
Supply And Delivery Of Led Spare Material To The Municipal Store Under Mgf In Nalgonda Municipality, NALGONDA-Telangana

Municipalities has published Supply And Delivery Of Led Spare Material To The Municipal Store Under Mgf In Nalgonda Municipality. Submission Date for this Tender is 31-07-2024. LED Light Tenders in NALGONDA Telangana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply And Delivery Of Led Spare Material To The Municipal Store Under Mgf In Nalgonda Municipality
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply And Delivery Of Led Spare Material To The Municipal Store Under Mgf In Nalgonda Municipality-1. RAW WATER INLET AND CASCADE AERATOR a) C.I. Sluice valve of 450 mm dia with necessary tailpieces complete. b) Pedestal type flow meter 0 to 12 mld (Integrated, reading and recording type preferably Mahendra&Mahendra) 2. CHEMICAL DOSING EQUIPMENT a) Alum dosing mechanisms b) Alum Dissolving – Mechanism for each of Alum Solutions tanks – 4 Nos. c) Alum Solution feed pipe arrangements complete along with control valve. d) Platform weighing machine of 500 Kg capacity 3. FLASH MIXER CHAMBER: a) Mechanism for instantaneous mixing of Alum solution with raw water. b) Gravity type desludge mechanism up to disposal point 4. CLARIFLOCULATOR: a)Central Mechanism for Driving Bridge over rails motors and fabrication of walkways with hand rails b) Mechanism for flocculation and raking in the flocculation compartment with driving motors c) Mechanism for raking in clarifier compartment d) Central scrapper frame with brushes. e) Sludge discharge device with a minimum size of 250 mm dia CI pipe, sluice valve along with necessary pipe connections etc., for complete with telescopic desludging. 5. FILTRATION PLANT a) Filter media of gravel and sand of suitable characteristics b) Filter under drainage system of suitable capacity c) Wash water and waste water gutters and appurtenances. d) The influent and effluent pipe gallery together with valves, inlet and out let connections including all appurtenances. e) Automatic rate of flow controller for each filter bed. 5. f) Rate flow gauge for each filter bed for inlet and out let. g) Loss of head gauge for each filter bed h) Air blower of suitable capacity along with air pipe system complete for air scour. i) Back wash arrangements complete with water main. j) (i) Wash water pumpsets of suitable capacity (centrifugal) in duplicate with connections suitable capacity and suction delivery connections (ii) Wash water tank pipe connections, control valves and controllers etc., complete. k) Surface wash system comprising of necessary pipe connections, controls etc., complete. l) Bypass arrangements to feed filter beds directly including necessary pipe connections diversion arrangements etc., complete. m) Suitable length of 600 mm dia PSC 6 KSC class clear water main from filtration plant outlet upto inlet of clear water sump with valves specials etc., n) All the jointing material suitable bolts, washers, should be provided with GI materials. 6. Isolated CHLORINATION EQUIPMENT a) Gravity type gaseous chlorinator of capacity 0-3 Kg/Hr. b) Solution feed equipment with pipe line control valves and other fittings etc., complete. c) Spares for Chlorination equipment d) Platform scale type weighing machine of 1000 Kg capacity 7. LABORATORY EQUIPMENT a) Comparator test set for measurement of residual Chlorination using chloro-scope. b) P.H. Test kit with different discs for measurement for PH c) Jar test apparatus for determining optimum alum dosage d) Turbidity meter e) Analytical balance with weights box. f) Fume cup board g) Conductivity meter h) Equipment and reagents required for analysing alum percentage in the ferric alum. i) Test bench fully equipped with glass apparatus for sampling and testing of water before and after treatment j) Equipment and reagents required for analysing chlorine percentage in bleaching powder. k) Necessary furniture: (i) Wooden Stools (ii) Wooden Almarah (Big Size) 8. a) Erection and testing charges of the plant and the equipment supplied under item No. 1 to 7 b) Trail run and maintenance charges for a period of 90 days including all labour charges and chemicals & consumables and water will be supplied free of cost by the department during this period, (The rate of 8.a. and 8.b. be shown separately) Testing of the treated water and comparing with National Standards. 9. SPARES AND WORKING TOOLS: Necessary spares and working tools required for normal working of the plant for a period of 3 years with list of tools proposed to be supplied.

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INR 33467.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 13.38 Lakhs /-
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