
Tender For Rejuvenation Of Nalla Thaneer Kulam S.F.No:405 At Ward No.12 In Kalavai Town Panchayat., kalavai-Tamil Nadu

Town Panchayats has published Tender For Rejuvenation Of Nalla Thaneer Kulam S.F.No:405 At Ward No.12 In Kalavai Town Panchayat.. Submission Date for this Tender is 03-08-2024. Drainage Tenders in kalavai Tamil Nadu. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Rejuvenation Of Nalla Thaneer Kulam S.F.No:405 At Ward No.12 In Kalavai Town Panchayat.
Open Tender
Tamil Nadu

Tender Details

Tender For Rejuvenation Of Nalla Thaneer Kulam S.F.No:405 At Ward No.12 In Kalavai Town Panchayat.; 1 Earthworkin all soils except hard rock requring blasting and conveying for formation of bund with lead of 0 to 100 metre deploying earth moving machinery and tippers, including benching, formation of bund,breaking clods, sectionig etc. completeSI No;54 2 Earthwork excavation for foundation to the full depth as may be directed by departmental officers in all types of soils except in hard rock requiring blasting but inclusive of shoring, strutting and bailing out water wherever necessary, refilling the sides of foundation with excavated soil in layers of 15cm thick well rammed and consolidated and depositing the surplus earth in the places shown by the departmental officers with initial lead of 10 Meters and initial lift 2 Metres and clearing and levelingthe site etc.complete complying with standard specification. 3 PlainCement Concrete 1:4:8 mix (One Cement, Four Fine Aggregate and Eight Coarse Aggregate) Using 40mm ISS HBG metal for foundation and basement including dewatering if found necessary and laid in layer of not more than 15cm thick and consolidated including all cost conveyance of materials and labour charges etc. complete as per standard specifications and as directed by departmental Engineers(TNBP No.28). 4 Supplying and erecting centering to sides and soffits including supports and strutting with necessary cross bracing for plain surface such as RCC slabs rectangular beams all beams lintels etc., centering for soffits upto 3 meter height using mild steel sheet of size 90 cm x 60 cm x 10 mm gauge with MS angles of size 25mm x 25mm x 3mm laid over silver oak (CW) joists of size 10cm x 6cm spaced upto 90cm c/c and casurina props or 10 cm to 13 cm dia spaced at 0.750 cm c/c complying with standard specifications as per TNDSS NO : 30 & 86. 5 A, For Side wall 6 Plain Cement Concrete 1:2:4 Mix (one part cement, two part sand and four part of aggrigate) using 20mm size ISS HBG metal machine crushed from approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, loading and unloading charges and labour charges for mixing, laying and curing etc., complete as per TNDSS NO: 28 & VI (S2) VI (S5A) VII standard specifications as directed by Engineer incharge 7 Supplying and fabrication of steel and placing in position of TMT steel rods for RCC works as per design given including cost of steel and GI binding wire in all floors etc., complete complying with standard specification in TNDSS NO:97 V,VI (S6) VII (S6), VII-3. 8 Reinforced Cement Concrete 1:1½:3 Mix (One Part of cement, one and half Part of M- Sand and three Part ofaggregate)using 20mm size ISS HBG metal machine crushed from approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, loading and unloading charges and labour charges for mixing, laying and curing but excluding cost of reinforcement etc.Complete with std.Specifications. TNDSS NO: 30 V, VI (S3), VII-3. 9 Supply and fixing GS Pipe 32mmdia Bclass includingCuttingand fiixing In kerdwall and provinding weld mesh of size 950 x500 mm size 90 gauge and proving MS flat 35 x 6 mm size at the middle angle allowed of size 25x25x5mm including cost convenyence and welding with weld mesh Etc complete 10 Paintig New iron works Such as steel doors, windows bars,balustrades etc. with two coats ofbest approved first quality and colour of synthetic enamal paint over one coat of red oxide primeing coat in all floors including cost of primeing coat etc complete complying with standard specification. 9The make quality and colour of paint should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works) 11 Providing and laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregates to Wet Mix Macadam 250mm thick specification including premixing the materials with water at OMC in mechnanical mix plant carriage of mixed material by tipper to site laying in uniform layers with pavers in Sub Base/ Base course on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to acheive the desired density including cost of material, labour charges, rentals for machinery, fuel and all other incidental charges etc.,complete as per clause 406 of MORTH 12 Supplying and laying Precast Designer Paver Block confirming to IS 1568-2006 specification manufacturing and laying standard of M40 grade 63mm thick (table clauses 5 and 9.14) suitable for bus terminals ,industrial complexes, road on expensive soils etc., including the cost of paver block of size 225mm x 12.50 mm x 63mm and conveyance of materials to work site mentioned in the tender schedule cost of loading and unloading handling during over Stone dust of 100mm thick (excluding the cost of M- Sand) conveyance paver block cutter to site and hire charges of vibrators and block cutter operator and labour for leveling the M- Sand to paver block etc., complete ISI 15658-2006. 13 Supply and Planting Native Plantinincluding cost and conveyance withall Labour Charges etccompleted

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INR 71000.0 /-
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