Tender For Provision Of 01 X Bore Well At Umroi Mil Station Under Ge Umroi; 1 Trial bore hole of 200mm dia with DTH or reverse rotary circular/direct circulation method or combined in both the processes as per site reqmt in any kind of soil strata including lifting and boring device and casing pipe etc complete all as specified and directed 0 to 250 mtr depth from ground level,(Note : total 04 points shall be given for trial holes one by one untill the suitable strata and yield is achived) including providing PCC Cover on unsed bore hole/ trial bore hole ccomplete all as specified and as directed. 2 Development by suitable boring with DTH or reverse rotary circulation or direct circulation method or combination of both by using power rig ( preferably with DTH rig) for any kind of soil, boulders as per the method recommended in survey report and the nature of strata underground from normal ground level upto a depth of 250 metre BGL through any type of soil/rock/any other fmn suitable for 200 mm dia assembling of pipes including collection of soil strata sample everyafter one mtr after 30 mtr depth below ground level (BGL). 3 All as per item No 02 but for depth from GL upto675 mm for 50 RM from ground level 4 All as per item No 02 but for depth from 50 Mtr BGLto 100 meter 5 All as per item No 02 but for depth from 100 Mtr BGLto 200 meter 6 Note:- for item 3 above:- (a) Depending upon the nature of strata encountered and availability of fractures in the strata to allow percolation of water.If drilling beyond,200 mtr is reqd the same shall be carried outwith written approval of the Engr -in-Chagre. (b)The rate for drilling beyond 200 mtrs will be considered the same as in item No 5 above:- (i) Geophysical logging of the bore holes under Sri No 3 to 5 to be done after completion of drilling but before lowering the housing pipe etc. (ii) Strata samples to be collected during drilling and preserved in PVC container mentioning details for analysis and preparation of Lithologic log.(iii) Depth of the bore shall be decided by the Engr-In-Charge/AGE which will be final and binding. (c) (i) No extra payment is involved to cutting of small boulder, hard rock boulder etc if any bore upto drilling of 50 mtrs from the GL.(ii) Cost of yield test and verticallity testing, watering testing shall be deemed to be included in the cost of drilling. 7 Supply and lowering 200 mm bore flanged type long heavydutyMS casing pipe jointing with bolts, nuts, washers, rubber gasket incl making/ cutting groove at flanged complete all as specified and directed. 8 Supply and lowering 150 mm bore flanged type long heavydutyMS casing pipe jointing with bolts, nuts, washers, rubber gasket incl making/ cutting groove at flanged complete all as specified and directed. 9 Supply and lowering 80 mm bore flanged type long heavydutyMS column pipe jointing with bolts, nuts, washers, rubber gasket incl making/ cutting groove at flanged complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge.Make : Tata/ Jindal/ Bansal 10 Supply and lowering Cage type strainer LCG (Lower carbon Galvanised ) 7.0 mm thick conforming to IS 8110,200 mm dia size 09 Ft slot 1 x 4.95 mm wall thickness 7 mm and welded with MS pipe and heavy duty collar and welded centre glide MS flate iron20 x 6 mm, complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge 11 Development of tube wells with air compressor of suitable capacity till sand/mud free water of potable quality is obtained and to achieve minimum discharging capacity or 10000 GPH (Hire charges of Compressor with accessories and fuel reqd for devlopment of tube well incl tpt to work site shall be deemed to be included in the unit rate quoted by the contracor ) complete all as specified and as directed. 12 S&F Pressure guage 100 mm dia 0. to 21 Kg per/CM2,complete all as specified and as directed. Make: FILBIG/ GURU 13 M&Lfor carrying out electric logging test of the drilled bore hole upto the depth of pilot bore below ground level and submission of the log report in triplicate, complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge.. 14 M&Lfor MS reducer, bail plug, well cap, MS strip for centering, MS iron clampsfor holding80 mmbore column pipe bent to shape as required includingdrilling holes and provision of nut and bolts and washer (Clamp shall be made out of 700mm long MS Flat iron of Size 150x10mm thick), completeall as specified and directed. 15 M&Lfor sample strata box made out of wood sample received from different strata during digging at interval of 5.0mtrs, complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge. 16 M&L for testing of borewell water for min acceptable aty of discharge capacity 2800 GPH at 150 Mtrs head by doing continous pumping of water upto 16 Hrs to determine actual pumping yield of the borewell though yield test by V-notch method and any othe methed available complete all as specified and directed. 17 M&L Pipe 100 mm bore steel water tubing medium grade galvanised with all fitting and laid in trenches complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge. 18 Supply, laying, testing & commissioning of submersible cable 10 Sqmm 3 core, Flat with stranded copper conductor, PVC insulated and PVC sheathed 1100 volts grade, compete all as specified and as directed. 19 M&L for fixing/passing through pipe including jointing and testing of PVC/XLPE insulated and PVC sheathed armoured electric cable (heavy duty) with aluminium conductors 1100 volts grade conforming to IS7098 Part-I cross sectional area 50 Sqmm 3.5 core complete all as specified and directed 20 S&F DI sluice valve with SS spindle double flange conforming to ISI 14846 both ends flanged class PN 1.0 size 80 mm dia incl necessary nuts, bolts, washer and gasket complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge. 21 S&F DI valve reflux (NRV) confirming to IS 14845 screwed both ends meant for horizontal pipes chromium S/S parts of size 80mm bore complete all as specified and directed. 22 S&F cast iron air release valve double acting including jointing materials such as gaskets, nuts and bolts complete double air outlet of size 100mm dia complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge. 23 Meterialandlabourforconstructionofblockmasonaryvalvepitofsize120cmx120cmx120cm(internaldimension)andMSplatecoverwithangleironframe,hingsandlockingarrangements andhandleincludingnecessaryexcavationinanytypeofsoil,returningfillinginandremovalofsurplussoiltodistance notexc 50 mtr, renderingblockmasonary wallincementmotor(1:4) (internaly/externaly) and applyingtwo coatofsyntheticenamelpaintovera coatofredoxideprimeronsteelsurfaces, complete all as speciffied and directed. 24 Supply, install, testing and commissioning of submersible pumping set less than 15 HP capacity electrically driven with supply voltage of 415 volts adn 520 cycles with discharge capacity 120 LPM at 117 Mtrs head of outletof suitable sizeincluding spring loaded SS suction strainer adn conected with column pipe complete all as specified and directed. Note :- Column pipe of 80 mm bore shall be connected with submersible pump without any extra cost to the contractor 25 Supply, install,testingand commissioning of Cubical type CPRI approved dust and vermin proof and water proof LT Panel of size 75x60x45cm out door type floor mounted including PCC (1:3:6) type C1 in foundation grouting & fabrication totally enclosed with double door factory made out of 16 guage MS Sheet and angle iron of 50x50x6 mm size duly painted with two coats of red synthetic enamel paint over a coat of red oxide Primer with locking arrangement made of MS Angle iron frame work and CRCA SHEET OF 3.15mm thick as per 5039 duly painted with powder coated paint of approved shade . The Panel shall be suitable for 415 Volts ,50 Hz3 Phase 4 wire system and shall be complete with suitable capacity copper bus bar ( 1.5 times the incoming switch gear current rating) with suitable size of PVC Copper conductor,thimbles glands and shall be completed all as directed with following accessories. The cost of the PCC Pedestal will be as per the manufacturers instruction.The Panel will be comprises of the following.Incoming :-(a) MCCB, 4 Pole, 100A, 415 V, 16 kA.- 01 No. Outgoing :-(a) MCCB, 4 Pole ,63 Amps, 16 KA,415 V-01 Nos(b) Digital Voltmeter 0-500 Volt Range with Selector Switch- 01 Nos(c) Digital Ammeter 0-100 Amps Range with Selector Switch- 01 Nos Incl CT coil RYB Phases ( CT Ratio 200/5A)(d) Copper bus bar 4 strip -250 amps(e) Automatic Star Delta Starter, 415 Volts, 50 Hz Suitable for Submersible Pump Motor 15 HP- 01 Nos(f)Indicator Lamp ,Set of three, RYB- 01 Set ( Set of three) with holder and fuse arrangement. 26 Excavation in trenches n. exc. 1.5 mtr wide and n. exc. 1.5 mtr in depth for foundation of pole and laying of CI/GI/DI/PPR pipe and getting out in soft/loose soil, complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge. 27 Removing surplus soil to a distance not exceeding 50m and depositing where directed at a level not exceeding 1.5m above the starting point, complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge. 28 Returning filling in and including spreading, levelling, watering and well ramming in layers not exceeding 25 cm, complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge. 29 M&L for sand cushioning in trenches for protection of under ground cable 8 cm before laying the electric cable and 15 cm after laying the cable and punning down,complete all as specified & directed.Note : For the purpose of payment only punned down thickness shall be measured. 30 M&L for common burnt clay building bricks (locally available best quality), sub-class ‘B’ designation 75 of size 230x115x75 mm to cover LT underground cables , laid dry and flat complete all as specified and directed. 31 M&L for earthing complete with galvanised steel earth plate electrode 600cmx600cmx6mm thick buried directly in ground vertically to a depthnot less than2.25 m deep below ground levelwith top edge of the plate not less than 1.5 m below normal ground level connected to galvanised earth strip of size 32 x 6mm earth lead by means of nuts bolts, check nut and washers of galvanised steel, earth stripprotected by and including GI Pipe 40 mm bore (light grade ) and connected to main test point as directed including concrete pit in PCC (1:3:6) type C1, precast RCC (1:1:5:3) type A1 cover slab 40x40x 5 Cm reinforced with 8 mm dia MS bar @ 150 cm c/c both waywith one handle for lifting, made out of 8 mm dia MS bar embedded in pre-cast conver slab,funnel, wire mesh, 20 mm bore glvenised or steel pipe (medium grade) for watering,charcoal & salt in alternative layers necessary excavation and earth work in any type of soil and testing complete all as specified and directed. 32 M&L for Packing Carefully filter media of size 25-40mm, smoothand round oval in shape free from clay/dirt in filter bed complete, complete all as specified and directed. 33 M&L for Packing pea size washed gravel sorrunding between assembly pipesand bore holes top to bottom using 3 mm gravel size,complete all as specified and directed.