
Tender For Work Of Fabrication And Erection, 1 List Of Works Related To Fabrication Erection - 2 Dismantling, Fabrication And Erection Of Old/New Pipe Lines Upto Size 12”. 3 Dismantling, Fabrication And Erection Of Pipes Above Size 12”. 4 Dismantling, Fab, ghosi-Uttar Pradesh

Private Organizations has published Tender For Work Of Fabrication And Erection, 1 List Of Works Related To Fabrication Erection - 2 Dismantling, Fabrication And Erection Of Old/New Pipe Lines Upto Size 12”. 3 Dismantling, Fabrication And Erection Of Pipes Above Size 12”. 4 Dismantling, Fab. Submission Date for this Tender is 01-08-2024. Footwears Tenders in ghosi Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Work Of Fabrication And Erection, 1 List Of Works Related To Fabrication Erection - 2 Dismantling, Fabrication And Erection Of Old/New Pipe Lines Upto Size 12”. 3 Dismantling, Fabrication And Erection Of Pipes Above Size 12”. 4 Dismantling, Fab
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender For Work Of Fabrication And Erection, 1 List of works related to fabrication erection -2 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of old/new pipe lines upto size 12”.3 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of pipes above size 12”.4 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of tee upto size 12”.5 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of nipple upto size 12”.6 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of cross upto size 12”.7 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of bend upto size 10”.8 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of flange upto size 12”.9 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of reducer upto size 12”. 10 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of blinds upto 12’’ size.11 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of tee above 12’’ size.12 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of nipple above 12’’ size.13 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of flange above 12’’ size.14 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of reducer above 12’’ size.15 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of blinds above 12’’ size.16 Dismantling and erection of valves upto 10’’ size.17 Dismantling and erection of valves above 10’’ size.18 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of coils of MS pipes of various sizes.19 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of tanks of rectangular/round/square etc. shapes.20 Dismantling of heavy structures. (above 02 tons)21 Fabrication and erection of heavy structures.22 Dismantling of light structures.23 Fabrication and erection of light structures.24 Hard facing of the teeth of the under feed roller of the mill.25 Making and installing a new scraper in place of the worn/cut scraper of the under feed roller of the mill.26 Cutting and removing the throat teeth of the under feed roller and installing the teeth after fabricating them as per the drawing and doing hard facing. 27. Make the worn out juice ring of the side rollers of the mill with a new 6/8 mm thick plate as per the sample.28. Replace both the pipes of the worn out Kush-Kush conveyor of the mill properly and fit them in the fitted trough and give a trial.29. Cut the worn out runner of the can carrier, rack carrier, bagasse elevator and bagasse carrier and send it to the scrap yard and make a new runner with 50/65 mm flat, install it and give a trial.30. Cut the worn out/worn out side plates of the can carrier and send it to the scrap yard and fit it with a new 6/8 mm thick MS plate.31. Cut out the discharge suit fitted below the fiberizer and take it out and put it in the scrap yard and make it with 12 mm plate and fit it and give a satisfactory trial.32. Replace the worn out bottom trough and side plates of the rack carrier with 0.8 mm plate. 33 Cutting and taking out the juice tray fitted on the mill house and making it as per drawing/sample from 6/8 mm plate and installing it and giving leak proof trial.34 Repairing the DSM screen as per sample:- (a) Cutting and removing the weak part of the receiving box fitted above the screen and in its place making a new one from 8/10 mm plate with nipple as per sample and installing it. (b) Cutting and removing the juice box fitted below the screen and making it as per sample and installing it. (c) Cutting and removing the set over flow box from the screen and making and installing the weak part as per sample. (d) Patching or changing the side plates as per requirement.35 Cutting out the boot (covered portion) of the rack carrier and making a new one from 10/12 mm plates as per the old one and fitting it and giving trial.36 Cutting out the corroded hood of can leveler/chopper and making it from 10/12 mm thick plate and fitting it.37 Cutting out the corroded base runner box of mill rack carrier and making a new box from new plate/angle and fitting it in its place.38 Replacing the square bar of bridge and trolley fitted on can unloader which is in damaged condition with new square bar.39 Cutting out the corroded plates of Donali suit in mill house and making it anew from new/old plate and fitting it and giving trial.40 Repairing the old damaged racks of rack carrier along with strengthening by straightening them as per sample/instructions.41 Cleaning and painting inside and outside of boiler chimney.42 Cleaning and whitewashing the condensate receiving tank of boiler.43 Dismantling of delivery line of Bagasilo fan44 Fabrication of delivery line of Bagasilo fan 2/3 mm thick plate45 Erection of delivery line of Bagasilo fan46 Cutting and removing the plate on top of the boiler and replacing it with a new plate.47 Cutting and installing/patching the corroded side and bottom plates of bagasse elevator, RBC.48 Cutting and removing the side plates of boiler no. 1, 2 and 3 and replacing the corroded plates and as per requirement making and installing new ones from 5/3 mm plates as per sample.49 Cutting and removing the corroded plates of the expansion joint of air heater/economizer of boiler no. 1, 2 and 3 and replacing the corroded ones with a new one as per sample and installing it and giving trial. 50 Work of making and installing expansion bellows at various places in the side plates of boiler no. 3 as per instructions.51 Cutting and removing the corroded ash suit of boiler no. 1 and 2 and making a new suit from new plate and installing it and giving trial.52 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of damaged ribs of juice heater/vapor line juice heater 53 Hydraulic testing of the pipe above the vapor line juice heater by fitting a blind and after testing, removing the blind and joining the pipe as before.54 Dismantling of the brass tubes of the juice heater55 Fitting of the brass tubes of the juice heater56 Hydraulic testing of the brass tubes of the juice heater (up to 100 PSI)57 Dismantling of the brass tubes of the evaporator58 Fitting of the brass tubes of the evaporator59 Hydraulic testing of the evaporator bodies (up to 100 PSI)60 Making platforms from old scrap at the places mentioned in the factory. 61 Dismantling of S.S. pipe line62 Erection of S.S. pipe line63 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of S.S. pipe line (cross)64 Nipple dismantling, fabrication and erection of S.S. pipe line65 Flange dismantling, fabrication and erection of S.S. pipe line66 Making melter of sulphur furnace of juice/syrup from 6/8 mm M.S. plate and bending it with 2” pipe/ tube of super heater and fitting it. Removing melter and installing it in its place (with all connections) and giving trial.67 Cutting and removing the corroded plate of sevall (quad bodies) and making and installing it with new plates and giving trial.68 Cut out the old neck quad/juice heater condensate bottle/clear juice/syrup bottle and make a new one of same size with 8/10 mm plate and install it and make all connections and give trial.69 Cut out the neck mud trough of vacuum filter and make a new one with 8/10 mm plate and install it and make all connections and give trial.70 Cut out the neck trough agitator of vacuum filter and make a new one of same size with the provided material (angle and plate) and install it and give trial.71 Clean both the service water tanks and whitewash all its walls with lime. Also clean the grass and straw up to a distance of about one meter around the service tank.72 Dismantle the ammonia coil of juice heaters and make a new one as per the sample and install it.73 Dismantle the ammonia coil of evaporator bodies and make a new one as per the sample and install it. 74 Dismantling the ammonia coils of pans and making and installing new ones as per the sample.75 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of a complete system of a condenser mounted on a vacuum filter.76 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of all sizes of nipples attached to the clarifier.77 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of the neck coils of all the four compartments of the clarifier and installing all its nipples.78 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of all sizes of neck pipes related to the clarifier.79 Applying patches on the weak portions of all the sum boxes and all the telescopic boxes of the clarifier.80 Dismantling and erection of nipples of double beat valves which are connected to the body of the juice heater. (Size 8”)81 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of the shell of the cooling scrubber system installed in the outlet of the sulfur furnace, which is almost half the height from the bottom or has completely melted, along with the bottom plate and flanged nipple.82 Removing the weak sublimation system / equipment installed in front of the sulfur furnaces and making it of the same size with the given pipe / plate, installing it and giving leak proof trial by making all the related connections.83 Making and installing the telescopic box of the clarifier along with all its connections as per the sample.84 Making a cone from MS plate as per requirement and fitting it as per instructions and giving trial. The measurement will be done on the basis of larger dia. 85 Dismantling related to brass tube of pans86 Fitting related to brass tube of pans87 Hydraulic testing of pans (up to 100 PSI)88 Cutting and removing the corroded plates of save all of pans and making and installing new plates and giving trial.89 Cutting and removing the weak part of molasses tanks installed on pan floor and installing a new one and giving trial.90 Making and installing a ring on the vapor pipe of evaporator/pans by using angle/flat iron/MS plate etc. as per instructions.91 Dismantling the top cover of save all of pans and making and installing a new one by giving support etc. as per sample.92 Strengthening of pan bodies from inside/outside by using MS plate/angle as per instructions. 93 Dismantling the top cone of the pans and making a new one as per the sample and installing it. While working, support the save all fitted on it and remove the support after the work and give a successful trial.94 Dismantling the old damaged manhole fitted in the save all/pan body/evaporator body of the pan and modifying it as per the instructions and making and installing a flange system.95 Converting the stud system cut over valve fitted in the pans to nipple system.96 Cutting and removing the weak shell of the quad/pan bodies as per the instructions and fabricating it in its place and fitting it with a 12mm plate and giving a successful trial.97 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of exhaust pipe from 12” size to 20” size in the steam exhaust pipe/vapor pipe below the pans. 98 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of exhaust pipe upto 20” size in steam exhaust pipe/vapor pipe below pans.99 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of bend from 12” to 20”.100 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of exhaust pipe upto 20” size in steam exhaust pipe/vapor pipe below pans 101 Dismantling the weak feed header of 40/60 ton capacity pan as per instructions, fabricating it to the same size and fitting it along with all its nipples and valves.102 Making rings from inside the body shell of the pans with 8/10 mm thick MS angle 10/12 mm thick plate and strengthening it in two lines as per instructions.103 Dismantling, fabricating and erecting the complete hopper and giving a successful trial.104 Making and fitting the broken arms of the crystallizer and giving a trial.105 Cutting the incentric bend of the suction pipe of injection and spray pumps and making and fitting it accordingly.106 Making beds for pumps and motors.107 Dismantling, fabricating and erecting chutes for bringing mace from crystallizers to pug mills. 108 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of gutters of Mascot/Magma/Molasses.109 Opening and cleaning all the junction boxes, PVC pipes, nozzles, bends of spray pond. Repairing the nozzles, bends and clusters or replacing them with new items as per requirement. Water flooring the whole and giving trial.110 Installing the butterfly valve given as per instructions. Size 8’’111 Installing the butterfly valve given as per instructions. Size 10’’112 Installing the butterfly valve given as per instructions. Size 16’’113 Repairing all the defective air blower plates of hopper no. 2 and 3 as per sample and installing them.114 Installing the throat suction pipe of injection/spray including suction mesh (including incentric bend) as per sample and giving trial. 115 Work of changing C.I. cross.116 Work of changing C.I.T.117 Work of changing C.I. pipe.118 Making the body of 16’’ to 36’’ corroded exhaust/vapor valves as per sample and fitting the flange, spindle and nut of old valves in it and making a new guide support and fitting it and giving trial.119 Making and installing railing for platform.120 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of exhaust pipes from the throat of fiberizer/mill turbines.121 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of top receiving tank of juice weighing scale as per requirement and giving trial.122 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of juice sulphite recovery tower along with chimney pipe fitted on the top and giving trial. 123 For air compressors installed in clarification house, make header as per instructions/drawing, make pipe line with valves and give trial.124 After dismantling sulphur furnace no. 1, 2, 3, fabricate and erect it accordingly. Give successful trial after doing water jacket and all its connections.125 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of header installed on top of feed water tank and give trial after doing all its connections as per sample.126 For repairing leaky bottom sensor of pans, cut it to length upto 4’’/6’’ as per instructions and replace it with 12mm/16mm thick plate and do welding accordingly and give successful trial. 127 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of delivery header size 20” of quad injection pumps along with all its delivery valves, valves fitted in header, all nipples of header and distance piece fitted on pumps and give successful trial as per the instructions of injection/spray station.128 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of delivery header 28” of spray pumps along with all its butterfly delivery valves, nipples of header, distance piece etc. and give successful trial as per the instructions of injection/spray station.129 Dismantling of 24” size cast iron header of south side spray pond of injection/spray station and erecting and giving trial by making header from 8mm thick MS plate in its place. Keeping the extracted cast iron material at the specified place. 130 Replacing 12”/14” neck cast iron header with MS pipe header, placing the cast iron pipe at the specified place.131 Repairing the damaged stirrer fitted inside the juice sulphiter with old/new angle.132 Complete dismantling of SD Centrifugal Machine (32’’ x 49’’) (Machine No. 4 & 5) which is not in operation at present, and placing it at the specified place.133 Dismantling of Thapping Mill (above Machine No. 4 & 5) and placing it at the specified place.134 Extending Grass Hopper No. 1 at the rear side (towards east) to the bottom of DC 1750 Kg machine. 135 Work of making bed of new DC 1750 Kg machine and installing it and giving it trial.136 Cutting/opening old pipe line from 3” dia to 12” dia and removing it and installing it on site after cleaning.137 Cutting and removing the corroded body plate from both sides of fiberizer and making new 12mm thick plates in its place and giving it trial.138 Replacing the corroded body of Kush-Kush conveyor with new plates and installing it and giving it trial.139 Cutting and removing the corroded side plates of can chopper and can leveler and making new 10-12mm plates and installing them.140 Cutting and removing the corroded portion of injection common header 24”/28” dia and making and installing a new header from 8/10mm thick plates and giving it trial. 141 Open the venturi fitted on the wet scrubber system of all three boilers and clean it internally and externally and give a trial run by running water.142 Clean the inside and outside of the wet scrubber and venturi of all three boilers 143 Cutting out the corroded catcher of juice/syrup pump and making a new one from 10/12 mm thick plate and fitting it.144 Aligning the motor pump on the new bed.145 Cutting out the corroded pan cell of 40 tonne including save all, taper portion and top and making a new one from 12 mm thick plate and fitting it and giving a trial.146 Cutting out the corroded cooling pipe of final molasses tank and making a new one and fitting it.147 Cutting out the 75×75 mm angles fitted on both sides of can carrier which are damaged at various places and making a new one and fitting it and giving a trial.148 Cutting out the damaged I-section beam fitted for chain support on can carrier and replacing it with a new I-section beam and giving a trial. 149 Repair the MS body of the corroded Magma Mixer as per the sample.150 Corroded scroll of Mud Mixer along with shaft to be replaced with a new one.151 Cut out the corroded cut over line of the pan and replace it with a new 10/12” pipe and give a leak proof trial.152 Cut out the corroded external catcher of the pan/quad and replace it with a new plate/pipe as per the sample.153 Cut out the corroded shell of the corroded syrup sulphite and replace it with a new plate and give a leak proof trial.154 Cut out the corroded plates of the ID fan/FD fan duct and air heater duct of boiler no. 1 and 2 and replace it with a new 6/8mm thick plate and give a trial. 155 Cutting and removing the corroded roll side plate etc. of the under feed roller and fabricating and fitting roll side plate teeth as per drawing and doing hard facing.156 Opening the head stock of the mill, labelling, re-feeding and aligning it.157 Removing the broken shaft of the transmission gear of the mill and feeding a new shaft.158 Fitting the planetary gear box provided and giving it a satisfactory trial.

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