
Tender For The Items Rate Contract For Supply Of Electrical Items At Nit Silchar Exclusive Of All Taxes And Levies, Including Carrying Charges., silchar-Assam

National Institute Of Technology has published Tender For The Items Rate Contract For Supply Of Electrical Items At Nit Silchar Exclusive Of All Taxes And Levies, Including Carrying Charges.. Submission Date for this Tender is 12-08-2024. Fuses Tenders in silchar Assam. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For The Items Rate Contract For Supply Of Electrical Items At Nit Silchar Exclusive Of All Taxes And Levies, Including Carrying Charges.
Open Tender

Tender Details

The Items Rate Contract For Supply Of Electrical Items At Nit Silchar Exclusive Of All Taxes And Levies, Including Carrying Charges. Electrical Item Rate Contract , Electrical Items , 0.5 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make-Polycab, Finolex, Hpl, Havells , 0.75 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make-Polycab, Finolex, Hpl, Havells , 1.0Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make-Polycab, Finolex, Hpl, Havells , 1.5 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make-Polycab, Finolex, Hpl, Havells , 2.5 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make-Polycab, Finolex, Hpl, Havells , 4.00 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make-Polycab, Finolex, Hpl, Havells , 6.00 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make-Polycab, Finolex, Hpl, Havells , 10.00 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make-Polycab, Finolex, Hpl, Havells , 16.00 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make-Polycab, Finolex, Hpl, Havells , 25 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make-Polycab, Finolex, Hpl, Havells , 35 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make-Polycab, Finolex, Hpl, Havells , 0.5 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make- Anchor, Mw,Vguard , 0.75 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make- Anchor, Mw,Vguard , 1.5 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make- Anchor, Mw,Vguard , 2.5 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make- Anchor, Mw,Vguard , 4.00 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make- Anchor, Mw,Vguard , 6.00 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make- Anchor, Mw,Vguard , 10.00 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make- Anchor, Mw,Vguard , 16.00 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make- Anchor, Mw,Vguard , 25 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make-Polycab, Finolex, Hpl, Havells , 35 Sq Mm Multistrand Single Core Pvc Copper Conductor Cable. Make-Polycab, Finolex, Hpl, Havells , 25 Mm Pvc Casing Capping. Make- Richa, Akg,Presto Teak. , 38 Mm Pvc Casing Capping. Make- Richa, Akg,Presto Teak. , 25 Mm Pvc Elbow, Tee, Coupler, Internal, External Richa, Akg,Presto Teak. , 38 Mm Pvc Elbow, Tee, Coupler, Internal, External Richa, Akg,Presto Teak. , 20 Mm Pvc Conduit Pipe. Make- Richa, Presto Teak , 25 Mm Pvc Conduit Pipe. Make- Richa, Presto Teak , 32 Mm Pvc Conduit Pipe. Make- Richa, Presto Teak , 20Mm Pvc Tee,Bend,Elbow , 25Mm Pvc Tee, Bend,Elbow , 32Mm Pvc , Bend,Junction Box(3 Way/4Way) , 20 Mm Flexible Pipe(Pvc) (Isi Marked) , 25 Mm Flexible Pipe(Pvc)(Isi Marked) , 32 Mm Flexible Pipe(Pvc) (Isi Marked) , 6A Flush Type Switch Make Anchor(Isi Marked) , 16A Flush Type Switch Make Anchor(Isi Marked) , 6A Flush Type Switch (Make Maru/Greatwhite) , 16A Flush Type Switch (Make Maru/Greatwhite) , 6A Flush Type Socket (Make Maru/Greatwhite/Anchor) , 16A Flush Type Socket (Make Maru/Greatwhite/Anchor) , A)16A Switch Socket Combine Board (Make Maru/Greatwhite/Anchor) , B)6A Switch Socket Combine Board (Make Maru/Greatwhite/Anchor) , 4X4 Pvc Board Make - Richa, Presto Teak Or Isi Marked , 4X7 Pvc Board Make - Richa, Presto Teak Or Isi Marked , 6X8 Pvc Board Make - Richa, Presto Teak Or Isi Marked , 8X10 Pvc Board Make - Richa, Presto Teak Or Isi Marked , 10X12 Pvc Board Make - Richa, Presto Teak Or Isi Marked , 1 Way Gang Boxmake - Richa, Presto Teak Or Isi Marked , 2 Way Gang Boxmake - Richa, Presto Teak Or Isi Marked , 3 Way Gang Boxmake - Richa, Presto Teak Or Isi Marked , 4 Way Gang Boxmake - Richa, Presto Teak Or Isi Marked , 5 Way Gang Boxmake - Richa, Presto Teak Or Isi Marked , 6 Way Gang Boxmake - Richa, Presto Teak Or Isi Marked , 7 Way Gang Boxmake - Richa, Presto Teak Or Isi Marked , 8 Way Gang Boxmake - Richa, Presto Teak Or Isi Marked , Pvc Batten/Angle Holder Make-Hpl, Richar, Anchor, Maru Or Isi Marked , Pvc Pendent Holder Make- Anchar, Richa, Maru Or Isimarked , Ceiling Rosemake- Anchor, Richa,Maru Or Isi Marked , Square Box Make- Richa,Akg,Presto Teak , 2 Way Connector , 6A Modular Type Switch (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 16A Modular Type Switch (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 6A Modular Type Socket (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 6/16A Modular Type Socket (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 6A Modular Type Switch (Legrand/Mk) , 16A Modular Type Switch (Legrand/Mk) , 6A Modular Type Socket (Legrand/Mk) , 6/16A Modular Type Socket (Legrand/Mk) , 6A Modular Type Switch (Schneider/) , 16A Modular Type Switch (Schneider) , 6A Modular Type Socket (Schneider) , 6/16A Modular Type Socket (Schneider) , 1 Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 2 Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 3 Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 4 Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 6 Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 8 Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 12 Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 16 Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , Blank Plate (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Vguard) , 1Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (Legrand) , 2 Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (Legrand) , 3Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (Legrand) , 4Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (Legrand) , 6Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (Legrand) , 8Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (Legrand) , 9/10Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (Legrand) , 12Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (Legrand) , Blank Plate (Legrand) , 1 Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 2 Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 3 Module Modular Typeface And Grid Plate (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 4 Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 6 Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 8 Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 12 Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 16 Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (L&T, Hpl, Havells,Roma,Vguard) , 1Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (Legrand) , 2 Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (Legrand) , 3Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (Legrand) , 4Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (Legrand) , 6Module Modular Type Faceand Grid Plate (Legrand) , 8Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (Legrand) , 9/10Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (Legrand) , 12Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (Legrand) , 2 Way Single Metal Mcb Enclosure (Hpl, L&T, Havells,Vguard) , 4 Way Single Metal Mcb Enclosure (Hpl, L&T, Havells,Vguard) , 4 Way Double Door Mcb Db (Hpl, L&T, Havells,Vguard) , 8 Way Double Door Mcb Db (Hpl, L&T, Havells,Vguard) , 6Way Double Door Mcb Db (Hpl, L&T, Havells,Vguard) , 12 Way Double Door Mcb Db (Hpl, L&T, Havells,Vguard) , Mccb Db (Double Door) With Bus Bar, 125A Earth Bar, Nutral Link, Din Rail Of Following Type , 4 Way Tpn (4+12) Double Door (Hpl, Havells, C&S,Vguard) , 8 Way Tpn (4+18) Double Door (Hpl, Havells, C&S,Vguard) , 12 Way Tpn (4+36) Double Door (Hpl, Havells, C&S,Vguard) , 6-32A, 10Ka, C-Curve Sp Mcb (Hpl, L&T,Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 40A, 10Ka, C-Curve Sp Mcb (Hpl, L&T,Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 63A, 10Ka, C-Curve Sp Mcb (Hpl, L&T,Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 6-32A, 10Ka, C-Curve Dp Mcb (Hpl, L&T,Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 40A, 10Ka, C-Curve Dp Mcb (Hpl, L&T,Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 63A, 10Ka, C-Curve Dp Mcb (Hpl, L&T,Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 6-32A, 10Ka, C-Curve Tp Mcb (Hpl, L&T,Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 40A, 10Ka, C-Curve Tp Mcb (Hpl, L&T,Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 63A, 10Ka, C-Curve Tp Mcb (Hpl, L&T,Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 6-32A, 10Ka, C-Curve Tpn Mcb (Hpl, L&T,Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 40A, 10Ka, C-Curve Tpn Mcb (Hpl, L&T,Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 63A, 10Ka, C-Curve Tpn Mcb (Hpl, L&T,Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 63-100A, 25Ka, 3P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb (Hpl, Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 125A, 25Ka, 3P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb (Hpl, Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 160A, 25Ka, 3P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb (Hpl, Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 250A, 36Ka, 3P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb (Hpl, Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 63-100A, 25Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb (Hpl, Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 125A, 25Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb (Hpl, Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 160A, 25Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb (Hpl, Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 250A, 50Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb (Hpl, Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 400A, 50Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb (Hpl, Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 630A, 50Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb (Hpl, Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 800A,50Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb (Hpl, Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 1000A, 50Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb (Hpl, Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 1250A, 50Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb (Hpl, Havells, C&S, Standard,Vguard) , 6-32A, 10Ka, C-Curve Sp Mcb (Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 40A, 10Ka, C-Curve Sp Mcb (Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 63A, 10Ka, C-Curve Sp Mcb (Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 6-32A, 10Ka, C-Curve Dp Mcb (Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 40A, 10Ka, C-Curve Dp Mcb (Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 63A, 10Ka, C-Curve Dp Mcb (Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 6-32A, 10Ka, C-Curve Tp Mcb(Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 40A, 10Ka, C-Curve Tp Mcb (Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 63A, 10Ka, C-Curve Tp Mcb (Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 6-32A, 10Ka, C-Curve Tpn Mcb (Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 40A, 10Ka, C-Curve Tpn Mcb (Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 63A, 10Ka, C-Curve Tpn Mcb (Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 63-100A, 16Ka, 3P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1)Mccb (Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 125A, 25Ka, 3P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb(Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 160A, 25Ka, 3P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1)Mccb (Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 250A, 50Ka, 3P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb(Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 63-100A, 16Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb(Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 125A, 25Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1)Mccb (Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 160A, 25Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb(Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 250A, 50Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb(Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 400A, 50Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1)Mccb (Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 630A, 36Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb(Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 800A,50Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb(Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 1000A, 50Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb(Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 1250A, 50Ka, 4P, (Ir Setting 0.8 - 1) Mccb(Scheinder,Abb,Seimen) , 6-32 Amps Switch Type Mcb(Make Anchor Or Equivalent) , 60/100W Gls Lamp. (Philips, Bajaj) , 40Welectronic Ballast (Philips, Cg. Havells) As Per Requirement. , 11W Electronic Ballast (Bajaj, Rashmi) , 11W Pin Type Cfl (2 Pin) (Bajaj) , 36W Pin Type Cfl (4 Pin) (Bajaj, Philips, Havells, Wipro) , A) 2.5 Mfd Fan Capacitor (Oil Filled) (Universal) , B) 2.5 Mfd Fan Capacitor (Oil Filled) ( Tebcon) , C) 3.15 Mfd Fan Capacitor (Oil Filled)Tebcon) , D) 3.15 Mfd Fan Capacitor (Oil Filled) (Universal, ) , E) 4.00 Mfd Fan Capacitor (Oil Filled) (Universal) , F) 4.00 Mfd Fan Capacitor (Oil Filled) ( Tebcon) , G) 12-15 Mfd Fan Capacitor (Oil Filled) ( Tebcon) , H) 12-15 Mfd Fan Capacitor (Oil Filled) ( Universal) , I) 15-32 Mfd Capacitor (Oil Filled) ( Universal) , J) 15-32 Mfd Capacitor (Oil Filled) (Tebcon) , K) 35-40 Mfd Capacitor (Oil Filled) (Universal) , L) 35-40 Mfd Capacitor (Oil Filled) (Tebcon) , M)Wall Mounting Fan Capacitor 1.5Microfarad(Tebcon) , N)Wall Mounting Fan Capacitor 2Microfarad(Tebcon) , O)Wall Mounting Fan Regulator , 100A, 450Mm Long Copper Tpn Bus Bar (Havells, Gico, Hpl) , 200A, 450Mm Long Copper Tpn Bus Bar (Havells, Gico, Hpl) , 300A, 450Mm Long Copper Tpn Bus Bar (Havells, Gico, Hpl) , A)Black Machine Screw 1/2 Inch Long(Good Quality)(Packet Of 1000 Nos) , B)Black Machine Screw 3/4 Inch Long(Good Quality)(Packet Of 1000 Nos) , C)Black Machine Screw 1 Inch Long(Good Quality)(Packet Of 1000 Nos) , D)Ss Machine Screw 1/2 Inch Long(Good Quality)(Packet Of 1000 Nos(Round Head) , E)Ss Machine Screw 3/4 Inch Long(Good Quality)(Packet Of 1000 Nos(Round Head) , F) 35/8 Iron Screw (Good Quality) , G) 50/10 Iron Screw (Good Quality) , 1.5 Pvc Gutka (Good Quality)(Packet Of 50 Nos) , A)Pvc Black Tape (Steel Grip) , B)Empire Tape , Cable Tie (Pkt Of 100 Nos) , A) 8 Inches Long , B) 12 Inches Long , C) 14 Inches Long , 2.5 Sqmm Twin Core Weather Proof Aluminiun Conductor Cable (Isi Marked) , Cable Clips Pkt Of 50 Nos , A) 6Mm , B) 8Mm , C) 10Mm , 4 Sqmm Twin Core Weather Proof Aluminiun Conductor Cable (Isi Marked) , 6 Sqmm Twin Core Weather Proof Aluminiun Conductor Cable (Isi Marked) , 10 Sqmm Twin Core Weather Proof Aluminiun Conductor Cable (Isi Marked) , 40A Mcb Type Change Over (Havells, Hpl, C&S)(4 Pole) , 63A Mcb Type Change Over (Havells, Hpl, C&S)(4 Pole) , 63 - 100A 3/4P, Mccb Enclosure ( Havells, Standard, C&S,Vguard) , 125A Mccb 3/4P Enclosure ( Havells, Standard, C&S,Vguard) , 160A Mccb 3/4P Enclosure ( Havells, Standard, C&S,Vguard) , 4Sq Mm Copper Bottle/Pin Lug , 6Sq Mm Copper Bottle/Pin Lug , 10Sq Mm Copper Bottle/Pin Lug , 16Sq Mm Copper Bottle/Pin Lug , 25Sq Mm Copper Bottle/Pin Lug , 35Sq Mm Copper Bottle/Pin Lug , 4Sq Mm Copper Ring/Forke Lug , 6Sq Mm Copper Ring/Forke Lug , 10Sq Mm Copper Ring/Forke Lug , 16Sq Mm Copper Ring/Forke Lug , 25Sq Mm Copper Ring/Forke Lug , 35Sq Mm Copper Ring/Forke Lug , 10Sqmm Aluminium Lug , 16Sqmm Aluminium Lug , 25 Sqmm Aluminium Lug , 35Sqmm Aluminium Lug , 50Sqmm Aluminium Lug , 70Sqmm Aluminium Lug , 95Sqmm Aluminium Lug , 120Sqmm Aluminium Lug , 185 Sqmm Aluminium Lug , 240 Sqmm Aluminium Lug , 300 Sqmm Aluminium Lug , 400 Sqmm Aluminium Lug , 500 Sqmm Aluminium Lug , 800 Sqmm Aluminium Lug , 8 Swg Copper Wire , 6 Swg Gi Wire , 8 Swg Gi Wire , M8 To M25 M.S. Nut Bolts With Washer , 1.5 Sq Mm 3 Core Multistrand Pvc Insulated Copper Cable. (Isi Marked) , 2.5 Sq Mm 3 Core Multistrand Pvc Insulated Copper Cable. (Isi Marked) , 6A 3 Pin Top (Isi Marked) , 16A 3/5 Pin Top (Isi Marked) , 6.5 Mm Masonary Drill Bit ( Jk, Iti) , 12Mm Masonary Drill Bit ( Jk, Iti) , 15 Mm Masonary Drill Bit ( Jk, Iti) , 25Mm, 300 Mm Long Masonary Drill Bit (Jk, Iti) , 6.5 Mm Hammer Drill Bit ( Jk, Iti) , 1/8 Iron Drill Bit( Jk, Iti) , 12Mm Hammer Drill Bit ( Jk, Iti) , 15 Mm Hammer Drill Bit ( Jk, Iti) , 25Mm, 300 Mm Long Hammer Drill Bit (Jk, Iti) , 3-5W Led Batten Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Make:Hpl, Havells, Bajaj, C&S, Wipro,Anchor)(1) , 10W Led Tube Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Make:Hpl, Havells, Bajaj, C&S, Wipro,Anchor) , 18/20W Led Tube Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Make:Hpl, Havells, Bajaj, C&S, Wipro,Anchor)) , Led Bulb (Make:Hpl, Havells, Bajaj, C&S, Wipro,Anchor) , (A)3Watt , (B)5Watt , (C)7Watt , (D)9Watt , (E)15Watt , (F)18Watt , (G)20Watt , (H)23Watt , Led Panel Light Round(Make:Hpl, Havells, Bajaj, C&S, Wipro,Anchor Or Equivalent)Surface , (A)12-15 Watt , (B)18-24 Watt , Led Panel Light Round(Make:Hpl, Havells, Bajaj, C&S, Wipro,Anchor Or Equivalent)Recessed , (A)12-15 Watt , (B)18-24 Watt , Led Panel Light Square(Make:Hpl, Havells, Bajaj, C&S, Wipro,Anchor Or Equivalent)Surface , (A)12-15 Watt , (B)18-24 Watt , Led Panel Light Square(Make:Hpl, Havells, Bajaj, C&S, Wipro,Anchor Or Equivalent)Recessed , (A)12-15 Watt , (B)18-24 Watt , 30W Led Flood Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make) , 50W Led Flood Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make) , 100W Led Flood Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make) , 200W Led Flood Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make) , 1 X 1 Led Panel Light,18-20 Watt,Surface/Recess Mounting(Make:Bajaj/Havells/C&S/Anchor/Philips/Hpl Or Equivalent Make) , 2 X 2 Led Panel Light,36 Watt,Surface/Recess Mounting(Make:Bajaj/Havells/C&S/Anchor/Philips/Hpl Or Equivalent Make) , Electronic 100W Step Type Fan Regulator(Anchor, Hpl)(Normal) , Switch Type , Socket Type , Electronic Modular Fan Speed Controller (Fan Regulator)( Legrand, Hpl, L&T , Anchor) , Single Module(Switch Type) , Two Module(Socket Type) , Electronic Modular Fan Speed Controller (Fan Regulator)( Schneider) , Single Module(Switch Type) , Two Module(Socket Type) , A)Fan Bearing No. 6201(Tata,Nrb) , B)Fan Bearing No. 6202(Tata,Nrb) , C)Fan Bearing No. 6203(Tata,Nrb) , 1200 Mm Sweep Celing Fan Of Star Rating 1 And Isi Marked , 1400 Mm Sweep Celing Fan Of Star Rating 1 And Isi Marked , 1200 Mm Sweep Celing Fan Of Star Rating 5 , 1400 Mm Sweep Celing Fan Of Star Rating 5 , Exhaust Fan (Cg, Havells, Usha) , 225 Mm Sweep 900 Rpm , 300 Mm Sweep 900 Rpm , 450 Mm Sweep 900 Rpm , 600 Mm Sweep 900 Rpm , Wall Mounted Fan 400Mm(Make:Bajaj/Havells/Anchor/Orient Or Equivalent) , Padestal Fan Metal Type 400Mm(Make:Bajaj/Havells/Anchor/Orient Or Equivalent) , Padestal Fan Metal Type 450Mm(Make:Bajaj/Havells/Anchor/Orient Or Equivalent) , Bazzar Bell (Anchor, Maru Or Equivalent) , Bell Push (Anchor, Maru)(Normal) , 1 Module Bell Push (Anchor,Legrand) , Ding Dong Musical Bell (Isi Marked) , 20 Mm Gi Open Saddle(Good Quality) , 25 Mm Gi Open Saddle(Good Quality) , 32 Mm Gi Open Saddle(Good Quality) , `Double Door Tpn Mcb Db (C&S, Havells, Hpl, L&T) , A) 4 Way Tpn (4+12) Double Door , B) 4 Way Tpn (4+18) Double Door , C) 4 Way Tpn (4+24) Double Door , 4.5 Meter Long 40 Mm Dia Heavy Duty Gi Earth Pipe. , 11 Kv Porceline L.A. (Lemco, Obliom) , 11 Kv Porceline G.O Ab Switch Assenbly (Abi, Mci, Rri)150 Amps , 11 Kv Porceline G.O Ab Switch Assenbly (Abi, Mci, Rri)400Amps , 11 Kv Porceline G.O Ab Switch Assenbly (Abi, Mci, Rri)630 Amps , 11 Kv Porceline D.O Switch Assembly(Abi, Mci, Rri),150 Amps , 11 Kv Porceline D.O Switch Assembly(Abi, Mci, Rri),200Amps , 11 Kv Porceline D.O Switch Assembly(Abi, Mci, Rri),400Amps , 11 Kv Porceline Pin Insulator (Abi, Mci, Rri) , 11 Kv Polymer L.A. (Rashtriya Or Equivelent) , 11 Kv Polymer G.Oab Switchassembly(Rashtriya Or Equivelent)150 Amps , 11 Kv Polymer G.O Ab Switchassembly(Rashtriya Or Equivelent)400 Amps , 11 Kv Polymer G.O Ab Switchassembly(Rashtriya Or Equivelent)630 Amps , 11 Kv Polymer G.O Ab Switchassembly(Rashtriya Or Equivelent)800 Amps , 11 Kv Polynmer D.O Switch Assembly (Rashtriya Or Equivelent)150 Amps , 11 Kv Polynmer D.O Switch Assembly (Rashtriya Or Equivelent)200 Amps , 11 Kv Polynmer D.O Switch Assembly (Rashtriya Or Equivelent)400 Amps , 11 Kv Polymer Pin Insulator (Rashtriya Or Equivelent) , 11 Kv Isolator Set With Earth Swicthand Gi Mounting Structure(Rri Or Equivelent)-400 Amps , 11 Kv Isolator Set With Earth Swicthand Gi Mounting Structure(Rri Or Equivelent)-630 Amps , 11 Kv Isolator Set With Earth Swicthand Gi Mounting Structure(Rri Or Equivelent)-800 Amps , 33 Kv Isolator Set With Earth Swicthand Gi Mounting Structure(Rri Or Equivelent)-400 Amps , 33 Kv Isolator Set With Earth Swicthand Gi Mounting Structure(Rri Or Equivelent)-800 Amps , Acsr Conductor , Weasal , Rabbit , Raccon , Wolf , Ht Stay Set Complete , Lt Stay Set Complet , 5.0 Kva Automatic Input 90-280V Out Put 200 - 240V Voltage Stablizer (Vee-Dee, V Guard, Indo) , 6 Sqmm Single Core Armoured Aluminium Lt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 10 Sqmm Single Core Armoured Aluminium Lt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 16 Sqmm Single Core Armoured Aluminium Lt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 25 Sqmm Single Core Armoured Aluminium Lt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 35 Sqmm Single Core Armoured Aluminium Lt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 50 Sqmm Single Core Armoured Aluminium Lt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 70 Sqmm Single Core Armoured Aluminium Lt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 95 Sqmm Single Core Armoured Aluminium Lt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 120 Sqmm Single Core Armoured Aluminium Lt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 150 Sqmm Singlecore Armoured Aluminiumlt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 240 Sqmm Single Core Armoured Aluminiumlt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 300 Sqmm Single Core Armoured Aluminium Lt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 400 Sqmm Single Core Armoured Aluminiumlt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 500 Sqmm Single Core Armouredaluminium Lt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 25 Sqmm 3.5 Core Armoured Aluminium Lt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 35 Sqmm 3.5 Core Armoured Aluminiumlt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 50 Sqmm 3.5 Core Armoured Aluminiumlt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 70 Sqmm 3.5 Core Armoured Aluminiumlt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 95 Sqmm 3.5 Core Armoured Aluminium Lt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 120 Sqmm 3.5 Core Armouredaluminium Lt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 150 Sqmm 3.5 Core Armoured Aluminium Lt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 240 Sqmm 3.5 Core Armoured Aluminium Lt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 300 Sqmm 3.5 Core Armoured Aluminiumlt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 400 Sqmm 3.5 Core Armoured Aluminiumlt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , 500 Sqmm 3.5 Core Armoured Aluminium Lt Ug Cable (Havells, Polycab, Cci, Crystal) , Ceiling Fan Capacitor Clamp With Connector. , Ceiling Fan Robber Gasket (Hanging Purpose) , Carbon Brushes , Post Top Lantern Type Brpti 118 Clear Or Equivelent (1X18wd Type) , Post Top Lamp Type Bgcl Or Equivalent Type) , 40Watt , 70 Watt , Street Light Polycarbonate Cable Terminal Box With Clamp (Hensel Or Equivalent) , 50 Sqmm 3.5 Core 1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials (Ms, Seal ) , 70 Sqmm 3.5 Core1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials (Ms, Seal ) , 95 Sqmm 3.5 Core 1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials (Ms, Seal ) , 120 Sqmm 3.5 Core1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials (Ms, Seal ) , 150 Sqmm 3.5 Core1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials (Ms, Seal ) , 185 Sqmm 3.5 Core1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials(Ms, Seal ) , 240 Sqmm 3.5 Core1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cablestraight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials (Ms, Seal ) , 300 Sqmm 3.5 Core1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials (Ms, Seal ) , 400 Sqmm 3.5 Core1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materialst (Ms, Seal ) , 500 Sqmm 3.5 Core1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials(Ms, Seal ) , 50 Sqmm Single Core 1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials (Ms, Seal ) , 70 Sqmm Single Core1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials (Ms, Seal ) , 95 Sqmm Single Core 1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials (Ms, Seal ) , 120 Sqmm Single Core1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials (Ms, Seal ) , 150 Sqmm Single Core1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials (Ms, Seal ) , 185 Sqmm Single Core1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials(Ms, Seal ) , 240 Sqmm Single Core1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cablestraight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials (Ms, Seal ) , 300 Sqmm Single Core1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials (Ms, Seal ) , 400 Sqmm Single Core1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materialst (Ms, Seal ) , 500 Sqmm Single Core1.1Kv Pvc/Xlpe/Pilc Lt Ug Cable Straight Through Joint With Heat Shrinkable Kit Including Ferrules And Other Jointing Materials(Ms, Seal ) , 11 Kv Grade Indoor Cable End Termination With Heat Shrinkable Jointing Kit Complete With All Accessories Including Lugs , Single Core , 95 Sq Mm , 120 Sqmm , Three Core , 95 Sq Mm , 120 Sqmm , 11 Kv Grade Outdoor Cable End Termination With Heat Shrinkable Jointing Kit Complete With All Accessories Including Lugs , Single Core , 95 Sq Mm , 120 Sqmm , Three Core , 95 Sq Mm , 120 Sqmm , 11 Kv Grade Straight Through Cable Jointing With Heat Shrinkable Jointing Kit Complete With All Accessories Including Lugs , Single Core , 95 Sq Mm , 120 Sqmm , Three Core , 95 Sq Mm , 120 Sqmm , Transformer Oil, Iso Marked,(Power On, Penzole, Transol, Mak Hivoltol) , 35 Swg Copper Winding Wire , Electronic Weighing Machine (100Kg) Make- Gold Tech Or Equivelent , Coksheet (Gasket Of Transformer)Make-Natlonal , 63A Ac23 Duty, 4Pole Sdfu With Fuse Unit. Make- Hpl Or Equivelent , 125A Ac23 Duty, 4Pole Sdfu With Fuse Unit. Make- Hpl Or Equivelent , 12V 100Ah Sealed Maintenance Free Battery. Make: Exide , 12V 150Ah Sealed Maintenance Free Battery. Make: Exide , Less For Old Battery Exchange Against The Battery. , Single Phase Energy Meter Range:10-40Amps (L&T,Hpl,Juvas) , Three Phase Energy Meter ,Rang: 10-60Amps(L&T,Hpl,Or Equivalent) , Energy Meter(For Installing At Panel For Measuring Voltage,Energy,Power Factor,Ampere,Frequecy)(Make: Hpl,L&T,Or Equivalent) , Bearing Grease For Fan Bearing(Make.Velvolin) , Insulation Sleeve(Good Quality) , 2Mm , 4Mm , 6Mm , Film Paper White(Good Quality) , Insulation Vernish(Good Quality) , Bearing Puller Size6201(Good Quality) , Bearing Puller Size6202(Good Quality) , Bearing Puller Size6203(Good Quality) , 1Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (Scheinder) , 2 Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (Scheinder) , 3Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (Scheinder) , 4Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (Scheinder) , 6Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (Scheinder) , 8Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (Scheinder) , 9/10Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (Scheinder) , 12Module Modular Type Metal/Pvc Box (Scheinder) , 1Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (Scheinder) , 2 Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (Scheinder) , 3Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (Scheinder) , 4Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (Scheinder) , 6Module Modular Type Faceand Grid Plate (Scheinder) , 8Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (Scheinder) , 9/10Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (Scheinder) , 12Module Modular Type Face And Grid Plate (Scheinder) , 30W Led Street Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 45W Led Fstreet Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 60W Led Fstreet Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 72/75W Led Street Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 90W Led Street Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 100W Led Street Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 120W Led Street Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 150W Led Street Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 180W Led Street Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 200W Led Street Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 250W Led Street Light With Driver And Complete Fittings (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , Change Over (Make:Hpl Or Equivalent)400 Amps , Change Over (Make:Hpl Or Equivalent)630 Amps , Change Over (Make:Hpl Or Equivalent)800 Amps , Change Over (Make:Hpl Or Equivalent)1000 Amps , Change Over (Make:Hpl Or Equivalent)1250Amps , Cfc Spray , Acsr Conductor Clamp Connector , 30W Led Street Lightdriver(Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make) Must Having Lm 79 Report , 45W Led Street Lightdriver(Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 60W Led Street Lightdriver (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 72/75W Led Street Lightdriver(Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 90W Led Street Light Driver(Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 100W Led Street Lightdriver(Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 200W Led Street Lightdriver(Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 1 X 1 Led Panel Light Driver,18-20 Watt,Surface/Recess Mounting(Make:Bajaj/Havells/C&S/Anchor/Philips/Hpl Or Equivalent Make) , 2 X 2 Led Panel Light Driver,36 Watt,Surface/Recess Mounting(Make:Bajaj/Havells/C&S/Anchor/Philips/Hpl Or Equivalent Make) , 50W Led Flood Light Driver (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 100W Led Flood Lightdriver (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report , 200W Led Flood Lightdriver (Hpl, Bajaj, Havells, C&S Or Equivalenet Make)Must Having Lm 79 Report

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