The Items Rate Contract For Supply Of Electrical Items At Nit Silchar Exclusive Of All Taxes And Levies, Including Carrying Charges. Electrical Item Rate Contract , Electrical Items , 0.5 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make-Polycab, Finolex, Hpl, Havells , 0.75 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make-Polycab, Finolex, Hpl, Havells , 1.0Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make-Polycab, Finolex, Hpl, Havells , 1.5 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make-Polycab, Finolex, Hpl, Havells , 2.5 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make-Polycab, Finolex, Hpl, Havells , 4.00 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make-Polycab, Finolex, Hpl, Havells , 6.00 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make-Polycab, Finolex, Hpl, Havells , 10.00 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make-Polycab, Finolex, Hpl, Havells , 16.00 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make-Polycab, Finolex, Hpl, Havells , 25 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make-Polycab, Finolex, Hpl, Havells , 35 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make-Polycab, Finolex, Hpl, Havells , 0.5 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make- Anchor, Mw,Vguard , 0.75 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make- Anchor, Mw,Vguard , 1.5 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make- Anchor, Mw,Vguard , 2.5 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make- Anchor, Mw,Vguard , 4.00 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make- Anchor, Mw,Vguard , 6.00 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make- Anchor, Mw,Vguard , 10.00 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make- Anchor, Mw,Vguard , 16.00 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make- Anchor, Mw,Vguard , 25 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make-Polycab, Finolex, Hpl, Havells , 35 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make-Polycab, Finolex, Hpl, Havells , 25 Mm Pvc Casing Capping. Make- Richa, Akg,Presto Teak. , 38 Mm Pvc Casing Capping. Make- Richa, Akg,Presto Teak. , 25 Mm Pvc Elbow, Tee, Coupler, Internal, External Richa, Akg,Presto Teak. , 38 Mm Pvc Elbow, Tee, Coupler, Internal, External Richa, Akg,Presto Teak. , 20 Mm Pvc Conduit Pipe. Make- Richa, Presto Teak , 25 Mm Pvc Conduit Pipe. Make- Richa, Presto Teak , 32 Mm Pvc Conduit Pipe. Make- Richa, Presto Teak , 20Mm Pvc Tee,Bend,Elbow , 25Mm Pvc Tee, Bend,Elbow , 32Mm Pvc , Bend,Junction Box(3 Way/4Way) , 20 Mm Flexible Pipe(Pvc) (Isi Marked) , 25 Mm Flexible Pipe(Pvc)(Isi Marked) , 32 Mm Flexible Pipe(Pvc) (Isi Marked) , 6A Flush Type Switch Make Anchor(Isi Marked) , 16A Flush Type Switch Make Anchor(Isi Marked) , 6A Flush Type Switch (Make Maru/Greatwhite) , 16A Flush Type Switch (Make Maru/Greatwhite) , 6A Flush Type Socket (Make Maru/Greatwhite/Anchor) , 16A Flush Type Socket (Make Maru/Greatwhite/Anchor) , A)16A Switch Socket Combine Board (Make Maru/Greatwhite/Anchor) , B)6A Switch Socket Combine Board (Make Maru/Greatwhite/Anchor) , 4X4 Pvc Board Make - Richa, Presto Teak Or Isi Marked , 4X7 Pvc Board Make - Richa, Presto Teak Or Isi Marked , 6X8 Pvc Board Make - Richa, Presto Teak Or Isi Marked , 8X10 Pvc Board Make - Richa, Presto Teak Or Isi Marked , 10X12 Pvc Board Make - Richa, Presto Teak Or Isi Marked , 1 Way Gang Boxmake - Richa, Presto Teak Or Isi Marked , 2 Way Gang Boxmake - Richa, Presto Teak Or Isi Marked , 3 Way Gang Boxmake - Richa, Presto Teak Or Isi Marked , 4 Way Gang Boxmake - Richa, Presto Teak Or Isi Marked , 5 Way Gang Boxmake - Richa, Presto Teak Or Isi Marked , 6 Way Gang Boxmake - Richa, Presto Teak Or Isi Marked , 7 Way Gang Boxmake - Richa, Presto Teak Or Isi Marked , 8 Way Gang Boxmake - Richa, Presto Teak Or Isi Marked , Pvc Batten/Angle Holder Make-Hpl, Richar, Anchor, Maru Or Isi Marked , Pvc Pendent Holder Make- Anchar, Richa, Maru Or Isimarked , Ceiling Rosemake- Anchor, Richa,Maru Or Isi Marked , Square Box Make- Richa,Akg,Presto Teak , 2 Way Connector , 6A Modular Type Switch (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 16A Modular Type Switch (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 6A Modular Type Socket (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 6/16A Modular Type Socket (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 6A Modular Type Switch (Legrand/Mk) , 16A Modular Type Switch (Legrand/Mk) , 6A Modular Type Socket (Legrand/Mk) , 6/16A Modular Type Socket (Legrand/Mk) , 6A Modular Type Switch (Schneider/) , 16A Modular Type Switch (Schneider) , 6A Modular Type Socket (Schneider) , 6/16A Modular Type Socket (Schneider) , 1 Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 2 Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 3 Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 4 Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 6 Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 8 Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 12 Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 16 Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , Blank Plate (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Vguard) , 1Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (Legrand) , 2 Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (Legrand) , 3Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (Legrand) , 4Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (Legrand) , 6Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (Legrand) , 8Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (Legrand) , 9/10Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (Legrand) , 12Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (Legrand) , Blank Plate (Legrand) , 1 Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 2 Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 3 Module Modular Typeface And Grid Plate (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 4 Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 6 Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 8 Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 12 Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 16 Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 1Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (Legrand) , 2 Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (Legrand) , 3Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (Legrand) , 4Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (Legrand) , 6Module Modular Type Faceand Grid Plate (Legrand) , 8Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (Legrand) , 9/10Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (Legrand) , 12Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (Legrand) , 2 Way Single Metal Mcb Enclosure (Hpl, L&T, Havells,Vguard) , 4 Way Single Metal Mcb Enclosure (Hpl, L&T, Havells,Vguard) , 4 Way Double Door Mcb Db (Hpl, L&T, Havells,Vguard) , 8 Way Double Door Mcb Db (Hpl, L&T, Havells,Vguard) , 6Way Double Door Mcb Db (Hpl, L&T, Havells,Vguard) , 12 Way Double Door Mcb Db (Hpl, L&T, Havells,Vguard) , Mccb Db (Double Door) With Bus Bar, 125A Earth Bar, Nutral Link, Din Rail Of Following Type , 4 Way Tpn (4+12) Double Door (Hpl, Havells, C&S,Vguard) , 8 Way Tpn (4+18) Double Door (Hpl, Havells, C&S,Vguard) , 12 Way Tpn (4+36) Double Door (Hpl, Havells, C&S,Vguard) , 6-32A, 10Ka, C-Curve Sp Mcb (Hpl, L&T,Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 40A, 10Ka, C-Curve Sp Mcb (Hpl, L&T,Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 63A, 10Ka, C-Curve Sp Mcb (Hpl, L&T,Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 6-32A, 10Ka, C-Curve Dp Mcb (Hpl, L&T,Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 40A, 10Ka, C-Curve Dp Mcb (Hpl, L&T,Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 63A, 10Ka, C-Curve Dp Mcb (Hpl, L&T,Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 6-32A, 10Ka, C-Curve Tp Mcb (Hpl, L&T,Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 40A, 10Ka, C-Curve Tp Mcb (Hpl, L&T,Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 63A, 10Ka, C-Curve Tp Mcb (Hpl, L&T,Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 6-32A, 10Ka, C-Curve Tpn Mcb (Hpl, L&T,Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 40A, 10Ka, C-Curve Tpn Mcb (Hpl, L&T,Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 63A, 10Ka, C-Curve Tpn Mcb (Hpl, L&T,Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 63-100A, 25Ka, 3P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb (Hpl, Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 125A, 25Ka, 3P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb (Hpl, Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 160A, 25Ka, 3P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb (Hpl, Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 250A, 36Ka, 3P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb (Hpl, Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 63-100A, 25Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb (Hpl, Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 125A, 25Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb (Hpl, Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 160A, 25Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb (Hpl, Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 250A, 50Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb (Hpl, Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 400A, 50Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb (Hpl, Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 630A, 50Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb (Hpl, Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 800A,50Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb (Hpl, Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 1000A, 50Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb (Hpl, Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 1250A, 50Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb (Hpl, Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 6-32A, 10Ka, C-Curve Sp Mcb (Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 40A, 10Ka, C-Curve Sp Mcb (Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 63A, 10Ka, C-Curve Sp Mcb (Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 6-32A, 10Ka, C-Curve Dp Mcb (Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 40A, 10Ka, C-Curve Dp Mcb (Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 63A, 10Ka, C-Curve Dp Mcb (Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 6-32A, 10Ka, C-Curve Tp Mcb(Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 40A, 10Ka, C-Curve Tp Mcb (Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 63A, 10Ka, C-Curve Tp Mcb (Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 6-32A, 10Ka, C-Curve Tpn Mcb (Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 40A, 10Ka, C-Curve Tpn Mcb (Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 63A, 10Ka, C-Curve Tpn Mcb (Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 63-100A, 16Ka, 3P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1)Mccb (Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 125A, 25Ka, 3P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb(Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 160A, 25Ka, 3P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1)Mccb (Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 250A, 50Ka, 3P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb(Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 63-100A, 16Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb(Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 125A, 25Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1)Mccb (Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 160A, 25Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb(Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 250A, 50Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb(Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 400A, 50Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1)Mccb (Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 630A, 36Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb(Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 800A,50Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb(Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 1000A, 50Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb(Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 1250A, 50Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb(Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 6-32 Amps Switch Type Mcb(Make Anchor Or Equivalent) , 60/100W Gls Lamp. (Philips, Bajaj) , 40Welectronic Ballast (Philips, Cg. Havells) As Per Requirement. , 11W Electronic Ballast (Bajaj, Rashmi) , 11W Pin Type Cfl (2 Pin) (Bajaj) , 36W Pin Type Cfl (4 Pin) (Bajaj, Philips, Havells, Wipro) , A) 2.5 Mfd Fan Capacitor (Oil Filled) (Universal) , B) 2.5 Mfd Fan Capacitor (Oil Filled) ( Tebcon) , C) 3.15 Mfd Fan Capacitor (Oil Filled)Tebcon) , D) 3.15 Mfd Fan Capacitor (Oil Filled) (Universal, ) , E) 4.00 Mfd Fan Capacitor (Oil Filled) (Universal) , F) 4.00 Mfd Fan Capacitor (Oil Filled) ( Tebcon) , G) 12-15 Mfd Fan Capacitor (Oil Filled) ( Tebcon) , H) 12-15 Mfd Fan Capacitor (Oil Filled) ( Universal) , I) 15-32 Mfd Capacitor (Oil Filled) ( Universal) , J) 15-32 Mfd Capacitor (Oil Filled) (Tebcon) , K) 35-40 Mfd Capacitor (Oil Filled) (Universal) , L) 35-40 Mfd Capacitor (Oil Filled) (Tebcon) , M)Wall Mounting Fan Capacitor 1.5Microfarad(Tebcon) , N)Wall Mounting Fan Capacitor 2Microfarad(Tebcon) , O)Wall Mounting Fan Regulator , 100A, 450Mm Long Copper Tpn Bus Bar (Havells, Gico, Hpl) , 200A, 450Mm Long Copper Tpn Bus Bar (Havells, Gico, Hpl) , 300A, 450Mm Long Copper Tpn Bus Bar (Havells, Gico, Hpl) , A)Black Machine Screw 1/2 Inch Long(Good Quality)(Packet Of 1000 Nos) , B)Black Machine Screw 3/4 Inch Long(Good Quality)(Packet Of 1000 Nos) , C)Black Machine Screw 1 Inch Long(Good Quality)(Packet Of 1000 Nos) , D)Ss Machine Screw 1/2 Inch Long(Good Quality)(Packet Of 1000 Nos(Round Head) , E)Ss Machine Screw 3/4 Inch Long(Good Quality)(Packet Of 1000 Nos(Round Head) , F) 35/8 Iron Screw (Good Quality) , G) 50/10 Iron Screw (Good Quality) , 1.5 Pvc Gutka (Good Quality)(Packet Of 50 Nos) , A)Pvc Black Tape (Steel Grip) , B)Empire Tape , Cable Tie (Pkt Of 100 Nos) , A) 8 Inches Long , B) 12 Inches Long , C) 14 Inches Long , 2.5 Sqmm Twin Core Weather Proof Aluminiun Conductor Cable (Isi Marked) , Cable Clips Pkt Of 50 Nos , A) 6Mm , B) 8Mm , C) 10Mm , 4 Sqmm Twin Core Weather Proof Aluminiun Conductor Cable (Isi Marked) , 6 Sqmm Twin Core Weather Proof Aluminiun Conductor Cable (Isi Marked) , 10 Sqmm Twin Core Weather Proof Aluminiun Conductor Cable (Isi Marked) , 40A Mcb Type Change Over (Havells, Hpl, C&S)(4 Pole) , 63A Mcb Type Change Over (Havells, Hpl, C&S)(4 Pole) , 63 - 100A 3/4P, Mccb Enclosure ( Havells, Standard, C&S,Vguard) , 125A Mccb 3/4P Enclosure ( Havells, Standard, C&S,Vguard) , 160A Mccb 3/4P Enclosure ( Havells, Standard, C&S,Vguard) , 4Sq Mm Copper Bottle/Pin Lug , 6Sq Mm Copper Bottle/Pin Lug , 10Sq Mm Copper Bottle/Pin Lug , 16Sq Mm Copper Bottle/Pin Lug , 25Sq Mm Copper Bottle/Pin Lug , 35Sq Mm Copper Bottle/Pin Lug , 4Sq Mm Copper Ring/Forke Lug , 6Sq Mm Copper Ring/Forke Lug , 10Sq Mm Copper Ring/Forke Lug , 16Sq Mm Copper Ring/Forke Lug , 25Sq Mm Copper Ring/Forke Lug , 35Sq Mm Copper Ring/Forke Lug , 10Sqmm Aluminium Lug , 16Sqmm Aluminium Lug , 25 Sqmm Aluminium Lug , 35Sqmm Aluminium Lug , 50Sqmm Aluminium Lug , 70Sqmm Aluminium Lug , 95Sqmm Aluminium Lug , 120Sqmm Aluminium Lug , 185 Sqmm Aluminium Lug , 240 Sqmm Aluminium Lug , 300 Sqmm Aluminium Lug , 400 Sqmm Aluminium Lug , 500 Sqmm Aluminium Lug , 800 Sqmm Aluminium Lug , 8 Swg Copper Wire , 6 Swg Gi Wire , 8 Swg Gi Wire , M8 To M25 M.S. Nut Bolts With Washer , 1.5 Sq Mm 3 Core Multistrand Pvc Insulated Copper Cable. (Isi Marked) , 2.5 Sq Mm 3 Core Multistrand Pvc Insulated Copper Cable. (Isi Marked) , 6A 3 Pin Top (Isi Marked) , 16A 3/5 Pin Top (Isi Marked) , 6.5 Mm Masonary Drill Bit ( Jk, Iti) , 12Mm Masonary Drill Bit ( Jk, Iti) , 15 Mm Masonary Drill Bit ( Jk, Iti) , 25Mm, 300 Mm Long Masonary Drill Bit (Jk, Iti) , 6.5 Mm Hammer Drill Bit ( Jk, Iti) , 1/8 Iron Drill Bit( Jk, Iti) , 12Mm Hammer Drill Bit ( Jk, Iti) , 15 Mm Hammer Drill Bit ( Jk, Iti) , 25Mm, 300 Mm Long Hammer Drill Bit (Jk, Iti) , 3-5W Led Batten Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Make:Hpl, Havells, Bajaj, C&S, Wipro,Anchor)(1) , 10W Led Tube Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Make:Hpl, Havells, Bajaj, C&S, Wipro,Anchor) , 18/20W Led Tube Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Make:Hpl, Havells, Bajaj, C&S, Wipro,Anchor)) , Led Bulb (Make:Hpl, Havells, Bajaj, C&S, Wipro,Anchor) , (A)3Watt , (B)5Watt , (C)7Watt , (D)9Watt , (E)15Watt , (F)18Watt , (G)20Watt , (H)23Watt , Led Panel Light Round(Make:Hpl, Havells, Bajaj, C&S, Wipro,Anchor Or Equivalent)Surface , (A)12-15 Watt , (B)18-24 Watt , Led Panel Light Round(Make:Hpl, Havells, Bajaj, C&S, Wipro,Anchor Or Equivalent)Recessed , (A)12-15 Watt , (B)18-24 Watt , Led Panel Light Square(Make:Hpl, Havells, Bajaj, C&S, Wipro,Anchor Or Equivalent)Surface , (A)12-15 Watt , (B)18-24 Watt , Led Panel Light Square(Make:Hpl, Havells, Bajaj, C&S, Wipro,Anchor Or Equivalent)Recessed , (A)12-15 Watt , (B)18-24 Watt , 30W Led Flood Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make) , 50W Led Flood Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make) , 100W Led Flood Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make) , 200W Led Flood Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make) , 1 X 1 Led Panel Light,18-20 Watt,Surface/Recess Mounting(Make:Bajaj/Havells/C&S/Anchor/Philips/Hpl Or Equivalent Make) , 2 X 2 Led Panel Light,36 Watt,Surface/Recess Mounting(Make:Bajaj/Havells/C&S/Anchor/Philips/Hpl Or Equivalent Make) , Electronic 100W Step Type Fan Regulator(Anchor, Hpl)(Normal) , Switch Type , Socket Type , Electronic Modular Fan Speed Controller (Fan Regulator)( Legrand, Hpl, L&T , Anchor) , Single Module(Switch Type) , Two Module(Socket Type) , Electronic Modular Fan Speed Controller (Fan Regulator)( Schneider) , Single Module(Switch Type) , Two Module(Socket Type) , A)Fan Bearing No. 6201(Tata,Nrb) , B)Fan Bearing No. 6202(Tata,Nrb) , C)Fan Bearing No. 6203(Tata,Nrb) , 1200 Mm Sweep Celing Fan Of Star Rating 1 And Isi Marked , 1400 Mm Sweep Celing Fan Of Star Rating 1 And Isi Marked , 1200 Mm Sweep Celing Fan Of Star Rating 5 , 1400 Mm Sweep Celing Fan Of Star Rating 5 , Exhaust Fan (Cg, Havells, Usha) , 225 Mm Sweep 900 Rpm , 300 Mm Sweep 900 Rpm , 450 Mm Sweep 900 Rpm , 600 Mm Sweep 900 Rpm , Wall Mounted Fan 400Mm(Make:Bajaj/Havells/Anchor/Orient Or Equivalent) , Padestal Fan Metal Type 400Mm(Make:Bajaj/Havells/Anchor/Orient Or Equivalent) , Padestal Fan Metal Type 450Mm(Make:Bajaj/Havells/Anchor/Orient Or Equivalent) , Bazzar Bell (Anchor, Maru Or Equivalent) , Bell Push (Anchor, Maru)(Normal) , 1 Module Bell Push (Anchor,Legrand) , Ding Dong Musical Bell (Isi Marked) , 20 Mm Gi Open Saddle(Good Quality) , 25 Mm Gi Open Saddle(Good Quality) , 32 Mm Gi Open Saddle(Good Quality) , `Double Door Tpn Mcb Db (C&S, Havells, Hpl, L&T) , A) 4 Way Tpn (4+12) Double Door , B) 4 Way Tpn (4+18) Double Door , C) 4 Way Tpn (4+24) Double Door , 4.5 Meter Long 40 Mm Dia Heavy Duty Gi Earth Pipe. , 11 Kv Porceline L.A. (Lemco, Obliom) , 11 Kv Porceline G.O Ab Switch Assenbly (Abi, Mci, Rri)150 Amps , 11 Kv Porceline G.O Ab Switch Assenbly (Abi, Mci, Rri)400Amps , 11 Kv Porceline G.O Ab Switch Assenbly (Abi, Mci, Rri)630 Amps , 11 Kv Porceline D.O Switch Assembly(Abi, Mci, Rri),150 Amps , 11 Kv Porceline D.O Switch Assembly(Abi, Mci, Rri),200Amps , 11 Kv Porceline D.O Switch Assembly(Abi, Mci, Rri),400Amps , 11 Kv Porceline Pin Insulator (Abi, Mci, Rri) , 11 Kv Polymer L.A. (Rashtriya Or Equivelent) , 11 Kv Polymer G.Oab Switchassembly(Rashtriya Or Equivelent)150 Amps , 11 Kv Polymer G.O Ab Switchassembly(Rashtriya Or Equivelent)400 Amps , 11 Kv Polymer G.O Ab Switchassembly(Rashtriya Or Equivelent)630 Amps , 11 Kv Polymer G.O Ab Switchassembly(Rashtriya Or Equivelent)800 Amps , 11 Kv Polynmer D.O Switch Assembly (Rashtriya Or Equivelent)150 Amps , 11 Kv Polynmer D.O Switch Assembly (Rashtriya Or Equivelent)200 Amps , 11 Kv Polynmer D.O Switch Assembly (Rashtriya Or Equivelent)400 Amps , 11 Kv Polymer Pin Insulator (Rashtriya Or Equivelent) , 11 Kv Isolator Set With Earth Swicthand Gi Mounting Structure(Rri Or Equivelent)-400 Amps , 11 Kv Isolator Set With Earth Swicthand Gi Mounting Structure(Rri Or Equivelent)-630 Amps , 11 Kv Isolator Set With Earth Swicthand Gi Mounting Structure(Rri Or Equivelent)-800 Amps , 33 Kv Isolator Set With Earth Swicthand Gi Mounting Structure(Rri Or Equivelent)-400 Amps , 33 Kv Isolator Set With Earth Swicthand Gi Mounting Structure(Rri Or Equivelent)-800 Amps , Acsr Conductor , Weasal , Rabbit , Raccon , Wolf , Ht Stay Set Complete , Lt Stay Set Complet , 5.0 Kva Automatic Input 90-280V Out Put 200 - 240V Voltage Stablizer (Vee-Dee, V Guard, Indo) , 6 Sqmm Single Core Armoured Aluminium Lt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 10 Sqmm Single Core Armoured Aluminium Lt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 16 Sqmm Single Core Armoured Aluminium Lt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 25 Sqmm Single Core Armoured Aluminium Lt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 35 Sqmm Single Core Armoured Aluminium Lt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 50 Sqmm Single Core Armoured Aluminium Lt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 70 Sqmm Single Core Armoured Aluminium Lt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 95 Sqmm Single Core Armoured Aluminium Lt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 120 Sqmm Single Core Armoured Aluminium Lt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 150 Sqmm Singlecore Armoured Aluminiumlt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 240 Sqmm Single Core Armoured Aluminiumlt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 300 Sqmm Single Core Armoured Aluminium Lt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 400 Sqmm Single Core Armoured Aluminiumlt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 500 Sqmm Single Core Armouredaluminium Lt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 25 Sqmm 3.5 Core Armoured Aluminium Lt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 35 Sqmm 3.5 Core Armoured Aluminiumlt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 50 Sqmm 3.5 Core Armoured Aluminiumlt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 70 Sqmm 3.5 Core Armoured Aluminiumlt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 95 Sqmm 3.5 Core Armoured Aluminium Lt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 120 Sqmm 3.5 Core Armouredaluminium Lt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 150 Sqmm 3.5 Core Armoured Aluminium Lt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 240 Sqmm 3.5 Core Armoured Aluminium Lt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 300 Sqmm 3.5 Core Armoured Aluminiumlt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 400 Sqmm 3.5 Core Armoured Aluminiumlt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 500 Sqmm 3.5 Core Armoured Aluminium Lt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , Ceiling Fan Capacitor Clamp With Connector. , Ceiling Fan Robber Gasket (Hanging Purpose) , Carbon Brushes , Post Top Lantern Type Brpti 118 Clear Or Equivelent (1X18wd Type) , Post Top Lamp Type Bgcl Or Equivalent Type) , 40Watt , 70 Watt , Street Light Polycarbonate Cable Terminal Box With Clamp (Hensel Or Equivalent) , 50 Sqmm 3.5 Core 1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials (Ms, Seal ) , 70 Sqmm 3.5 Core1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials (Ms, Seal ) , 95 Sqmm 3.5 Core 1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials (Ms, Seal ) , 120 Sqmm 3.5 Core1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials (Ms, Seal ) , 150 Sqmm 3.5 Core1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials (Ms, Seal ) , 185 Sqmm 3.5 Core1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials(Ms, Seal ) , 240 Sqmm 3.5 Core1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cablestraight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials (Ms, Seal ) , 300 Sqmm 3.5 Core1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials (Ms, Seal ) , 400 Sqmm 3.5 Core1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materialst (Ms, Seal ) , 500 Sqmm 3.5 Core1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials(Ms, Seal ) , 50 Sqmm Single Core 1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials (Ms, Seal ) , 70 Sqmm Single Core1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials (Ms, Seal ) , 95 Sqmm Single Core 1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials (Ms, Seal ) , 120 Sqmm Single Core1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials (Ms, Seal ) , 150 Sqmm Single Core1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials (Ms, Seal ) , 185 Sqmm Single Core1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials(Ms, Seal ) , 240 Sqmm Single Core1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cablestraight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials (Ms, Seal ) , 300 Sqmm Single Core1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials (Ms, Seal ) , 400 Sqmm Single Core1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materialst (Ms, Seal ) , 500 Sqmm Single Core1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials(Ms, Seal ) , 11 Kv Grade Indoor Cable End Termination With Heat Shrinkable Jointing Kit Complete With All Accessories Including Lugs , Single Core , 95 Sq Mm , 120 Sqmm , Three Core , 95 Sq Mm , 120 Sqmm , 11 Kv Grade Outdoor Cable End Termination With Heat Shrinkable Jointing Kit Complete With All Accessories Including Lugs , Single Core , 95 Sq Mm , 120 Sqmm , Three Core , 95 Sq Mm , 120 Sqmm , 11 Kv Grade Straight Through Cable Jointing With Heat Shrinkable Jointing Kit Complete With All Accessories Including Lugs , Single Core , 95 Sq Mm , 120 Sqmm , Three Core , 95 Sq Mm , 120 Sqmm , Transformer Oil, Iso Marked,(Power On, Penzole, Transol, Mak Hivoltol) , 35 Swg Copper Winding Wire , Electronic Weighing Machine (100Kg) Make- Gold Tech Or Equivelent , Coksheet (Gasket Of Transformer)Make-Natlonal , 63A Ac23 Duty, 4Pole Sdfu With Fuse Unit. Make- Hpl Or Equivelent , 125A Ac23 Duty, 4Pole Sdfu With Fuse Unit. Make- Hpl Or Equivelent , 12V 100Ah Sealed Maintenance Free Battery. Make: Exide , 12V 150Ah Sealed Maintenance Free Battery. Make: Exide , Less For Old Battery Exchange Against The Battery. , Single Phase Energy Meter Range:10-40Amps (L&T,Hpl,Juvas) , Three Phase Energy Meter ,Rang: 10-60Amps(L&T,Hpl,Or Equivalent) , Energy Meter(For Installing At Panel For Measuring Voltage,Energy,Power Factor,Ampere,Frequecy)(Make: Hpl,L&T,Or Equivalent) , Bearing Grease For Fan Bearing(Make.Velvolin) , Insulation Sleeve(Good Quality) , 2Mm , 4Mm , 6Mm , Film Paper White(Good Quality) , Insulation Vernish(Good Quality) , Bearing Puller Size6201(Good Quality) , Bearing Puller Size6202(Good Quality) , Bearing Puller Size6203(Good Quality) , 1Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (Scheinder) , 2 Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (Scheinder) , 3Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (Scheinder) , 4Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (Scheinder) , 6Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (Scheinder) , 8Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (Scheinder) , 9/10Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (Scheinder) , 12Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (Scheinder) , 1Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (Scheinder) , 2 Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (Scheinder) , 3Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (Scheinder) , 4Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (Scheinder) , 6Module Modular Type Faceand Grid Plate (Scheinder) , 8Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (Scheinder) , 9/10Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (Scheinder) , 12Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (Scheinder) , 30W Led Street Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 45W Led Fstreet Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 60W Led Fstreet Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 72/75W Led Street Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 90W Led Street Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 100W Led Street Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 120W Led Street Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 150W Led Street Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 180W Led Street Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 200W Led Street Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 250W Led Street Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , Change Over (Make:Hpl Or Equivalent)400 Amps , Change Over (Make:Hpl Or Equivalent)630 Amps , Change Over (Make:Hpl Or Equivalent)800 Amps , Change Over (Make:Hpl Or Equivalent)1000 Amps , Change Over (Make:Hpl Or Equivalent)1250Amps , Cfc Spray , Acsr Conductor Clamp Connector , 30W Led Street Lightdriver(Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make) Must Having Lm 79 Report , 45W Led Street Lightdriver(Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 60W Led Street Lightdriver (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 72/75W Led Street Lightdriver(Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 90W Led Street Light Driver(Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 100W Led Street Lightdriver(Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 200W Led Street Lightdriver(Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 1 X 1 Led Panel Light Driver,18-20 Watt,Surface/Recess Mounting(Make:Bajaj/Havells/C&S/Anchor/Philips/Hpl Or Equivalent Make) , 2 X 2 Led Panel Light Driver,36 Watt,Surface/Recess Mounting(Make:Bajaj/Havells/C&S/Anchor/Philips/Hpl Or Equivalent Make) , 50W Led Flood Light Driver (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 100W Led Flood Lightdriver (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 200W Led Flood Lightdriver (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report