance are being done. Crimping machine suitable for 6sqmm. To 300 sqmm. Cable Ring and adjustable spanner Pipe wrench hammer Chargeable torch Test Lamp. Clip on meter for measuring Voltage, current (Tong Tester) Megger for insulation resistance Earth tester for earth resistance Required size ladder Hand gloves Total Quantity :

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INR 33909.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 16.95 Lakhs /-
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