
Tender For Construction Of Lab Under Pm Shri At Kv Hebbal, bangalore-Karnataka

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Construction Of Lab Under Pm Shri At Kv Hebbal. Submission Date for this Tender is 18-09-2024. Wrenches and Drivers Tenders in bangalore Karnataka. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Construction Of Lab Under Pm Shri At Kv Hebbal
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Tender Details

Tender For Construction Of Lab Under Pm Shri At Kv Hebbal; 1 Surface dressing n exc 15 cm deep in any type of soil and getting complete all as specifed and directed. 2 Excavating in trenches, n exc 1.5 m wide and n exc 1.5 m in depth; for foundation, etc or for shafts, wells, cesspits,manholes, pier holes, etc. N exc 10 sq m on plan and n exc 1.5 m in depth in hard/dense soil and getting out complete all as specifed and directed. 3 All as per Item No 2.00 here-in-before but depth exc 1.5 m and n exc 3.0 m complete all as specifed and directed. 4 Returning, filling in, including spreading, levelling, watering and well ramming in layers not exc 25 cm complete all as specifed and directed. 5 M&L Sand filling under floors or in foundations or under interlocking tiles including watering and consolidation and well ramming in layers not exc 25 cm complete all as specifed and directed. 6 Removing excavated material exc. 250 m but n exc. 500 m and depositing where directed complete all as specifed and directed. 7 M&L Hardcore of gauge n exc. 63 mm, deposited, spread and levelled in layers n exc. 15 cm thick, watered and rammed to a true surface complete all as specifed and directed. 8 M&L Plain cement concrete1:4:8type D2 using 40 mm graded stone aggregate in foundations, plinth beam filling and mass concrete complete all as specifed and directed. 9 M&L RCC Design Mix M-30 as in Foundations, includingrafts, footings, foundation beams; plinth beams; bases for columns, etc.; basement slabs, under-reamed piles and mass concrete complete all as specified and directed. 10 M&L RCC Design Mix M-30 as in Columns, pillars, piers, posts and struts complete all as specifed and directed. 11 Use and Formwork to sides of concrete foundations, footings, bases of columns, raft and raft beams, sides and soffits (if any) of foundation and plinth beams; and similar work; vertical or to batter complete all as specified and directed. 12 Use and Formwork to sides of pillars, posts, struts, piers, columns and stanchions complete all as specified and directed. 13 S&F Mild steel bars 10mm dia and over, cut to length, bent to shape required, including cranking, bending spirally for hooping for columns, hooking ends and binding with and including mild steel wire (annealed) not less than 0.9mm dia or securing with clips complete all as specifed and directed. 14 S&F Mild steel bars 6-8mm dia and over, cut to length, bent to shape required, including cranking, bending spirally for hooping for columns, hooking ends and binding with and including mild steel wire (annealed) not less than 0.9mm dia or securing with clips complete all as specifed and directed. 15 All as per Item No 14.00 here-in-before but 5mm dia and over upto and including 10mm dia in stirrups, spacers and binders complete all as specifed and directed. 16 M&L Pre-cast cement concrete 1:3:6 using 20 mm graded stone aggregate block masonry with solid blocks, exc.10 cm in width and setting in mortar 1:4, complete all as specifed and directed. 17 M&L 40mm thick PCC 1:2:4 type B0 for Damp proof course to horizontal or vertical surfaces including necessary formwork including applying blown bitumen in 1.5Kg/Sqmand applying evenly a coat of blown type bitumen at the rate of 1.50 kg per square metre and blinding with clean dry sand @ 0.05 cu. m. per sq. m complete all as specifed and directed. 18 M&L Formwork to sides and soffits of floor or roof beams, beam haunchings, girders, bressummers, lintels, cantilevers, shelves including sup- ports, overhangs, etc. also splays between floors and beams, etc complete all as specified and directed. 19 M&L forFormwork to chullah hoods, chajjas, troughs and similar items including edges complete all as specified and directed. 20 Use and Formwork to soffits of suspended slabs such as roof slabs, floor slabs, landings and similar work; not exceeding 200mm thick (Horizontal or sloping) complete all as specified and directed. 21 Use and Formwork to edges of concrete flats, treads, breaks in floors, window cills, concrete railings, openings in concrete walls, floor and roofs n exc 20 cm wide and sides of RCC/ PCC bands in walls, horizontal or sloping and similar work exc 10cm but n exc 20cm wide complete all as specified and directed. 22 M&L RCC design mix M-30 as in Slabs supported on walls, beams and columns in floors,roofs, landings, balconies, canopies, deck slabs and in shelves and the like complete all as specified and directed. 23 M&L RCC design mix M-30 as in chajja complete all as specifed and directed. 24 S&F powder coated (50 micron)aluminium frame for doors, windows, ventilators with one or more rebates including joining cleats for fixing etc complete all as specifed and directed. 25 S&Fpowder coated (50 micron) aluminium window and ventilator shutter, side hung type without sash bars, aluminium sections weighing 0.55 kg/m including necessary joining cleats, glazing cleats, glazing clips, rubber packing, anodised aluminium snap beading, screw, anodised aluminium fittings such as I-Max hinges 02 Nos, suitable handle 1 no, including fixing of SS wirecloth with necessary fixing arrangementscomplete all as specifed and directed.Note:SS wire cloth shall be measured and paid seperately. 26 S&FSheet glass of ordinary quality 4 mm thick and glazing complete with beads fixed with screws in aluminium shutter square exc 0.5sqm in each pane complete all as specifed and directed. 27 S&F Sheet glass of ordinary quality 4 mm thick and glazing complete with beads fixed with screws in aluminium shutter square n. exc 0.5sqm in each pane complete all as specifed and directed.. 28 S&F Framed work such as grills, gratings, manhole cover etc. with ends of bars shouldered and / or riveted or forget into spikes, framed guard bars, barred iron doors, ladders, framed balusters, walk ways, railings, framework of water tanks and similar work for portions framed and hung as gates including pintle hinges, stops, hand-made sliding bolts etc. conforming to Fe-290 Gde E-165,with and including two coats of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of primer complete all as specified and directed. 29 S&F Pressed steel frame made out of MS sheet 1.25mm thick of size 105x60 mm for doors/windows with one or more rebates including necessary fixing lugs, hinges, lock strike plate etc including filling of concrete 1:3:6 type C-0 (12.50 mm graded aggregate) at back of chowkhats and incl prepration of new steel surface with two coats of synthentic enamel paint over shop coat primer complete all as specified and directed. 30 S&F 35mm thick, 2nd class hard wood plain framed, panelled factory made shutters (one panel only) with lock rail and panel of 9mm BWP commercial ply or 12mm veneered particle board with commercial veneering on both faces, The size of rail and stile as per IS-1003 (Part-I) (Larger size to be provided) kiln seasoned and chemically pressure treated fitted to chowkats complete all as specified and directed. 31 M&L Preparation of new wooden surfaces of any description, over 10 cm in width or girth, not otherwise described and applying two coats of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of pink primer complete all as specified and as directed. 32 S&F Aluminium extruded section body Door closer hydraulically regulated,designation No. 2, universal type, suitable for door shutters of weight between 61 to 80 kg and fixed complete all as specified and directed 33 M&L 3 mm thick APP based polymeric membrane minimum weighing 3kg/sqm and reinforced with polyster non woven fabric (wt. not less than 150 gms/sqm) laid on primed surface by forced application,thickness of membrane not less than 3mm having thermal insulation with white mineral/gravel finish on upper side of membrane uniformly embedded during manufacturing processover 20 mm thick screed bed in cement mortar 1:4 complete all as specified and directed 34 M&L Rendering 10mm thick in cement mortar 1:3 in top of fascia / Chajjas and the like etc, over concrete surface and making the line in true shape and finishing the surface without using extra cement. 35 M&L Rendering 10mm thickthick in cement mortar 1:6 on fair faces of brick work or concrete surfaces finished even and smooth without using extra cement complete all as specified and as directed. 36 M&L Rendering 5 mm thickin cement mortar 1:3 on faces of brick work or concrete surfacesas in ceiling finished even and fair without using extra cement all as specified and directed. 37 M&L Rendering 15mm thick cement plaster on fair faces of brick work or concrete surfaces in cement mortar 1:4 in two layers (5mm finishing layer over 10mm base layer) finished even and smooth without using extra cement with WPC over finishing layer complete all as specified and directed.(Note: WPC shall be measured and paid seperately) 38 Supply only Liquid water proofing compound complete all as specified and directed. 39 M&L Preparation of new plastered surface of wallby applying 2mm thick wall care putty and making the surface smooth and two coats of distemper oil emulsion over a coat of primer complete all as specified and directed. 40 All as per Item No 39.00 here-in-before but in ceiling surface complete all as specified and directed. 41 M&L Applying Two or more coats of 100% Premium acrylic emulsion paint having VOC less than 50 gm/litre and UV resistance as per IS 15489:2004, Alkali & fungal resistance,dirt resistance exterior paint of required shade (Company Depot Tinted) with silicon additives @ 1.43 litre/ 10 sqm over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 0.90 litre/ 10 sqm over new surfaces complete all as specified and directed. 42 M&L Treating the backfill in contact with foundation with anti termite treatment at the rate of 7.5 litres of emulsion per square metre of vertical surface (Area of the sub structure in contact with backfill to be measured) complete all as specifed and directed. 43 M&L Treating the top surface of filled earth with anti termite treatment at the rate of 5 litres of emulsion per square metre of surface complete all as specified and directed. 44 M&L Treating with ATT solution tojunction of wall @ 7.5 lit/Sqm complete all as specified and directed. 45 M&L Treating the soil under plinth protection with anti termite treatment at the rate of 5 litres of emulsion per square metre of surface area complete all as specified and directed. 46 M&L Treating the soil along with external perimeter of building with anti termite treatment at the rate of 2.25 litre of emulsion per metre of the perimeter wall complete all as specified and directed. 47 S&F Factory made 18mm thick WPC (wood particle composite) sheet one side prelam with 0.8-1 mm thick acrylic sheet and other side wood nature colour for cupboard shutter of density 600 kg /cum bent 90°incl 100% termite/water proof, fire rertardent, Eco friendly, and finish at all edges at level for making edges lipping using binding tape etc as in Kitchen cupboard,Cabinet etc complete all as specified and directed. 48 All as per Item No 47.00 here-in-before but both side white board without printed for making drawer and boxes complete all as specified and directed. 49 S&F 150 mm size stainless steel brignt finish handle fixed with SS Nut and bolt complete all as specified and directed. 50 S&F Telescopic type Side channel of drawer of standard size incl roller for moving drawer made out of mild steel bright finish or electro galvanised ( soft close ball bearing runners) with width of flap 30mm & 60mmcomplete all as specified and directed. 51 S&F Continuous (piano) hinges having width of flap 30 mm mild steel, bright finish or electrogalvanised complete all as specifed and directed. 52 S&F Magnetic catcher for shutter of approved pattern fitted with suitable screws complete all as specified and directed. 53 M&L Plain cement concrete type C-1, 1:3:6 using 20mm graded aggregate as in plinth protection and paving 75mm thick laid in slope finished even and fair incl making joints at every 2.5 m and at corner filled with bitumen 85/25 and sand in ratio 1:2 by weight and complete all as specified and directed. 54 M&L PCC sub base 75mm thick 1:4:8 type D2 using 40 mm graded stone aggregate complete all as specified and directed. 55 M&L 40 mm thick PCC as in floor type B-0, 1:2:4 using 12.5mm graded aggregate complete all as specified and directed. 56 M&L for double charged vitrified tiles 10 mm thick ( Square or rectangular) polished, area of each tileexceeding 0.36 sqm but not exceeding 0.42 sqmin floors etc set and jointed (joint free)in neat cement slurry and laying with suitable spacer and pointed in coloured epoxy match with tileslaid over 15mm thick screed bed in cement mortar 1:4 complete all as specified and directed. 57 M&L for double charged vitrified tiles 10 mm thick ( Square or rectangular) polished, area of each tileexceeding 0.36 sqm but not exceeding 0.42 sqmin dado, skirting and like that set and jointed (joint free)in neat cement slurry with suitable spacer and pointed in coloured epoxylaid over 10mm thick rendering as backing in cement mortar 1:4 complete all as specified and directed. 58 M&L for 20mm thick Granite work (Telephone Black/ Lakha Red) (table rubbed and premirror polished) in single piece in steps, shelves and platformsand the like set & jointed in neat cement slurry including pointing in epoxy grout to match with shade of granite, laid over and including 15mm thick screed bed in cement mortar 1:4 using marble dust with admixture of pigment to match with shade of granite complete all as specified and directed. 59 Rounding to edges of stone slabs one edge,such as in steps, cooking platform, and other similar situations complete all as specified and directed. 60 S&F of 20 mm CPVC pipes SDR 11with all fittings and fixed, joint shall be fixed with adhesive and teflon tapes complete to wall / ceiling / floor complete all as specified and directed. 61 All as per item No.60.00 here-in-before but for 25 mm dia complete all as specified and directed. 62 S&F Gun metal gate valve with iron wheel screwed both ends for iron pipe of 20 mm dia and fixed in repairs complete all as specifed and directed. 63 Cutting chases, pinning in brick wall making good to facings where required and pointing in cement mortar 1:3 to ends or edges of landing, steps, cills, shelvescomplete all as specifed and directed. 64 S&F 15 mm bore fancy type CP Pillar Swan neck Lab sink taps, cast copper alloy, with capstan heads, chromium plated, screwed down high pressure, with or without lettered Hot or Cold with long screwed shanks and fly-nuts, screwed for iron pipe and fixed complete all as specified and directed. 65 S&F 15mm bore angular stop cock, chromium plated , fancy type, screwed for iron pipe or brass ferrule, and fixed complete all as specified and directed 66 Providing and fixing white vitreous china laboratory sink of size 600x450x200 mm with C.I. brackets, C.P. brass chain with rubber plug, 40 mm C.P brass waste and 40mm C.P. brass trap with necessary C.P. brass unions complete, including single length waste pipe up to grating including dismantling of existing sink of any description complete all as specified and directed. 67 S&F PVC SWR pipes 110mm bore, single socketd , in any length with rubber ring joints , in any length fixed to walls with and including suitable clamps complete all as specified and directed. 68 S&F PVC SWR bend any radius 110mm dia bore complete all as specified and directed. 69 S&F PVC SWRPipe 75mm bore ,single socketed, in any length with Rubber Ring Joint fixed to Wall or Laid in Trenches etc complete all as specified and as directed. 70 S&F PVC SWR 75mm bore Bends, any radius with access door and Jointing with Solvent Cement complete all as specified and as directed. 71 S&F PVC SWR 75mm Bore junction Single (Single T) Equal or Unequal with access door and Jointing with Solvent Cement complete all as specified and as directed. 72 S&F PVC SWR access door cover, size of bore 75mm complete all as specified and as directed. 73 S&F PVC SWR floor trap, plain with grating including jointing with solvent cement complete all as specified and as directed. 74 S&F light weight Black chalk board of size (3.0m x 1.4 m wide) (as per sample) having enamel surface of an anti reflective coating, edges and corners fitted with suitable aluminium frameand including fixed in wall with suitable bolts and clamps complete all as specified and directed. 75 S&F light weight Pinup board of size (1.5m x 1.4 m wide) (as per sample) premium material , edges and corners fitted with suitable aluminium frameand including fixed in wall with suitable bolts and clamps complete all as specified and directed. 76 S&F Rotational moulded polyethlene water storage tanks of capacity 500 litres three layers(cylindrical vertical with closed top) hoisted and fixed in position all as specified in SSR Part I complete including 20mm dia ball brass valve high pressure with polythene float and complete all as specified and directed. 77 Surface excavation of any type of soiln.exc (not exceeding) 30 cm deep and averaging 15cm deep and getting out complete all as specified and directed. 78 M&L Machine pressed precast concrete interlocking coloured rubber moulded paver blockwith grey cement and pigment, any shape and size confirming to IS 15658-2006 of 60mm thickness, M-35 grade laid over complete all as specified and directed. 79 M&L Plain cement concrete 1:3:6 using 40mm graded stne aggregate 75 mm thick in plinth protcetion/path/hard standing and courtyard, finished cement surfaces even and smooth complete all as specified and as directed. 80 M&L for broken stone/boulders in hardcore,broken to gauge n exc 63 mm , deposited, spread and levelled in layers n exc 15 cm thick, watered and rammed to a true surface complete all as specified and directed. 81 S&F Point wiring with cable of PVC insulated FRLS copper multistranded conductor 1.5 sqmm 1100 volts grade in and including heavy grade PVC Conduit Pipe ISI markedwith all accessories and fixing arrangements on wall/ceiling/floor etc including fixing top cover /PVC junction boxes fixing on wall surface including for housing switches/sockets/regulators etc. with and including 1.5 sqmm PVC insulated multistranded copper earth continuity conductor connecting to the common earth dolly etc complete all as specified and directed. Note:-Modular flush board, white cover and relavent items of work measured and paid separately. 82 One light point controlled by one single pole 5 Amps switch. 83 One fan/ exaust/wall fan point controlled by one single pole 5 Amps switch. 84 One switch socket out let point 5 Amps on independent board. 85 All as per item No 82.00 here-in-before but for PVC insulated FRLS copper conductor of size 2.5 sqmm for switch socket multipurpose 15 Amps including provisionof 2.5 Sq mm PVC insulated FRLScopper conductor cable as earth continuity conductor on independent board complete all as specified and directed. 86 S&F PVC ceiling rose 65 x 50 mm surface type with 3 terminals complete all as specified and directed. 87 S&F Modular swich one way 6 Amps, 230 volts complete all as specified and directed. 88 S&F Modular socket, 6 Amps 2/3 pin combined two module, 230 volts complete all as specified and directed. 89 S&F Modular swich one way 16 Amps one module, 230 volts complete all as specified and directed. 90 S&F Modular socket, 16 Amps 2/3 pin combined two module, 230 volts complete all as specified and directed. 91 S&F Modular white cover suitable with frame 2 module complete all as specified and directed. 92 S&F Modular white cover suitable with frame 3 module complete all as specified and directed. 93 S&F Modular white cover suitable with frame 6 module complete all as specified and directed. 94 S&F Modular metal flush board 1 and 2 module complete all as specified and directed. 95 S&F Modular metal flush board 3 module complete all as specified and directed. 96 S&F Modular metal flush board 6 module complete all as specified and directed. 97 S&F Sheet metal enclosures for MCB DB TPN 4 ways, Double door type complete all as specified and as directed. 98 S&F MCB SP 6 to 32 Amps 240 volts 10 KA rupturing capacity complete all as specified and as directed. 99 S&F MCB TPN 40 to 63 Amps 240 volts 10 KA rupturing capacity complete all as specified and as directed. 100 S&F LED lights fitting 1 x 20W, 220V, ACExtruded Aluminium LED batten 4 feet with surface and pendant applications connecting up with three core flexible copper conductor cable of suitable size from ceiling rose complete all as specified and as directed. 101 S&F LED light fitting 9/10 Watts bulkhead Lumianiares including LED light driver holder connecting up with 2 core flexible copper conductor cable of suitable size from Ceiling rose complete all as specified and as directed. 102 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 1400 mm sweep,6.0 BEE 5 star rated, ceiling fan with Brush Less Direct Current (BLDC) Motor, class of insulation: B, 3 nos. blades, 30 cm long down rod, 2 nos. canopies, shackle kit, safety rope, copper winding, Power Factor not less than 0.9, Service Value (CM/M/W) minimum 6.00, Air delivery minimum 245 Cum/Min , 350 RPM (tolerance as per IS : 374-2019), THD less than 10%, remote or electronic regulator unit for speed control and all remaining accessories including safety pin, nut bolts, washers, temperature rise=75 degree C (max.), insulation resistance more than 2 mega ohm, suitable for 230 V, 50 Hz, single phase AC Supply, earthing etc including marking MES Number on ceiling fan motorcomplete all as specified and directed. 103 S&F modular fan step type regular two module,230 volts,50 Hz complete all as specified and as directed. 104 Supply and laying of sub main wiring with single core PVC insulated cable with copper conductor multistranded 1100 volt grade 2 x 6 sqmm in PVC conduit/ casing caping and including 6 sqmm PVC insulated multistranded copper conductor and connecting to main earth dolly complete all as specified and directed. 105 Cutting into or through the stoneswalls / brick walls built in cement mortar or cement lime mortar and walls of cement concrete suitable size for housing for sunk box using heavy duty stone drilling/cutter machine and making good the disturbed surfacecomplete all as specified and directed. 106 Cutting chases, pinning in Stone walls/ brick walls etc. making good to facings where required and pointing in cement mortar 1:3 to ends or edges of landings etc, for concealed conduit wiring a into or through the stone walls built in cement mortar or cement lime mortar and walls of cement concrete suitable for housing 25mm dia conduit pipe using heavy duty stone drilling/cutter machine and making good the disturbed surface complete all as specified and directed. 107 M&L for Earthing complete with galvanised steel earth plate electrode 60cmx60cmx6mm thick, buried directly in ground ( earth pit not less than 2.25mtrs deep below ground level) with top edge of the plate not less than 1.5mtrs below normal ground level, connected to galvanised iron earth lead 4 mm dia as earth lead by means of bolts, nuts, check nuts and washers of galvanised iron or steel all as shown in electrical plate No. 3 connected to earthing test point including earth pit in cement concrete 1:2:4 type B-1 using 20mm graded stone aggregates,40mm thick precast RCC cover in 1:2:4 reinforced with 8mm dia TMT bars 3 Nos both way including CI cover 10 mm thick with hingedand frame of angle iron 25x25x6mmwith 6mm dia MS bar handle made to shape, excavation and earth work in any type of soil and including medium grade GI watering pipe 20mm bore and medium grade GI earth wire protection pipe 40mm with funnel and wire mesh all as specified or indicated including testing on completioncomplete all as specified and directed. 108 S&F stranded galvanised steel wire 4.00 mm dia for earthing complete all as specified and directed. 109 Cutting to existing steel tubing for alterations upto 50 mm GI tubing 110 Supply and lay 20 mm bore diaGI tubing Medium Grade with fittings such as tees, bend, union, elbow, nipple, collor, sockets, reducer, clamps etc, fixed in wall ,ceiling, laid in trenches etc all as specified and directed 111 Excavation in trenches not exceeding 1.5m wide and not exceeding 1.5m depth and getting out soft/loose and dense soil for laying of GI tubing all as specified and directed by engineer-in charge. 112 Removing excavated soil to a distance not exceeding 50m and depositing where directed at a level not exceeding 1.5m above the starting point all asspecified and directed by engineer-in charge. 113 S&F Cast copper alloy Stop Valve,20 mm dia screwed down, high pressure, with butterfly handle screwed both end for iron pipe all asspecified and directed by engineer-in charge. 114 S&F Ball brass valves 20 mm bore dia , high pressure, with polythene float and flynut complete,screwed for iron pipe or brass ferrule and fixed all as specified and driected by Engr-in-Charge. 115 S&F Ball brass valves 20 mm bore dia , high pressure, with polythene float and flynut complete,screwed for iron pipe or brass ferrule and fixed all as specified and driected by Engr-in-Charge.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 06-09-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 13-09-2024
2 13-09-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 18-09-2024
3 30-08-2024 Due Date Extended for tenders closing on 17-08-2024. Admin Corrigendum Date Extend 06-09-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 59638.0 /-
Tender Value
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