
Tender For Job For Soil Investigation Of Provision Of Deficient Md Accommodation For Officer And Airmen At Af Stn Nal, Bikaner-Rajasthan

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Job For Soil Investigation Of Provision Of Deficient Md Accommodation For Officer And Airmen At Af Stn Nal. Submission Date for this Tender is 04-09-2024. Soil Survey Tenders in Bikaner Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Job For Soil Investigation Of Provision Of Deficient Md Accommodation For Officer And Airmen At Af Stn Nal
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Job For Soil Investigation Of Provision Of Deficient Md Accommodation For Officer And Airmen At Af Stn Nal; 1 The scope of soil investigation work comprises as under:-1. Conductof soil investigation for the following:-a) For Soil Investigation 150mm diameter bore holes depth 0 to 7 mtr / refusal strata as per IS specification for SPT.b)Collection of disturbed and undisturbed soil sample at interval of 1.0 mtr or at change of strata as per relevant IS code.c)Conduction of lab test on disturbed soil sample as considered necessary according to relevant specification of IS 2720:-(i) Sieve analysis and grain size distribution by sieve analysis & hydrometer test.(ii) Atterberg limits (iii) Natural moisture content(iv) Particle size analysis test(v)Bulk density/Dry density(vi) Proctors compaction Test 2 d) Conduction of lab test on undisturbed soil sample as considered necessary according to relevant specification of IS: 2720 and detailed result showing all relevant calculations ,inferences, indices and parameters shall be given in the soil report:-Sieve analysis Atterberg limitsNatural moisture content Particle size analysis test Bulk density Specific gravity Free swell index and swelling properties of soil Organic matter in soil, if any Consolidation test (Compressed index value) Triaxial compression test and determination of shear parameter ( C & O) as per relevant IS. Harmful salt (Complete investigation as already ref)e) Ground water table:-(i) Maximum and minimum level of ground water in the area with source of information.(II) Ground water table during the investigation. 3 Submission of (07 Nos hard copy and 02 Nos soft copy) ink signed with detailed description and procedure of field investigation, soil classification, general nature of soil strata, water table, interpretation of soil results, grain size distribution curve, compressive index curve, site plan etc complete. 4 The SBC of the soil is required to be given as per following table, calculation of bearing capacity will be governed generally as per IS: 8009 (Pt-I)-1976, IS: 2720 (Pt-II)-1980, IS: 6403-1981, IS: 1904-1986 & IS: 1080-1985 and other relevant IS Codes and details calculations duly showing various soil parameters/indices shall be given in technical soil report:-Type of footing (Isolated footing/Combined footing/Strip footing /Strap footing/Raft footing/Pile footing including of sizeDepth of FoundationSAFE BEARING CAPACITY OF SOIL IN T/M2 FOR FOOTING SIZE Size as per footing Size as per footing Size as per footing Size as per footing 1.00 Mtr1.50 Mtr2.00 Mtr2.50 Mtr 5 With every soil investigation report, a detailed site plan showing the approx location of each bore duly numbered as per log of bore holes should be enclosed, location of foundation of adjacent structure especially those that might be impacted by the proposed construction shall be shown. 6 Every page of the soil investigation report shall have name of job for which soil investigation is being carried out. All pages of soil investigation report shall be serially numbered, stamped and signed by the agency carrying out the soil investigation. Report shall be scrutinized by GE and CWE for correctness. Photographic record of soil investigation as well as testing shall also form part of the record. 7 GE shall intimate approximate type of construction, utilization and dimensions of proposed building to the consultant, who based on Geo-exploration shall recommend type of foundation (viz isolated/combined footing, raft, pile etc) 8 Transportation charges including loading and unloading, T & P Technician etc complete from laboratory to work site and back shall be deemed included in rates quoted by bidders.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 30-08-2024 Due Date Extended for tenders closing on 31-07-2024 Admin Corrigendum Date Extend 04-09-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
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Tender Value
INR 54000.0 /-
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